Morgan, Astrid and Eli are all frozen, before them is their mother, Nya Crimson, only she isn't, she's been taken over by something calling itself Rias Patrelli.

Suddenly, the kids are surrounded in a halo of light as they are teleported out of the lab.

Rias looks surprised by this, then she sees the console and smirks, "Clever Eli, he freed Merlin, figured that kid could do it."

She then looks to her left, where the jinn image of the real Nya is standing glaring at her disapprovingly.


'The games over,' Nya said, 'stop this now,'

Rias then burst out laughing, "The games not over, we've just gone into overtime."

'They know you're not me, they won't allow this keep going.'

"You think I care about what they will or won't 'allow'?" Rias said, "Playing you for the past three months and having everyone fooled has been a blast, but it just doesn't cut it anymore. Maybe it's time to pursue another career path."

'You won't get away with this' Nya declares, 'they've freed Merlin, they'll stop you'

"You're awfully chatty all of a sudden," Rias chuckles, "Now shut up, we're going for a walk."

Humming cheerfully, she skipped back out the exit and down the corridor, she was in no rush, the real fun was about to begin.

* * *

Astrid, Eli and Morgan were all teleported to the terrarium, once they rematerialized, they let out a sigh of relief.

"What the fuck was that?" Morgan demanded, she'd never been more scared in her life, the look in Rias' eyes…

[That was Rias, a split personality,] Merlin said rematerializing her physical body, [she's took over your mother's body and has been in control of it for the last three months.]

"What do we do now?"

[Now that her secret's out, she's not gonna hide anymore.] Merlin said, stumbling, she was still reeling from the months she spent in captivity. Suddenly her voice blared throughout the entire complex.


"Lethal action? We can't kill mom!" Astrid said backing away

[At this point very little could actually kill her, but that's the only way we'll be able to slow her down.] Merlin said, [If you can slow her down just enough, I can neutralize her and bring Nya back.]

"I don't like this either," Morgan said, "but alright,"

The three of them split up, Morgan going to the operator's ready room, to get her gear, Eli going to the lab and Astrid going to Kiva.

Rias was strolling the corridor when she happened upon a group of four Spartans, all dressed in their combat suits with their weapons pointed at her. She had to give Nya credit, her troops were immensely loyal and well trained, even to the point where they'll turn on their commander when ordered to.

"Sorry Director," the leader of the group said, "lethal action against you has been authorized."

"I understand," Rias said spreading her arm wide, "take your best shot."

The group opened fire, blasting her with plasma bolts from their blasters and rifles. Each bolt ripped through her body, melting through skin, and burning flesh and bone. After a minute of continuous firing, she got up, the horrible wounds she had been inflicted with, had already started healing themselves.

"It was a good effort," Rias congratulated them as her face returns to normal

"Thank you, ma'am," the leader said

"Nothing but our best for the boss," another member of the group added

"Yeah," Rias said as her hair started to glow burning red, and the flaming red energy on her right shoulder forming an arm made of blood aura, "As a reward, I'll make this quick."

"Much appreciated ma'am," the third member remarked,

"We'd like to go out fighting, if that's alright with you?" the last member asked

Rias nodded, "A warrior's death. Then I'll give you a proper send off,"

"Alright, enough talk," the leader said, as she summoned blades of nuform, a motion that was copied by the rest of the group.

With the guarantee of death, the four Spartans charged at Rias.

Aria had heard the announcement of Nya turning bad, she was following Eli on his way to the labs.

"Are you really going to kill your mom?" she asked

"Temporarily," Eli answered, "I've been working on something and I think is should work on her."

"You've been working on a weapon to kill your mom with?" Aria asked, letting him know how absurd he sounded

As they turned the corner towards the elevators, they suddenly see the upper body of a sentry fly by them.

"Oh, hi Eli," Rias says as she steps forward, covered in blood, "Fancy running into you."

"Y-you k-killed them?" Aria stuttered horrified, "but they worked for you?"

"They were kind of in my way." She shrugged, "kinda like how you are now,"

Eli held out his hand to her, then a sophisticated piece of machinery materialized out of nuform, as he pulled the trigger, there was a low humming sound and all of a sudden, Rias shot backwards with deadly force.

