Pink Lemonade

"Dear You,

I wish to recount this day the best I can, so I can look back at it fondly. I've always had a sweet tooth, when three of us from the friend group went out to get ice cream it was a bad but good day. We all ordered our ice cream I ordered my favorite, Blue moon. I, of course, got the waffle cone, but you got a cup. Lol nothing wrong with a cup, I just tried to plead my case to you on how the cone can change the whole ice cream experience. You said you had nothing against the ice cream cone just preferred the cup.

When we left the ice cream shop and were walking to the bench across the way I had bumped into that stranger. Unfortunately, she was carrying a pink lemonade that spilled all over her. I froze not knowing what to say or do in fear. She started to cuss me out, telling me I need to watch where I'm going. She even told me I ruined her day and her favorite top.

Me, still frozen I began to feel tears behind my eyes, feeling the pressure of everyone looking at me that was walking around. You stepped in for me and told the girl to chill out, it was an accident. You even told her the pink lemonade made her top look better.

She didn't like that joke at all, she yelled, 'Let her speak for herself she's the one who needs to apologize!' I finally spoke up, but didn't make any eye contact 'I'm sorry for bumping into you.' looking up at her she was still mad. 'What about my top?' she said, I didn't know what else to do, I really didn't mean to bump into her. I started to feel my hands get sweaty as they grew cold then you said to her 'Okay you're too much goodbye!' I got turned around not by you, but our friend.

When we finally got away you both looked at me with concern. You asked 'Are you okay? How come you froze?' I started to cry and I know I looked like a baby but my anxiety just took control. 'I don't like conflict, I freeze and I don't know how to respond. It's like I know what to say in my head but the words won't come out. It's this fear I don't know how to deal with exactly and just let people say and treat me however they want in those situations.'

Both of you just stared at me. All I could think is you both thought there was something wrong with me. Then you put your hand on my shoulder and said 'Cheri there's nothing wrong with you for not liking conflict, I'll protect you and the rest of our friends will too. We'll all help you deal with conflict situations you may have to deal with in the future. You're not alone we got you.' You had the biggest smile on your face. All I could do was smile back with tears in my eyes.

I hope I remembered all of that correctly, I was so scared for most of that it was hard to recount exactly. Although I know I didn't forget your words to me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart."