6 - 10

"You…" Liu Yuyang didn't expect Jiang Xiu, who was usually well-behaved during classes, to give him no face today. His eyes opened wide with anger.

"Wow. Brother Xiu is too awesome today. He hasn't done even a single question and is even going head-to-head with the class monitor."

"Has he gone berserk?"

Teacher Miejue wasn't staring at Jiang Xiu for just a moment or two. Soon, the cannon fodder she sent had returned.

"What's the matter?"

Liu Yuyang spilled the beans immediately, "Teacher, he hasn't done even a single test question."

All the students began making a commotion.

Aaaahh, Brother Xiu wants to make a scene.

The English test also had MCQs. Even if Jiang Xiu's bad at it, he could've just tried to guess the answers or tick them randomly. This was obviously a challenge to the teacher's authority.

"WHAT!" Teacher Miejue's complexion became gloomier like the omens of a tempest. She picked up the test paper and swept over it. The sheet was sparkling clean. None of the questions were answered, including the MCQs.

"Why didn't you answer even a single question, even the MCQs?"

"Were you afraid of failing and losing face?!"

"So you thought you might as well not answer anything?"

Teacher Miejue looked at Jiang Xiu with extreme loathing. She believed that with Jiang Xiu's level, even if he tried his best in the test, he would score poorly.

"Bring the pen!"

Jiang Xiu smiled coldly, his left hand behind his back as he stretched out his right hand. As his deskmate was curious, he handed a pen over to him only to see him rapidly make tick marks on the test paper.

He didn't need to tick many as there were 12 MCQs.

After finishing, he placed his hand behind his back, showing indifference.

Filled with doubt, Teacher Miejue told Liu Yuyang, "Go bring the answer key from the podium."

"1st question, correct!"

"2nd question, correct!"

"3rd question, correct!"

As they saw Teacher Miejue make red circles on the test paper, all the students to the side were in an uproar, and Teacher Miejue, the more she checked, the more she feared.

"4th question, correct!"

"5th question, correct!"

The students went crazy, and Teacher Miejue went pale.

"6th question…"


Correct, all of them were answered correctly. The ticks Jiang Xiu had made so rapidly were all correct answers. A total of 12 questions, not a single mistake. A drop of cold sweat slid along Teacher Miejue's pale face.

Each MCQ was 5 marks, 12 of them gave a total of 60 marks.

"Jiang Xiu, he passed?"

All of the students present today were shocked. Today's topic was complicated and even the students who were very good at English felt that they had got only about half of them correct. But, Jiang Xiu had got them all right.

The scarier part was that he obtained 60 marks, not a mark less or more, just by answering the MCQs, which was also the passing score.

Teacher Miejue had said that he was afraid of failing, but this wasn't a matter of reaching the passing mark, but also using such a dominant way. Brother Xiu really slapped the teacher's face.

Teacher Miejue felt her face go hot. This was a critical hit to her!

"Impossible. How is this possible? How can a student with poor grades answer all of them correctly?" No matter whether she didn't dare believe it, everything had really happened before her very eyes.

He wasn't afraid of failing but instead disdained to do the test!

"Mystical Light-Aided Image, that's all!"

Ignorant idiots!

Jiang Xiu went and took back the test paper and then tore it into two halves right in front of Teacher Miejue's face. He folded them again and tore it again and again until only little pieces remained. "Such a shallow language has what difficulty. Compared to my magnificent Huaxia's Chinese language, it's simply like an infant trying to speak."

"A waste of time!"

No one dared to say that Jiang Xiu was too impudent or savage as he currently had the qualifications to say such words.

This Deity has already recovered a little of my force, so you think I'll let you plebeians bully me?

Deity Xiu's hair rose up, and his eyes flickered as he threw away the torn test paper pieces. The pieces were all spread around the classroom, just like snow falling in winter.

"Miejue, remember these words. After this, this Deity shan't attend the English classes."

Boom. The entire class was in a frenzy.

Rumbling applause followed soon after.

All the students clapped crazily.

Teacher Miejue's face changed colors. "Yo-You…" Where did she have the face to remain in the classroom. She panted in rage and left, she was turning tails and running away. When she reached the doorway, she almost slipped and fell..

"Superb, Jiang Xiu!"

"Too awesome!"

"Brother, I was mistaken before, you're really awesome…"

Jiang Xiu hadn't dealt with Teacher Miejue but rather the devil oppressing them. He hadn't torn the test paper but rather the huge mountain crushing them, making them breathless. This had melted away the anger they held.

"Really, Jiang Xiu is indeed a true man." Liu Xiaoyun commented quietly.

The shock in Ye Bing's heart also wasn't small. She didn't know what to say.

Liu Xiaoyun poked her from the side, saying, "It doesn't seem like he doesn't have any good qualities as you said before. Why don't you think about getting back together? Anyway, you've already done all that, right?"

Ye Bing was frightened. "Do you want to die? Lower your voice."

"Smelly Xiaoyun, stop saying nonsense. There's nothing between him and me."

Jiang Xiu had appeared inside her room, but she knew 'that' matter had never happened. "Stop talking rubbish. If someone hears it, this Lady will die together with you."

She was extremely anxious right now. She feared that what happened at home would find its way to school. If her classmates were to know about it, she wouldn't be able to keep living.

Liu Xiaoyun teased her, "Look at you. You're blushing so much."

Ye Bing touched her cheeks. They were scalding hot.

"Why are you making so much noise? What's happening in your class?!"

A short, black-faced fatty entered the classroom, his hands clasped behind his back, peering with his bean-like eyes with a savage and solemn face which seemed to say, 'I won't reason with anyone.'

"Director Wang!"

He was the Director of Student Affairs. The class monitor Liu Yuyang immediately tattled to him, "Director Wang, Director Wang. This brat Jiang Xiu has gone mad. He made our teacher so angry that she left the class and caused chaos in the classroom."