"Go." Eli told his girlfriend

"Right," Aria nodded as she turned around, only to find Rias down the hall

"That's interesting," she cooed, "What is that?"

"It's a gravity gun," Eli explained, "Shoots a concentrated burst of gravitons as a concussive force. That was just the low setting."

"Impressive, I thought nuform could only form simple constructs; knives and hammers."

"It's all in how you use it," Eli said, as he fired again

Rias dodges the blast, then advances, moving towards Aria, who is frozen in fear, Rias raises her arm ready to strike her down, when Eli jumps in front of her

"No!" he yells as his aims at her point black, about to fire, but she slices through it with her blood aura hand, and the pieces disintegrate.

Eli doesn't move and stares down the woman before him

"Move," she says as her glowing hand raised to strike

"No," he defies

"You think I won't?" Rias asks, her eyes cold

"I dare you!" Eli snarls at her

Nobody moves for a tense few moments, then Rias relents, heaving a sigh, "I can't do it, you're still my son, as much as you are Nya's."

Eli swallows his saliva, backing away slowly with Aria.

"But I won't let you get in my way," Rias says, and with a flick of her wrist, both Eli and Arai are flung into the walls.

As Eli hits the wall, he hears a CRACK! followed by jolts of pain shooting up his arm.

"Argh!" he cries as he slides to the floor

"Are you okay?" Aria scrambled over to check on him

"Sounds like you broke your arm in three places," Rias comments lightly, "I'd say you got off easy, all things considered."

"We're going to stop you, you bitch." Aria snarls up at her, with tears in her eyes

"Got some fire in you, I see?" Rias laughs, "I like it. Maybe I will let you live after all."

As Aria tends to her injured boyfriend, Rias continues unimpeded down the corridor towards the elevator she still had something to pick up in the labs.

Rias walked into another section of the complex and noticed that the corridor was colder than usual, then, she was suddenly impaled through the heart by a massive lance of ice, the ice trail doesn't lead far, just down the hall, to where Valla is.

"Valla," she greeted as she spits up blood, "an instant kill attack, very impressive."

"It's not over yet." Valla said as she extends her hand

Rias looks down at herself, the massive spike that was currently in her left breast was emitting a fine layer of cold mist and she could feel frost spreading across her body. When she tried to touch the spike, she suffered frostbite.

"A fine secondary attack," Rias said as she saw Morgan rush towards Valla

"Hey are you okay?" Morgan asked

"Fine, she's staying put for now," Valla replies

The two of them share a tender moment and Rias applauded

"You two are definitely my favorite gay couple," she jokes

"Shut up," Morgan growls, "In a few minutes, Merlin will be here to put you out of our misery."

"But dear, you won't last a few minutes," Rias says as her body is suddenly engulfed in blood aura. The flames rapidly raise the surrounding temperature, and the ice starts to melt.

"Bitch," Valla gasps, her skin is starting to dry out in the raised humidity. Not long after, the ice can no longer hold its form and begins to evaporate.

"Valla, share some of my blood," Morgan says offering her arm.

Valla bites into Morgan and starts to feed on her, just enough to keep herself from collapsing.

"Well done," Rias smiles, "sharing blood with her to help her replenish her fluids, smart."

"We're not done yet," Morgan said,

"But you are," Rias says as she opens a rift into her Crimson Void and summons the living sword, Amaterasu.

In the presence of its radiance, both vampires back away as its solar glow burns their skin.

"Not just good at killing suns," Rias quips, "It's also pretty good against vampires."

"You won't kill your own kid," Valla wheezes and gasps,

"But that doesn't mean I can't make it so that you don't follow me." Rias says, "and I need something drastic for my exit scene,"

She dashes in front of them and runs the sword through both vampires. Her aim was exact so she didn't hit anything vital, but the solar energy that invaded their bodies will keep them down.

The look in Morgan's eye as she looks up at her mother's face, her mother who had just stabbed her, if Rias cared about such, she would be haunted by that look.

