The castle defenses were adequate, they might even have slowed Nya down if she was her old self, but cosmic Nya was an unstoppable force and against her that level of defense, it might as well not even exist.

She broke through the ceiling, caving the roof of the entrance hall down on the unlucky people who were still there. With every death she caused, even if she didn't absorb the body, she could still feel their life essence flowing into her, rejuvenating her spirit.

"ASTRID CRIMSON!" she bellowed loud enough for her voice to be heard all over the castle, "YOUR MOTHER WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU!"

Not getting a reply, she closed her eyes and used her omniscient ability, with its extrasensory capabilities, although it wasn't as powerful as when she was on home territory, she could still sense the approximate location of every individual within the city. Narrowing her range to just the castle, she could tell that there were hundreds of people still alive, but she couldn't identify them or what they were doing. She did know that a large group of people were on their way to her location at this very moment.

Opening her eyes, she was met with a squad of adepts, mainly made up of other fae races, no doubt the ones indoctrinated into the Theocracy. With a few elves in leadership positions.

"I take it you're the welcoming committee?" Nya asked with a smirk

"H-halt!" one of the adepts yelled as they all pointed magitek weapons at her,

"And what will you do if I don't?" Nya asked with folded arms, around her, her blood aura started to burn, giving her an even more terrifying atmosphere

"S-surrender o-or d-die." The same adept yelled again, Nya could tell that even he didn't believe what he was saying.

Nya pointed out the destroyed entryway to the horizon, where the rising columns of smoke from her crash site could still be seen.

"Do you see that?" Nya asked, "I did that. And I did this," she pointed around her to the rubble of the collapsed entryway, "If you want to live through what I do next, stop with the pathetic threats and get me the man in charge."

Nya wasn't talking to the adept who had yelled at her, she was talking to the elves at the rear, the ones who were commanding from a safe distance.

Those elves ran away soon afterwards, and a few minutes later, a procession arrived at the entryway, it included one old looking elf, several women in scanty robes and veils, and Astrid, restrained and suspended in the air

"I am High Priest Avor," the elderly elf started, "Leader o-"

"Hi sweeties," Nya beamed at Astrid, completely ignoring the high priest, "how've you been?"

"M-mom?" Astrid said, looking at her mom as if she were a ghost, "a-are you really here?"

"Of course, I came to get you." Nya said as she was suddenly on the other side of the room, in front of Astrid, wrapping her in a motherly hug, "I heard you never stopped trying to find me. Thank you."

"Mom!" Astrid sobbed as she embraced her back

"If I may speak now?" the high priest interrupted as he was not used to being ignored. He didn't like it.

"What do you want?" Nya sighed, upset at having her reunion interrupted

"You may be formidably Nya Crimson, but you are not all powerful." He said

"Not yet anyway," Nya shrugged

"How did you do it?" one of the women with veils demanded all of a sudden

"Do what?"

"How did you change our prophecy?" she clarified

"What the fuck are you talking about lady?" Nya asked as she still held onto her daughter

"We hadn't seen this," the woman said gesturing to all the destruction she had caused, "and we see everything."

"Apparently not," Nya said, "Anyway, I'm just here to get my kid,"

"You can't," the high priest denied, "she belongs to the Supreme Pontiff no-"

He didn't even get to finish before Nya sent him flying with a telekinetic blast. He crashed into the far wall, leaving a small crater as he fell to the ground

"Astrid is my kid," Nya said hugging her more possessively, "if that bitch wants to take her, she'll have to walk over my cold dead corpse to do it."

"You underestimate the power of the Supreme Pontiff," the woman from before states,

"And you underestimate my bad mood," Nya said back

"You shall not leave here!" the high priest yells as he holds up his odd looking staff, with the orb glowing bright green, a wave of light pulses from the orb and when it washes over Nya, her blood aura fades away.

"Hmm," Nya says curiously as she is unable to summon it again

"HAHAHA!" the High Priest cackles, "even your powers are nothing before the Orb of Thassah!"

"So that's the origin?" Nya asked

"Yeah," Astrid replies, "it seems to have the ability to control the flow of energy. it's how they were able to disable the Excalibur."

"Interesting," Nya said

"Now you are powerless," the oracle woman states, "you will tell us how you altered our prophecy."

