As the Black Excalibur II left the Templar, Nya was positively giddy, she couldn't stop fidgeting in her seat.

"Entering hyperspace in 3… 2… 1…" one of the pilots declared as the ship was sucked into a wormhole

"ETA to Elysium, 52.6 hours." The navigations officer reported

"Good, alert me if there are any new developments," Nya ordered as she got up from her seat

She leaves the bridge and goes down to the hangar bay, where a team of engineers are working on several new fighter crafts.

The R&D Department had been designing these fighters for a while as a counter to a swarm attack like what happened with the last Excalibur. These fighters, known as Sabers, were compatible with the ARES armor used by the Spartans of Pendragon, they were designed with sleek red and black pods with kinetic oars on either side of the primary engines at the rear.

Looking at the crafts, Nya thought of Eli, she'd noticed that Eli was acting odd lately. Morgan had informed her about Aria cheating on him, but she had known beforehand thanks to her omniscience. She figured that she should let Eli handle it his way, but she was still quite disappointed with Aria's behavior. She would have to discuss that with her at some point.

As his mother, she felt like she needed to have a talk with him. And so, with her decision made, she forgoes what she came for and instead tracks Eli down, he's in one of the labs, studying a screen.

"Hey buddy," she called walking up behind him

"Hi mom," Eli greets, not looking back at her.

"What are you working on?"

"A gravity manipulator," he said, showing her a disassembled orb the size of his hand.

She then hugged him from behind, she was still a head taller than him, so the base of his head was nestled between her plump breasts.

"Err… m-mom, what are you doing?" he queries

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you need me," Nya said

"I'm fine…" Eli says slowly

"Eli, you can pretend to be fine for everyone else, but you don't need to pretend for me," Nya said,

"Honestly mom," Eli says separating from her embrace, "I'm good,"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course," Eli said,

Eli did seem to be fine, and his spiritual energies didn't seem to be any darker, so she opted to leave it at that.

"Just know, if you do ever want to talk, or vent your feelings, I'm here for you."

Eli smiled at her, "I know mom, and I appreciate it. But right now I just want to focus on my work."

As she left his lab, she knew that he wasn't as fine as he claimed to be, but she didn't know how to help him work through the emotions he should be feeling.

"I need to talk to someone who understands these feelings," Nya mused to herself, "Astrid should be able to help him,"

Walking into Astrid's suite, Nya finds her daughter being lifted by her knees which were hooked over the arms of the eight-foot sasquatch that was fucking her from behind.

Sasquatch were among the largest race of omen, they were big, strong, furry brutes with low intelligence and high libido. Sasquatch would fuck any female they could get their massive dicks into, and they were highly fertile, so eight out of every ten women fucked by a sasquatch were pregnant by the next week and gave birth about a month or two later. Sasquatch aged the fastest of any race, and could grow from infancy to adulthood within six months, where they begin procreating. They're a male-only race and could only propagate their species by fucking women of other races. It was an ongoing debate as to whether they were omen or fae, as they had no mana affinity, yet they also did not appear to possess phantasms. The were mainly sought after for their size and strength, which made them useful as grueling physical labor, or as foot soldiers. They were among the shortest lived race in Hyperion, with their average lifespan being around 50 years or so.

The sasquatch that was currently fucking Astrid was actually a chef, part of an experimental program Nya conducted to see if she could teach sasquatch specialized skills and stimulate their intellectual growth, this particular sasquatch was named Rus and was one of her few successes. His massive ten-inch knotted penis was almost as thick as Nya's wrist with a purple tip and veiny ridges that added extra stimulus, Nya was honestly surprised how Astrid's cunt could take such a monster to the base and back constantly, every time he went in her, Nya could see a noticeable bulge in Astrid's abdomen that outlined his manhood and with every mighty thrust, his large testicles would slap against her with a meaty thud.

Astrid seemed to be enjoying having him utterly ravage her pussy as she had a blissfully degraded smirk on her face with crossed eyes.

"Ahem," Nya cleared her throat attracting their attention, Astrid was too far gone to notice, but Rus looked towards the source of the odd sound, "Rus, may I speak to my daughter in private please?"

"One moment, Director, we're almost done," Rus grunted, sasquatches couldn't speak common, so they usually wore a magitek collar known as a voice box to communicate with others.

Rus plunged deep into Astrid one more time yelling, "Gah! Get pregnant with my brood!"

Astrid's abdomen bulged a little as fluid started to dribble from the tiny gaps in her filled opening, when Rus removed his massive member, green tinted semen oozed from Astrid's well-used cunt.

He then set her down gently on the bed and put on his pants, then he started to pick up his discarded clothing articles off the floor as he approached the door.

"Sorry for the display, I came to deliver food order and things got out of hand," Rus apologized. Thanks to Nya's teachings, he was far more gentle and polite than the rest of his kind, he was very soft spoken and even charming, which made him popular with the ladies… although he did tend to show his rougher side when he was deep in pussy. He was one of the most popular chefs on the Excalibur.

"Don't be," Nya said, "it was impressive to watch you work, I might have to order you for myself."

"I am always available to you, chief." He bowed his head as he put on his jacket and exited the room.

"M-mom?" Astrid said groggily, as if just waking up from a lustful dream, "w-were you here the whole time?"

"No, just the end," Nya said, gesturing to the cum that still leaked from her lower lips. "Brave effort, taking all of Rus like that."

"I always wanted to fuck a sasquatch," Astrid said with a lazy smile on her face, "then I just saw him in the galley,"

"Yeah, he's one of our best chefs," Nya said, "Knows his way around a kitchen as well as he knows his way around a battlefield."

"And a pussy," Astrid snickered, "he completely stretched me out,"

"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah, one of the enchantments I put on myself keeps my pussy at its original tautness." Astrid explained, her sexual escapades had made her an expert on bodily enchantments, few knew more about all the different enchantments that can be cast on a body more than her.

The nature by which the mother and daughter were having a conversation was odd to say the least, as was the topic of the conversation, but both had recognized and accepted each other for the sluts they were, and had spent hours trading experiences and tips with each other, it was just another thing they bonded over.

"So what did you interrupt my leisure time with Rus for?" Astrid asked, cleaning herself with a towel, "I'm sure he could've gone three more rounds,"

"Your brother is in a funk because Aria cheated on him," Nya said,

"Oh yeah, I heard about that," Astrid said, "I'm not really one to judge, but I'm honestly a little disappointed in Aria."

"Right? But the one I'm worried about is Eli; he says he's fine but don't I think he can get past this on his own." Nya said

"Eli does like to distance himself from his feelings, especially when he's hurt," Astrid noted, "honestly, I think he just needs to fuck someone else."

"Fuck someone else?" Nya considered, "I could get one of the girls here to—"

"No mom, bad idea." Astrid rejected, "You can't just order someone to fuck him, he'll see through it and that might affect your relationship with him. I know some girls, adepts that I've been training, I've heard some of them express interest in him, I can set him up on a date when we get back home."

"Alright, I'll leave your brother to you," Nya said, "by the way; you've got some cum in your bellybutton."

"Oh, thanks," Astrid said looking down.

* * *

The Excalibur II dropped into real space just outside the orbit of a large planet. The globe before them was mostly made of continents covered in green and bright blue oceans. From the scans, they could tell that the planet had unusually abundant vegetation despite the advanced civilization that inhabited it.

"This planet is weird," Astrid said from the bridge, "even from here I can feel how rich the mana is."

[Yes, this planet is even more saturated in mana than Avalon,] Merlin comments, [I'm hacking into their global information network,]

"You can do that remotely?" Astrid asked

[I can do a lot of things now,] Merlin said with a flirtatious smirk. Moments later, a dozen screens were projected into the air

[Gilgamesh is a national hero. He's defended the planet from a dozen incursions by other parties, including Providence, Anubis pirates and even the elves. He's the prince of the singular empire that encompasses the planet, with his mother as the sole ruler.]

"And who is she?" Nya asked from her chair

[She's a…] Merlin paused, trying to understand what she just read,

"She's a what?" Eli asked

[She's a dryad.] Merlin revealed

"One of the aenari?" Nya gawked, "I thought the aenari were extinct."

"Astrid said the same thing about leviathans," Morgan mentioned dryly, "We all remember how that disaster ended."

The Aenari were one of the primordial races, like the Praxians, they once seeded life within every habitable planet in Hyperion space, however after the Celestial War, they too were all but wiped out. Aenari were cosmic beings, nature elementals, possessing great control over mana, more so than regular fae. They were rumored to be the will of a planets ecosystems and could bring down horrible natural disasters or bounty aplenty. According to the memories of the Black Box, the most powerful Aenari were in charge of cradle worlds, fostering the progenitors of every race that exists, though there aren't many cradle worlds left to confirm.

If the planet below was home to an aenari, then it explained the powerfully rich mana that Nya sensed from it.

"What else do you have on him?" Nya asked as she pulled all the screens to her,

From what Merlin was able to gather, his mother was a dryad and the eternal ruler of the Empire of Elysium. As an aenari she was naturally long lived and immensely powerful, but it seemed that she had lost most of her powers when she gave birth to Gilgamesh over two hundred years ago. That meant that Gilgamesh was a Nephilim, a hybrid between a cosmic being and a mortal.

After processing all this, Nya turned to Merlin, "Are you're still patched into their global information network?"


"Then transmit this message to them," Nya dictated; "it reads; 'People of Elysium, this is Nya Crimson. I have come today to answer a summons put to me by Providence, and request an audience with your leadership and your mighty hero'."

"Short and to the point," Terror commented

"I was gonna add more about how failure to comply would result in me glassing a city, but I thought it was a bit too much." Nya said

"Just a bit," Terror agreed

"Director, they have transmitted landing coordinates," the communications officer reported

"Show me where," Nya ordered

On the main view screen, the image of the planet was magnified to show a vast clearing the size of Texas that just appeared within a forest, just outside of a massive city. The plain was vast and could easily have fit another city, but it was completely empty save for a lone figure.

"Is that…" Eli gawked

"Oh boy," Terror sighed

"They're really calling you out, huh?" Morgan said

"What are you gonna do?" Astrid asked looking back at her mother

Nya just grinned, the lone figure standing in the vast plain was Gilgamesh and written on the ground in rock letters was; 'ONE-ON-ONE'

* * *

It didn't take long for Nya to fly down from orbit to the location where Gilgamesh was waiting for her. She came dressed to impress in her new ARES armor, a full bodysuit of exo-sym byte mesh in a sleek black and red with golden engravings. Her particular armor featured aesthetic choices like a pauldrons on the left shoulder which bore the crest of Pendragon, and the pteruges waist piece that incorporated a stylish red and gold cloth, similar to the mantle on her right side. This combat suit didn't offer much in the way of physical augmentations like with the regular Spartans, but it still came with a plethora of features, like adaptive camouflage, and personal energy shields, as well as jet boosters. Its main purpose was to make Nya look sexy and intimidating, like an amazon.

As soon as she stepped foot on the planet, she felt a surge of power from the abundance of natural mana in the atmosphere, even the grass beneath her boots was rich in it and she could smell how pure the air was, even through the air filters in her helmets.

Several yards away Nya saw Gilgamesh, he was as imposing as he was enigmatic, his posture was like that an old grizzled war veteran, yet he possessed a body no older than thirty with a noticeable scar underneath his left eye. He had sharp eyes that glowed solid green, with long flowing dark hair, olive skin and a neat beard. He had sharp chiseled features that made him statuesque, he was so damn handsome it was a little distracting.

Even through his armor and kit, Nya could tell he was extremely muscular, the muscles on his exposed arms were probably as thick as steel cabling, and definitely as strong. From him, Nya could sense a potent aura and an inhuman vitality, he was so in tuned to the ambient mana Nya couldn't distinguish between his own and the planet's. He carried with him a spear and a javelin, strapped to his back, both looked like priceless treasures and pulsated with immense power.

"Nya Crimson, the Regis of Ruin," he greeted in a heavenly baritone voice. He oozed confidence and dominance, even Nya was not immune to it "Welcome to Elysium."

"I heard you were looking for me," Nya said, spreading her hand, "here I am."

"Your reputation paints you as an unstoppable monster," Gilgamesh states, "I expected Providence to deliver you in a cage or under guarded escort, why would you come here to answer my summons willingly?"

"Well, even monsters like me can be heroes depending on who is telling the story. Hero or monster, those are just names given to the strong by others," Nya said, "But regardless, those of us known by such names must always fight each other, so I've come here to crush you, Gilgamesh; utterly, completely, and without mercy."

Gilgamesh lets out a bellowing laughter that echoes in the wind like a song, "Spoken like a true warrior," Gilgamesh grins, he brandishes his spear, pointing them at her, "I challenge you to true and glorious combat, Nya Crimson. I hope you will not disappoint."

Nya was so lost in his eyes she almost didn't hear him, but when she saw the spear point at her she smiled, "An honorable duel between two heroic monsters?" she said as she summoned Amaterasu from her Crimson Void, "I like the sound of that."

Gilgamesh looked at the glowing red blade in her hands, "That sword, is it a chimera?" he asked curiously.

