
She had seen him hold a book and copy from it, but it somehow disappeared whenever she tried to grab it, so it was no wonder that she felt stupefied. However, she wasn't willing to give up and convinced herself that Jiang Xiu was playing some tricks. She steeled herself to catch him red-handed.

As expected, after a while, she witnessed him take the book out again. After making sure she was entirely sober, she quietly approached him and took another careful look from behind him.

Jiang Xiu was copying from a 12th-grade Literature textbook.

Let's see if you can talk your way out this time.

She closed in on him, enough that her shadow fell on Jiang Xiu's exam paper, which was enough for him to discover her. She gazed at him coldly, indicating that she'd seen him cheating and there was no escape this time.

Jiang Xiu smiled coolly towards her and then continued to look for the answer.

It was indeed a bit difficult for someone who hadn't touched the Literature textbook for three millenniums to write the Literature exam. So difficult that he had to look for the answers with the book in his hand.

The invigilator was infuriated. Aren't you acting too arrogant? You're actually cheating in front of me so brazenly.


She snarled, "Give the book to me at once!"

The examinees and the other invigilator all looked towards her.

"What happened?"

The other invigilator came running over.

"He's copying from a Literature textbook."

She didn't try to grab the book this time. As she had failed twice already, she wanted to let the others see and make the decision whether she was insane or this student was cheating.

However, she discovered that everyone was looking at her strangely.

As if they were looking at a lunatic.

"Can't you see? He's holding a book and copying it!"

One of the students said, "Teacher, there's no book in his hand."

She was stunned again, "How can it be?"


There was nothing else except the exam paper on the desk.

"Even if he wanted to cheat, he'd use a crib sheet. Only an idiot would bring a book to copy."

"Right, or copy from someone else's answer sheet."

The other invigilator took out his cell phone and called the school administration.

"Is this the administrative office?"

"Please send someone from your side. Teacher Zhang's mental state isn't proper due to the enormous pressure of invigilating. I'm requesting a change of personnel to prevent further influence on the examinees."

Teacher Zhang was still grabbing her hair and muttered from time to time. "Impossible. This is impossible."

She had already broken down.

However, Jiang Xiu had already learned his lesson.

He had realized that his actions were indeed lacking IQ. He hadn't thought of copying from others directly first and tried to find the answers himself.

He rejoiced inwardly that no one knew about this matter, or else Deity Xiu would lose all face.

"Mystical Light-Aided Image."

Who to copy from?

His gaze locked onto two individuals. One was Ye Wenchen, who was known as the genius topper and the other was Ye Bing, her Literature grades were always among the top in class.

He first looked at Ye Wenchen's answer sheet. The questions at the start were all MCQs. Tick, Tick, Tick. That pleasant feeling was tough to describe.

He then checked Ye Bing's answer sheet. Two problems had different answers while the rest were same.

He looked at the other answer sheets to make sure who was wrong. Most of the examinees had answered the same as Ye Wenchen. He surmised that Ye Bing must have got it wrong.

He started copying into the blanks.

Copy, Copy, Copy.

The feeling of writing at a flow was indeed too pleasant.

At this moment, a silhouette had dropped on the classroom's roof. The person had a vivid and realistic appearance. His gaze locked onto Ye Wenchen sitting on the front row, who was engrossed in writing at the moment, inspiration gushing out of him like a fountain. If there wasn't a character count restriction, he felt that he could write a monumental work consisting of 3 million characters in a single sheet.

That silhouette touched its beard with satisfaction after seeing Ye Wenchen's condition, talking to himself, "Fated with Literature and a Topper Halo. Looks like you'll be the topper."

"This Deity's Godhood Halo should grow a bit after letting it reside in your body."

Just as he was about to send his Godhood Halo into Ye Wenchen's body, a voice reached him.

"Who are you?"

That silhouette got frightened after hearing this voice. Its entire attention was on Ye Wenchen so even as a God, he got scared due to the sudden voice. However, he thought he was mistaken as it wasn't possible for an ignorant mortal to see him.

However, he still gazed towards the source of the voice subconsciously.

Jiang Xiu's gaze was filled with astonishment as if he saw something unbelievable.

"It doesn't make sense. It's impossible for him to look at this Deity."

Therefore, his body floated left and then to the right, and he discovered that Jiang Xiu's eyes were following him. He was stunned this time as he was sure the other party could see him.

"T-Thou can see me?"

You're so brazenly floating in front of this Deity. This Deity would be considered blind if I can't see you.

"What demon are you?!"

"You dare act so impudent in front of this Deity?"

That man couldn't help but laugh after making sure Jiang Xiu could really see him, "This is quite interesting. An insignificant mortal can actually see me."

"I am Li Mi!"

"I hath cometh hither to chooseth this year's imperial examination's seruo lucernam."

The man spoke in a deep archaic accent.

Jiang Xiu had seen him prepare to send his Godhood Halo towards Ye Wenchen's body just now. Ye Wenchen could become the provincial topper using his own strength, so there was no need for this person to designate him.

Jiang Xiu guessed that this man desired to place his Godhood Halo in Ye Wenchen's body and retrieve it back after he becomes the high school topper, which would raise his cultivation.

"You want to borrow his fate to enrich your Godhood Halo, right?"

Li Mi's expression morphed, "Who art thou?"

Jiang Xiu just continued without answering, "That's indeed a good method to cultivate divinity."

"Only, your luck's really bad today as you've encountered this Deity."

Jiang Xiu's pupils expanded, his eyes turning pitch black as he opened his mouth wide, causing the light to converge at his mouth.

Li Mi turned pale with fright as his Yang Divinity got sucked out. He screamed loudly, "DON'T! AAHHHH…."

No matter which era it was, the weak always remained as prey to the strong, this rule has never changed.

Lin Mi thought of plundering Ye Wenchen but got plundered by Jiang Xiu instead.


Li Mi shouted in alarm. There was a chance he would have escaped from the Divinity Devouring Art if Jiang Xiu had still been at the 2nd Mythical Realm of the Awakening Stage and only had two Divine Regalia as the power source. However, he had reached the 4th Mythical Stage and had four Divine Regalia now. The amount of attraction wasn't something Li Mi's Yang Divinity could resist. It got sucked into Jiang Xiu's mouth as if it were air and got devoured clean.

After the soul was devoured by him, he began to absorb its power.


The Divine race's bloodline began to achieve another breakthrough.

Another Godhood Halo was left behind after the soul was absorbed completely. Jiang Xiu used the secret art like last time and made this Godhood Halo his own as well.

The course of events went quite smoothly. Jiang Xiu got hold over this Godhood Halo very quickly. However, after he did that, he discovered that the other Godhood Halo went missing from within his body. The Godhood Halo of the Heavenly Dao Religion's God replaced itself with the current Goodhood Halo.

Jiang Xiu used the secret art once again to confirm his speculations. This time, the Heavenly Dao Religion's Godhood Halo replaced Li Mi's Godhood Halo.

He became sure now that it wasn't possible to use two Godhood Halo at the same time.

These two Godhood Halo were astonishing existences. Their powers were something else, and they also had completely different attributes. Jiang Xiu still hadn't discovered the exact use of this Godhood Halo.