"Don't think so," Nya said as she started to walk away with Astrid

"Stop her!" the high priest orders as adepts shot out beams of energy that wrap around the two, binding them with energy chains. "Now the Supreme Pontiff will have the blessed child, and Nya Crimson,"


The sound echoed in the vast room as more snaps followed. Even while bound, Nya was still forcing her way forwards, and the mana bindings that were holding her were beginning to break.

"Impossible, your powers should be sealed." The oracle gasped

"It is" Nya said, "I can't feel my blood aura, but that won't stop me from walking out of here with my kid."

The oracles were dumbfounded; Nya Crimson was overcoming the strongest binding technique with just her will and physical strength alone. What kind of superhuman powers did she possess that allowed her to defy reason?

As all the bindings became undone, Nya looked at her daughter, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I can move now." Astrid said

She let go of Astrid for the first time since embracing her, then she turned to face the assembled elves.

The high priest readied the staff once more and fired a beam of green energy at her. Nya held out her right arm, intending on blocking, but the beam blasted right through her outstretched limb.

"Argh!" Nya recoiled as instead of healing or regenerating, the arm was flickering in and out of existence.

"Mom!" Astrid cried out

"Dammit!" Nya cursed, "I just got this arm back."

[Nya,] Merlin reported in her head, [are you alright?]

"No," she hissed in her mind, "what the fuck is happening to my arm, why aren't I healing?"

[It's your MARS, it seemed to have mutated with the rest of you,] the jinn said, [your current form isn't as stable as you think it is, and with your blood aura currently restrained… we'll need to look into new forms treatment.]

"But my arm," Nya pondered,

[It's that origin,] Merlin said, [as long as its active, your blood aura will continue to be restrained and your condition will only worsen.]

With blinding speed, Nya ran over to the high priest and grabbed the staff with her left arm, wrenching it from his grasp rather easily.

"I'll be taking this." Nya said as the glow from the orb suddenly ceased and she felt her blood aura return to her. Her right arm was no longer flickering, instead settling on a state of burning red energy, as if now made from blood aura.

"Will I ever get my right arm back?" she wondered to herself as she stored the staff inside her Crimson Void.

"Do not think your actions today will have no consequences," the leader of the oracles declared as Nya turned around, "this is a declaration of war."

"War?" Nya asked turning her face to look at the woman, "this was a warning, you wouldn't survive me declaring war."

"All this devastation was a warning?" the woman snarled, "and what does it mean to warn us of then?"

"I destroyed one of your cities within minutes, and cause wide-spread chaos in another within the hour," Nya declared, "Cross me again, and worse will follow."

She then looked at the high priest, "I would've killed you, but I made a promise to keep the casualty count low."

The gathered elves watched in stunned silence as Nya walked away, no one daring to stop her. In the near future, the wasteland of the ruined city and the remains of the Excalibur would forever become a monument to serve as a reminder of one thing; you don't fuck with Nya Crimson.

* * *

After leaving the castle, Nya signaled her people to cease their attack, then they were all teleported onto the waiting Excalibur Blue which was now in orbit. Before Nya left, she released the squad of elves she had captured during the siege of the Excalibur, having enthralled them beforehand. They would act as her eyes and ears within elven territory, another asset for her growing intelligence network.

Back on the Blue, they were in the executive lounge, with Astrid firmly glued to Nya's side. Holding her possessively like she was afraid Nya would disappear.

"I can't believe you sacrificed the Excalibur for me," Astrid said

"Eh, it was getting old anyway," Nya waved it off, but it was still a very hard loss for her, she loved that ship and would miss it's many treasured memories.

[So, did you get the origin?] Merlin asked, already knowing the answer

"Right here," Nya said as she pulled it from her Crimson Void. In her grasp, the branch that made up the staff –which had turned out to be some sort of magitek— started to burn with crimson flames, reducing it to ash and leaving only the large grey orb, floating in her hand.

[The Orb of Thassah,] Merlin said, [energy manipulation, I can think of a few uses for this.]

"It's still green, though," Morgan noted

[Nya can override it, canceling the bond between its former owner] Merlin informed

"Here goes," Nya said as her eyes glowed completely red, touching the smooth black orb, red circuits appeared on her skin, the green circuits of the orb pulsed for a few seconds, before fading, them the red circuits on Nya's skin transferred onto the orb. Before the circuits faded, Nya's crest appeared on its surface,

Nya's eyes returned to normal and the orb floated into her hand. In her mind, a new message appeared;


[I'll take that,] Merlin said as she snatched the orb from Nya's hands, [I'm sure Eli would love to study this.]