As soon as he said these words, many of the students furrowed their brows. He had added extra details to the story. They had never known before that Liu Yuyang was such a troublemaker.

Jiang Xiu looked at the person who had arrived. He remembered this face, Wang Xuebin. The reason why he recognized this face so clearly was that it had left a profound impression. This person was a human scum.

Once, he had accidentally seen Wang Xuebin harassing a female student, but Jiang Xiu was a coward at that time. For this reason, Jiang Xiu felt very guilty. Roughly a while after the time the college entrance exam had ended, he was finally caught. It was suspected that many female students were harassed by him and up to 7 of them had gravely suffered.


Director Wang said ruthlessly, "Jiang Xiu. Come outside!"

This was close to a command and mustn't be questioned.

He always bossed students around and his impressions towards this student, Jiang Xiu, was that deep. What's this situation? You want to protest? You've really got the nerve. What these students lack is punishment, if not, wouldn't they flip over the sky?

Everyone couldn't help but sympathize with Jiang Xiu at this moment.

This was the Director of Student Affairs, the natural enemy of students. This person's perversion was too extreme. If Teacher Miejue was a 1st Grade pervert, then he was a grand pervert of highest grade possible.

Don't say seeing him, just mentioning him made many students feel a chill in their hearts, causing their complexion to worsen and feet go cold. Even if anyone were to run into him accidentally, they'd turn back and run.

He was a man-eating beast.

Jiang Xiu was too miserable this time; he had fallen into his hands.

"Outside, your sister!"

If this were the Immortal Martial World, Jiang Xiu would've killed this guy with a single punch, "Get lost for this Deity!"

Silence, the classroom became dead silent.

Dayum, Brother Xiu is really peerless today, ready to kill whoever's in his way!

The class monitor and the rest of the guys were all stupefied.

They were ready to kneel down in respect.


"I didn't mishear it, right? Jiang Xiu just cursed that Cheapskate Wang right at his face!"

Everyone would sometimes curse behind his back, but who'd dare to curse right at cheapskate Wang's face?

Wang Xuebin was stupefied, genuinely stupefied. By the time realization dawned upon him, he was already stamping with fury, roaring, "You're too bold to dare insult a teacher in public!"


How could Wang Xuebin receive this kind of humiliation in front of students before whom he usually flaunted his authority?

His complexion became ashen as he took a deep breath, directly rushing into the classroom to drag Jiang Xiu outside.

As his hand went out, he saw Jiang Xiu smile coldly. Slap! Jiang Xiu had directly slapped Wang Xuebin's face. In the eyes of Deity Xiu, this Wang Xuebin was only an ant; he was instantly sent down to the floor with a single slap.

"You want to attack this Deity? Idiot!"

It was too much. Really too much. The entire class had gone dead silent.

Even after slapping him, Jiang Xiu didn't feel satisfied, so he went towards Wang Xuebin who was laying on the floor and kicked him a few times.

After Wang Xuebin fell to the ground, he held his head and still flaunted his might as the Director of Student Affairs, cursing out, "You damn brat, you dare hit your…"

His sanity was already at the limit. Brat, you're dead. You dare hit me!!

Before he could even finish, Jiang Xiu kicked him again.

"I'm just hitting a bastard!"

"Aaahhhh… you'll kill me…." Wang Xuebin screamed.

The scene of Jiang Xiu hitting Director Wang, slapping him and even kicking him, was too exciting. The students didn't dare to look.

Although the students present here were stunned, they also wished in their hearts for Jiang Xiu to kick him a few more times. Clearly, this Director of Student Affairs wasn't popular.

Only, Deity Xiu had made a very huge scene, even hitting the Director of Student Affairs. Perhaps, he could get expelled. At the very least, he would get a demerit.

"Sigh, Jiang Xiu's out of luck."

"I heard his home's condition is bad. If he's expelled, I guess he'll become a NEET."

"This kind of person, even if he enters a college, I guess he'd be the same?"

The contempt towards Jiang Xiu was evident in their words. Even though he had solved 12 difficult questions to reach the passing mark today, also having the courage to tear up the test paper and hit the Director of Student Affairs, in the eyes of these students, he was still the same as before, that nobody whose home ran a fruit stall.

This era paid particular attention to economic background, and there was only one outcome waiting for the one poor youth who was trying to throw off the shackles of fate - that was doom.

Especially those students in the class who were from upper-class families with a good background, whenever they faced Jiang Xiu, they inevitably felt superior and looked down on him. No matter what he did, in their view, it wouldn't change his identity of a lower class person.

"B-Blood…" Wang Xuebin touched his head. Blood was flowing like a fountain, covering all his face. This appearance was very miserable. He finally felt scared. This person is too ruthless. He immediately begged, "Please spare my life… Student, please. Aaahhh…"

Jiang Xiu had finally expelled his anger. Fortunately, this bastard was at Jiang City under the protection of the law. If it were on the Immortal Martial Continent, Jiang Xiu would've killed him without even blinking.

"Too impulsive. He won't be able to handle the consequences."

"I heard that Cheapskate Wang has a little backing, perhaps, Jiang Xiu'll be imprisoned."

Hearing that, a few of the female students looked at him with sympathy.

"That won't happen, right?"

"Why wouldn't it? He's already bleeding so this is classified as a criminal act."

Wang Xuebin looked at Jiang Xiu with fear and anger. "You're committing a crime. You'll surely be imprisoned!"


Jiang Xiu laughed in anger, grabbing Wang Xuebin's hair, he spoke at his ears, "Grandson, even though others don't know all the things that you've done, this Deity has personally seen you molest Bai Ruo in the classroom."


Wang Xuebin's thoughts exploded, his bean-like eyes opening so fully that they almost came out.