The Divine race's Bloodline evolved once again. Jiang Xiu controlled it so that it doesn't influence the outer world much. The Divine Force in his body had leapt higher again.

Awakening Stage's 5th Mythical Realm. The fifth Divine Regalia had appeared on Jiang Xiu's arm. This Divine Regalia took a larger space than the others. The overall pattern was still indecipherable.

"Students, there are only 30 minutes left. You must hurry."

"Those who have finished writing can recheck their sheets."

Ye Wenchen stood up, "Teacher, please take my answer sheet."

"This student, there's still 30 minutes left. You should recheck it once."

Jiang Xiu gazed towards Ye Bing who had pursed her brows up, revealing quite a nervous appearance. Some of the questions on her answer sheet were blank, with traces of erased answers. It looked like she wasn't sure if her answer was correct.

Literature was Ye Bing's forte and also the subject for which she scored the highest grades. She wanted to use the Literature and English exam scores to complement for the Mathematics score. If she scored less in Literature and was again pulled down by Mathematics then she wouldn't be able to achieve her dream of entering the Imperial Capital.

30 minutes passed by rapidly.

Ding-Dong. The bell rang, indicating the end of the exam.

Ye Bing started to panic after hearing the bell ring and rushed to write the answer when she heard the invigilator's strict voice, "The exam duration has passed. Put your pen down. If you write even a character more, it'll be treated as malpractice."

"Leave the exam papers on the desk and exit from the classroom."

Ye Bing rushed out of the classroom with a pale face, her eyes glistening with tears. Jiang Xiu shook his head after seeing this. Isn't this little girl good with the subject? How did she become so dumb during the exam time?

He mumbled a spell and consequently, a few of the answers on Ye Bing's exam paper changed.

After leaving the classroom, Jiang Xiu saw Ye Bing run towards the shade of a tree where no one was present. Her shoulders trembled as she lost control of her emotions and started crying. Jiang Xiu went towards her and looked at her beautiful tear-stained face. He stood beside her for a moment and began speaking, "Ye Bing, it's just an exam. Is there a need to feel so sad?"

Perhaps it would have been better if he hadn't said anything as his words caused her to cry louder. Her wails filled with despair along with a heart-wrenching sadness, similar to how a little girl feels when her beloved toy gets taken away.

Her wails drew attention from the surrounding examinees.

They began to comment among themselves.

"Don't cry, okay. You'll alert the police if you keep crying. Wouldn't it be a great injustice to this Deity if they deemed that this Deity is a rogue and arrest me?"

Those who weren't privy to the actual reason she was crying might indeed think Jiang Xiu was harassing Ye Bing.

Two glistening teardrops formed at the corners of Ye Bing's eyes, "You're indeed a rogue…" Yes, a rogue. You appeared at my home mysteriously and even saw me in the nude. What else are you if not a rogue?

"Ei. Alright. This Deity is a rogue then. You are also someone extraordinary, a fairy who has descended from the heavens into this mortal world. None of the others schoolgirls can match up to you. This Deity indeed feels honored to make Fairy Ye say this Deity is a rogue. Only, this Deity isn't any ordinary rogue but rather a high-class rogue."

Ye Bing really couldn't stand his antics, always saying some crazy nonsense, messing up even while trying to coax a person, yet she indeed felt better and felt like laughing. "Just who do you think you are? I've never seen such a narcissistic person."

Jiang Xiu took out a handkerchief and handed it over to her.

Ye Bing turned around to wipe the tear stains.

"It's nothing."

Ye Bing made a cute expression, "As you're a weak student, you can never understand how a girl with excellent grades feels when she does badly on the exam."

Student Ye Bing also didn't lack in shamelessness.

However, these words came from the bottom of her heart.

Hasn't this Deity turned up with a bedbug while eating melon seeds? This Deity came here to comfort you with kind intentions and look, you've made me your target for making a joke. This Deity has indeed made a mistake.

However, after looking at her sad appearance, he didn't feel like bothering her anymore.

"How do you know you haven't done the exam well?"

"I didn't know the answer for three MCQs. 15 points are gone there."

"Perhaps you might've got them right."

She puckered her lips, a hope kindling inside her.

"Alright now, stop thinking about it. This Deity shall give you an opportunity to invite this Deity to lunch today."

When they left the school premises, the sky turned dark all of a sudden and summer rain started pouring down heavily. The two of them ran one behind the other and bolted into a public phone booth.

The sounds of heavy rain splashing against the asphalt resounded, and the scenery outside the phone booth turned hazy in an instant due to the mist forming on the glass.

"It's raining so heavily…"

The sky outside had turned pitch-black, only the sounds of rain echoing in their ears. It seemed as if they were isolated from the entire world, leaving only Ye Bing and Jiang Xiu.

They could clearly hear the counterpart's breaths in such a narrow space.

Their eyes met each other's, kindling their emotions. Perhaps because a lone man and woman became isolated in such a narrow phone booth, or perhaps because there was no external disturbance from the outside world, things began to change.

An ambiguous mood started to develop.

"Am I a horrible person?" asked Ye Bing.

Jiang Xiu shook his head, "You're still fine as this Deity has taken fancy to you. You have a pretty face and also a nice body…" As he mentioned 'body' a little shamelessly, he realized that he spoke excessively. It was indirectly telling Ye Bing that he had seen her nude entirely. He meant to comfort her but it turned into provocation instead.

Ye Bing's gaze turned tender, "You're just trying to comfort me…"

"This Deity always speaks the truth, or else…"

It looked like Ye Bing was quite courageous today. Her glistening eyes stared at Jiang Xiu as she asked, "Or else what?"

Jiang Xiu gulped down like a rogue. A voice from his subconscious kept reminding him that he needed to control himself and act befitting to his identity as the Sect Master of the Heaven Treading Sect, but he couldn't endure in the end. "Or else this Deity wouldn't have stared at you for such a long time then."

Ye Bing's pretty face blushed but she had no intentions of shrinking back now and instead approached nearer, causing a fragrance to puff at Jiang Xiu's face. Her glistering red lips looked quite seductive.

The two of them moved closer and acted as if they had forgotten everything else. Just like an electric shock, a dizzy spell hit them followed by a dream-like sweet bliss.

The rain poured down faster.

After a while…

The scenery outside became clearer and the sounds of rain lighter. The light from outside woke them up, leaving them with rushed breaths.

Ye Bing leaned against the phone booth, her canvas shoes steeled firmly to the ground, face crimson and lowered down, eyelashes quivering from time to time.

Jiang Xiu was leaning on the opposite side.

"Which university are you planning to join…"

"Haven't decided yet!"

Ye Bing softly muttered an 'oh' and then said, "I'm planning to go to the Imperial Capital for higher studies."


Ye Bing glanced at him, "Don't misunderstand, okay. I'm just saying it in passing."

"This Deity knows that!"


"Why don't you try for a university in the Imperial Capital as well?"

In the previous timeline, Jiang Xiu had intentions to read at the Imperial Capital. Of course, it wasn't to join a famous university as there were plenty of universities and polytechnic colleges there, but his parents didn't let him go to the Imperial Capital.

The reason he had wanted to go to the Imperial Capital in the previous timeline was because Cheng Lingsu was over there and he was afraid of someone snatching his wife.