Just as Merlin, Kiva and Astrid arrive, she turns to face them, letting them see the two vampires pinned together as they topple to the ground.

"Ah, I was wondering when you were going to get here,"

"What did you do!?" Astrid screams as her hands glow with fury.

"You have two options," Rias declares to the new contenders, "either get them to the medical ward in time to have the solar matter purged from their bodies, or try in vain to stop me while they burn from the inside. Your choice."

[That was your daughter you just stabbed,] Merlin accused

"And because of that fact she and her little pet here are still breathing." Rias declares,

She then strolls away while Astrid and Kiva tend to the fallen vampires.

Shortly afterwards they would learn that Rias stole a frigate and crossed through the portal to Avalon before disappearing thought a spatial fissure.

* * *

Not much has changed for Ryla in the twelve years since Nya's disappearance, she was still the poster girl for the largest galactic security organization, and had lately taken an active role in its leadership while her mother was out of action.

Ryla was in her office, signing some document, bored out of her mind, when there was a knock at the door, it was her personal aide, security, and pseudo sister, Lisa Orville.

Lisa was a half-elf, who was thrown away when she was a newborn. The world she was abandoned to and grew up in was primitive and war torn, but her adoptive mother, who had served under the previous head of Providence, took her in and raised her. The reason Lisa was abandoned was because her elven father had impregnated an omen, and she was the result. The elven creed of purity viewed Lisa as an abomination worse than any omen, although there were no outward signs that she was anything other than an elf, she was still scorned and loathed by the purist elves that made up the Theocracy. Her very existence had been mocked by many people who saw her mismatched and conflicting lineage as a cruel cosmic joke. Lisa had been trained in service to the Ayona family since she could remember and when she met her future mistress, Ryla, it was love at first sight. Though her expressionless face and cold demeanor restrained her from showing it, she cared deeply for Ryla, dedicated her life to serving her faithfully, and completely.

As she walked into the office, she was dressed in a smart office jacket and skirt, with a low neckline blouse that showed ample cleavage, and stiletto heels with stockings, her outfit was cut to show just the right amount of skin for Ryla's enjoyment.

"Madam, here are the recent budget proposals for each of the main departments." She said as she presented a tablet to Ryal, who signed it absentmindedly

"This is all so boring, isn't it, Lisa?" Ryla groaned

"Would you like to have sex?" Lisa asked with a straight face, "We haven't made love in quite some time."

"Not right now," Ryla sighed, "I want something exciting and unexpected to happen."

As if on cue, alarms started blaring as a ship suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The stations automated defenses activated as lasers and plasma bolts rained around the ship, which seemed to bob and weave through the obstacles, barreling towards the office. Lisa reacted instantly, creating a barrier around the office.

At the last minute, the frigate disappeared again

"Well that was a bit anticlimactic," Ryla huffs

"What can I say?" a new voice in the office speaks, "I like causing a scene."

When Ryla turns around, she sees a woman dressed in a red top with a black pencil skirt, wearing a black coat and boots with glasses, she has tanned skin and hot pink hair her eyes are vampiric with pink irises within black sclera.

As soon as this woman makes her presence known, Lisa has an energy blade at her throat.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" she demands, her eyes burning with cold fury.

Although Ryla is sure she's never met this woman, there is something very familiar and alluring about her. It takes a few seconds for her to realize but when she does, she jumps out of her seat,

"Nya! You're back?" she exclaims

"Yeah," she said simply, not concerned with the blade cutting into her flesh.

"It's alright, Lisa," Ryla said, "she's a friend."

Lisa makes the energy blade vanish, revealing as red line across her neck which heals quickly. "I like you," she smirks to the half-elf.

"What's with the new look? I hardly recognized you,"

"It's a disguise." She explained, "Also I go by Rias now, Rias Patrelli."

"A new look, and new name? Sounds like you're on the run." Lisa glared, suspiciously

Ryla smiled, "and you came here."

"I'm reinventing myself." Rias said, "and to go with that, I needed a new job so I thought it'd be fun to come work for you."

