
From his broad experience, Tang Zhenshan had already realized the situation, causing a strange expression to form upon his face. This lie was quite brazen. He had personally seen Jiang Xiu draw the talisman, so there was no chance that it was something they had lost.

Shaman Wu Long said, "Please lay the truth bare, Old Father. Who bestowed you with this talisman?"

He guessed that since the person had bestowed one, it was possible there were more.

Tang Zhenshan was quite shrewd. He guessed what Shaman Wu Long was plotting with a single look. He had already offended Jiang Xiu once and paid the price of an arm for that, it was a bloody lesson.

"It's mine."

Among the three Shamans, each one of them was top class, possessing mysterious skills. Even though Jiang Xiu's martial dao cultivation was high, the odds of success against the three top Shamans would be less. If he indeed harbored hard feelings towards Jiang Xiu for chopping off his arm, he'd have sold Jiang Xiu out in a second. Since he hadn't done that, his character was pretty obvious.


Shaman Wu Long's arrogant disciple, Long Aotian sniggered, "Old Tang Four, don't lie to this Daddy. You aren't a Shaman and don't know to make talismans. How could you get such a high-level talisman?"

"Honestly spill the beans or else this Daddy will put you to eternal sleep with my magic."

These words weren't only rude but were also a threat.

Tang Zhenshan's face morphed. He had heard that Shamans could kill without doing it personally, by making people die in their sleep. It was just impossible to figure out the cause of such a quiet death.

"Say it, who bestowed it upon you?"

The mood in the hall froze up.

Confronting Long Aotian's tyranny, none of them dared to say anything. They were unwilling to put up with that guy, Wu Long's face but were also helpless as he was strong. They couldn't dare to offend him and could only look towards Tang Zhenshan with a gaze filled with sympathy.

Trouble has come knocking on Old Father's door this time.

If he revealed it, it'd be equal to selling out a friend, and if he didn't, that brings trouble as this Wu Long wouldn't leave this matter alone.

Looking at Tang Zhenshan stay silent, Shaman Wu Long's tone went colder, "Old Father, don't blame us for not showing consideration if you don't give us an explanation."

Actually, if he indeed held concern, his disciple wouldn't have dared to act in such a manner with Tang Zhenshan. Wu Long never respected him or else his disciple wouldn't have dared to call him as Old Tang Four.

In truth, Tang Zhenshan had set up outstanding military service and was the highest ranked army officer of Jiang City. The Tang family was the hegemon of Jiang City and could be said to be an influential family. By contrast, Shaman Wu Long and the rest were only prominent in the Jianghu, so there was no basis for comparison.

Scholars use words to exercise law, heroes use martial arts to establish order. Shamans liked to flaunt their magic force and loathed officials very much. For Tang Zhenshan, they were tough to deal with. Hence he was afraid.

"Are you going to say it or not?"

Shaman Wu Long pressed on forward, a terrifying ominous glint shining in his eyes. Since Tang Zhenshan wasn't willing to speak, he was about to use force.

"This Deity bestowed it!"

A voice suddenly came through.

All of them turned to take a look. It's actually him.

Jiang Xiu slowly walked over from the dining table.

Isn't he courting death? Doesn't he know who he's going against?

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Xiu's gaze traveled past Shaman Wu Long, Nan Kui, and Little Master Teacher. "This 'Returning the Soul Fragment to Origin Talisman' was bestowed by this Deity to Old Father for using during his burial."

"It's you!"

Elation flashed through Shaman Wu Long's eyes. It's actually this brat. Very good. No wonder this brat was able to come in, he had given such a generous gift to Tang Zhenshan.

"You really have guts to dare steal my talisman."

Jiang Xiu furrowed his brows, "Your talisman?"

Shaman Wu Long's narrowed eyes opened wide in anger, a vicious awn flashing through it, "I can spare you if hand over the rest of them immediately or else…"

Jiang Xiu asked, "Or else what?"

Shaman Wu Long replied, "Or else, only your corpse remain here."


All of the people present drew in a cold breath. So ruthless.

Tang Zhenshan's complexion turned colors, "Master Wu Long, you're a person whose fame resounds through Jiangnan, is there a need to make the life of the younger generation difficult just for a talisman? I shall give this 'Returning the Soul Fragment to Origin Talisman' to you!"

Saying so, he handed the talisman over.

The other Shamans also persuaded, "Yes. Master Wu Long, don't lower yourself to this brat's level, it'll disgrace your identity." They weren't trying to help Jiang Xiu, instead wanted to support Tang Zhenshan.

"Yes, let it be."

Might makes the right. Everyone knew what kind of person Wu Long was, and was it really possible for a little brat to steal such a valuable treasure from his hands? They were clear about this in their hearts and could only chalk it up to this brat's bad luck.

However, they underestimated Shaman Wu Long's greed. He desired the 'Returning the Soul Fragment to Origin Talisman' and all the good things Jiang Xiu possessed. They believed that Jiang Xiu had more of that talisman or some other talismans on him.

Shaman Wu Long said, "If you don't hand over the remaining talismans you stole from me, I won't forgive you."

Jiang Xiu was fearless, looking at him with interest.

After returning, he had exchanged blows with martial experts but hadn't actually utilized skills in a battle with them. Although this Shaman Wu Long's cultivation wasn't something worth mentioning and magic force meager, it still birthed a tyrannical craving inside him.

"How do you want to duel with this Deity?"


"I'll let you experience this Master's methods!"

Saying so, he shut his mouth suddenly, causing a pitch-black shade to strangely creep upon his face and then disappear instantly. Once he opened his mouth, a black mist appeared from inside.

This black mist kept changing its shape, seeming as if it held uncountable faces of children, adults, women and men, each of them struggling in the mist, issuing very mournful screams like that of an evil spirit from the 9th layer of Hell.


This scene had frightened the attendants, some of the timid Shamans as well as Tang Wenchong. They had never seen this kind of terrifying scene.

Their faces went pale from the fear, neither able to move forward nor retreat.

"I-Is this… ghost control?"

Someone cried out.

"OMG, they're real!"

"I can't believe someone can control specters, s-so strong…"

Shamans dealt with exorcism, and some of them possessed unique skills to raise ghosts. Humans were always reverent towards the specters, so they trembled with fear when they saw this scene.

Wu Long felt satisfied when he saw the state everyone was in. He was hailed as extraordinary because he possessed such unimaginable skill, causing the masses to regard him the same as an immortal. He didn't even pay attention to such a tiny individual like Jiang Xiu.

