What Kind of Idiot Are You?

Das walked to the classroom.

He was dragging his feet to walk as if he was so annoyed and frustrated. 

Elena was grabbing her bag's strap and taking small steps as she kept glancing at Das.

'He looks scary', Elena thought as she gulped down.

Das opened the door as he looked back at Elena and said, "I remember now"


"You are that idiot"

"Excuse me?"

"You always score the least in all the tests and exams, right?"

Elena looked down and said, "I know that. You don't have to tell me that"

He entered the room and said, "How did an idiot like you get into this school?"

Elena gulped down and slowly said, "Please stop calling me an idiot"

"Idiot should be called an idiot, right?" Das smirked and said, "Idiot?"

Elena averted her face to the side and slowly glanced at him as she said, "Are you a bully?", in a soft voice.

The smirk for Das' face faded as he heard the word 'bully' from Elena's mouth.