Jiang Xiu still remembered that day. The sky was almost on the eve of turning dark, and he was boarding at the school. He had dropped his materials in the classroom, so he went back to get them, but he had instead witnessed a scene which he wouldn't forget his entire life. Wang Xuebin, this scoundrel was feeling up a sheep-like helpless female student. Although he couldn't see Wang Xuebin's face as his back was facing him, but he could see the girl's face.

He could never forget it. That girl asked for help through her gaze, that hesitation, helplessness, and even more so that shame. The timid Jiang Xiu had chosen to escape at that time and didn't even dare to mention it to anyone else.

Jiang Xiu said, "Alright. Let's call the police, let's ask them to handle this."


Wang Xuebin's soul almost flew away. If this matter were exposed, his career, his reputation, everything he had would be gone. He'd even have to face imprisonment.

"Don't call the police!"

Bang! Wang Xuebin knelt at Jiang Xiu's feet.

"Please don't call the police."

"I'll obey whatever you say. Just don't call the police, I beg you…"

All the surrounding students were dazed. What's this situation? The person hitting wants to call the police, and the person taking the beating is begging him to not call the police? Was such a thing possible in this world? Did that Cheapskate Wang lose his mind due to Jiang Xiu's beating? He's become like that, and he's not at all blaming him, even saying that he'll obey whatever Jiang Xiu says.


Qian Xiaojun who was beside the class monitor said to him softly, "Class monitor, this matter is too strange. This Jiang Xiu isn't a tiger disguised as a pig, right? Maybe he's a prince of some wealthy family."

These words snapped him out of a daze.

Liu Yuyang turned back to look. He thought that Qian Xiaojun's words indeed made sense. Just now, Jiang Xiu spoke something at Cheapskate Wang's ears, and that had frightened him so much that his eyes had come out. Definitely, he must have revealed his true identity.

Usually, he'd wear street goods, but today, he'd come in a limited version Adidas sportswear, that's too from the golf series. This pair costs several thousand.

And no one discovered it.

Young master Xiu, you're really skillful. You've concealed yourself so deeply!

"It's possible. Look how scared Cheapskate Wang is. Even saying he'll listen to all his orders. I fear he's not only rich, but his background is also deep."

The school side had also received the news by this time. Headmaster Qin Lin, who was 50 this year, quickly came over with a few robust security guards. Seeing how severely Wang Xuebin had been beaten by a student, so much that he was begging him, Headmaster Qin Lin exploded in anger, "Y-You… You're not fit to be a student! See what you've done to the Director of Student Affairs."

Wang Xuebin immediately rushed to say, "No, no. Headmaster. This matter isn't related to Student Jiang Xiu. It was my slip. I wasn't careful and fell down."

Damn, what happened to your self-respect?

Why are you saying such a blatant lie? How can someone get hurt so much just by falling down?

All the students began to sincerely doubt their life.

The class monitor and Qian Xiaojun glanced at each other, confirming the look of realization in the counterpart's eyes. Really, it's as we expected. Look how scared Cheapskate Wang is.

The Headmaster also wasn't so easy to fool, "What? How can you end up like this by yourself? Your head's bleeding so much and there are even shoe prints on you."

"Xuebin, don't be scared. I'm there for you, the school's behind you and even the government!"

Wang Xuebin could only squeeze out an ugly smile. "Haha. It's nothing. Nothing. I was comparing notes with Student Jiang Xiu, that's all. Didn't expect that I'd fall down since I haven't done any extreme movements in a long time. Jiang Xiu was helping me stand up and accidentally stepped on me. It's actually a huge misunderstanding, isn't it?"

All the students began to sincerely doubt their lives for the 2nd time.

Did the matter of Jiang Xiu stamping on his body really not happen?

"Student Jiang Xiu, you did quite good, your body condition is pretty incredible!"

The person saying this wasn't anyone else but rather the victim of the beating and he was even praising that the counterpart's body condition is incredible.

"All students must learn from Student Jiang Xiu. The pressure you face in 12th Grade is heavier than what you face in college, and that's why you should temper your body. If you don't have a healthy body, you'll be overwhelmed by the heavy pressure of studies even before entering the exam room."

All the students began to sincerely doubt their lives for the 3rd time.

Their souls had almost floated towards Heaven.

At a corner near the windows, a lonesome ordinary schoolgirl had lowered her head. She wore spectacles on her face. Right now, she was covering half her face and clenching the ballpoint pen in her hand while her shoulders shuddered fiercely.

She didn't dare raise her head and also didn't dare look at anyone.

But she knew that demon was beaten by Jiang Xiu. Once, she had hated Jiang Xiu a lot, hated that she couldn't save herself. But now, Jiang Xiu had defeated that demon. That demon… originally wasn't that scary.

Finally, after having a mental war for a few minutes, she raised her head to look at Jiang Xiu, with a hint of joy in her eyes. This was a gaze full of appreciation.

Jiang Xiu didn't care whether she wanted to thank him, he only wanted to atone for his sin.

Watching her relieved expression, Jiang Xiu knew that she wouldn't be like how she was in the previous timeline, leaving a suicide note and then cutting off her life's path ahead.

"Alright. Everyone, it's individual study time!"

How could Headmaster Qin Lin believe Wang Xuebin's words? He was after all beaten so severely. But since he the victim himself was so determined, Qin Lin also couldn't do anything. Taking note of the blood flowing across Wang Xuebin's face, he said, "First go to the infirmary to get treated."

This matter had made its way through the entire campus like a tempest.

Inside another class, one schoolboy was talking with Ye Wenchen, "Did you hear? That Cheapskate Wang was beaten by some student called Jiang Xiu from Class No. 5, and the injury was also very severe."

"His head was bleeding!"