However, he saw that Jiang Xiu was still calm and even revealed contempt in his eyes. This enraged him, "Brat, I'll make these evil spirits swallow you today."

Jiang Xiu let those malevolent evil spirits in the black mist come over.

"He isn't scared?"

"He must be so terrified that he can't even move!"

Everyone saw that Jiang Xiu just stood there like an idiot without escaping. Since the other party could control ghosts to kill people and he neither fled nor begged for forgiveness, they surmised that he was too terrified to move.

Even some of the Shamans among them were terrified due to the evil spirits swarming over, causing their legs to shudder. Little brat, although you didn't die from the fear that still made you an idiot.

Tang Wenchong retreated back and fell on his buttocks, blabbering with his mouth, "Mr. Jiang, escape quickly or else the ghosts will eat you."

He had also seen Jiang Xiu draw that talisman and so felt aggrieved towards this incident. If Jiang Xiu got killed due to this, that'd be an injustice.

Jiang Xiu remained calm and collected as before.

"Death has come for you and you still keep acting like you're some expert."

"Acting like an expert?"

Jiang Xiu shook his head, feeling quite helpless and disappointed. He believed he'd witness some extraordinary skill, but it was just something like raising ghosts. Even normal humans could do it if they possessed the right methods. Moreover, these raised ghosts consisted of soul fragments which couldn't cooperate with each other.

"You dare to call yourself an Immortal-like person just with these skills?"

"You even dare to jeer at this Deity!"

Too ridiculous.

Instead of retreating, Jiang Xiu instead stepped forward. He was Deity Xiu, and the so-called Deity Xiu possessed the winds and clouds at his side, lightning moving alongside him.

At this moment, a gale rose up inside the inner hall.

In the next moment, the sound of thunder boomed from the sky.

The momentum was world-shaking.

"Ninth Heaven Myriad Heavenly Thunder Rush Art!"

Jiang Xiu shouted and raised his hand towards the sky. A lighting dragon descended from the dark clouds in the sky and under everyone's dumbstruck eyes that lightning bolt was grabbed stiffly by his hand.

The sounds of thunder resounded, and it almost seemed as if it was daytime due to the flashes.

His hair waved, clothes fluttered. That aura seemed to cover all of heaven and earth, making him appear like a godly soldier descending from the sky.

At this moment, Qin Weiping, accompanied by Bai Feng, Lin Jiadong as well as Young Master Gu, entered the inner hall. Along the way, Bai Feng had already explained the matter of them getting beaten up wrongly, which had caused Qin Weiping's complexion to turn ashen. A person had bullied his cousin's son as well as a prominent young master in his own domain, this made him lose face.

The four young masters were quite ingenious, they didn't reveal that the Tang family had appeared personally and pressured their parents to make them stop. To say it, they were actually giving consideration towards Qin Weiping's reputation as it won't look good to smash up his place.

Qin Weiping also felt that he had to put in an extra effort when the younger generation was acting so sensible and trying to uphold justice. He patted his chest and guaranteed that he'd definitely bring justice to them by handling the troublemaker, Jiang Xiu.

However, Bai Feng told him that Jiang Xiu was taken into the inner hall by Tang Wenchen. Qin Weiping had almost lost it when he heard this. He couldn't believe such a person was allowed to enter the inner hall.

As soon as they entered inside, they heard the sounds of thunder accompanied by lightning strikes, causing them to jump in fear. This sound was too sharp as if it was originating right at their ears and that daylight pierced into their eyes, making them unable to open their eyes.

"What's happening?"

Qin Weiping had already confirmed the weather today before hosting the party. There were no indications of thunderstorms, and the weather report said it'll be clear. If not for that, he wouldn't have arranged for it today and wouldn't have done it with an outdoor inner hall.

Moreover, this lightning was quite strange.

It was too close, almost within reach!

They all opened their eyes and were stupefied, their eyes almost popping out. They saw a person who had his hand raised towards the sky, holding a lightning bolt in his grasp, which seemed to struggle to escape from there, causing frightening thunder sounds to echo. The bluish lightning sparks made that person look like the gods from the legends.

"Fudge! I must be hallucinating!"

They rubbed their eyes and took another look at the frightening scene. That person wore poor clothing and seemed to resemble that damn fruit seller.

It wasn't their misconception, the more they looked, the more he resembled!

"OMG! I didn't see it wrong!"

The four young masters were stupefied.

No, this is impossible. Surely, it's our misconception.

It's impossible for someone to hold thunder in their hand just like a god, that only happens in the movies and also in those retarded western mythological movies. Even if it was possible, there's no way it could be that damn fruit seller.

"Bzzzttttt! Bzzzt!"

Jiang Xiu held the lightning bolt, appearing just like a god. He made a step ahead and then stopped, causing a great force to move towards Shaman Wu Long on the opposite side.


Lightning rushed forth to the ground, pressing all the grass on the floor downwards, like a rippling sea wave that extends toward all the directions. The lights placed on the ground had already exploded, the plates on the dining table broke into pieces, and the pyramid made of glasses filled with champagne collapsed with a loud bang.

It appeared as if the place had suffered a terrorist attack, the entire area was in a mess.

"T-Thunder… Thunder Control!"


Everyone was stunned.

Shaman Wu Long looked towards Jiang Xiu who appeared just like a god, his eyes almost popping out. He shuddered all over, a warm liquid pouring down between his legs. He couldn't care even about his own identity as a Shaman anymore, his legs weakened as he immediately knelt down.

"Deity, please spare my life! Please!"

"Disciple shan't dare to do such a thing again!"

A cold glint passed through Jiang Xiu's eyes as he suddenly threw the lightning bolt in his hand forwards. It rushed forth like a thunder dragon roaring with anger into the ghost mist.


The Demonic hated lightning the most. Thunder and lightning flashed through, exploding into countless lightning sparks just like a lightning net. The thousands of ghosts released mournful screams one after another, one touch was enough to disperse and extinguish them, making them disappear forever.


The lightning didn't stop and kept dashing towards Shaman Wu Long.


Shaman Wu Long screamed in alarm when he saw the lightning rush towards him and tried his best to dodge.

But the speed of the lightning was faster than him. It knocked into his body, followed by a bang. The bolt exploded, causing Shaman Wu Long to fly back as if he had suffered a hit from a heavy truck.

That force was too strong and strength too fierce, it was out of human imagination.

In the inner hall, it seemed as if it was daytime.


All of them were dumbstruck.

"I-Is he even human?"