"Yeah," Nya said

"What a coincidence; so are my lances." Gilgamesh said, "Longinus and Gungnir; the god killer and the god fist."

"Impressive, we both possess weapons of immense power that can kill the other. Then it seems we do have a fair fight on our hands," Nya said. She mentally boosted all her automatic defenses and kept her divine sanction ready to fire. She shut down all parallel thoughts and focused her secondary minds on battle analysis, strategy and combat awareness. As a final measure, she created a right arm out of her blood aura to give her full reach. She was pulling out all the stops for this fight, she knew she was going to need them if she wanted to win.

"Are you done preparing?" he asked casually

"Ready whenever you a—" she didn't even get to finish speaking before she saw the black javelin, Longinus, less than a foot from her face. She tilted her back, slanting out of the way as the projectile screamed through where her face had just been, though just barely as the force of the javelin left a deep cut on the face plate of her helmet.

In the seconds it took her to recompose herself, he was already there, swinging his golden spear, Gungnir, at her neck. She backed off in time to avoid a beheading, but the spear still sliced through her throat. It would've been a fatal injury for a mortal, but for Nya it was a passing inconvenience, by the time the blade had left her, the wound already started closing.

He launches another strike with his spear that Nya blocks just in time with Amaterasu, but the force from the attack still sent her flying.

As she plummeted back down to the ground, Gilgamesh was waiting for her, with his Longinus, ready to skewer her.

She threw a swing of her own, creating an arc of blood red energy from the blade of Amaterasu, which Gilgamesh blocked, but it was just the distraction Nya needed to recompose herself and strike at him. Her unusually long sword matched his two spears in terms of reach, giving them equal footing as they attacked each other. Every swing Gilgamesh makes with his spears is parried and countered by Nya's sword, and vice versa.

As their weapons clashed one more time, Gilgamesh pushes forward and with a complex maneuver, manages to knock their weapons back, disarming the two of them. In that brief second of confusion, he thrusts hid hand through Nya's abdomen, breaching her armor and impaling her with his right arm. With Nya in a raised position, she slams her two hands hard into either side of Gilgamesh's helm, dazing him, and with him off balance, she grabs him and head-butts Gilgamesh with force enough to crush a mythril, shattering both their helmets.

He glares at her, then swings his arm around, flinging her off him just as she kicks at his exposed head, catching him in his perfect jawline, and knocking both of them away from each other. He spits out some blood, as he gets up while Nya is still recovering from the hole in her gut, holding his hands out, both his spear and lance fly into his open hands. He then launches his spear at her, which she barely evades the spear by going low, only find herself on the receive end of an uppercut that sends her flying, then as she balks, she is hit with a clothesline by the butt of his lance that put her face first in the dirt.

"This is good, Nya Crimson," Gilgamesh goaded as his thrown spear returns to his hand. "but not enough, I expect more from you."

"I was just warming up," Nya replies as she spits out a clump of dirt. "the kid gloves have come off."

"Finally," Gilgamesh grins as he assumes his ready stance.

Both combatants face each other once again, frozen in anticipation, then, Nya is engulfed in her blood aura, the bright red flames coiling around her like a bonfire in the shape of a dragon, while Gilgamesh is cloaked in a jade green aura, with its radiance enveloping him, resembling a massive lion. The dense auras of the two beasts cause the air to tremble as they look at each other.

Then, they charge.

* * *

"This is insane," Eli said from the bridge of the Excalibur, watching the fight that is taking place on the view screen.

[I didn't know there was anyone who could match Nya in raw power like this.] Merlin comments, as the whole battlefield is now obscured by massive plumes of dust, highlighted by sparks of crimson and jade energy.

Even the advanced sensors of the Excalibur II are having difficulty following the intense battle, only catching glimpses of each combatant for the briefest of moments, before they vanish amidst widespread destruction. Their conflicting auras radiating all over their battlefield making it impossible to accurately track their movements.

"Neither of them are holding back," Morgan comments "I doubt anyone else would last more than a few seconds down there right now."

"This isn't a duel," Astrid gawked, "this is a war, a war between two monsters."

"No, this is a fight among equals," Terror notes as he catches another glimpse of Nya, she has a bloody would where her left eye should be, and part of her skull is visible, but on her face is the brightest smile he's ever seen and her eyes are wild with excitement. She looks truly happy in that moment.