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked

"I want to join Providence," Rias said,

"And why should we let you in?" Ryla asked

"Because I bring gifts," Rias says as her Crimson Void opened before her and summons forth the Orb of Thassah, glowing red.

* * *

Eli, Morgan and Valla were in the medical ward being treated for the injuries suffered at the hands of Rias during her escape. Eli's left arm was broken and he had a concussion, even with their advanced medical technology, he would need a cast for a while. Morgan and Valla however were worse off, they suffered from solar poisoning, the sword that stabbed them, left traces of sun particles inside them, the exposure was now slowly burning them up from the inside, for Valla it was worse as her high temperature also strained her undine physiology. They were undergoing surgery to remove the solar particles from their systems.

The others were gathered in the executive lounge discussing how to proceed.

"What did she want?" Amara asks via holo-comm. "she killed four Spartans, wounded dozens and hospitalized her own children, then she just leaves? I'm not buying that."

[Rias is a fragment of Nya's psyche,] Merlin explained, [When she was under the sway of the Maja, that was one of the only pieces of her that were left. After we freed her, that piece must've developed a will of its own.]

"So it's still Nya?" Kiva asked

[Loosely, fragments are embodiments of specific traits within a person, their existence is all for the fulfillment of that trait.] Merlin said, [In Rias' case, she appears to be all of Nya's selfishness and narcissism, all she cares about is her own satisfaction, whatever the cost.]

"What was she after?" Amara asked again, "after the alert went out, she stayed back instead of leaving immediately, why?"

"She took the Orb of Thassah," Aria revealed as she walked in

[What?] Merlin said as a screen projection materialized, showing footage of her breaking into Elia and Aria's lab and taking it from its podium.

"How long has there been video surveillance in our lab?" Aria asked, shocked

[There never wasn't surveillance.] Merlin dismissingly comments before moving on.

"What could she do with the orb?" Terror's holo-comm. asked

"It gives the user the ability to manipulate ambient energy at will," Astrid said, "Not just mana, even plasma and bio energy are affected."

"And something of that scale is in the hands of a psychopath." Kiva grimaced

[There is a way to restore Nya,] Merlin said, attracting everyone's attention, [I have a back-up Nya's psyche stored within me, if I can connect to her prime crest, I can get her back.]

"That was why she took you out first," Astrid said

"So we need to track where Rias went, before she does something really stupid with the orb." Amara said, "with Nya gone, again, I'm the acting Director of the Spartans. I'm repurposing every deep space probe we have, we need to find Rias Patrelli."

* * *

While Rias and Ryla were negotiating the terms for her employment into Providence, Lisa, Ryla's aide was by the door, doing her best to contain her rage. The thing in front of her, casually sitting down and chatting with her mistress, was a threat beyond measure and every instinct in her body was yelling at her to kill it, unfortunately, her mistress had guaranteed its safety and even seemed excited to have it here.

"So, are you handing over this Orb of Thassah to Providence?" Ryla asked

"Fuck no," Rias said, "I don't hand over anything to anyone, it's one of my rules."

"So why did you bring it?"

"To get me through the door," Rias said,

"You're not really selling yourself," Ryla said reclining in her chair, "what can you offer that would convince me to hire you?"

Rias smirked, her pink eyes glowing as she lunged over the table, straddling Ryla and kissing her intimately.

Ryla was shocked to say the least, having the tongue of such a sexy beast jammed into her mouth to play with hers was a happy surprise, and she soon found herself in rhythm with Rias. A look from Ryla was all that held Lisa from decapitating Rias right then and there.

When their lips finally parted, a trail of saliva still lingered, connecting them.

"How's that?" Rias asked, licking her lips

"W-well, you certainly put up a convincing argument." Ryla said

"And I can be so much more convincing," Rias whispered sensually into her ear.

"R-really?" Ryla's eyes widened as her cheeks blushed in anticipation.

"But not yet," Rias said as she got off Ryla

"Wha…? Why?"

"I want the tension to build." Rias giggled and winked at her.

Ryla cleared her throat and straightened her clothes, "Well, I do have need for someone with your particular talents."

"I'm not wearing that maid get up for you," Rias said, "at least, not yet."