Shaman Nan Kui, as well as the Little Master Teacher's complexions, darkened, in fact, their backs were already drenched with sweat, and their legs trembled. If someone touched them now, they'd inevitably fall to the ground.

They had mixed in the magic circle for so long and had never even heard about someone controlling lightning with their bare palms, let alone see an attack separated by the void.

It seemed too mythical!

The world hailed them as Immortal Gods, but it was complete bullshit. This was a genuine God.

My sweet Mother!

"M-Mr. Jiang…" Tang Zhenshan couldn't maintain his self-control due to the excitation. When Jiang Xiu had appeared to save them while the car was about to drop off the cliff, he seemed like a godly soldier. However, the Jiang Xiu at this moment appeared like a God revealing his Divine might.

"Deity, please, please spare my life…"

Shaman Wu Long hadn't died, he crawled amidst the pain and kowtowed with all his might.

"I had eyes but failed to recognize Mt. Tai."

His trembling hands presented the 'Returning the Soul Fragment to Origin Talisman' he had snatched over from Tang Zhenshan.

Jiang Xiu said, "Didn't you say that this talisman was yours?"

Shaman Wu Long's expression turned bitter, "This lowly person has acted shamelessly and shouldn't have coveted Deity's talisman."

Thinking about it, this kind of self-criticism held no strength.


Shaman Wu Long slapped himself, "I was too shameless!"


"I'm despicable!"


The four young masters far away had already seen everything clearly. The person standing there was indeed that damn fruit seller. Their faces went pale as sweat formed on their foreheads.

They knew the Shaman who was kneeling on the ground, it was Jiangnan's most famous shaman, Shaman Wu Long.

Young Master Gu had once obtained the opportunity to have a meal together with him. Even his father, Gu Shu, expressed respect towards Shaman Wu Long. When his disciple had spoken rudely, his father still wore a smiling face, but such a person was now kneeling in front of that damn fruit seller.

Gulp The four young masters all gulped down after seeing that Shaman Wu Long slap himself so resolutely, those sounds resounding in the entire area.

The four of them looked at each other. Compared to this Grandmaster Wu Long, they had merely suffered a single slap. It seemed that… what they experienced… was actually nothing.

The young masters all sighed. Fortunately, they were stopped before they could do anything… or else the consequences would've been too unimaginable.


"This lowly person is worse than a dog."

Jiang Xiu walked in front of Shaman Wu Long and then extended his hand forwards, placing it on his head. Force traveled from his hands, causing many of the acupoints on Wu Long's body to explode open.


Wu Long said in a shocked voice, "You crippled my magic force?"

This was even worse than killing him. He often posed as someone with divine skills. Now that the proudest thing which he relied on was gone, he'd also experience the feeling an ordinary man felt.

According to Wu Long's nature, he had obviously offended too many people. Those people wouldn't dare to confront him because he was stronger. With his magic force gone now, it was obvious how he'd meet his demise.

Wu Long's face went as pale as a sheet of paper.

Qin Weiping was even more shocked. He had always been an atheist, but he had personally seen Jiang Xiu hold a lightning bolt and extinguish a group of demons. His world viewpoints had collapsed entirely. Moreover, he noticed that Jiang Xiu was quite familiar-looking. He subconsciously walked over, and when he saw his face clearly, he shouted in an excited voice, "Grandmaster Luoxia, it's really you!"

"I've finally found you."

"Grandmaster Luoxia?"

Everyone felt that this name sounded a little familiar. They then recalled that Shaman Wu Long had mentioned this name among the two and a half shamans stronger than him in Jiangnan. Is he that half person who's stronger?

Shaman Wu Long's eyes opened wide, "So you're Shaman Luoxia?"

Oh, Heavens!"

His heart was first filled with hate and then regret towards this damn injustice. The person before him was actually Grandmaster Luoxia who Qin Weiping mentioned before. It was funny that he actually doubted whether Qin Weiping was speaking the truth. It was already proven now. Jiang Xiu's strength was innumerable times stronger than his.

"Qin Weiping!"

Wu Long yelled, "You're the cause of this Wu Long's demise!"

If it weren't for Qin Weiping leaving, he'd have revealed that Jiang Xiu was Grandmaster Luoxia earlier and Wu Long wouldn't have done such a thing, finally ending up like this.

Qing Weiping was puzzled.

What are you blaming me for?

"Little Feng, come over. Uncle shall introduce you. This is a genuine shaman, Shaman Luoxia!"

Young Master Gu made an awkward face. He hadn't paid attention to Jiang Xiu from the very beginning. The clothes Jiang Xiu wore totaled up to a meager 300 RMB, and after he learned that his home ran a fruit stall, he revealed contempt from the depths of his heart, as if he had heard a joke.

But now, Tang Zhenshan was extremely respectful towards Jiang Xiu, and even Qin Weiping hailed him as his savior. As for Shaman Wu Long, whose disciple had dared to curse at Gu Shu, he was kowtowing and begging for forgiveness like a stray dog.

No matter how rich one was or how much power one possessed, in front of Jiang Xiu, they could only act docile and obedient, not even daring to speak a single word.

What was a big shot? This was a big shot!

The four young masters lowered their heads when they realized that they were just children playing house in the sand when compared to him.

Jiang Xiu's aura oppressed everyone present on the scene.

"G-Grandmaster Luoxia…" Bai Feng said, "I-I thought… You… I…" He was always eloquent with his speech yet he began to stutter.

Tang Wenchong felt pleased all over when he saw that. Weren't you acting quite arrogant? You even put me in an awkward situation. See how you meet your end now.

"Grandmaster Luoxia…"

No wonder he said I don't have the qualifications to be his opponent, even the four of us aren't enough. Actually, even Tang Zhenshan, Qin Weiping, and also all the Shamans present there combined together weren't qualified, let alone them, the younger generation.

"Why are you stammering…"

Qin Weiping apologized towards Jiang Xiu, "Grandmaster Luoxia, please don't mind it. These children have never had a close encounter with such a thing before. They are just frightened of Grandmaster's godly skills. I ask the Grandmaster to please forgive them."

Jiang Xiu swept over Bai Feng's face with a cold gaze, the latter's face turned colors. If there were a hole, he'd have buried himself in it.

Tang Zhenshan said, "Weiping, your nephew is really something. Didn't he want to drive Grandmaster Luoxia out of the clubhouse?"


Qin Weiping glared at Bai Feng who had immediately lowered his head. Qin Weiping was truly angry this time as all his hope was on Jiang Xiu and if it were spoiled due to this brat, even killing him wouldn't be enough to settle it.