"Thank you, Gilgamesh, for giving her a worthy challenge." He says under his breath as the screen shows her swinging Amaterasu at Gilgamesh who is matching her blow for blow.

On the ground, a massive explosion goes off, shaking the land, on ground zero of the devastation, both Nya and Gilgamesh are lying on opposite ends of a large smoking crater.

"That was good," Gilgamesh praised, the bones of his broken left arm knitting back into place, "you almost got me there."

"Please," Nya huffed, sitting up as both her eyes have regenerated, "it was a feint and you knew it."

"It was still a very impressive feint," Gilgamesh said getting up, "If we keep going like this, I see no end in sight to our bout,"

"I agree," Nya said as her burns from the explosion heal. She had noticed early on that Gilgamesh also possessed an advanced healing factor.

"We need to finish this soon," Gilgamesh states, "or the imperial capital may be caught in the crossfire."

"So, what do you suggest?" Nya asks

"Why don't you just stay right there and take my next attack?" he offered

"Yeah right, like I-" Nya retorted, then realized she couldn't move, thick vines had sprouted from the ground and had tangled around her, holding her in place. "fuck."

"Let us see how you fare against this," Gilgamesh said as his Longinus emanated a thick black aura, he charges this aura for a few moments as Nya still tries to break free, then, he shoots the accumulated aura like a beam at the restrained woman.

"Dammit!" Nya yelled as she shot up with all her might, ripping lengths of the vines out of the earth, that still held fast around her. Her jump saved her from taking the brunt of the blast, but she wasn't able to avoid it completely, her lower half was completely erased by it, along was the stretch of ground below her.

She crashed onto the new trench Gilgamesh's attack had carved into the land. Her healing had started almost immediately, but it was slow going due to being in the middle of a fight, her legs had barely started to grow back.

"How did you do that?" Nya demanded crawling towards her sword.

"I'm half aenari," he reminded her, then he tapped on his chest, "plus there is the Geo-phage embedded in my chest, an origin that, paired with my lineage, allows me to freely manipulate the earth as I see fit. It is how I received the title, [Blessing of the World]."

Gilgamesh then shoots off several smaller variants of the black blast at the downed Nya, who rolls around in the dirt to avoid them.

"Is that all you can do?" Gilgamesh demanded,

"You vaporized everything from my ass down," Nya snapped back, "You're lucky I have an insanely high pain tolerance enough to keep this fight going."

From her position, she shot out her blood aura arm at Gilgamesh, he dodged, easily, but the arm still pursues him, as if acting on its own.

"This is nothing," Gilgamesh demanded as he cuts through the blood aura construct with his javelin.

"Not bad," Nya said as her legs have finally finished regenerating and she stands up, now naked from the waist down, "I also happen to have special powers granted by my titles."

"Then let me see them," Gilgamesh said as more vines shot into the air after her.

Whenever a vine wrapped around her, her [Soul Eater] drained it of life, causing it to whither and disintegrate.

"That's new," Gilgamesh noted.

Several more vines shot out from the ground at Nya, who either sliced them up with Amaterasu or disintegrated them with her [Soul Eater]. What she wasn't prepared for was when a vine shot up right below her and jammed itself right into her exposed crotch.

"Gah!" Nya yelped in surprise, "what the fuck?"

"It is shameful, I know, but it would be unwise to not attack an exposed vulnerability." Gilgamesh commented,

"That's why you decided to fuck me with a thorny vine? I just healed this pussy." Nya winced, clearly uncomfortable. The vine that invaded her withered away, and her eyes turned red, "Now it's personal."

From her back, her red angel winds ignited, and she shot into the air.

"I was saving this for later, but I guess desert came early," Nya said as she activated her [Gates of Purgatory: Ares' Blessings]. The sky rumbled as a huge red fissure opens up above them, from the tear in the sky, bolt of scarlet lightning rain down on the battlefield, carving out swaths of pure carnage.

"How do you like that?" Nya taunts from the air as the countless bolts of lightning avoid her.

As he avoids each lightning strike, he raises his golden spear into the air and is shines like a sun. it releases a pulse of golden energy that negates the red lightning, even the rift in the sky vanishes when exposed to the golden light.

"What the fuck?" Nya demands, as a window prompt appears in her head;


"DAMMIT!" Nya seethes as she looks down at Gilgamesh

"Wide area effect attacks like that are very cumbersome, don't you think?" he asks, "I want to keep this nice and intimate."

"I'll show you intimate." Nya snarls as she dives down towards him, sword raised over her head.