"This Deity will consider it."

Ye Bing continued, "I'll definitely go to the Imperial Capital as my parents won't allow me to go anywhere else. It'll either be the Imperial University or National University…"

Ye Bing was pretty confident about it.

Although Ye Yiliang didn't have such a big influence, he could find means to settle this problem. As long as his daughter had close grades, anything was possible.

"This Deity will consider it…"

Jiang Xiu gave the same reply.

"The rain has stopped. Let's go out."

After pushing the door open, the noises from outside came rushing to their ears like a tide, sounds of chatter, sounds of vehicles as well as the sounds of water splashing as the wheels ran over puddles.

The two of them walked over towards a restaurant together.

Although the rain had stopped, the sky was still dark. It was only 11 AM so it was strange for something like this to happen. Jiang Xiu looked up towards the thick black clouds covering the city and felt it was quite odd.

"Just now… what happened before… it was an accident, okay?" Ye Bing summoned her courage and stated this with blushing cheeks.

"Mhm, an accident!"

Ye Bing relaxed her breath after hearing these words but she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in her heart. A girl's mood was just like the summer rain, quite hard to predict. She revealed a smile again, her mood returning to a good one but kept her thoughts a secret to herself. This can be considered as a Memoria of my high school's end.

She turned her pretty face and glanced towards Jiang Xiu beside her, "Student Jiang Xiu, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Jiang Xiu pondered for a moment, "Let's just eat some junk food at the fast food store ahead then."

The reason he said this was that he felt quite famished at the moment.

However, his thoughts were something else entirely. In view of your performance just now, you've succeeded in making this Deity feel a little pleasant and barely obtained a passing grade. Although you're an amateur lacking with skill and experience, you've regained your reserve maid qualifications now. The rest is up to your future performance.

Jiang Xiu gazed towards Ye Bing who had pursed her brows up, revealing quite a nervous appearance. Some of the questions on her answer sheet were blank, with traces of erased answers. It looked like she wasn't sure if her answer was correct.

Literature was Ye Bing's forte and also the subject for which she scored the highest grades. She wanted to use the Literature and English exam scores to complement for the Mathematics score. If she scored less in Literature and was again pulled down by Mathematics then she wouldn't be able to achieve her dream of entering the Imperial Capital.

30 minutes passed by rapidly.

Ding-Dong. The bell rang, indicating the end of the exam.

Ye Bing started to panic after hearing the bell ring and rushed to write the answer when she heard the invigilator's strict voice, "The exam duration has passed. Put your pen down. If you write even a character more, it'll be treated as malpractice."

"Leave the exam papers on the desk and exit from the classroom."

Ye Bing rushed out of the classroom with a pale face, her eyes glistening with tears. Jiang Xiu shook his head after seeing this. Isn't this little girl good with the subject? How did she become so dumb during the exam time?

He mumbled a spell and consequently, a few of the answers on Ye Bing's exam paper changed.

After leaving the classroom, Jiang Xiu saw Ye Bing run towards the shade of a tree where no one was present. Her shoulders trembled as she lost control of her emotions and started crying. Jiang Xiu went towards her and looked at her beautiful tear-stained face. He stood beside her for a moment and began speaking, "Ye Bing, it's just an exam. Is there a need to feel so sad?"

Perhaps it would have been better if he hadn't said anything as his words caused her to cry louder. Her wails filled with despair along with a heart-wrenching sadness, similar to how a little girl feels when her beloved toy gets taken away.

Her wails drew attention from the surrounding examinees.

They began to comment among themselves.

"Don't cry, okay. You'll alert the police if you keep crying. Wouldn't it be a great injustice to this Deity if they deemed that this Deity is a rogue and arrest me?"

Those who weren't privy to the actual reason she was crying might indeed think Jiang Xiu was harassing Ye Bing.

Two glistening teardrops formed at the corners of Ye Bing's eyes, "You're indeed a rogue…" Yes, a rogue. You appeared at my home mysteriously and even saw me in the nude. What else are you if not a rogue?

"Ei. Alright. This Deity is a rogue then. You are also someone extraordinary, a fairy who has descended from the heavens into this mortal world. None of the others schoolgirls can match up to you. This Deity indeed feels honored to make Fairy Ye say this Deity is a rogue. Only, this Deity isn't any ordinary rogue but rather a high-class rogue."

Ye Bing really couldn't stand his antics, always saying some crazy nonsense, messing up even while trying to coax a person, yet she indeed felt better and felt like laughing. "Just who do you think you are? I've never seen such a narcissistic person."

Jiang Xiu took out a handkerchief and handed it over to her.

Ye Bing turned around to wipe the tear stains.

"It's nothing."

Ye Bing made a cute expression, "As you're a weak student, you can never understand how a girl with excellent grades feels when she does badly on the exam."

Student Ye Bing also didn't lack in shamelessness.

However, these words came from the bottom of her heart.

Hasn't this Deity turned up with a bedbug while eating melon seeds? This Deity came here to comfort you with kind intentions and look, you've made me your target for making a joke. This Deity has indeed made a mistake.

However, after looking at her sad appearance, he didn't feel like bothering her anymore.

"How do you know you haven't done the exam well?"

"I didn't know the answer for three MCQs. 15 points are gone there."

"Perhaps you might've got them right."

She puckered her lips, a hope kindling inside her.

"Alright now, stop thinking about it. This Deity shall give you an opportunity to invite this Deity to lunch today."

When they left the school premises, the sky turned dark all of a sudden and summer rain started pouring down heavily. The two of them ran one behind the other and bolted into a public phone booth.

The sounds of heavy rain splashing against the asphalt resounded, and the scenery outside the phone booth turned hazy in an instant due to the mist forming on the glass.

"It's raining so heavily…"

The sky outside had turned pitch-black, only the sounds of rain echoing in their ears. It seemed as if they were isolated from the entire world, leaving only Ye Bing and Jiang Xiu.

They could clearly hear the counterpart's breaths in such a narrow space.

Their eyes met each other's, kindling their emotions. Perhaps because a lone man and woman became isolated in such a narrow phone booth, or perhaps because there was no external disturbance from the outside world, things began to change.

An ambiguous mood started to develop.

"Am I a horrible person?" asked Ye Bing.

Jiang Xiu shook his head, "You're still fine as this Deity has taken fancy to you. You have a pretty face and also a nice body…" As he mentioned 'body' a little shamelessly, he realized that he spoke excessively. It was indirectly telling Ye Bing that he had seen her nude entirely. He meant to comfort her but it turned into provocation instead.

Ye Bing's gaze turned tender, "You're just trying to comfort me…"

"This Deity always speaks the truth, or else…"

It looked like Ye Bing was quite courageous today. Her glistening eyes stared at Jiang Xiu as she asked, "Or else what?"

Jiang Xiu gulped down like a rogue. A voice from his subconscious kept reminding him that he needed to control himself and act befitting to his identity as the Sect Master of the Heaven Treading Sect, but he couldn't endure in the end. "Or else this Deity wouldn't have stared at you for such a long time then."

Ye Bing's pretty face blushed but she had no intentions of shrinking back now and instead approached nearer, causing a fragrance to puff at Jiang Xiu's face. Her glistering red lips looked quite seductive.