"Apologize to Grandmaster Luoxia."

Jiang Xiu laughed indifferently, "He doesn't have the qualifications!"

Bai Feng and the rest felt gloomy. Initially, they were planning to apologize to him, laying down their pride and even bootlick. But now, although they didn't need to apologize, this was harder for them to take than apologizing.

We're actually worth nothing in his eyes!

Qin Weiping said, "Yes, of course. Grandmaster Luoxia naturally wouldn't lower himself to the level of children."

As for apologizing, Qin Weiping was the one who ought to do that the most. At that time, Jiang Xiu was willing to help for the sake of giving some face to Nangong Kou'er, but he had instead insulted Jiang Xiu. He was hoping to play it down in such a manner. Just what kind of a person was Jiang Xiu? With such skills, it wasn't a far stretch to say he'd obtain true respect from a lot of people.

Qin Weiping was just paying lip service by saying flattering words.

"Grandmaster, that Zhang Tieshan was actually a swindler. Even I was taken in by that bastard's words. The bizarre events around the Myriad Base City Plaza project have instead intensified so much that it has even affected Renhe Rd. to the front."

Jiang Xiu remained calm. Although that Zhang Tieshan's magic force couldn't compare to his, it was about the same level as Shaman Wu Long kneeling down right now. He possessed real skills so it'd be an exaggeration to say he was a swindler.

"I sincerely request the Grandmaster to solve this problem for Myriad Base."

Jiang Xiu had already made out that the genuine purpose of this party today wasn't to identify artifacts but rather to draw out the authentic shamans who can deal with the bizarre events occurring around the Myriad Base City Plaza project. The Soul Shrine brought out to display by the organizers had already explained everything.

Tang Zhenshan also spoke in agreement, "Yes. Mr. Jiang, please solve this matter."

"This Deity can naturally solve it!"

Qin Weiping felt elated.

"But what can you offer to this Deity?"

Qin Weiping wasn't surprised by this. He knew he'd have to fulfill some conditions to make a peerless expert like Jiang Xiu act, "I wonder what Grandmaster Luoxia desires? Myriad Base shall surely accomplish it."

Jiang Xiu said, "What this Deity wants is the thing you're most unwilling to let go, a very vulgar thing."

"Hand over 50% of your equity shares."


Everyone made a commotion.

It was actually too much. Qin Weiping's eyes almost popped out. His and Nangong Qin's combined shares came together to just 70%. If he handed over 50% to Jiang Xiu, that'd leave them both with only 20%. They would also lose the controlling shares in the company. That was equivalent to saying that he'd be the one working for Jiang Xiu.

"Grandmaster Luoxia must be kidding, right?"

"Think it over. 50% of the shares, not a single percent less. If you're willing, I will deal with the matter, or else, find someone else to deal with it."

It was a fair deal, and he wasn't even forcing Qin Weiping to agree.

Qin Weiping's face became as ugly as it could. When Nangong Kou'er had brought Jiang Xiu, it was a free deal. Since he had refused, more than half of his stock was at stake. He really wished to slap himself.

There was no way he'd hand over 50% of the equity shares of Myriad Base.

According to his calculations, a price between 10-50 million was enough.

Jiang Xiu said, "Since it's this way, this Deity shall say goodbye."

Looking at Jiang Xiu leave, Tang Zhenshan and Tang Wenchong chased after him. Though the Qin family was unwilling to take this deal, how could the Tang family let him go back when they had managed to invite him with much difficulty.

"Mr. Jiang, please wait a moment!"

"Hasn't the party just begun? Why is mister so anxious to leave? Those mediocre persons outside naturally aren't qualified to sit together with you. I'll make Wenchong arrange for a separate party table, please accompany me to drink two cups."

Jiang Xiu felt really hungry. In fact, it took a lot of effort to use his divine force to control thunder which made him famished.


The other shamans relaxed after seeing Jiang Xiu leave. Especially Shaman Nan Kui and Little Master Teacher as Wu Long is their close friend. Luckily, they weren't implicated. As for Long Aotian, that brat had already escaped to god knows where not even caring about his master.

Wu Long didn't have a good character, so it was evident that his disciple was no better.

"Director Qin, we are also top-grade Shamans. Our magic force won't lose to Grandmaster Luoxia!" The one who said these words was Shaman Nan Kui. Anyways, Jiang Xiu had already left so he could say whatever he wanted. It was a complete reversal from his scared state before.

No matter how incredible Jiang Xiu was, it didn't mean it'd stop people from boasting.


Qin Weiping's eyes glistened. Yes, Jiang Xiu isn't the only one who can handle this issue. Isn't Shaman Nan Kui present here? He's also a top-grade Shaman.

Guangdong's No.1 Shaman!

"If Master Nan Kui is able to solve the problem Myriad Base City Plaza is facing, I can take out 10 million, no, 50 million…" He didn't care about this amount of money if the issue could be resolved.

If It weren't settled then he'd have to declare bankruptcy, a 40 million more wouldn't even matter.

This isn't the time to act stingy.


Shaman Nan Kui wasn't doing it for the money. It was an easy thing for him to make money. What he desired was the fame he'd obtain by resolving the issue which Jiang Xiu had refused to solve.

"Right. Where's the Soul Shrine?"

Shaman Nan Kui knew what was going on. The bizarre events occurring at the project were closely related to that Soul Shrine.

"You mean that those bizarre events are related to that jug?"

"Yes!" Shaman Nan Kui replied.

A Shaman to the side said, "Shaman Nan Kui, that Soul Shrine is sealed perfectly so that means that the thing inside can't affect the outside world. The reason behind the bizarre events occurring at the project must be unrelated to the Soul Shrine."

Qin Weiping nodded after hearing this, thinking that this Shaman's words made sense.

Shaman Nan Kui replied with a calm smile. He had recovered his previous vigor now that Jiang Xiu wasn't here anymore. "Although the Soul Shrine is still sealed, you mustn't forget that it was buried 10 ft deep underground. According to myth, the location 10 ft underground was linked to the netherworld. Now that the Soul Shrine was taken away from there, it has already lost the most important seal. With one less seal, do you think that the other seal will be able to keep what is sealed inside?"

The Shaman's expression changed when he heard this.

Little Master Teacher laughed faintly, "That's right!"

That Shaman couldn't bear this shame, "That Soul Shrine is several hundred years old and was even sealed so intricately. Does Shaman Nan Kui possess godly skills like that of Grandmaster Luoxia to deal with the evil spirit?"

