Going Down

"What brings you here, Das, son of Derek?" Das jumped back after hearing that voice.

He glanced around, trying to find the source of the voice, but he couldn't see anyone. Even the chair was empty.

"I am behind you," the voice said.

Das turned around but saw no one.

"I mean, left" 

Das turned left, but there was no one.

"Oh! My bad, my left, your right."

Das turned right and saw a man standing at the door.

'Impossible! I am sure I glanced there some seconds ago. I didn't hear any footsteps either.'

Das frowned his eyebrows and asked, "Who are you?"

"Why so angry? I am just asking you a question." the man said. He was wearing a half-face mask.

"I also asked you a question. Who are you?"

"I asked first, so you should answer first, right?"

Das glared at the man. 'I don't have time to fool around. Who is this guy? I can't see his face. But he is not in the spy list.'