The two of them moved closer and acted as if they had forgotten everything else. Just like an electric shock, a dizzy spell hit them followed by a dream-like sweet bliss.

The rain poured down faster.

After a while…

The scenery outside became clearer and the sounds of rain lighter. The light from outside woke them up, leaving them with rushed breaths.

Ye Bing leaned against the phone booth, her canvas shoes steeled firmly to the ground, face crimson and lowered down, eyelashes quivering from time to time.

Jiang Xiu was leaning on the opposite side.

"Which university are you planning to join…"

"Haven't decided yet!"

Ye Bing softly muttered an 'oh' and then said, "I'm planning to go to the Imperial Capital for higher studies."


Ye Bing glanced at him, "Don't misunderstand, okay. I'm just saying it in passing."

"This Deity knows that!"


"Why don't you try for a university in the Imperial Capital as well?"

In the previous timeline, Jiang Xiu had intentions to read at the Imperial Capital. Of course, it wasn't to join a famous university as there were plenty of universities and polytechnic colleges there, but his parents didn't let him go to the Imperial Capital.

The reason he had wanted to go to the Imperial Capital in the previous timeline was because Cheng Lingsu was over there and he was afraid of someone snatching his wife.

"This Deity will consider it."

Ye Bing continued, "I'll definitely go to the Imperial Capital as my parents won't allow me to go anywhere else. It'll either be the Imperial University or National University…"

Ye Bing was pretty confident about it.

Although Ye Yiliang didn't have such a big influence, he could find means to settle this problem. As long as his daughter had close grades, anything was possible.

"This Deity will consider it…"

Jiang Xiu gave the same reply.

"The rain has stopped. Let's go out."

After pushing the door open, the noises from outside came rushing to their ears like a tide, sounds of chatter, sounds of vehicles as well as the sounds of water splashing as the wheels ran over puddles.

The two of them walked over towards a restaurant together.

Although the rain had stopped, the sky was still dark. It was only 11 AM so it was strange for something like this to happen. Jiang Xiu looked up towards the thick black clouds covering the city and felt it was quite odd.

"Just now… what happened before… it was an accident, okay?" Ye Bing summoned her courage and stated this with blushing cheeks.

"Mhm, an accident!"

Ye Bing relaxed her breath after hearing these words but she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss in her heart. A girl's mood was just like the summer rain, quite hard to predict. She revealed a smile again, her mood returning to a good one but kept her thoughts a secret to herself. This can be considered as a Memoria of my high school's end.

She turned her pretty face and glanced towards Jiang Xiu beside her, "Student Jiang Xiu, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

Jiang Xiu pondered for a moment, "Let's just eat some junk food at the fast food store ahead then."

The reason he said this was that he felt quite famished at the moment.

However, his thoughts were something else entirely. In view of your performance just now, you've succeeded in making this Deity feel a little pleasant and barely obtained a passing grade. Although you're an amateur lacking with skill and experience, you've regained your reserve maid qualifications now. The rest is up to your future performance.

If the boy showed no reaction after the girl had already offered up a kiss through coincidental circumstances, the girl would no doubt feel resentment due to the feeling of being rejected from the boy displaying no emotions. It's impossible that the girl would remain calm. Therefore, during the time they were having lunch, Ye Bing kept glaring at Jiang Xiu with a hidden bitterness in her expression.

The examinees kept entering the restaurant one by one, discussing the exam topics. Some students liked to check their answers after the exam and compare them with the solution sheet to calculate an accurate total score they would obtain.

"Excuse me, can you lend me the solution sheet?"

If it was someone else, those boys might not have given it, but since it was a pretty girl like Ye Bing asking for it, they naturally acted elegantly.

"There's no need to ask so politely. You can take it."

"Thank you!" Ye Bing replied gracefully.

A few of them were unwilling to see the solution sheet as it might influence their mood and affect their later performance if they had messed up.

Ye Bing looked at it carefully, her face turning paler by the second. She was now sure that she had answered those questions incorrectly. I knew they were wrong and you said I got them correct, swindler. Ye Bing looked at Jiang Xiu resentfully, glaring at him with anger, "Swindler, didn't you say I got them right?"

The best way to deal with a girl feeling resentful was to act shamelessly so Jiang Xiu replied to her in such a manner, "There's two types of swindlers. One is someone who scams you out of your money and the other scams you into having sex. What did this Deity scam out of you?"

Originally, he hadn't scammed anything out of her, but all that had happened in the phone booth couldn't be said as if nothing happened.

"You still dare to ask? You scammed… that…" Saying words like 'scammed me into doing something immoral' wasn't something a conservative girl like Ye Bing was willing to say, not even over her dead body. However, Jiang Xiu quickly understood that girls always found a way to make their words sound right and had patented the skill of speaking unreasonable things.

"Anyways, you're a swindler. A thorough scammer."

"Even if this Deity is a scammer, it can be considered that this Deity has failed in scamming."

Ye Bing's eyes open wide. "How can it still be considered a failure?"

That was this Lady's first kiss. You've really scammed this Lady cruelly.

You've made me lose such an important thing!

Jiang Xiu looked at Ye Bing's expression which seemed to say she had lost a valuable thing and exposed a smile, "Since it's this way, Student Ye Bing, why did you invite a scammer for lunch?"

"That's because you deceived me."

Jiang Xiu's smile grew wider, "Ei. Getting deceived into paying the bill can be considered as scamming money. It seems like Student Ye Bing has indeed let this Deity scam money out of you as well as scam you into doing something immoral, you've lost two valuable things."

Ye Bing assumed a posture as if she was spitting, "Bah! You miser."


Jiang Xiu's laughter caused Ye Bing's cheeks to flush again. Her appearance was pretty. Her light summer clothes stuck to her body due to getting drenched in the rain and it emphasized the curves of her bosom even more spectacularly than the usual. Although they hadn't developed completely, Jiang Xiu that it was just the foundation and that they would definitely grow plumper.

Ye Bing became conscious of his gaze on her body and felt her cheeks burn, causing her to counter subconsciously. "You're the reason if I do badly in the exam."

Jiang Xiu glanced at her bashful face grimly, "How is it related to this Deity if you do bad?"

"How is it not related? You're such a horrible person. This Lady's mood went bad after looking at you and since my mood isn't good, my exam will naturally go bad. Tell me, who am I to blame if not you?"

Jiang Xiu sighed, "So boring. Plenty of fairies stopped eating and couldn't sleep at night after taking a look at this Deity. Finally undressing and throwing themselves into this Deity's arms."

"If you dislike this Deity, then why did you…"

Ye Bing's face blushed fully after seeing that he was acting even more excessive, even mentioning the matter that had happened before and felt quite resentful. An ominous glint flashed in her beautiful eyes as she kicked towards him from under the table.

"Stop saying nonsense."

Deity Xiu naturally noticed it and caught her leg between his legs. She tried to regain it but couldn't break free from his clutches.

"Let go of me."

Such an intimate contact reminded her of that dream-like time in the phone booth. The gaze of the youth opposite to her made her feel hot all over as if she was melting.

"Let go!"