"There's actually such a student? What kind of background does this Jiang Xiu have?" Ye Wenchen was an influential figure, how could he pay attention to a tiny loser student?

As for Cheng Lingsu who was sitting beside him, although she had a calm and collected look on her face, her mind was already significantly shocked. That guy dared to hit Wang Xuebin? Where did he get the guts to do so? Although this will attract people's attention, this was nothing but the bravado of an ignorant person. You definitely won't be able to handle the consequences. When the time comes, you'll make your father go to my family for asking help.

She decided that she had to visit Jiang Xiu once. Do you think my Cheng family's resources are yours?

Disdain flashed through Cheng Lingsu's eyes. In the past, she used to adore Jiang Xiu very much because he used to run quite fast when they were around the age of 3. She couldn't catch up to him even if she chased after him with her all. Crying and chasing at that time, she used to believe that Big Brother Jiang Xiu was very impressive and no one could surpass him. Only later did she discover that Jiang Xiu was nothing but a pile of mud in her ridiculous childhood.

There was also that relationship between them. This made Cheng Lingsu feel very awkward. The funny part was that he had even vowed solemnly that he'd surely take good care of her.

With what exactly would he take care of her? He just didn't realise that the circumstances of their families gradually made their relationship drift apart too much. Actually, Jiang Xiu had a good nature. He was quiet and also prudent.

The girl sighed. Under the guidance of the giant ship called Fate, and with your family's situation as well as your skills, we can only become ordinary friends, perhaps even strangers who'd never deal with each other.

Since it's like this, I have to make him understand that he has no chance of becoming the Cheng family's son-in-law. He will forever be just a stranger. Then he won't have the nerve to use my Cheng family's resources.

This is also for his own good, isn't that so? Rather than letting him sink into an unrealistic dream, it's better to wake him up from it and make him understand how his future life will be.

Jiang Xiu was a boarding student, so he returned to his dorm after classes.

First, he changed out of the Golf Series Adidas sportswear. These were Ye Bing's father's clothes. Although the former was probably better, it was something that could make the wearer feel uncomfortable.

He looked for the clothes he used to wear during his high school time. It was like Jiang Xiu lived a generation behind. All of his clothes were street goods. Wearing those plain traditional embroidered clothes, he didn't feel that they didn't look good but instead thought they were quite nice.

After wearing them, he looked at himself in the wear. Indeed, fine clothes make the man. Despite being an overlord of the Immortal Martial Continent, the grand Heaven Treading Sect's Sect Master, titled Deity Xiu, Jiang Xiu, forthwith returned to being a loser. That dense 'loser' aura was really too evident.

The cell phone on his bed started ringing suddenly. Phones weren't allowed in the classroom but they could be brought to the school. Usually, all the boarding students kept their phones in their dorm rooms so that it wouldn't influence their studies. However, many of them still broke the rules and took their phones to the classroom. Jiang Xiu only had one phone, and even though it was pretty worn out, it was still usable. And he used it to call his home.

"Hmm? Cheng Lingsu!" The caller id was 'Susu'. Jiang Xiu was pretty astonished that she took the initiative to call him. After pondering a bit, he decided to answer the call.


Deity Xiu's deep and rich voice went through.

"Jiang Xiu, we need to meet!"

The voice on the other side was charming, but the tone ice-cold.

"Alright!" Jiang Xiue responded. "This Deity is in the dorm, come over."

The voice on the other side became silent. Even after a while, Cheng Lingsu didn't speak anything. She didn't wish for other students to know they knew each other and also didn't want them to find their relationship. She had called Jiang Xiu with the intention of breaking up but didn't expect him to counter her using such a move.

If she, a schoolgirl, were to go to the boy's dorm to find Jiang Xiu, wouldn't that be declaring to the entire school that they knew each other and that their relationship wasn't ordinary?

Jiang Xiu's eyes smiled coldly. You think this Deity is the same Jiang Xiu as before?

That this Deity will do whatever you say and dote on you very much?

Ignorant and Stupid!

"It'll be inconvenient for me to come there. You come out."

Jiang Xiu said, "Aaah, this Deity doesn't have the time!"

If it were the previous Jiang Xiu, he'd have jumped up 3 feet high in happiness and made an appointment with her no matter what the circumstances, but this time, he had refused very adamantly.

Jiang Xiu really didn't have the time. He wanted to cultivate. Now that a little bit of spiritual force had entered his body, he wanted to set foot on the path of cultivating to immortality again. The outside world didn't have much spiritual force, so he could only force it out from within the bloodline.

He wanted to perform Bloodline Awakening!

It went silent on the other side of the call again.

Cheng Lingsu had currently already arrived at Thousand Feathers and Hopes. She never thought Jiang Xiu would refuse her and that too so firmly. From the beginning of the call, she could feel that he was quite cold towards her. She was actually bored of his passion whenever she took the initiative to call him, but it was different today.

"I won't take much of your time, just 5 minutes."

As she said that, Cheng Lingsu felt strange. Why do my words… and tone seem like I'm begging him? Am I insane?

"Can you cook?" Jiang Xiu asked.

Why's he mentioning this?

The grand young lady of the Cheng family, she had plenty of servants at home, and there were plenty of high-level hotels outside. So what was the use of learning to cook? "No!" She immediately replied.

"So you can't cook, then, can you do laundry?" Jiang Xiu asked again.

There were servants at home and dry cleaners outside; that aside, Young Lady Cheng never wore clothes thrice as after wearing them twice, they'd become history.

Mhmm. Something's wrong!

Young Lady Cheng was pretty perceptive and immediately realised what was wrong. All the questions Jiang Xiu asked were things she wasn't good at. She could neither cook nor do laundry. These were things schoolgirl's disliked the most. Not to mention, she felt as if she as being ignored and even looked down on so she reacted immediately: "I naturally can. Why did you ask this?"

