The Stranger

"Yes. I am fine." The man nodded his head swiping back his wet hair. He folded his hands across his chest, shivering a bit in the cold.

"How did you drown? And, where do you live? I can tell one of my chariot drivers to drop you to your house. Your family must be worried for you." Tiana looked at the man who was constantly looking in her big fawn eyes.

"Who am I...?" He blinked several times, trying to remember something about him.

"Huh? You don't remember?" Tiana frowned and then touched his hand gently, trying to percieve any of his memories. She could not sense even a single senario from his mind and she looked at him in much pity. "You lost your memory." 

"What!?" The man took deep breaths looking around him in confusion. "But... how can this be? I need to... I don't remember anything... how did I even get here?"