Shaman Nan Kui shook his head, "Looking at the glyphs on the seal,

it looks like a high-level talisman. The late personage who made this talisman must've been a Foundation Establishment stage expert. Even he couldn't kill this evil spirit and could only seal it. We are even more powerless."

He was just barely in the Qi Refining stage's 1st realm.

It was far from the Foundation Establishment stage.

"I have a method to deal with it, by reinforcing the seal then burying it 10 ft underground again. That would settle the problem."

Qin Weiping nodded, "Your words make sense, where's the Soul Shrine though?"

"The Soul Shrine!"

It was unknown when it happened, but the Soul Shrine had already fallen down and broken to pieces. A black colored object was inside it, which was oozing out a disgusting black liquid. There were even white vapors coming out from that.

At that moment, everyone present there had all become silent.

After a moment of silence, Qin Weiping was the first to speak. His voice kept shivering, "T-The Soul Shrine is broken… D-Did the t-thing inside… c-come out?"

No one replied to him as the answer to that question was obvious. They were unwilling to respond and didn't dare to think further as it'd scare them even more.

At this moment, it seemed as if terror had taken over them.

The face of the Shaman who spoke before went pale as he asked, "Shaman Nan Kui, you said that even the Foundation Establishment stage expert couldn't kill the evil spirit and could only seal it?"

Nan Kui didn't even dare to move due to the anxiety, "That's for a Foundation Establishment stage expert, as for us…"

Though he didn't continue with his words, everyone understood it clearly.

How could they handle a thing which was sealed 10 ft under a temple to suppress it?

Everyone's gaze fell on the broken Soul Shrine on the ground. They looked at the black liquid oozing out along with the cold vapors.

Black clouds had covered the sky before anyone realized it, instantly screening off the bright moon. Everything turned dark as everyone's minds were filled with fear. They felt that an awful event was about to occur.


"Look over there, what's that?"

Someone pointed towards a distant place in the darkness. It appeared as if something was swaying in the darkness and making its way towards them. Everyone there felt goosebumps at this moment.

A few of the men were daring enough to stare at it to determine its identity. However, they were welcomed by a chilling wind which had caused their eyes to flash white. Eyes were a window to the spirit, but now they had lost all expression in their eyes, just like a soulless corpse puppet.

Wherever the chilling wind passed by, the person's eyes all changed. It was like a viral infection. They said nothing and turned back, walking towards the outside.

The infection seemed to follow some kind of rule.

Qin Weiping, Bai Feng, Lin Jiadong, Li Chengfeng, Young Master Gu as well as all the shamans present, including Shaman Nan Kui and Little Master Teacher entered into the lobby in a dazed state.

An auction was going on inside.

The Tang family indeed possessed a gift for business. They'd never let off such a chance to make money. The things they took out to auction were all rare items, and even if they weren't rare, they were real antiques at the very least. Adding a legendary backstory as a combo package with it, they'd naturally sell at a nice price at the auction.

A compass was being auctioned right now. It had a pretty name, 'Tomb Locating Gold Finding Ghost Seeking Tool'. It seemed to be an antique from the Tang Dynasty era and the possession of a gold military officer. It was a top-notch ancient artifact. It could be used to capture ghosts in the hands of a Shaman but in the hands of ordinary men, it could only make an evil spirit retreat. It also acted as a ward to safeguard the house.

It was an omnipotent device.

"Alright, three million once!"

"Three million twice!"

In the year '08, 3,00,000 was enough to buy a house in Jiang City. Three million was a costly amount to the salaried class, and even for the high-society circles, it wasn't a small amount.

The Tang family was really something for selling a pile of scrap iron for 3 million.

"Three million thrice and it's sold!"

Applause followed after that. A middle-aged man had bought the compass. He appeared quite stout and wore a suit over his potbelly.

"Congrats, Director Wang!"


Director Wang's face was flushed with pride. He raised the cup of wine in his hand and gestured towards all the guests, downing the wine in a single cup, he then walked up to retrieve the compass. The scene of using three million to buy a worn-out tool was really something to behold.

Below, Ye Wenchen and the rest all looked at this with fascination. A three whole million was used to buy a tiny item, really a spendthrift style..

Lin Shu said, "Ah, when will I become a person like that."

His family's assets were just worth 20-30 million, and that was all of their family assets combined. Even his father was far away from spending 3 million to buy an item, let alone him.

After Director Wang stepped onto the stage, the staff member carefully handed the compass to him. Director Wang held it in his hand as if he was carrying a trophy cup. He even raised it up to display it towards everyone and then brought it closer to take a look at it.

The compass was made of bronze, and tiny letters were inscribed on top of it, all of them clustered together. A circular array was visible on it, with shrinking concentric circles. At the center of the compass was the core component, a needle.

Director Wang checked it and then asked, "Why isn't this needle moving?"

Typically, a compass needle would undoubtedly rotate and would rotate faster if it encounters a strange magnetic field.

The beautiful auctioneer gave a reply with a charming smile, "Director Wang, this is a genuine artifact. This needle will only move when a ghost appears!"

Director Wang shook it twice and felt something was wrong. There was a big dent on this compass, and it even had a crack on the compass glass, even the needle wasn't moving. He muttered to himself and couldn't refrain from asking, "This… isn't broken, right?"

The auctioneer still wore the same smile, "That's impossible! This is an ancient artifact, an absolute high-level item."

Director Wang said, "No matter what, the needle should at least turn… right?"

"Hey, it's moving!"

The compass in his hand which hadn't moved for so long started rotating all of a sudden.

Astonishment filled the face of the beautiful auctioneer. They had tested this compass, and that needle seemed fixed in place, refusing to move at all. Since it wasn't moving no matter what they tried, they had concluded that it was broken.

They were planning to renounce auctioning this item, but someone said that since it looked like a real ancient artifact, it'd convince people even if the needle didn't move.

"Wow, it's moving so fast."

The compass was shaking due to the needle's rotation. The auctioneer looked at it feeling doubtful, and her eyes opened wide. The needle on the compass was rotating at a breakneck speed, just like an electric fan.

"Didn't you say that this ancient compass will only move when a ghost appears?"

Everyone looked back towards the group of people who had just exited the inner hall. Qin Weiping, Bai Feng… each one of them entered the lobby. Their eyes were completely white without any pupils, and they barged into the crowd while ignoring everyone around them.