Jiang Xiu noticed the pile of unwashed underwear lying on his bed and said "Okay then. Where shall we meet?"

"Thousand Feathers and Hopes, Beitang Rd."

"This Deity will arrive on time!"

Since a servant had delivered herself, there was no need for him to bother with it.

At Thousand Feathers and Hopes. Cheng Lingsu quietly sat there with a cup of coffee in front of her, sipping in small amounts. Her exposure rate at the high school was pretty high, and many people knew her. Therefore, she had arranged this time's meeting at Beitang Rd. which was 20 minutes away from school via a bus route to avoid running into other students or her acquaintances.

Although he had left for 3000 years, this was Jiang Xiu's birthplace, and he had lived here. Naturally, it'd be impossible for Deity Xiu to get lost. In 20 minutes, he had arrived at the entrance of Thousand Feathers and Hopes.

The girl had taken note of him when he arrived and waved her snowy lily-white hands at him "Over here!"

Jiang Xiu nodded slightly, he was perfectly calm.

He wasn't angry anymore and also didn't harbour any hard feelings.

"You came!"

Jiang Xiu sat right in front of her immediately with a lofty manner: "Since this Deity gave his words, I'd naturally come." Conveniently, he placed a bag under the dining table.

Cheng Lingsu smiled slightly.

"What do you want to eat?"

Jiang Xiu said: "The guest shall follow the wishes of the host. Since you've asked me to come today, you must have something important to talk about?"

Cheng Lingsu thought that the way he spoke so eruditely was really ridiculous. Even still he's using ancient language? Did you do this to attract my attention because I'll feel curious towards your behaviour? You're too naive.

"You order."

Cheng Lingsu handed the menu over to him. This was a steak restaurant and couldn't be compared to the steak sold in street stalls for a few spare changes of money. This place was one of the highest-level restaurants in the city, and all the cooks were Frenchmen.

The price of fillet steak on the menu was 1888 RMB!

Cheng Lingsu knew that the Jiang Xiu's living expenses every month was only 300 RMB. In other words, if he didn't eat nor drink for half-a-year, he's able to eat this piece of steak. She even added by saying, "Don't worry about the money since I'll be paying!"

It was bare naked taunting!

Jiang Xiu's face was expressionless. "Alright then. I'll order the Meal Set A."

Cheng Lingsu spoke to the waiter with a gentle and courteous tone, "One Meal Set A and Meal Set B, thank you!"

"Okay. Please wait for a while."

"You didn't call me here today just to have dinner, right?" Jiang Xiu spoke.

In the previous timeline, it was frankly a luxury for him to have food along with the girl opposite to him.

"I heard that you caused trouble at school today, beating up the Director of Student Affairs, Teacher Wang and even injured him heavily."

Actually, she had specially ordered someone to look up Director Wang's injuries.

He had 12 stitches on his head and suffered a cerebral concussion with a set of broken ribs and also several bruises all over him. This was already enough to make Jiang Xiu's actions a crime.

"Yep!" Jiang Xiu admitted.

Cheng Lingsu furrowed her brows "Did you think over the consequences at that time?"

"The school will not only expel you, but you'll also have to face imprisonment. A 3-5 years sentence."

Jiang Xiu stayed silent just as before.

"What's your plan?" Seeing Jiang Xiu behaviour which seemed to say that he didn't give a damn about this matter, Cheng Lingsu felt quite angry. Who gave you the courage to act this carefree? Isn't it the Cheng family.

"Jiang Xiu, you weren't like this in your childhood…" Cheng Lingsu wanted to speak out one of his previous good points, but regretfully, please excuse the incompetence of Young Lady Cheng, she really couldn't find one. After all, she couldn't say that 'You used to run pretty fast in your childhood.'

"This is the last time my Cheng family will help you. From now on, our families will part ways."

"Let's end this relationship between us!"

"Rescind the Engagement!"

Going back 7 years, when Jiang Xiu had to hear these words for the first time, he was thunderstruck. He had become imbecile at that time and felt as if the entire world had become shades of grey. He couldn't see even a ray of light. But now, he didn't even feel a single thing.

After 3 millennia, Jiang Xiu's experience was as vast as the seas. His heart had long ago become as tranquil as a gentle breeze. In the previous timeline, Cheng Lingsu was extremely important to him, she was his everything. But in this timeline, he was indifferent towards Cheng Lingsu. If he had to really say it, if there were someone for whom his heart had no place, it'd only be her!

But that Cheng Lingsu wasn't the Cheng Lingsu before his eyes.

Noticing that Jiang Xiu was so calm, Cheng Lingsu felt quite shocked. She thought he'd beg her, or even fly into a rage and also force her to commit suicide with him, but she never expected that he'd be so calm.

Cheng Lingsu asked, "This era is not like before. Each person has the right to select their own path in life and decide their own fate."

Looking at this beautiful and alluring girl, Jiang Xiu felt the previous him was just too ignorant, an idiot, because he had given all of his love to her, only to receive indifference and heartlessness in return, as well as paying the price with his parents' life.

"Naturally, our Cheng family will provide some kind of compensation to you."


My father has sunk down from a top civil servant to a low-class prisoner which ruined him. My mother has fallen from an elegant lady to a peddler running a fruit stall, and this Deity has suffered so much that I couldn't even lift my head in front of my classmates and friends. All of this was actually conferred by your Cheng family. If you really want to compensate, return all the glory, splendour, wealth and position you've obtained!

But… will you be able to compensate… these kind of conditions?

You conceited woman!

Jiang Xiu stopped her, "This Deity doesn't want to!"