Ye Bing inwardly regretted kicking towards him. This was the difference between men and women. According to biology, the reason boys wished to act intimate was not because of love but due to the beauty of the girl and the girls were helpless against this. This keen girl had already realized from Jiang Xiu's reaction in the phone booth that he didn't get excited towards her. Since he didn't love her but still provoked her in this way, though it couldn't be considered as acting shameless, it could still be considered as him taking advantage of her.

"Let me go, ok?"

Her voice turned softer as if she were pleading.

Jiang Xiu felt perfectly contented and released her, "Feel relieved, you'll do well. This Deity shall take responsibility for making sure that you pass the minimum scoring line to the join the Imperial University or the National University."

"You better pray to the Gods as well as Buddha that I pass for those universities then or else I'll teach you a good lesson." The girl bared her fangs again once she got free.

Since Jiang Xiu already had the experience of cheating from before, he had settled the following exam in minutes. As for Ye Bing, her condition really wasn't good. Her mental state wasn't well and she was also affected by the thought that she made mistakes in the Literature exam so her mood turned abnormal. However, with Jiang Xiu to correct her answers, she had transformed into the exam queen in minutes.

The three exam days ended pretty quickly.

After returning on the final day, Ye Bing had calculated her score under her mother's request. According to her estimate, it came to around 630 points, which was far from the minimum passing score for Imperial University. This made her feel quite dispirited and also made Mama Ye worried.

However, the result wasn't set yet. Sometimes, there's a huge difference in the results and it was a two-week long wait for it.

Today, the results of the college entrance exam came out. It was also the graduation party day for the 12th grade students.

The regions outside the school were quite lively on this day. No matter whether the results were good or bad, they were already out and it was all settled now. Their bitter life of studying had finally ended and each student could now soar to the skies.

On the way to the auditorium, Jiang Xiu had run into a few acquaintances. The person in the middle was none other than Cheng Lingsu. Her smile put even flowers into shame and she wore a gentle expression on her face. When she saw Jiang Xiu, an arrogant curve rose upon her lips.

"Jiang Xiu!"

"How much did you score?"

She was accompanied by Ouyang Qian, Li Dan as well as a few other girls from her class.


"The results were out yesterday so how come you don't know yours?" One of the pretty girls beside her stated.


"Tell us. We won't laugh."

She was clearing mocking at Jiang Xiu. Though she said she won't laugh, the taunt in her eyes was plainly visible.

Cheng Lingsu looked towards him curiously, waiting for him to answer.

"I really don't know!"

Jiang Xiu indeed hadn't checked his results as there was no need for him to do it. Though he didn't know how much he scored, there was no way he'd score low due to the way he wrote the exam, which was pretty much an open-book exam for him.

"This Deity didn't check it."

An annoying voice came through from behind at this moment, "Of course you didn't. If it was me, even I wouldn't check it as a person who has always been at the last position in the mock exams. It'd kill my heart."

Ye Wenchen, Lin Shu, and the other student council members walked over along with this voice.

"Young Master Ye!"

"Young Master Lin!"

Everyone felt curious after looking at Ye Wenchen. They wanted to know what this seeded topper's score was and whether he had grabbed the position of Jiangnan province's topper. Even Cheng Lingsu felt quite curious about it. Ouyang Qian called out to him, "Young Master Ye, how much did you score?"

Everyone felt tense at this moment. After all, Ye Wenchen was their classmate and it'd bring prestige if the topper was from their school.

One of Ye Wenchen's hand was within his pockets while he nudged his spectacles with the other, assuming a completely confident appearance as he spoke in a relaxed manner, "I also don't know!"

"I still haven't checked it!"

All of them made a commotion.

Lin Shu commented, "There are only two kinds of persons in this world who don't check their college entrance exam results. The first being the kind of person who knows for sure that they'll definitely get entry into the Imperial University. The only suspense for them is whether they grabbed the title of Jiangnan's topper. An example of that is Young Master Ye."

"The other kind is a person who knows that there's no use in checking it as they know they'll come up in the bottom rung. An example would be someone like Student Jiang Xiu…"

His gaze fell on Jiang Xiu.

"Jiang Xu, tell me. Am I right?"

Jiang Xiu smiled coolly, declining to comment.

"Young Master Ye, check it once. How much did you finally score?"

Cheng Lingsu also asked curiously, "Right, check it."

Ye Wenchen replied to them, "Since all of you want me to, I shall check it then." He took out his cell phone and entered his roll number in.

"How much…"

The confident smile on Ye Wenchen's face turned stiff.

Everyone felt anxious after seeing the expression on Ye Wenchen's face. Lin Shu, who stood beside him furrowed his brows, "What happened? You didn't become the topper?"

Ye Wenchen had told him that the title of topper was already in his bag so Lin Shu wasn't expecting something to go wrong. He was hoping to have a topper among his brothers.

He peeked into the screen and cried out in alarm, "How is this possible!?"

"What is it?"

"How much did Young Master Ye score in the end?"

Ye Wenchen was already left stupefied, color draining from his face. He couldn't and wasn't ready to believe it. The score on the cellphone was a 476.

His college entrance exam score was 476 points.

Everyone made a commotion.

"Young Master Ye, this is…"

Everyone's first conclusion was that Ye Wenchen had failed at the final step. These circumstances weren't that rare as it was common for students to mess up the order while filling the answers due to the huge pressure.

"Around 400 points, that's not even enough to qualify for 3rd tier, right?"

"Ye Wenchen will have to enter a polytechnic course."

Ye Wenchen's face twitched as he gazed towards Cheng Lingsu. He had already fantasized about confessing to her after the school announced him as the topper. He planned to enter the Imperial University hand-in-hand with her and enjoy the sweet, beautiful university life with her while incurring envy from the others. However, this beautiful delusion of his had broken into pieces.

If he repeated the year again, there's no way the girl would wait. It was possible that he wouldn't have any encounters with Cheng Lingsu in the future.

"No, this can't be happening."


Cheng Lingsu gazed at this outstanding boy with sympathy.

Reality was cruel. All the past grades were useless as the schools only looked at the final assessment and used the college entrance exam's grades as the only standard.

"Good news, good news…"

A cheer burst out from the far away crowd.

It seems a happy event had occurred.

The students, as well as the teachers, ran with their all, including a potbellied one who ran while bouncing his fat meat with a flushed and excited face, "The topper is from our school, the topper is from our school…"

The student council members present were all stunned, feeling quite baffled as except Ye Wenchen, there was no one who possessed the strength to obtain the topper position among the students of Second High.

"The topper!"

It was a matter of honor for Jiang City's Second High as well as glory of all students in Jiang City that the topper had appeared from here.

It was an amazing feat.

"But who is it?"

Everyone felt curious as it seemed like no one knew who the topper was in the end.


The bell rang inside the auditorium and the general assembly formally began. Students were still rushing in from outside. No matter whether Second High's performance was good or bad in this time's college entrance exam, the glorious fact that the topper had appeared from here was enough to complement everything else.

"Students, please calm down…"

The new headmaster was still unfamiliar to everyone. He was also quite excited right now. He had hardly taken up the post and such a huge achievement had fallen like a pie from the sky on his head.