"Have fun," Nya waved her off as she left,

"So, what now?" Kiva asked

"Take us home." Nya ordered, "I want to meet this new Primark."

"Consider it done," Amara said with a grin.

Hours later, Nya was in a room that had been prepared for her, in the dark, she was only concentrating on one thing, the window that had appeared before her eyes;


Name: Nya Crimson

Age: …


Alias: The Blood Angel; Grand Marshal; Mother

Titles: REGIS; Strategist; Hive-brain; Angel of Death; Soul Eater

Classification: Cosmic Being

Level: 3

Species: Vampire-based lifeform

Rank: Overlord

Phantasm: Blood Aura; control over life matter + unlimited evolution from life matter. Soul Eater; manipulation of astral energies


Jinn: Merlin

Caste: Warrior

Court Members: 6 [2 Paladins + 2 Sentinels + 1 Sage + 1 Wiseman]

Origins Claimed: 2+ [Black Box; Orb of Thassah]

Territory / Sanctuary: Avalon

Divine Sanction: Gate of Purgatory [Variants]

Allies: Providence

Adversaries: Alfheim

She had changed so much, she expected her summary window would show more dissimilarity from how it used to be. But it just served to prove; no matter how much she changed, she was still the same.

She laid on the bed and closed her eyes, that was when she heard them. The voices.

Unlike the voices she used to hear, these ones all sounded like her, like they were pieces of her that refused to come back together. She would've silenced them again, but she was so tired, she just wanted to rest for a bit…

All of a sudden, her eyes blinked open, glowing a faint pink as she got up and walked out of the door.

Nya entered the executive lounge and found Terror there, he was having a discussion with his wife via holo-comm.

"I can't believe she's back," Mari said, "This is going to cause all sorts of commotion when it gets out."

"Which is why I want you to keep it between us for now." Terror requested, "We're on our way home, we'll talk more when I get back."

"Alright," Mari said, "Love you."

As the holo-comm. faded, Nya spoke up, startling Terror

"That is precious." She said,

"Prophets above! Why do you always do that?" he demanded, grasping his chest

"It's fun to mess with you." She said as she took a seat on the couch, patting the cushion next to her invitingly,

Terror took her invitation and sat next to her, "It's been really boring without you, if I'm being honest."

"Aww, I didn't know you cared," she cooed, as she nonchalantly placed her hand on his thigh.

Terror noticed her advance and scooted a bit away from her, "Nya I'm flattered, but I'm married."

"Well your wife's not here," she said as she hopped onto him, "and I am."

Nya straddled Terror, pinning him to the couch.

"Nya, we can't do this," Terror pleaded

"Wrong," Nya whispered in his ear, "I should've done this a long time ago."

As Terror closes his eyes and resigns himself to this fate, Nya sinks her fangs into his collar and starts to suck on his blood. One gulp is all she manages to extract before Terror, with surprised strength, pushes her off him.

"What the fuck?" he demands holding his wounded neck

"Yum! You taste good." she says as she licks the last of his blood from her lips

"What are you doing?"

"Acquiring your phantasm," she said with a teasing grin, "Why? Were you expecting something else?"

"You could've just asked," he said

"Where's the fun in that?"

"What if someone walked in and saw us?"

"I'm not shy," she shrugged, "Well, toodles,"

She leaves Terror confused as she walks out of the lounge.

Back in her room, she started to meditate, incorporating Terror's blood into herself. Several windows pop up in her mind;



"Interesting," Nya mused, wondering what she could do with this ability


Eh? Nya wondered, Destinies? Epics? What are those?







From what she could guess, these epics were probably some important event in their lives, and their epics had all been voided because of Nya, except for Valla, who seemed to have gained an epic because her life now intersected with Nya.





Nya wasn't entirely sure what each epic had in store for her kids, but it seemed that Astrid had a destiny that was similar to her own, and that it was changing the nature of her epic. Morgan still hadn't unlocked her epic yet, and it seemed that she was destined to steal it from someone else. Eli was the only one who had started his epic, he was also the only one who didn't have an added destiny.

"What does this all mean?" Nya wondered to herself aloud.