Cheng Lingsu was quite angry. She thought that since he was so tranquil, he might accept it. Due to the indifference Jiang Xiu showed this time, her heart still felt a little frustrated, but after thinking a bit, she believed that he wouldn't renounce it so easily as the Cheng family was a readily available meal set on the plate for him. It was something an ordinary man could never imagine to obtain in their entire lifetime. So he couldn't renounce it so easily.

"Jiang Xiu, you must have noticed that I don't like you."

Jiang Xiu laughed coldly. In the past, these words had felt like a knife pricking into his heart.

Cheng Lingsu advised him again, "Think about it properly!"

"Forced love doesn't last. You're also an adult, so you ought to understand this. If you're anxious about compensation, feel relieved. You know my father, he would never mistreat your family. He'll make sure to guarantee that your parents can pass their days in leisure. Uncle and Aunt also wouldn't have to work so arduously by selling fruits."

The waiter brought the meal. The fillet steak was imported directly from France. Tonight, Jiang Xiu was planning to perform Bloodline Awakening, which will use up a lot of his physical strength, so eating steak for dinner was very suitable.

The Myriad Dao of Immortal Cultivation had True Cultivators, Qi Refiners, Spell Users, The Ying-Yang School… and several many sorts of other paths, but all of them needed spiritual force to form the foundation of cultivation. But there wasn't any spiritual qi in his hometown so he could only take a shortcut, and arouse and awaken the potential hidden within the bloodline to let it mature steadily.

This form of cultivation was known as Divinity Cultivation!

According to legend, humans were God's descendants, and hence each human possessed a divine bloodline. It's just that after the passing of several eras, the bloodline had become very thin. And Divinity Cultivation was the process of bringing out this potential inside the bloodline and strengthening it step by step. This method relied on natural talent more than anything else.

The first stage was the Awakened Stage. It had a total of 9 Mythical realms. In the case the Bloodline Awakening was successful, that was the birth of a unique existence, a unique race - it wouldn't be wrong to even refer to it as the Divine Race. Even a single movement of the hands or legs would contain immeasurable force and fast speed. After awakening to the later stages, flying, teleportation and even weather manipulation such as controlling the wind, clouds, fire and summoning thunder, all such things were possible.

Jiang Xiu himself was very curious about his own innate bloodline skill and about which of the Divine Race's inheritance he would receive. It was also possible for them to mix up and form one kind of an all-new Divine Race.

Cheng Lingsu asked, "Have you thought it over?"

Jiang Xiu said, "My words remain unchanged. This Deity doesn't want to!"

Cheng Lingsu got extremely angry, "Jiang Xiu. Don't hope for my father to help you when you get imprisoned then. Though it's quite unfortunate, let me inform you that my father has gone abroad and won't return for another 6 months. By that time, you'll already be in prison."

Jiang Xiu smiled weakly, "Is that so?"

He believed Cheng Lingsu's words. Papa Cheng would often go abroad, and according to what he'd deduced about the current period, Cheng family was currently busy with the affairs of the city, so the probability of Papa Su being abroad was pretty high.

And as for that self-interested mother of Cheng Lingsu, she was very eager to remove the Engagement between him and her daughter.

"We're in 12th Grade now." Cheng Lingsu said. "If you go to prison at this time, you'd miss the college entrance examination. 3-5 years later when you get out, others would have already graduated from college while you'll be carrying the infamy of a criminal on your back. What prospects will you have left then?"

"Don't let your emotions affect your decision and think about it properly…"

Jiang Xiu nodded as he listened. If he had happened to run into this matter in the previous timeline, he'd have compromised long ago.

"Your words indeed make sense. Alright. This Deity shall agree to rescind the Engagement."

Cheng Lingsu was overjoyed at hearing this good news. "Really?"

Indeed, any person will choose to compromise when facing imprisonment.

Jiang Xiu nodded, "No matter what we are also considered as a couple…" Saying so, he brought the bag out from below the table and placed it on top, "You only need to do one thing for this Deity!"

Cheng Lingsu asked doubtfully, "What's this?"

She pulled the zipper open, and lo and behold, the bag was filled with stinky clothes. Cheng Lingsu had almost lost consciousness from the smell and quickly covered her nose and mouth. She snarled, "Jiang Xiu, are you playing with me?"

"Do my laundry! You've never done anything for this Deity. This can be regarded as the final duty you will fulfil as my fiancée," Jiang Xiu said.

Hearing Jiang Xiu's words, Cheng Lingsu was slightly moved. If I think about it, this betrothal was set in our childhood and even this layer of the relationship was going to end soon. I've really never done anything for him. Doing his laundry once is nothing!

"Alright, I promise you."

"Waiter, bring another fillet steak. No, make it two, make them a takeaway!" Jiang Xiu said. Tonight, he wanted to awaken his bloodline, and it needed a lot of energy so he'd feel quite hungry at that time.

Cheng Lingsu returned home. Her family ran a real estate business, so naturally, the villa she lived in was a gorgeous first-class one. It was majestic from the outside and delicate inside.

"Second Lady, that laundry, let me help you." Noticing Cheng Lingsu loiter on the balcony, the servant, Aunt Wu rushed over.

"No. I'll be doing the laundry for these clothes this time," Cheng Lingsu said sternly.

"Second Lady, you've never done laundry before."

"Please let me do it."

"This time is different. This is an end, and also a new beginning. After washing these clothes, I'll finally break away from him," Cheng Lingsu replied happily.

The servant Aunt Wu couldn't make sense of what Cheng Lingsu was speaking about, so she persisted and asked her, "Then, Second Lady, are you planning to use the washing machine or washing them using your hands?"

Cheng Lingsu muttered to herself, "Hand-wash."

Jiang Xiu, see how benevolent I am towards you.


A graceful woman wearing expensive clothes heard the noise and came over. The servant Aunt Wu explained it to her, "Madam, Second Lady is adamant about doing laundry herself."

