Good Morning

"You look happy when I said the security guard is dead"

"Why wouldn't I be? Trash like that don't deserve to live"

"You are just like the King"

"Mom said the same thing"

"I am worried you might turn like him"

"Try your best to stop me then"

"I will"

"Let's sleep now"



"You haven't told me about other girls"

"One is my teacher from high school"

"Lil Das" she continued staring at me and said, "Could it be that you are into old women"

"I am not! And she is not old"

"I see, and any other girl?"

"There is one more, she is an AI"

"I see"



No reaction?

I was hoping for some reaction like Lier and Serah reacted.

She was still caressing my hair gently. 

We are not sleeping that close to each other words, there is some distance between us, but I can clearly feel her breaths.

Her sweet scent got thicker.