"No, your ability to cause death on a mass scale." Ryla clarified

"Ooh, the other kind of fun," Rias beamed, "I'm listening."

"As you may know, Providence peacekeepers are hired by the ruling authorities of thousands of worlds, giving us jurisdiction over them." Ryla began, "There is a rather nasty criminal guild that recently tried to assassinate me, they got my mother instead when she was filling in for me at a public event."

"I never really liked your mother," Rias shrugged

"She survived the attempt though, and is currently hospitalized."

"I still don't see what this has to do with me?"

"We believe the culprits belong to a criminal guild on the planet where the attack took place, a world where we have no legal jurisdiction. The planet's leadership is stonewalling our every attempt to investigate, and essentially offering the offenders protection." Ryla scowled, "We're currently at a stalemate, but its tiresome and boring, and I want to bring these fuckers brought to justice now, so why not let you handle it?"

"So you want me to take out this guild, huh?" Rias asked, "since I'm not a Providence operative,"

"Not just them, I want you to punish the world government too." Ryla said, "I don't care how you do it, or how many people die; make them regret putting me through this."

Rias grinned gleefully, the murderous look in Ryla's eyes at that moment was so beautiful it was making her wet. She might not be able to keep her promise to hold off of sleeping with her yet.

"I'll do it." Rias said

"I believed that you would." Ryla said back, "Lisa will show you to a room you can stay in for the night. You leave first thing tomorrow."

"If it's all the same to you; I'd rather stay with you tonight," Rias said

"I thought you wanted to wait?" Ryla asked, "to build the tension?"

"It's built up enough," Rias said, "Let's do this,"

"Lisa, clear my schedule, and let my servitors know that I am not to be disturbed." Ryla ordered as she took Rias by the arm.

"Yes, madam," Lisa affirmed through grit teeth.

They didn't even make it to Ryla's room before Rias was all over her.

"I want you now," Rias said ripping Ryla's shirt open. They start to kiss passionately

"I've wanted you for years," Ryla replies as she also starts pulling down Rias' skirt, to reveal that she wasn't wearing any underwear, just stockings and a garter belt. Her shaved pink pussy was already soaked.

They continued to strip each other until they ended up in a bedroom, Ryla wasn't sure it was hers, but it was good enough.

Rias played with Ryla's hungry pussy, putting her tongue inside and lapping up her juices.

"Ahhn…" Ryla moaned, "I didn't know your tongue could go that long,"

"Would you like a taste of me too?" Rias offered, to which Ryla nodded emphatically.

The two ravaged each other, feeling the pleasure surge in revolutions through both of them. Hours later, after fucking each other in every position imaginable, the two of them were cuddling on the bed, Ryla resting her head on Rias' ample bosom.

"That was exhilarating," Ryla gasped and she played with Rias' nipples.

"Careful there, I don't think I have another round in me just yet." Rias moaned at her touch

"Well after four rounds already, I'd assume not." Ryla chuckled. "So, you set out tomorrow. If you finish quickly, I might be tempted to reward you,"

She caressed the curve of Rias' ass

"Aah," Rias moaned as she felt a finger slip inside her, "I guess I need to finish quickly then,"

"Here's a little taste of your reward," Ryla said as she kissed Rias

The next day, Rias set out to find this planet that Ryla wanted to hurt. She was travelling in the stolen frigate ship, it was smaller and faster than a Providence transport craft.

Arriving at the planet in question a few days later, she discovered a blockade of Providence ships surrounding the planet, holding off all attempts to enter or leave. The world seemed to retaliate by having dozens of militarized space stations all with large guns pointed at the blockade. To add insult to injury, the stations all had hateful messages for Providence scrawled onto their outer hull, the local World Lord really didn't like Providence.

"Attention, Providence fleet, this is special asset Rias Patrelli," she said over the Providence communicator she had been given

"What are you doing here?" came the reply

"Your boss, Ryla Ayona, has assigned me to the task of putting this planet to the torch." She said

"You're gonna burn the whole planet? With that little thing?" the reply said, "these fuckers fire on any ship that passed the blockade, you'll never make it."