Wherever they went, just like a bacterial infection, they infected the surrounding persons. Even Director Wang's eyes flashed white. This phenomenon was occurring at speed visible to the naked eyes.

The eyes of all the people sitting there turned white. They stood up and then walked towards the outside.

Jiang Xiu was on the 2nd floor of the clubhouse. He stood by the French window. Tang Zhenshan and Tang Wenchong beside him were already shocked, "W-What's happening? A-Are they possessed?"

"Where are they going?"

Jiang Xiu downed a cup of liquor. This liquor was from Tang Zhenshan's personal collection, a 30-year-old Maotai with 70% purity. "To the Myriad Base City Plaza project's construction site."

Tang Zhenshan's expression morphed, "Is Mr. Jiang saying this is the work of the supernatural entity troubling the Myriad Base City Plaza project?"

Jiang Xiu declined to comment, just giving an indifferent smile as a response.

Tang Zhenshan said, "This Qin family is really inviting trouble. More than half of the officials of Jiang City are assembled here. Jiang City will be left in a mess if something bad happens to them."

Jiang Xiu laid down the cup in his hand, "Let's go take a look at the scene."

Tang Zhenshan and Tang Wenchong looked at each other, feeling a little timid. This matter was too strange, and they were unwilling to meddle with it. They were worried about getting possessed, but after thinking that Jiang Xiu was beside them, they concluded that such a thing won't happen.

It was already 11 PM now. The guests all came out of the clubhouse in a large crowd and left towards the construction site nearby to Belden in a zombie-like manner.

The construction site's gate was locked up due to the bizarre events. Qin Weiping, who was walking at the lead, used his bare arm to push down the iron gate somehow.

Looking at this, both the grandfather and grandson of the Tang family were left dumbstruck. Is he even human anymore?

After that, those people stepped on the iron gate and walked into the construction site.

"What are they trying to do?"

Tang Zhenshan and Tang Wenchong thought that some terrible event would occur, but the result was something entirely out of their expectations. After entering the site, all of them lied down on the ground and then stopped moving, as if they were sleeping.

Jiang Xiu said, "Have you brought the rooster I asked you to prepare?"

"Throw it inside!"

Tang Wenchong threw the rooster inside the site. The rooster tried to flutter in the air after breaking free from the arm and then cried out, "Crrooowwww…."

The rooster's cry had awoken all the person's sleeping on the ground.

They all stood up in alarm one after one.

"Where is this place?"

"How did I come here?"

Qin Weiping crawled up from the ground in a rush. He naturally recognized his construction site, which caused his face to go pale.

Qin Weiping realized that he got possessed, which made all the hairs on his body stand.

Simultaneously, the self-proclaimed 'super awesome' Shaman Nan Kui's condition wasn't any better than Qin Weiping. With a pale face, he peered into the pitch-black abyss in alarm..

The other officials were panicking as well.

"It's the work of a ghost!"

They were at the party venue but found themselves lying at the construction site after waking up, and this site was a haunted one. The horror they felt at that moment was unimaginable, causing them to scream and flee the scene.

How could they bother to keep up the appearances and style of an upper-class elite? They swarmed towards the site's entrance. Even if a lady tripped down, no one bothered to help.

Cheng Lingsu and the other women were also frightened and escaped along with the crowd.



The scene was similar to refugees fleeing from a calamity, complete chaos.

"How is this possible?"

Qing Weiping's face went paler as shock, fear, and anger filled his mind. He grabbed the collar of Shaman Nan Kui, roaring at him, "Didn't you say your magic force is stronger than Grandmaster Luoxia's!?"

"E-Explain t-this situation to me!"

The previous strange events were just rumors as these officials hadn't seen it with their own eyes. But now, more than half the officials of Jiang City had experienced it personally. If this news were to spread out, the Myriad Base City Plaza project would undoubtedly get axed.

There were even government employees here!

Shaman Nan Kui was also stupefied. Even he didn't understand what happened and didn't know the reason as to why he got possessed. "The Soul Shrine got shattered, causing the thing inside to break free from the Shrine. No one can save this land now."

Qin Weiping felt his entire body lose power, making him release his grip. The shock and anger had all disappeared, replaced by an expression of endless despair.

The Myriad Base City Plaza project was done for.

Completely ruined!

Bai Feng and the rest, standing to the side, slowly recovered from the shock as well. He didn't run away, it wasn't because he was fearless but rather that he didn't want to flee like the others. He reminded Qin Weiping, "How about asking Grandmaster Luoxia?"

"He wants 50% of my equity shares!"

"If this isn't settled, the government will stop this project. At that moment, Myriad Base will collapse under the bank interest and have to declare bankruptcy."


Those words were like a sharp needle stabbing into his heart. He knew that Myriad Base will go bankrupt if the project is halted. It was just that he didn't dare to have such thoughts and didn't want to think of such a scenario.

"You'll still have 20% after giving away the 50%. Otherwise, not a single percent would be left."

During the time they had this conversation, except for the shamans and a few courageous people, everyone else had all fled. The site had recovered its placidity.

Qin Weiping said hopelessly, "That's the only way left."

He wanted to look for Jiang Xiu but didn't have his contact details, so he naturally called Tang Zhenshan. However, he heard the sound of a cell phone ringing at the site's entrance. Jiang Xiu was walking into the place at this moment, accompanied by the grandfather-grandson duo of the Tang family.

Looking at their appearance, it seemed they weren't possessed.

Qin Weiping felt quite conflicted when he saw Jiang Xiu. He will have to give away the wealth he had spent more than half of his youth to accumulate. He felt quite reluctant. "Grandmaster Luoxia, I'm willing to present 50% of Myriad Base's shares as a reward. Please settle the supernatural problem here."

He still wore a hesitant expression as he said it, and the feeling it gave was as if Jiang Xiu was extorting him.

Jiang Xiu remained silent as if he had already expected him to say that.

He slowly walked over and said with a dull tone, "That was the previous price."

Qin Weiping's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"



Everyone there made a commotion.

T-This is too ruthless, isn't it? He wants to really take Qin Weiping's life. His and his wife's shares amount to just 70%, and you want to take such a huge amount away with just a word.


Qin Weiping couldn't believe his own ears.

"This Deity had given you a chance out of pity, which was 50% but you didn't treasure it."

"It's 70% now, not a percent less."

Qin Weiping's face turned colors. Only at this moment did he understand who he was confronting. The pride possessed by a power holder left no way for him to haggle over the price.

