Test #6

Test result: The character upper limit for both title and content have been determined.


The maximum amount of characters in the title should be 200. During the test, when saving the chapter as in the 'Draft' section, a message stating 'Please keep title within 200 characters' appeared at the bottom of the screen. The tests trying to push past the limit have all failed. The trails explored are : Use of special characters (emojis), use of foreign characters (Arabic, Hebrew and Georgian).

The maximum amount of characters in the content is 95,197. This number was extracted from the Test #6-D, which should have been 500,000 characters long but was cut short while uploading. Because the chapter in question took around ¾ of an hour to be uploaded, and because the time dilation machine has not yet been fully tested, this number was taken at face value. An other attempt was made at uploading a 100,000 characters chapter but the resulting number was the exact same. No further test will be underwent to attempt breaking this limit in the near future. No message appeared to limit the number of characters, hence this might be a physical limitation of the device used for the tests. This may not be a universal value.

Resource used:

Lorem Ipsum: https://www.lipsum.com/