She knew she wouldn't solve these mysteries tonight, so she laid on her bed and let sleep overtake her.

* * *

A week later, Primark Morag walks into his office in the Throne of Valor. Sitting on his desk is a woman he has never met personally, but knows of, all the same; Nya Crimson. She was dressed in her uniform as Grand Marshal, down to the hat perched on her head.

"Grand Marshal Crimson, I'd heard you had returned," he said formally

"Nice to meet you, Morag," she said causally

"To what do I owe this visit?"

"You tried to have my kids arrested," Nya said

"They had broken the law; laws that were set by the constitution you were instrumental in writing." He replied

"I'm not here to admonish you," Nya said, "It took a lot of balls to do what you did; honestly, I'm impressed. You're every bit the leader I heard you were."

"Thank you,"

"However," Nya said, "Trying to disband the Spartans, a unit that I put together myself, was going a bit too far."

"They were redundant at the time,"

"And they wouldn't let you have it, would they?"


"My secrets; the access codes for Vulcan, the designs of the Excalibur, plans I drew up for future expansion of the territory." Nya said, "All things you could've used to strengthen your power base."

"Those would've been useful," Morag said, "But now that I have you, they pale in comparison."

Nya looked at him curiously

"As a permanent fixture of the High Order, you are effectively bound to the Primark, to me," he said matter-of-factly, "and while the seat of Grand Marshal was originally intended to serve as a parallel for that of the Primark in times of crisis, it can also be made so that you are indentured to me."

"It's true that the role of the Grand Marshal and the role of the Commander General of Cerberus are inextricably linked, so it wouldn't be a stretch for the Primark to role up both duties into one that they have complete control over… so long as the Grand Marshal seat remains redundant." Nya said with a shrug, "Clever."

"Well you can't change it," Morag informed her going to his seat, "it can't be undone without a unanimous vote from the High Order, but since your seat is now tangled with the Commander General Quinn, you cannot be welcomed as a member of the High Order until the vote had been passed… meaning we can't have a unanimous vote."

He looked up at Nya with a satisfied smirk

"If that is all, you may leave," he said, "I will call when I have need for you."

Nya glared at him, then, she suddenly smirked, "Damn, you're good."

Morag was taken aback by the shift in attitude, "I'm sorry?"

"You've got me right where you want me, don't you?" Nya said with a chuckle, "I guess I have no choice."

Morag watched her cautiously, she was famed for being a wild card that even the best strategic minds of Cerberus Command couldn't outwit.

She then turned towards him, with a bold smile, "I quit."


"You heard me; I officially resign from my post as Grand Marshal." Nya said

"You'd be giving up you Tier 1 status," he reminded her, "and forfeiting all military privileges."

"I'm aware." Nya nodded, as she took off her military coat and hat, tossing them onto his desk.

"I'll admit, I didn't see that coming," Morag said

"Well you used my own system against me." Nya shrugged, "I got desperate."

"So now all your assets are forfeit to Cerberus?" Morag asked with a curious smirk

"Nope," Nya said, "They're still mine."

"But you said…"

"The Spartans and my other assets weren't under the rank of Grand Marshal; they were under me as Grand Marshal." Nya clarified, "In fact everything outside of Cerberus associated with the rank of Grand Marshal was in truth under me, personally."

"What?" Morag demanded

"I know; no one ever reads the fine print." Nya chuckles

"But you as a civilian cannot possess your own private army on Avalon territory," Morag rebutted

"Then I guess I'll just have to move my stuff off Avalon territory." Nya shrugged

"Where can you go?" Morag demanded, "All your infrastructure lies within my domain."

"There's always Vulcan." Nya said, "That's outside of Avalon territory, and is privately owned by me."

"But Vulcan is under the purview of the R&D Department,"

"With special access granted by me," Nya said, "and since I'm now a private citizen, I have a right to revoke that access, along with any other support that I am supplying."

Morag grit his teeth, everything she said was true, he had tried to entrap her within the system she herself made, but she knew all the loopholes and now he was the one ensnared.

"What do you want?" he asked defeated

"It's simple; leave me and mine alone." Nya said leaning in close, "When I have something to share with you, I will. Other than that, nothing has to change."

"Alright," he said quietly

"You can keep the coat," Nya said, as she walked towards the door, "hang it on the wall, give it to your wife for roleplaying, I don't really care; I was getting tired of it anyway,"

The news of Grand Marshal Nya Crimson's resignation was a huge shock to the Avalon people, easily dwarfing the news of her miraculous return from the dead. Within a week, the public opinion of the current Primark had lowered severely following rumors that he had forced her out. A statement from Nya, commending the Primark and his office was the key factor that saved his political career.

Meanwhile Nya had begun transferring Spartan assets and infrastructure over to Vulcan, and she was already working on designs for the Black Excalibur II. As a civilian, she could no longer be a Tier 1 citizen, which was for government officials, but her standing in society still left her at Tier 2. With all this new free time, she dedicated herself to completely renovating Vulcan and turning it into the new central base for her private forces.

When she left, most of her inner circle left with her, except for Terror and Mari, who remained on Avalon due to their positions within the government. With Nya's resignation, the position of Grand Marshal was retired, so Terror's role as the Commander General was solidified as the unifying body of all of Avalon's armed forces. The Spartans were disentangled from Cerberus once more, and were restructured and reestablished as free agents, and were now working for Cerberus under contract.

Now, almost eight months after her reawakening, Nya was in the new command center, upgraded from the old control room at the top of the central tower –which they now called the Obelisk. Around her were different analysts and logistic personnel, all manning their different stations as they monitored the galactic situation. There was still much work to be done, but the renovations so far had turned Vulcan from an ancient advanced industrial facility to the Spartan's central operations complex.

Now that she was no longer the Grand Marshal, she had sought a new title, and for some reason, everyone took to calling her Director, so it stuck.

She was dressed in a whole new attire for her new position; she wore a fitted red sleeveless turtleneck top and a black pencil skirt that stopped halfway down her thighs with stockings and simple heeled boots, over this she had a new coat, it was a simple black with a few red and gold designs, with her crest on the forearms of the coat. She had recently started wearing glasses for style and had her hair cut shorter and tied in a neat ponytail.

"What's the status of the X013 and the X017?" Nya asked, turning to one of the people to her right,

"The Percival and the Lancelot have arrived at the Xmilftien Commerce Union as we speak," the officer reported, "Their contracts have been verified."

"Good," Nya said, "Alert our special assets deep in the Union, they are to debrief with the captains."

"Yes Director,"

"Alright, boys and girls," she said to the room, "let's keep our people safe out there."

Excusing herself, she walked out of the command center and proceeded down several levels of the central tower until she found her destination, the R&D Department.

It had become a joint enterprise between the High Order and the Spartans,

She quickly found Eli and Aria's lab, where they had a number of different projects laying half completed.

When she heard the sounds of a commotion in the back offices, she instantly appeared at the door, bursting in, her eyebrows were raised as she saw Eli and Aria were not in trouble, but were making love. Aria aroused moans and her flushed face broadcasted how much she was enjoying it.

"Ahem," Nya cleared her throat loudly, attracting the attention of the two lovers.

They both stopped their lovemaking and looked at her, eyes wide, petrified with horror and embarrassment.

"Ah, kids today," Nya mused, "so much vigor."

She wasn't sure who screamed louder, but she exited the room and closed the door behind her, chuckling to herself as she could hear them hurriedly trying to dress themselves.

A few moments later, they both stepped out of the back room, faces red

"Mom," Eli said in a very small voice, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

"I'm not," Nya said, with a mocking grin, "I think it's good that you guys have an active sex life, it's very important in any healthy relationship. But maybe next time, you should try locking the door?"

"Uh, it was locked," Eli said, "you broke the door open"

Aria's face turned an even deeper shade of red, "Is-is there anything we can do for you, Director Crimson?"

"I wanted to see what progress has been made on the Orb of Thassah" Nya said

"This way please," Eli said, thankful for a change of subject

He showed her into a different room, in the center was a podium which held the orb at either side of the podium was a massive machine that constantly fired a beam at the orb.

"Like most origin we've encountered so far, the orb is much more than it appears," Eli said as he put on his lab coat, "it seems to be composed of a complex meta-phasic matter,"

"So it exists in more than three dimensions," Nya surmised

"It's honestly remarkable," Aria said, "the basic construction is beyond anything I've ever seen,"

"What else?" Nya urged

"Well the orb is completely hollow and is constantly emitting a field of anti-particles," Eli said


"We coined it," Aria said, "we believe the orb itself is some sort of shell, and whatever it's containing is generating this field, that is rendering it completely hidden from any kind of detection. As far as all our instruments are concerned, inside the shell is… absence, a complete lack of existence."