Just as Jiang Xiu had said, that 50% was a favor out of pity since the Myriad Base City Plaza project would end in case he didn't act. Qin Weiping's only ending would be to go bankrupt. If he had accepted beforehand, he'd still have 20% shares. But now, nothing would remain with him.

The Tang family's grandfather-grandson duo could only sigh. Fortunately, their Tang family had reacted immediately and made up for the one time they had offended Jiang Xiu. Otherwise, they would've ended up the same as Qin Weiping.

The veneration towards Jiang Xiu they felt increased. The strong must never be insulted.

Qin Weiping became furious, "Grandmaster Luoxia, aren't you acting a bit too greedy? You want me to slave away with just a word."

"If I gave 70% of Myriad Base's shares over to you, what would I even do with this project?"

"You can refuse. No one is forcing you."

"However, take note of this Deity's words. Even that amount of equity shares is this Deity's favor. This Deity can just wait for you to go bankrupt and then take over this place."

The thing inside the Soul Shrine was already outside. This land would become its habitat. As they did in the ancient times, no one visited places haunted by the supernatural and they'd be neglected.

But it was a completely different situation in this era.

The country was doing its utmost to expand, and this place was also located at the center of the city. There was no way they'd abandon it. Finally, even the government would have to reach out to Jiang Xiu to handle this. They'd ask him to purify this land and also even pay a hefty sum to make sure Jiang Xiu finishes the construction.

Hence, what Jiang Xiu was offering was also a favor from him.

Qin Weiping's face lost all color. He knew Jiang Xiu wasn't bluffing. The Tang family stood behind Jiang Xiu, and even the government will pour money into it when Jiang Xiu develops this land. Along with the support from the Tang family, a residential area will pop out if it was desired or a shopping mall if that was in-demand. Myriad Base would have no participation in it.

He thought about it for a bit. If he went bankrupt, he'd have nothing left and not even have the capital to make a comeback. If he handed over 70% of the shares to Jiang Xiu, he'd still have something left. If the project turns out as a success with profit, he'd have a few million.

Thinking till here, he said with a dejected tone. "Okay, I agree to Grandmaster Luoxia's terms."

Everyone sighed after hearing this.

In the end, he had to agree!

Jiang Xiu nodded slightly, "You shall operate this project, I won't be meddling in it!"

He was even planning to reap the benefits by doing nothing.

Qin Weiping had poured his heart's blood into the Myriad Base City Plaza project. All of his capital was invested into this. He also didn't want Jiang Xiu to meddle and make a mess out of it. Even if Jiang Xiu possessed magical powers, he believed that he possessed better skills in the way of doing business than Jiang Xiu.

After saying this, Jiang Xiu walked into the darkness alone.

"He said big words and even took someone's entire life away with just a word. If he isn't able to solve this problem, he' would surely lose a lot of face." Shaman Nan Kui muttered.

"That's an existence which even a personage at the Foundation Establishment stage couldn't deal with."

Little Master Teacher also spoke in agreement, "Let's see if he comes out alive."

After Jiang Xiu walked in a bit, a little-secluded path appeared before his eyes. He went forwards along it at a steady pace, neither too fast nor too slow. When he raised his head, there was a temple at the end of the path.

He came in front of the temple. There were a few letters written on the board attached to the temple's gate: True Monarch Temple.

There were many True Monarchs, both in the legends as well as those occupying the top positions. Jiang Xiu smiled faintly. So foolish. Isn't this similar to how someone enters the city hall and then sees the words 'Director's Office' written on a door?

Who knows which Director it is.

Jiang Xiu walked inside and didn't even bother to knock. He pushed the door open slowly. The night was quite gloomy, but the scenery inside the temple appeared vibrant and fresh.

The sides of the road were tiled, and the path led to the main hall. A giant sculpture of a god was erected inside the inner hall, its appearance malevolent and aura oppressive. Incense was burning in front of the statue, smoke rising in spirals out from there. The surroundings were tranquil and it seemed deathly still. Even the sound of the wind wasn't audible. If it were anyone else, they'd have experienced goosebumps already.

"Come out!"

Jiang Xiu's pupils expanded crazily, his eyes turned completely black soon after. His aura transformed all of a sudden; a gale rose up inside the main hall, bringing sounds of thunder and lightning with it.

This kind of grand feat wasn't something that a strange demonic thing could accomplish.

"You aren't human."

"You aren't human!" Jiang Xiu's eyes narrowed into a thin line. Under his gaze, the entire heaven and earth turned monochrome. As his gaze swept across the temple, that god's sculpture transformed into a fiery red color.

He smiled faintly, "You aren't going to come out? Or are you waiting for this Deity to drag you out?"

"Hah!" That thing let out a hideous voice, "You want me to appear? That'll depend on your skills. Don't act like a lamb delivering itself to the wolf's mouth."

"You're looking for a beating!"

Jiang Xiu acted quickly, his body floated towards the sky as a pitch-black fog rose behind him. He charged towards the god's sculpture and grabbed towards it.

The opponent was astonished as it didn't expect that Jiang Xiu had already locked onto its position. However, just as Jiang Xiu's hand was about to reach the sculpture, it rippled like water which made his hand passed through.

"Flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake?"

The little evil spirit had real skills!

"Ignorant and naive, this is endless 'Flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake,' called as 'One Thought, 3000 Worlds.' Brat, you can never escape once you enter it."

Jiang Xiu was shocked. 'Flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake,' was a single-layer illusion. One of the layers was real and the other fake, it was a small skill. However, if it were 'One Thought, 3000 Worlds,' that'd mean trouble as it had several illusionary worlds inside it and only one of them was real. It was complicated to break it.

If it were the Jiang Xiu from before, he'd take care of it quickly. No matter how volatile the opponent's technique was, just a single sword move and the sharp endless sword light would utterly destroy all its magic.

But now, Deity Xiu was still only a delicate, tiny Divinity Cultivator.

A recently Awakened little infant.

He just didn't possess that kind of immense power.


The evil spirit let out a sinister laugh. He was waiting for Jiang Xiu to feel devastated but was replied with a cold and apathetic gaze instead. "You believe I can't break your technique?"

"Ignorant! Stupid!"

He made several hand seals at lightning speed and spoke the words, "One Thought, 3000 Worlds!"


Jiang Xiu had gathered many cultivation arts of the Immortal Martial Continent. The illusion skill 'One Thought, 3000 Worlds' was just a part of the minor dao and wasn't powerful enough to scale to the top. He always disdained to use it, as illusion skills were nothing in front of the real experts. However, it was still useful in fights between the lower power realms, or else they'd have no value at all.

