We meet again

Rabia could not help but notice the natural glow she had on her face. "Oh no! Relax Rabia! Relax. Maybe, he will change his mind after coming out." 

Rabia sighed and then walked out of the room, straight towards Tiana who was happily looking at the birds hovering on top of her. 

"It is time my dearest. Let us go and see daddy." Rabia smiled as Tiana smiled back happily, playing with her long hair.

Soon Rabia was yet again walking towards the left wing of the palace in much nervouseness. She had never felt so excited and anxious at the same time. Soon the girl was already standing next to the man's door as she looked inside the room.

Firdauze was already sitting on the bed in a pensive mood, as if lost in a deep thought.

"Your highness, we are here to set you free." Rabia smiled looking at the man, who looked up at Rabia but did not seem so excited.