"I'm very resourceful." She said simply,

"What do you need?"

"Clear me a path and enjoy the show." Rias said, her vicious smile audible through the channel.

"Good luck, then,"

With that out of the way, she shot for the planet. The ships of the blockade opened fire on the space stations, providing enough cover for her to slip through relatively unimpeded. As she drew closer to one of the stations, using the Orb of Thassah, she redirected one of the plasma bolts to form huge plasma blades along the sides of her ship, which she used to tear into the station, ripping through it sending it careening into the next station, causing as much damage as she could.

Once she was bored with that, she directed her ship down at the planet. The World Lord's palace was so massive and extravagant to the extreme, it made the Throne of Valor look plain. Deciding that made a suitable target, Rias pushed the engines to maximum as the ship caught fire upon reentry into the atmosphere.

The frigate fell like a meteorite, as it crashed into the palace, the resulting calamity demolished the building, and several blocks around it. Rias was perfectly safe within her blood aegis, so after the crash, she stepped onto the rubble of the aftermath. She could feel the souls of the recently dead flow into her, the gem embedded in her chest absorbed the souls, making each and every one of them a part of her being now, it was different from how she used to absorb people whole, their bodies were already gone, there was nothing to assimilate but the fleeting bits of energy that escaped once the mortal shell was dead. Information flashed through her minds, detailing the lives of every single new soul she had consumed, and though most of it was instantly discarded and forgotten, from what little of their memories she did keep, she learned that this world was not a very nice place. Not that she cared, but it was actually worse than Draxia Urma had been when Nya first arrived there; the World Lord was behind the criminals that attacked Ryla's mom, had Providence established a presence on this planet, the World Lord would no longer be able to abuse his power, hording all the world's resources and other riches for himself and his cabal while the rest of the planet toiled for their amusement.

Finding the World Lord was simple; Rias was coincidentally standing atop the rubble that killed his wife while she was on her way to him. The wife was a piece of work; she was cheating on her husband with almost every other male member of his staff, as well as with her stepson, the World Lord's son from a previous marriage. Rias would almost admire the woman if she wasn't so whiney and pathetic… and dead.

She followed the directions the wife knew and arrived at the panic room the World Lord had made for himself in the basement. The door was solid, six feet thick and ten feet tall, the walls were all reinforced with the same strong metal, no normal person could force their way through that without industrial tools. No normal person could.

With her hands wreathed in superhot blood aura, she started to melt through the hinges of the door, it felt like she was forcing her hand through super thick jelly as she cut into the metal. With her heightened senses she could felt the growing fear and panic coming from the occupants of the vault, as they demanded to know what was going on. Once she was done, she ripped the door off its hinges and threw it aside like it was a chair.

"I'm looking for the World Lord of this dump you call a planet." She declared

Naturally, no one answered, every one of them frozen in fear. Although she asked, she already knew where he was.

"Seriously, no one's seen him?" she asked again, exasperated.

She paced around for a bit in thought, playing the role and building their hopes.

"Alright. You." she said, dragging the World Lord out with her telekinesis, he flew into her grasp and was unable to break himself free, "Do you know where the World Lord is?"

"N-n-no," the man cried shaking his head furiously, the blood aura arm that wrapped around his throat scalded his skin.

"Liar," she grinned, "your wife was right about you; you snivel too much. No wonder she was sleeping with everyone except for you, what kind of World Lord is this much of a coward?"

"M-my wife?" His eyes widened, "Y-you knew?"

"Of course I knew." Rias said as she stabbed her finger into his forehead.

Along with the [take over] ability, she had also gotten a number of abilities from her time with the Maja. One such skill was [hive mind], which allowed her to sync her mind with another who she connected to and send information telepathically. It was similar to the direct messaging Nya could do with the members of her court, but this particular skill allowed Rias to forcible connect to the mind of the World Lord, mind rape him and steal every last scrap of knowledge he possessed, then she tossed his catatonic body aside.

"Thank you all for your patience," she grinned to the other occupants of the panic room, "I've gotten what I need."