"No. It's impossible. How can you use it?!"

'One Thought, 3000 Worlds' vs. 'One Thought, 3000 Worlds,' if both sides collided with each other, that'd cause a real power collision of worlds.


A golden radiance lit up the inside of the temple.

"Come out for this Deity obediently!"

Jiang Xiu's eyes began to glow as he rapidly made hand seals, causing a golden light built of dao glyphs to appear. His body descended with a bang as that golden seal was struck onto the ground by him. An unbelievable amount of supreme divine force leaked out from the golden seal as it spread in all directions. The surroundings had become similar to tofu as they were obliterated by the air blast. The entire temple disappeared as a result.

"See there, it's Mr. Jiang!"

As the illusion was broken, Tang Wenchong could see Jiang Xiu at a distance and everyone else as well.

Simultaneously, they could also see an enormous shadow drift in the faraway darkness.

"It came out!"

A giant monster could vaguely be seen in the sky as it took refuge in the darkness. Nan Kui spoke in an alarmed voice, "Such a frightening aura as well as large spiritual force. I-It's a Ghost King!"

Even Little Master Teacher was incomparably shocked, "Yes!"

The so-called Ghost King was an existence which had transcended to the limits of a ghost and had strength close to an Immortal's.


"You've offended me!" The Ghost King bellowed in anger. Its body seemed to blend together with the pitch-black sky as it pounced towards Jiang Xiu. That frightening scene was as if the entire heavens were falling down.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Xiu stood in the same place with his hands behind him. His hair blew from the wind, and his clothes fluttered. Even when confronting such an awful existence, he stood unyieldingly. His raised his head to look at it with a gaze filled with endless dignity as well as disdain!

"Dodge it!"

At this moment, everyone felt extremely nervous.


As the Ghost King was just a little bit away from reaching Jiang Xiu, he suddenly punched towards the ground. The ground was unable to bear his attack and split open. An immensely powerful light burst forth from underground, sprouting out like a fountain and making it seem like it was daytime on the entire site.

A complicated array reflected into the eyes of the Ghost King.

That array was something Jiang Xiu had set up before he entered the illusion. His cultivation was too weak right now, and it wasn't possible for Jiang Xiu to kill him with just his raw power as that'd be a difficult feat to achieve. Therefore, he had arranged this sealing array in advance.

Just like a hunter who sets up a good trap and then uses himself as bait to draw out the target.

The Ghost King shouted in alarm, "Just who are you?"

Whoosh, a dominant attractive force originated from the sealing array, which sucked the Ghost King inside. The array lighted up after that, and the entire place recovered its darkness.

A flickering ball of light floated in mid-air and then fell down as if it had suddenly lost all power.

Jiang Xiu reached out and let the pearl drop onto his hand, "This energy is quite pure. If everything goes smoothly, it's possible to enter the Awakening Stage's 2nd Mythical Realm after absorbing it…"


The pearl trembled fiercely, "Mister, please spare my life."

Jiang Xiu hadn't expected this. It can still transmit its voice outside after getting sealed by me. First, the 'One Thought, 3000 Worlds,' and now it can even transmit its voice through the seal. Looks like this thing isn't that simple.

"Who taught you magic?"

"The True Monarch taught me magic. Please, mister, spare my life!"

"Why did he teach you?"

"I've protected the True Monarch's Temple for 500 years already and am almost about to receive enlightenment. Mister, please grant this favor and look over this."

"So what if you receive enlightenment, you'll just become a Ghost Immortal."

The Ghost King was stupefied. That tone was too big. It appeared that Jiang Xiu didn't even pay attention to Ghost Immortals. That was a level the Ghost King had aspired to reach all his life.

"Mister possesses godly powers, so Ghost Immortals naturally aren't anything in your eyes. I've cultivated for these hundreds of years with the wish to become a Ghost Immortal one day. I request Mister to please look over this and spare my life."

Jiang Xiu muttered to himself when suddenly a black smoke appeared from the pearl and shot outwards. Jiang Xiu's voice turned ice-cold, "You want to escape?"

He made a hand seal towards the black smoke which was then followed by a divine light as it shot out, resulting in a mournful scream to resound in the entire place.


It appeared as if that black smoke got obliterated by the formless light.

Jiang Xiu raised the pearl with his left hand as his right hand waved at the air, which made the black smoke about to disperse gather inside the pearl.

"You're too impatient. If you had waited, this Deity might've released you."

"You lost your life in vain."

All the Shamans present were stupefied.

"It was killed?"

"T-This is too…"

They were left speechless. It was a Ghost King, an existence which even a Foundation Establishment personage could only seal. You just pointed your finger at it to exterminate it, there's no need to make it look so horrifying, right?

Nan Kui and Little Master Teacher were incredibly shocked.

They couldn't even start to imagine what level Jiang Xiu's magic had reached. It can't be the Foundation Establishment stage, right?

They had never heard that someone had reached the Foundation Establishment stage after the previous era. Even they were already considered as top-notch Shamans after reaching the Qi Refining stage.

Let alone, Jiang Xiu was still so young.

Qin Weiping could only squeeze out a few words after a while, "It's done with just that?"

Classmates, Director Qin's heart had already crumbled into pieces at this moment.

The matter was settled in just a minute.

I have to give away 70% of my shares to him just like that?

Jiang Xiu returned back, "It's settled. The site can resume construction tomorrow…" Saying this, he ignored Qin Weiping and walked out.

"Mr. Jiang, please let me deliver you!"

Tang Wenchong drove Jiang Xiu back to school. As Jiang Xiu got down, Tang Wenchong handed over a bank card to him, "Mr. Jiang, here's your remuneration!"

Jiang Xiu naturally wouldn't act polite at this point as he earned it. Although he obtained 70% of Myriad Base's shares, the dividend can only be received after making a profit. This put him in a desperate situation.

"See you later, Mr. Jiang!"

It was already 11:30 PM by the time Jiang Xiu had returned to the dorm. None of the dormmates were in the rooms as they had escaped outside to play online games. He was just about to cultivate when his cell phone started ringing. He took a look at the screen and noticed over 10 missed calls from his mother, so he hurried to pick it up.

"Hello, Mother!"

"Little Xiu, why didn't you pick up the phone?"

"I was studying and didn't take the phone with me." Jiang Xiu made up a random reason, "Mother, why did you call me so late in the night?"

"Little Xiu, did you have a quarrel with Susu?"