His voice revealed his excitation, "First, I would like to congratulate everyone for completing your 3 years of high school. No matter whether you did well or not, it's all over now. Today, everyone can take a calm look over the past 12 years."


The headmaster started his long speech.

"This year, our Second High has acquired a splendid achievement. The number of students who had enough points to enter the Imperial University is nine."

A thunderous applause followed after that.

The fact that nine people from the same school had achieved enough scores to enter the best educational establishments had left them speechless.

It only proved that Second High was worthy of being called Jiang City's No. 1 High School!

After reaching this point, the new headmaster grew even more excited, "Moreover, I very solemnly and emotionally declare that… this year's Jiangnan's provincial topper has appeared from our school."

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Aaah, who is it?"

The entire auditorium buzzed with chatter. Even some of the teachers whispered to each other excitedly.

"It ought to be Ye Wenchen, right?"

There was no one else other than him.

The students of Ye Wenchen's class started to cheer for him and one of them shouted out, "Ye Wenchen, Ye Wenchen…" causing the other students to follow him.

The topper indeed received this kind of reception.

The other classes also started to cheer, "Ye Wenchen, Ye Wenchen…"

The whole auditorium buzzed with Ye Wenchen's name.

Seated on the chair, Ye Wenchen's face turned paler. He had imagined this kind of scene several times but when it was actually happening, he only felt like someone had given him a loud and clear slap to his face.

On the stage, the headmaster continued, "Students… This time's topper isn't Student Ye Wenchen."


"It's not him?"

This unexpected news brought chaos again.

Everyone quickly shut their mouths and felt embarrassed for Ye Wenchen for a few seconds.

"This time's topper is from 12th Grade Class E."

Everyone's sight shot towards the area of 12th Grade Class E. Hearing the headmaster's words, the class in-charge Madam Miejue felt quite surprised and revealed a stupefied face. The happiness had come all too sudden that she couldn't believe the topper had come from her class.

The students of Class E made a commotion as well.

"Who has good grades in Class E?"

Ye Wenchen's group had always taken the limelight away from the others, leaving them in the darkness. No one paid much attention to the others.

"Ye Bing, it isn't you, right?" asked Liu Xiaoyun.

Ye Bing's score this time had exceeded her expectations. It was a total of 701 points. It was enough to safely gain entry to the Imperial University or the National University. She had scored a full 50 points higher than her usual mock exam grades.

"That's not possible. My score is far from it."

The headmaster finally revealed it, "I solemnly announce that the topper this time is… 12th Grade Class E's Student Jiang Xiu."

"Jiang Xiu?"

"Impossible!" Ye Wenchen and the others cried out.

Jiang Xiu was the weakest student in the school and always ended up at the last position in all the mock exams. They simply couldn't believe that he was the topper.

"Student Jiang Xiu's score is 743 points…"

"Everyone please given an applause!"

The headmaster took the initiative to start clapping with his all, drawing out all his strength.

The students of Class E were all stunned.

"Did you hear that? 743 points, oh God!"

Those grades were really heaven-defying. No one had ever achieved such high grades in the previous years. Only 7 points were lost and this also included doing the Literature and English compositions.

"That damn fruit seller is the topper?"

Cheng Lingsu, Ouyang Qian, and Li Dan were all stupefied.

"H-How did he…"

They couldn't believe that the student in the last position of the mock exams had become the college entrance exam topper.

"Everyone, congratulate Student Jiang Xiu!"

"Thanks to Student Jiang Xiu, our Second High and Jiang City had won an honor."

Another thunderous applause followed after this.

"Student Jiang Xiu, please ascend to the stage…"

Though Jiang Xiu hadn't checked his grades, he knew that he'd be this year's topper as the Godhood Halo from Lin Mi had suddenly increased when the results were released yesterday night.

Jiang Xiu walked over towards the stage calmly. At this moment, everyone's gaze was on him. A single thought flashed through all of their minds right now - The loser is making a comeback in life.

Though his home ran a fruit stall, he had become the topper. It was a magnificent feat.

A few of them were extremely moved from Jiang Xiu's actions.

They could imagine how excited his parents would feel after hearing this news. They would feel grateful that they had obtained proper results for all that they had invested. There was no better repayment than this to them.

"Thank you, Headmaster and everyone!"

An awful gloom filled Ye Wenchen and Lin Shu's eyes as they saw Jiang Xiu bask in glory with the identity of the topper.

"Though the title of 'topper' sounds pleasant, it's just a title for scoring the first position in the exam. You'll still have to enter a university to study and have to find a job after graduating…"

"You're too naïve if you believe you can make a comeback at life by scoring first in the exam."

Cheng Lingsu wore a complex expression on her face. She was indeed quite shocked that Jiang Xiu had seized the topper title. She had even begun to see him in a new light but her heart felt unwell. Since Jiang Xiu was able to become the topper, it meant that his performance wasn't actually lacking at all but he still did badly in the normal tests. She believed that Jiang Xiu had done this intentionally, that he was waiting for this precise moment to make a strong counterattack at her and show her the proof that he wasn't weaker than anyone else.

"So childish."

The gap between us isn't something you can complement by becoming the topper.

After graduating from university, your annual salary would be 3,00,000 at most, and you'll gather around 10 million even if you work hard all your life but my family can make a profit of 100 million just from a single project.

Why can't you understand that we are from two different worlds and can never get together?

Cheng Lingsu shook her head. She lamented for Jiang Xiu while seeing him stand on the stage and appear proud of his success.

Ouyang Qian said with rancor, "Even if he enters the Imperial University, he won't be able to change his fate of a poor student and will struggle pitifully."

"He's just someone who lives by eating pickles and tofu yet wants to actually dine in a high-grade international restaurant now."

The students to the side also agreed to these words.

Li Dan commented, "It looks like Ye Bing has also scored above 700. Those two must have already made plans to join the Imperial University together, right?"

Unrest flashed through Cheng Lingsu's eyes, her gaze subconsciously turning towards the faraway Ye Bing. Shock filled Ye Bing's face at the moment as she wore a look of disbelief while gazing at Jiang Xiu, feeling as if this was all a dream. Infatuation could be seen in her expression. This really made Cheng Lingsu feel unwell. She believed Jiang Xiu wasn't suitable to receive the love of such an outstanding girl like Ye Bing.

You always overestimate yourself.

Just when will you wake up?

When Jiang Xiu had received a medal from the police department before, he was awarded 20 extra points for the college entrance exam from the Bureau of Education. Due to this, he had achieved a perfect full score, an unprecedented event in history.

It was indeed staying low-key and then amazing the entire world with a single brilliant feat.

"Topper, you're amazing!"


The students of Class E started to shout wantonly as if they were seeing a celebrity. Their passion had kindled.

Madam Miejue was also extremely moved. She had never expected that a topper would appear from among her students.

She was too excited.

The student she had looked down on once had now become her biggest pride.

On the evening of that day, Tang Zhenshan hurried over to Jiang Xiu along with Tang Wenchong's support.

"Mr. Jiang, are you free?"

Jiang Xiu slowly walked out, a fantastic breath curled around him. This was the remnant power after cultivating the Godhead. The aura was enough to suppress people.

"What's the matter?"

Tang Zhenshan felt somewhat embarrassed, "A problem has occurred at the Myriad Base City Plaza Project."