"S-so, you'll let us go?" one man, the World Lord's eldest son, asked. He was definitely a handsome man; no wonder his stepmom couldn't help but fuck him. Hell, she was tempted to fuck him right now.

"You're the new World Lord, right?" she asked

He nodded, uncertainly, not wanting to end up like his father.

"Could you come with me, please?" she said, batting her eyelashes at him and smiling sweetly.

Relief washed over the man's face, his confidence growing as he stepped out of the vault, his gleaming eyes studied her from head to toe, the man was almost definitely planning to seduce her. She might even allow him to try when she was done.

The occupants were now starting to relax, they quietly watched as Rias walked towards the discarded door, and gulped when she effortlessly picked it up, brought it over to the doorway and fixed it back over the entrance, welding it shut despite the protests of the trapped occupants and the single survivor behind her.

From the World Lord's mind, she discovered that the ones who were involved in the attack of Ryla's mother. Ryla wanted everyone punished, but that much random destruction would take her days, weeks even, and she wasn't even sure she could pull it off. Then there was the man behind her, she had plans for him.

A solution to this popped into her head as she finished welding the door shut.

"It might work," she said to herself, thinking aloud, "I mean, it worked for Amaterasu."

"W-what are you thinking about?" the man behind her asked

"I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

"Uh, Damin, ma'am," he said

"Right, Damin," Rias grinned, "How would you like to help me with something? I would greatly appreciate it." she emphasized it by rubbing his crotch, feeling it bulge.

"What do you wish?" He asked

"I know about the many nights of fun you gave your stepmom," she said, "you are by far one of the best fucks she's ever had, and I want that."

"Well, I aim to please," he said, a confident grin stretching on his face.

They shared a deep kiss, he was a really good kisser.

"Then wait right here," she winked

She left Damin to stew in his own lust, and the occupants to their fate, and wandered around the continent-wide capital city, debris from the space stations she had managed to down on her way in were still falling, fiery chunks that rained down all around them, the devastation was light, all things considered, but it served her purposes well. She flew around, gathering the dead and dying, and finding pieces of infrastructure that she could repurpose.

It was late at night by the time she returned to Damin, she did not tell him of what she had been out doing, or what she planned to do, she just took him to the nearest salvageable bed and had her way with him. Like all who had been with her, Damin found himself instantly infatuated with the red-haired amazon, he made the same promises and declarations he used on his stepmother that got him into her pants, but this time, he actually meant them.

Once he was spent, he went to be content, certain that he had satisfied her thoroughly to keep her by his side, but Rias looked at the slumbering man with an amused grin, entertained by his efforts, but in no way swayed.

When Damin awoke, he found that Rias had started another round without waiting for him to wake up,

"Good morning, my beloved," Damin greeted, holding onto her waist

"Beloved?" Rias grimaced as if the word repulsed her, even as she grinded atop him. "Look, you're a great fuck and all, but that doesn't mean I want to marry you,"

Damin can't hide the look of disappointment in his face, even as Rias rides him enthusiastically.

"Then, if I mean nothing to you, why are we making love again,"

"Ugh, I hate it when people call it making love," Rias scowled, "we're just fucking, nothing more, nothing less. And there's something I wanted to try; sex magic."

"Sex magic?"

"A forbidden practice from the theocracy." Rias said, "elves are such fucking hypocrites, aren't they? They created one of the strongest forms of magecraft, and then branded it 'taboo' because it contradicted the beliefs of their sham religion."

"So what is this sex magic?"

"Duh, it's magic you can only use during sex," Rias said as she felt him reach orgasm within her, she felt her insides tighten and her vaginal muscles clench. It was time.

Her eyes started to glow

"B-beloved? What is happening?"

"Hush you," she says, her voice starting to echo, "you won't feel a thing,"

"Feel what?" he asks, then he instantly collapses as his soul is sucked from his body, flowing into Rias along with the last of his ejaculate.

"Damn! That felt great!" She exclaims as she stands up, below her, Damin's body is consumed by her blood aura.

Dressing herself, she proceeds to the remains of the frigate she crashed. She was ready, it was time to get to work.