"My theory is that this anti-particle field is tied to how it affects different spectrums of energy," Eli said, "but we currently have no idea how it's generating this field or how to break through it."

Nya sighed disappointed, "I was really hoping you'd have more for me by now."

"Sorry mom, but we're doing the best we can,"

"Oh, I saw," Nya said, looking pointedly at Eli, causing him to blush again

"This is technology of the originals," Aria reasoned, "Right now we're like monkeys with a quantum field generator; it's way beyond us."

"If Merlin was working on this with us, we might have gotten some more progress," Eli urged once again

"I have Merlin doing something else for me." Nya said

"Right, your super-secret project in the vault." Eli sighed, "and why can't we help with it?"

"Because you're too busy fucking to be of help." Nya replied, tersely, "And you're free to get back to it, I'm done with you."

"Whoa mom, don't you think you're being a little harsh?" Eli said, "you said you want the orb analyzed and understood, I've done more than any other scientist would have in the time I've had."

"I don't need excuses from you, Eli," she snapped, "I am your mother; I tell you to do something, I expect results. Got it?"

Eli just nodded.

She left the two lovers and proceeded down to the sublevels of the Obelisk, to her private lab, called 'the Vault' to everyone on Vulcan because only Nya had access.

As she stepped out of the elevator, she walked down a short corridor, until she reached an impressively large, easily twelve feet tall and eight feet wide door with a complicated locking mechanism. On the door is a console with a gel surface and three red lights. She placed her hand, which held her control ring onto a gel console on the door, the console flashed green as a sensor node directly above scanned her body, then the console spoke,

[PASSWORD PLEASE!] an electric voice said

"Morgan.Astrid.Eli" she replied speaking the Praxian language

[PASSWORD CONFIRMED] the voice said, as three lights on the console flash green.

Then, the complex locking mechanisms started to turn on their own, the massive door opened up.

She stepped into her private lab, full of dozens of different secret projects no one else knew about.

"Merlin, Protocol Gemini." She barked as she entered

[GOOD MORNING, MISTRESS.] came a voice the sounded like Merlin, but it was lifelessly cheery, [THE LATEST NYA CLONE IS READY!]

from the floor a cylindrical chamber rose up, opening to reveal another Nya, this was looked like she did before she evolved and only hand one arm, it was completely naked with the number 234 written on its abdomen in red.

"Step forwards," Nya ordered

The mindless clone obeyed, walking out and approached Nya.

"Do you know who you are?" Nya asked

The clone remained silent, staring blankly at her

"Do you know who I am?" she asked

The clone remained silent, staring blankly at her

"Do you know anything?" she asked growing irritated

The clone remained silent, staring blankly at her

"Then you're also a failure." Nya said as she put her hand through the clone's chest, ripping out its heart, she then savagely started to pummel the creature until it was nothing but a bloody mass of flesh and bones.

"Clean this trash up," Nya ordered as she walked away.

[RIGHT AWAY, MISTRESS!] 'Merlin' replied

Nya sat on her chair in front of her work station, she pulled off her glasses and placed them on the station, then looked at her hands, they were stained with blood, so were her clothes, so was her face, which was blushing as she lewdly looked at the blood on her hands

"Ahh… Nya did you see?" she moaned to herself, "Did you see how I slaughtered you?"

She then stripped her clothes off and started to masturbate, caressing her breasts with her blood-stained hand

"I'm touching myself with your blood on me, do you see?" she moaned.

She then looked off into space, to the rest of the galaxy, there was nobody else in the room, but to her, she saw another copy of herself, this one looked like she did presently, except she was wearing a simple red dress

'Really Rias?' the other her asked with rolled eyes, 'how many times are you going to do this?'

"Until it stops being fun," the one called Rias said, "I've had full control of this body for three months now, and killing you never gets old."

'It will when I kill you,' the real Nya said

"And how will you do that?" Rias asked, "You're stuck in our head, just like all the others."

'I'll get out,' Nya repeated

"No you won't," Rias said, "Only Merlin could get you out, and I took care of her. Face it; the time of Nya Crimson is over, now it's Rias Patrelli's turn to play."