"Qin Weiping?"

Jiang Xiu sat down on the teacher's bench inside the classroom and hinted Tang Zhenshan to take a seat by waving his hand. Since Tang Zhenshan had grown old and also lost an arm, it was difficult for him to stand. As for Tang Wenchong, he remained standing.

Tang Zhenshan took a seat and continued, "On that day, Mr. Jiang had merely reached an oral agreement with Qin Weiping."

Jiang Xiu nodded as that was indeed the case.

He hadn't signed a contract to transfer the shares to Qin Weiping.

And Tang Zhenshan was the eyewitness.

"What's up? Is he planning on backing out?"

Tang Zhenshan formed his words with great difficulty, "He sold the Myriad Base City Plaza Project."


Oral agreements weren't under the protection of laws, so this meant that Qin Weiping was still the boss of Myriad Base and had the rights to sell Myriad Base. In fact, Myriad Base was already classified as Jiang Xiu's and Qin Weiping owed him few billions now as the development of real estate areas easily reached 1-2 billion.

"No one can run away with Deity's money."

"This matter isn't that simple. As Mr. Jiang had settled the problem at Myriad Base's project and I had acted as the intermediary, Qin Weiping wouldn't have dared to do such a thing. The problem is at the buyer's side."


"A few days ago, the Wang family of Jiangnan province got involved in this matter. They both came to an agreement and Qin Weiping sold the Myriad Base Project to the Wang family for a very low price of 100 million.

"Wang Xuehai?!"

Tang Zhenshan nodded helplessly, "This is certainly the Wang family's show of strength as Mr. Jiang hadn't visited Hang City to pay respects."

The value of the Myriad Base Project was around 2 billion yet it was sold off for a measly price of 100 million. Wang family's actions were quite thorough. As Qin Weiping would've only made a profit of few ten thousand with the remaining shares he possessed, he had happily chosen to sell it off for 100 million. Both of them completely ignored the true owner, Jiang Xiu.

"Mr. Jiang. Wang Xuehai's methods are always quite ruthless but it's clear from the surface that he has acted modestly this time. If you visit the Hang City and pay respects, you'll surely get the Myriad Base Project back."

Jiang Xiu smiled indifferently, "Is that so?"

Tang Zhenshan lowered his voice, "The Wang family isn't easy to deal with. Mr. Jiang possesses magical powers but it's said that the Wang family has a Demigod watching over them. They had emerged as a great family in the early 19th century and have an incomparably deep power. It isn't worth it to make trouble for ourselves."

"Old Father Tang means to say that this Deity must go to the Wang family and pay respects."

"Ah… A wise man can only submit to the circumstances!"

Jiang Xiu stood up and slowly walked towards the window, his gaze fixed on the wetlands outside.

"This Deity shall go to the Wang family to pay respects."

"That's really good!"

Tang Zhenshan relaxed his breath. He was really anxious that Jiang Xiu would fight against the Wang family. The Wang family wasn't like Jiang City where the powers were all divided, it was a prestigious martial arts inheritance family with a history of over 200 years.

"You can leave."

As Jiang Xiu had given the order, Tang Zhenshan and Tang Wenchong didn't dare to tarry any longer. Since the Wang family had played them over in such a way, they thought that Jiang Xiu must be feeling quite angry and this would also bring a big hit to his popularity.

"We shall say farewell then."

Jiang Xiu was astonished that as soon as the grandfather-grandson duo left, Cheng Lingsu had called him. He picked it up and asked, "What is it?"

"Why? Your performance is obviously good. Why did you hide it from me?"

"It seems as if you also didn't bother asking this Deity."

Cheng Lingsu turned silent for a moment and then continued, "Since the college entrance exam has ended, I made plans to have fun but my dad requested me to take you along as well. You better make preparations, okay?"

Jiang Xiu almost laughed. You thought this Deity will accompany you just like that?

"We're planning to go to Hang City to see the shore and also organize a 2-day trip, We will consult about further plans after having some fun. When that time comes, you can return earlier."

Deity Xiu was like a key to her journey. She would have no use of the key after opening the door so she wanted to send him back, ordering him as she wished.

Only, it was really coincidental that their destination was Hang City.

"When are you setting off?"

"Tomorrow morning, 7 AM at the school entrance."

"This Deity shall arrive there on time."

As he was also planning to go to Hang City, he thought of hitching a ride with them.

Jiang Xiu was always punctual and accurate to the second. He arrived at the school's entrance right at 7:01 AM and noticed Ye Wenchen, Lin Shu and a few other schoolboys along with the girls, Cheng Lingsu, Ouyang Qian and Li Dan.

"Alright, since everyone has arrived, let's set off!"

Ye Wenchen stared coldly as if this time's failure in the exam hadn't influenced him at all.

It seemed as if it had instead made him calmer.

"Is everything arranged over there at Hang City?" asked Ye Wenchen.

"The boss of the bayside over-water holiday resort is my father's friend, I've already called him." Lin Shu's family business was a hotel so they were considered of the same trade.

The group had rented a tourist bus for use.

These people always hung out together for 3 years and were close to each other. A few of the guys had assembled together to play car while the girls chatted endlessly. Only Jiang Xiu sat inharmoniously at the rear seat.

"Susu, why did you invite him? He's so annoying!" Ouyang Qian stated.

Cheng Lingsu furrowed her pretty brows. She wasn't willing to invite him but had no other choice. She didn't know what wrong medicine her father had taken when he wanted her to absolutely take Jiang Xiu.

"He's after all the topper and might join the same university as me."

"It's better to have a good relationship beforehand."

A few sisters rolled their eyes helplessly. Ye Wenchen who was sitting ahead also heard this. A youngster's heart was also quite sensitive. He immediately started feeling unwell. From her tone, he felt as if Cheng Lingsu wanted to approach Jiang Xiu so he couldn't help but say to Lin Shu, "I really underestimated him."

He believed that Jiang Xiu was conspiring to obtain Cheng Lingsu. From Ye Wenchen's point-of-view, it was difficult for men to stay calm facing her peerless beauty so he felt that Jiang Xiu wasn't an exception as well.

"This youngster has really endured enough, a full three years and finally made his move against this Daddy."

He felt that Jiang Xiu's move had indeed shown results as Cheng Lingsu was treating him favorably.

Lin Shu patted his shoulders, "Feel relieved. Susu's gaze is always set up so high so there's no way she'll fall for him. Isn't it just reading? There are plenty of people who can read. Nowadays, having an ability is the most important. How could he compare to us with just a diploma from the Imperial University?"

"Who knows whether he might come requesting us for work after graduating?"

Ye Wenchen laughed coldly. His father was already the Deputy Mayor of Jiang City. In 5 years, if any incidents don't occur, his father would be the Mayor of Jiang City. At that time, he would become the No. 1 Silkpants of Jiang City. He believed that there was no way an insignificant fruit seller could compare with him.

"Just wait till we reach Hang City. We shall have fun with him then."

The tourist bus left towards the holiday villa area. It was a famous scenic spot with a lot of tourists. When the bus arrived, a man stood near the stopping point loftily with a group of resort attendants behind him.