Firstly, she deposits all the things she gathered the previous day from her Crimson Void, then she went back to the panic room, ripping it from the basement, still hearing the pleas from the people trapped inside. She takes it to her crash site, where she sets it down on top of the corpses and other materials she gathered at the foot of the frigate husk, then, with her eyes glowing, the assembled items and the wreck of the ship are engulfed in a dazzling inferno of blood aura.


The last time she had done something like this, she had drunk from a sun to fuel her creation, this time, she experimented with sex magic, using the raw power she had captured from Damin's orgasm as a nucleus this time. She hadn't expected sex magic to be so potent, imagine how much power she could've tapped into if they had climaxed together?


The burning mass now started to take shape as sparks of energy passed from her body to it The mass started to take on a distinctive shape.




She looked up at what she had made and a twisted grin formed on her face,

"You are one sexy abomination," she purred

Using the Excalibur-based frigate as a base, and with her experience with techno-organisms, she merged it with scraps she recovered from the city as well as the bodies of the people she had slaughtered all day, then she added the Orb of Thassah as its heard and infused a number of souls she had absorbed into her mana core.


It had taken her all night to finish the construction and the light of the dawn was already peeking through the horizon. The result of her heretical conglomeration was a massive weapons platform. It was roughly the size of a standard cruiser, it resembled a massive dark turtle shell with a pair of fins at either side; a smaller one at the front and a larger one at the back, the fins were similar to the kinetic oars the Excalibur-class used. The shell-like hull was made from a fusion between the metal used in the panic room and the composite nano-matter used on the frigate. All in all, it looked completely mechanical in nature, except for the fleshy appendages that connected the fins to the shell.

With the snap of a finger she was teleported onto the platform. Inside was much more flesh-like. There was corrugated flooring, and metal support struts ringing the ceiling, but everything else seemed to be made from or covered in living flesh that twitched and squirmed, like she was inside of a massive beast, there were display screens and work terminals stuck the flesh walls. The cockpit was not very big, about the size of the zero room, and despite the multiple screens and terminals, there was only one chair, which was a mix between a normal captain's chair and a flesh and bone throne.

Rias sat on the seat without hesitation.

"Connect on." She commanded

"CONFIRMED." came a watery reply from all around as three tentacles extended from the base of her seat. The first one slithered up her leg, past her skirt and she moaned as it slipped into her, then she grabbed the bulbs attached to the ends other two, her fingers fusing with the bulbs.


"Let's see what this thing can do," she mused to herself as all screens and terminals, which were orientated to face her, lit up. Giving her a view of the outside.

The platform floated up into the upper atmosphere, until the capital city looked miniscule by comparison.


The front of the shell opened up, and from the fleshy mass that was exposed, a massive complex mechanism started to turn, sparks of electricity sparking from the flesh to the mechanism. At the end of it, there were several large barrels that looked similar to the Excalibur's railguns,

"Alright, let's be done with this already." Rias said as she scanned the planet's surface. "give me surface buster options."


"Ooh, let's go with the weather bomb," Rias cooed, "I always wanted to play with weather."

"WEATHER BOMBS READY!" the platform informed her

The weapons charged up within minutes, and with just a command from Rias, the Ragnarok unleashed its fury. What, at first, seemed like a small barrage of energy blasts into the upper atmosphere, started a chain reaction that resulted in a massive meteorological catastrophe. Storm clouds the size of continents were quickly starting to gather over the planet.

"Alrighty," Rias said as she let go of the control bulbs and retracted the tentacle between her legs, she stretched in her seat and watched the sky start to tear itself apart. "Our work here is done, let's go."


The screens powered down and the hum of activity ceased.

Rias teleported out as the shell closed up and the entire this was sucked up into her Crimson Void.

As she floated in the air, admiring her work a window prompt opened in her mind;



"Sweet," she chuckled to herself, "I just keep getting stronger without doing much. This is almost like cheating."

Rias then turned skyward, and shot into space, leaving behind confused sailors who claimed that saw a woman fly off into space on her own.

In the following days, the disrupted climate would create super storms that raged across the surface of the planet, ravaging it and leaving nothing but desolation in their wake.