This beautiful woman was none other than Cheng Lingsu's birth mother, Sun Xiaohong. She was very astonished. Her daughter had always lived a pampered life, so she asked her about it. "Susu, what are you doing? How come you are so obedient today?"

When her line of sight fell onto those dirty clothes, she was even more shocked. Those were a schoolboy's clothes and were also pretty worn-out. My daughter's doing laundry for a schoolboy? Her complexion changed colours. Even she, her own mother, had never enjoyed this kind of treatment, "Whose clothes are these?"

"Jiang Xiu's."

Sun Xiaohong's eyes almost popped out. "What?! Jiang Xiu's? Are you certain? Why are you doing his laundry…"

"Mom!" Cheng Lingsu hugged her mother's arm."Jiang Xiu promised me that he'll rescind our Engagement," she said happily.

"What? What did you say? Jiang Xiu promised to rescind the betrothal engagement?!" said Sun Xiaohong. "How can that be possible? Has the Jiang family become imbeciles?"

Cheng Lingsu explained the course of events to Sun Xiaohong once. Sun Xiaohong was extremely happy. She was the one who fought against this marriage the most at this home and had quarrelled with Cheng Hanlin several times because of this matter, but he was too insistent on it. "Very good. The evils we bring ourselves are the hardest to bear. Confronting imprisonment, how could his Jiang family not compromise."

"Alright. We won't need to worry about this poor son-in-law from Jiang family anymore."

She immediately added, "Only, this matter is really a bit inconvenient, or to say not enough. Only after Jiang Xiu writes a pledge will we help him settle the matter of attacking that man."

"If he doesn't sign, there's no need for us to act."

Cheng Lingsu giggled. "I understand, Mom."

Sun Xiaohong pulled her daughter's hand which was moistened with laundry liquid, "This brat's previous eight generations must have accumulated a lot of virtue, he actually had the fortune of having his clothes washed by my darling daughter."

This night was especially gloomy. It seemed as if the curtains of the night were looming overhead and a layer of strange radiance appeared to cover the moon. The Yin qi was quite heavy and the sky was filled with black clouds that occasionally flashed with thunder. It looked as if a thunderstorm was looming.

RUMBLE! Suddenly, a loud piercing sounds exploded out, as if a hole was smashed open in the sky. Lightning and thunder rumbled continuously as the heavy rain poured down.

An aloof and domineering silhouette was climbing the mountain. Each step of his was filled with might. Bearing the heavenly oppression, he appeared incomparably valiant. Thunder and lightning illuminated his face as he raised his head to look at the heavens. Of course, there was a grave expression on that face; his pupils gleamed as his aura soared "The Night of Heaven's Obscuration. The time when the heavens are covered up is the perfect time to awaken the Divine Race bloodline."

Bloodline Awakening depended on Body Refinement Arts, and there were several Body Refinement Arts in the Immortal Martial Continent, each having their own ups and downs. Although Jiang Xiu had never paid much attention to it during his cultivation, after moving unhindered for about 3 millenniums in the Immortal Martial Continent, he had gathered several secret arts, battle skills, divine arts, treasures, artefacts, they were just too many to count. Just for simple Body Refinement Arts - there were around 103632 Arts.

He had already calculated it in his mind. As the current Sect Master of the Heaven Treading Sect, he naturally chose the supreme technique of the Heaven Treading Sect, Void Heaven Treading. This was created by the Old Madman from the previous generation of the Heaven Treading Sect. Although he was deranged, he had tyrannised everyone with his Void Heaven Treading, and defeated everyone in the heavens unarmed.

The stronger one's opponent is, the stronger one becomes. This was the Old Madman's dogma. Fiercely forging ahead, such a method was quite suitable to awaken his bloodline. If he isn't crazy, he isn't insane. If he isn't insane, he won't fight.


A loud roar surged out from Jiang Xiu's mouth. His aura soared up along with the continuous rumbling of the lightning and thunder in the sky. It seemed that even the Heavens were alarmed by Jiang Xiu's might today.

"Law, return to the origin. Void, return to me!"

Jiang Xiu looked at the world with contempt. Even before he had completed the mystical art using his hand, the blood inside his body started circulating faster. He felt as if he was on fire. The rain resembled drops of water falling on a hot iron panel as it dropped on his body, turning into vapour with a sizzle. The Divine Race's genes hidden within his bloodline slowly started activating; those chains which had accumulated dust for several millenniums of years had begun to open up.


Once again, another roar resounded through the mountain along with a thundercry. This roar was more extreme than the previous and seemed to arrive from an ancient era, its frightening aura enough to terrorise any person.

"Such awful weather!"

A black Benz was going along the path towards the mountain's top. The chauffeur was a short person with his hat worn low. A few people were sitting behind him, but their appearance weren't visible as it was too dark.


Jiang Xiu's eyes transformed. His pupils enlarged and now almost occupied his entire eye, making it look completely black. Scarlet blood dripped from his eye's rims. The veins on his face, neck, body and arms expanded unceasingly, pulsating rhythmically.

Bloodline Awakening had begun!

"Rooarrr. Roarrr…."

Jiang Xiu screamed with pain, just like an ancient beast.

"Such a terrifying howl. Are there still beasts inside the mountain?"

All those inside the car felt their hair stand on end when they heard the howl.

"It's possible!"

The mountains ran so far, and its secrets were endless. Before, in the news, it was mentioned that a leopard was found over at the Nanjing Rd. Inside Jingshan Hill. That hill was pretty small so a lot of people used to climb it to toughen themselves. The outcome left two men dead and one injured before the leopard was finally brought down with an electric shock. This event was really unimaginable.


Another roar!

Jiang Xiu felt as if a fire was lit up on his skin. All his body muscles throbbed, issuing a crackling firecracker-like sound from within his body.