He manipulates the plant life around him to act as a shield, but Nya's [Soul Eater] activates again, not only drain the life from the plants he controls, but renders the entire plain barren in an instant. She had earned the title [Angel of Death].

"What?" he exclaims in shock as all the plants die.

"Got you now!" Nya shouts

He avoids a fatal blow but the blade of Amaterasu cuts deep into his left arm, not able to completely sever the thick muscle of the limb.

With his left arm holding her close, he lunges at her with his right spear, she lets go of Amaterasu as she backs away from him,

"Not so tough without your plants and vines?" Nya teased as she extends her hand to recall Amaterasu.

"I don't only use plants," Gilgamesh says, as the ground begins to rumble

"Oh fuck you—" Nya sneers as columns of earth spikes shoot up from all around her and impale her. Amaterasu falls to the ground as her head hangs limp, she had been run through by several spikes all over her body.

With his left arm effectively disabled, he slowly walks over to Nya.

"You fought bravely," he says as the stands before her. Using his right hand, he rips off a portion of her breastplate, exposing her ample chest as well as the mana core nestled above her cleavage. He levels his golden spear with the radiant crimson gem, a spark of red and gold energy arcs between the two. "But now it is time to say goodbye, Nya Crimson,"

As he lunges with his spear for the finishing strike, her hand rises and blocks the spear, with the tip of the spear piercing through her hand and stopping just inches from her chest.

"Dammit that hurts! Nya never thought she'd be pushed this far," Nya says, as a sadistic smile grows across her bloody face, "Nya supposes she should thank you for showing her such a good time."

She flings her hand aside, wrenching Gungnir from Gilgamesh's hands and sending it flying into the upper atmosphere, far away from his reach.

Her eyes are wild and unfocused, turning from red to grey, in her mind a message appears;



Nya instantly understand what has happened. Gilgamesh had actually pushed her to the point where her emergency failsafe was triggered. In the event that Nya was ever driven to the brink of death in combat, she would enter a berserker state, forgoing all strategy, tactic and skills, for a massive boost in raw physical power, using the personality fragment of Nyx as a base. This was to ensure that she could push past any pain or other inconveniences and get the job done, but was not without its downsides; her intelligence is severely suppressed and she becomes susceptible to all sorts of traps and other sneak attacks… and as an odd inclusion, Nya starts speaking in the third person.

With little effort, she breaks free from the cage of spikes that impaled her and Amaterasu flies into her hand.

"You are certainly impressive," Gilgamesh states, "I was sure I had you on your last leg,"

"You did. This is Nya's final trump card." Nya said

"So our fight has entered its last lap?"

"Yes," Nya said, "it's time to end it."

With his remaining spear, he readied himself, the ground beneath his feet rippling with anticipation. Nya looked like a beast, her muscles had bulged giving her a hulking visage, her eyes were burned onto Gilgamesh, not letting even a single motion escape her sight.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment, then they clashed for the last time.

Hours later, Gilgamesh crashes onto the ground, around him, the terrain of their battlefield has been warped and altered with spikes and pillars and walls and pits, all broken and all burning with deep red flames.

It was a hard fight, at some point they had both discarded their weapons and had a good old fashioned slugfest, trading punches and kicks and blows. They had somehow ended up along the coast, miles from where their fight had originally started, with a trail of devastation marking their warpath.

With his powers overcome, Gilgamesh sat against a rock, unable to move with the broken shaft of his spear impaled into his right bicep and left side. In front of him Nya Crimson knelt, completely exhausted and practically naked as her armor has been reduced to tatters. She rests the broken tip of her sword at his neck,

"That was an amazing fight," he pants out of breath,

"It was," She replied, "now yield."

"You may wear down my body, but never my spirit." He said with a defiant and satisfied smile. "I will never yield,"

She glared at him, her eyes unfocused as she struggled to keep her balance, "You're a real stubborn bastard, you know that?"

"I have been told more than a few times." he chuckles, "it was worth fighting you, I have never been so thoroughly satisfied after a fight in my life."

He chuckles with a content smile on his face.

Amaterasu falls from Nya's hand, and she lets out a frustrated sigh as she crashes into the surf next to him,

"Dammit, Gilgamesh," she growled, struggling to stay conscious despite the sheer exhaustion and blood loss. She can see Gilgamesh also teetering on the edge of awareness as he starts to drift, but Nya could also feel herself slipping into unconsciousness

Not a second later, both combatants were out cold.