He clenched his fist and felt the endless power within his body.

"Which Divine Race is this?"

BOOM! It felt as if the entire body had opened up, the world before his eyes wasn't the same as before - the colours had become more vibrant and the sounds clear. Jiang Xiu's bloodline had already awakened, but it was a kind of never-before-seen Divine Race. The only indication seemed to be the two pitch black eyes which had appeared from the bloodline.

He sent his fist towards the tree in front of him. That 30m long tree shook violently, and several withered leaves fell down.

"I have never heard of it before. Perhaps it's a new Divine Race!"

There were innumerable Divine Races, and they didn't have such a thing called genetic isolation. In other words, any of the Divine Races could mate with each other, and the next generation would possess unique genes, which result leads to having the Divine Races bloodline become more complicated.

"Its might isn't bad!"

The old trees in the depths of the mountains were naturally robust and their hardness was greater than the sloppy ironworks in the city's marketplace. A deep imprint had formed from his punch and caused the tree bark to rupture. Such might after just awakening the bloodline was pretty good.

The Bloodline Awakening had used a lot of energy, so he took out the food he had prepared earlier.

Two pieces of fillet steak worth 1888 RMB each, he didn't feel full even after eating them. After that, Jiang Xiu sat in a lotus position and began to meditate, to comprehend his Divine Race's traits.

He intended to awaken his Divine Race's Divine Skill as soon as possible.

The sounds of the car's wheels crushing the stones came through. A car was going uphill. Jiang Xiu felt that this was very strange. On such a terrible day, and even more so during the night, how could someone drive a car towards the mountain's top? It was pretty dangerous!

A streak of lightning passed by along with a rumbling sound!

The youth inside the Benz spoke: "That Chu Tiannan, is he really as fierce as the legends say?"

"He even troubled Grandpa to appear personally!"

The old man said, "According to legend, Chu Tiannan's martial dao and cultivation are pretty high and he even had strength exceeding that of ordinary humans. He's a modern era eccentric. This kind of man, you can harbour reverence but can never anger!"

"Isn't it dangerous to go uphill in such bad weather?"

The chauffeur also said, "Old Tang, the road is becoming more and more slippery. There looks to be a pavilion ahead. Why don't we wait for the thunderstorm to end and then set out again?"

The old man muttered to himself and then said, "Alright!"

The car rushed towards the pavilion and the men inside finally got down.

"There's someone here!"

The four of them entered the pavilion and laid their gazes on Jiang Xiu's body.


The old man was astonished, even the two men behind him exposed astonishment.

"What is it?" The youth asked, feeling baffled.

The old man replied, "Take a careful look at him, do you notice anything different?"

The youth looked at Jiang Xiu, "No. There's nothing different. Only, for this person to sleep the night at this pavilion in the mountain during a thunderstorm, he is indeed strange."

"Observe his breathing!" The old man said.

"That is?" The youth raised his sword-shaped brows.

The old man said, "This is one kind of ancient inner cultivation method. Many ancient sects' inner cultivation methods require special climatic conditions. Just like today's thunderstorm. If I haven't seen it wrong, he should be cultivating right now."

The youth approached him curiously to verify his Grandpa's words. It seemed as if there was an incorporeal attractive (magnetic?) force on Jiang Xiu's body which drew all the surrounding air. After trying to listen carefully, he even noticed a faint thunder cry between every breath.

"Amazing. Indeed truly amazing," said the old man."Such a young age and his inner cultivation is already so profound. It's even possible he might form True Qi."

Jiang Xiu opened his eyes slowly. His pitch black eyes seemed abstruse and mysterious like the starry skies. To be able to figure out that this Deity was cultivating, not bad. Only, to relate an Immortal Cultivation method as a shallow Inner Cultivation breathing method, it's indeed ridiculous.

The old man who saw that Jiang Xiu had opened his eyes hence spoke, "Excuse me, Little Friend, do you know Chu Tiannan?"

Jiang Xiu shook his head.

This made Old Tang feel surprise, "You're not Chu Tiannan's disciple?"


Jiang Xiu said coldly, "That shi*thead is nothing compared to my Master." In Jiang Xiu's heart, his late Master had a very high position. None could compare to him on the Immortal Martial Continent.

The chauffeur behind the old man was very startled. "You… You're humiliating Great Master Chu!"

Jiang Xiu sneered. "Humiliating him? This Deity has already spoken highly of him."

Chauffeur. "Brat, though you have trivial skills, your tone isn't small."

"I see that you've just succeeded in entering the beginning stage of Inner Cultivation. Do you know what realm Great Master Chu is in? He's in the Grandmaster stage. It's possible that he has even broken through to the next stage."

"Let me offer you a line of advice. Keep your remarks to yourself and don't act like a frog in the well, croaking blindly!"

Jiang Xiu smiled, "Is that so?"

When words get sour, adding words is useless. Jiang Xiu closed his eyes and minded his own business.

The pavilion became silent again.

Roughly after 10 minutes, the thunderstorm stopped. Those people left to go uphill. The road had become worse, and it also appeared that there was a landslide at the top, due to which the car shook a lot as it went upwards.


The sound a tire bursting sounded out. The Mercedes Benz worth more than 3 million RMB suddenly veered off to the side. The mountain path was quite narrow and at its end was a cliff (it ended at a cliff's edge). The car was out of control as it dashed towards that cliff.


The people inside the car screamed in alarm.

"Old Tang!"


At this moment, they only felt fear and despair. They understood that what awaited them was… Death.

They'll thoroughly disappear from this world.

"Somebody save us!"

"Save our lives!"

Half the Benz had gone off the cliff. At this moment, a person suddenly shot towards them. He rushed through the mountain's paths, going against the mountain rocks, and then, just like a godly soldier dropping from the sky, he grabbed that car.