Lin Shu saw him after alighting the bus and went over excitedly, "Bro Zhong, how come you're here to welcome us?"

"I have naturally come to welcome the son of Jiang City's Deputy Mayor personally."

Lin Shu introduced Ye Wenchen to this man, "Bro Zhong, this is Young Master Ye."

This Bro Zhong was none other than the son of Shahe's Boss Zhong. He didn't have his father's herculean physique instead he was tall and handsome but also quite arrogant. He only called out to Ye Wenchen and ignored the other schoolboys, disdaining to even associate with them. He held nothing but contempt towards Jiang Xiu, however, his eyes glowed with fascination when he looked at Cheng Lingsu as she was a really rare beauty.

"Everything is ready inside the resort. If you need anything, call my manager or the attendants. I've already given them instructions."

"Thank you, Bro Zhong!"

"We're all brothers so there's no need to act so formal. I have some matters to attend to right now, so wait for me to host a welcome feast for everyone."

Before leaving, he only gave his farewells to Ye Wenchen, making it appear as if Ye Wenchen held a higher standing than the others. This caused Ye Wenchen to feel he was superior.

"Did you see, Young Master Ye? Even a person like Young Master Zhong is thinking of associating with you. As for that damn fruit seller, he isn't qualified to even carry your shoes."

Ye Wenchen's ego swelled up even further.

Half of the villas in the resort were of the luxury-type while the other half were the romantic type. The splendorous scenery looked quite hospitable and had a dreamy vibe to it. This resort was a top-grade resort in Jiangnan province.

Even before entering the resort, the sound of tides coming from the Qiantang river at the end was audible. The waves rose up to 3-4 meters high and came rushing over towards the shore. The people at the shore shouted excitedly, running away from the waves and again going to the shore when the tide retreats, waiting joyfully for the next tide to come over.

Jiang Xiu's gazed towards the tides. It was actually quite dangerous when the tide comes over. Looking at the scene from a high position, those rising and falling tides appear as if someone was repeatedly swallowing and spitting out the land.

"Jiang Xiu, hurry up…"

After entering the resort, everyone received their room cards. The others all lived in a villa but Jiang Xiu was given a common single room located in the corner.

"Do you see him? There's no need for you to act politely towards him…" Lin Shu made the attendant give Jiang Xiu the worst room to humiliate him, "He wouldn't dare to do shit."

"He thinks he can enjoy all this for free."


Lin Shu patted his head and spoke in an annoyed tone, "Fuck, to think I even valued him highly."


Their party laughed and looked at the leaving Jiang Xiu with even more disdain.

Jiang Xiu wore an indifferent expression as usual. The reason he had come to Hang City wasn't to socialize with Cheng Lingsu but rather visit Wang Xuehai's dock. Since it was a free trip and accommodations, he agreed to come along with her.

He was unclear where the Wang family was situated in Hang City but it wasn't a difficult matter to know as it was a famous family.

He planned to leave for there, after the feast.

The welcome feast was arranged at the river's bayside area during noon. The rain had fallen continuously for the past two days so the weather was quite nice and didn't give off a summer vibe.

Another man had come along with Brother Zhong. He held himself quite elegantly and was escorted by Brother Zhong. He was Brother Zhong's uncle, Zhong Likan, the younger brother of Boss Zhong.

He had specially come to associate with Ye Wenchen as his father was in charge of Jiang City's land development after being promoted to Deputy Mayor and also grasped their businesses lifeline.

"Young Master Ye, this is my uncle, Zhong Likan…"

"Hello, Mr. Zhong."

"Hahaha, I've been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, Young Master Ye."

He ignored the rest of the people as if they were air.

Ye Wenchen's EQ wasn't that low, he introduced the others, "These are my classmates. That person is… Cheng Lingsu, the 2nd Young Lady of the Cheng Conglomerate."

Zhong Likan's expression morphed as he raised his wine cup, "A toast to the 2nd Young Lady of the Cheng Conglomerate."

"Cheng Conglomerate is the leader of our Jiang City's real estate business. Its fame has even reached all over Jiangnan."

Cheng Lingus also raised her wine cup, though there was only fruit juice inside, and said courteously, "You're too polite, Uncle Zhong. Susu is just the younger generation and still depends on others advice."

"I don't dare to do so."

He believed that the Cheng family was really amazing as it was already a wealthy family when he was still just starting out. Moreover, Cheng Hanlin was a true businessman while they mixed in the underworld and had blood on their hands. Everyone wished to live a good and honest life so he too admired Cheng Hanlin.

"Lin Shu, didn't you want to know about Mr. Jiang?" asked Brother Zhong, "My uncle was located at the scene that day for the Dao Soldier Meet in Dongzhou. Perhaps he can tell you a few things."

"Really?!" Before Lin Shu could even answer, Ouyang Qian and the other girls asked excitedly.

Even Cheng Lingsu's eyes shone with interest.

Mr. Jiang's name was already well-known in Jiang City. Rumors were that his words were even more effective than the government's orders, containing enormous weight. He also kept his promises.

Zhong Likan acted as if it was something taboo to speak, "It's problematic even for me to reveal things about Mr. Jiang."

Everyone felt disappointed after hearing this. They understood clearly that they didn't possess the qualifications to make inquiries about Mr. Jiang.

The supreme were all taboo. Even during ancient times, it was a taboo to speak their names. Similarly, no one called Mr. Jiang by his name, Jiang Luoxia, and only took his orders. If someone dared to call out his name, that'd be a challenge so that's why everyone addressed him deferentially as Mr. Jiang.

Setting aside the taboo name, Zhong Likan didn't even dare talk about Mr. Jiang to others. If he told these students and they distorted the truth then spread rumors around, it'd be a great disrespect to Mr. Jiang.

Brother Zhong didn't revere Mr. Jiang as much as the others so he commented after seeing Ye Wenchen's disappointed face, "Second Uncle, please reveal a bit. After all, Young Master Ye has come over with great difficulty."

The reason he said this was to point out that it'd be better to have a good relationship with the son of Jiang City's Deputy Mayor.

Zhong Likan muttered to himself, "Okay. I'll reveal only a few things."

Everyone was jubilant after hearing him say that. He changed his tone and manners as he told the tale that gave birth to veneration in them. They even laid the chopsticks down and listened to him earnestly.

"You children have only seen the most beautiful side of this world, the harmonious society as well as the prosperous cities, but a bloody reality lies under it. The most primal way of killing never disappeared from this world. It was the same on that day during the Dao Soldier Meet."

Zhong Likan slowly talked about the situation that day. Naturally, he only mentioned some of the troublesome things lightly but the students were all fascinated.

"Someone has cultivated martial arts to such a level?"

"Naturally. I've seen it with my own eyes."

"I'll tell another thing to you. There's a ranking list known as the Demigod Ranking in this world. The people on this list are all martial artists, espers, or shamans. That is, they possess magical powers, just like a Demigod and hence this list is called the Demigod Ranking."

"This wasn't something created by our country but passed down from the wartimes. It's said that our country has three people on the Demigod ranking.

All the students felt as if they were listening to an otherworldly tale.

Ouyang Qian questioned him, "Is Mr. Jiang on the list?"

"I believe that Mr. Jiang possesses enough strength to be placed on the list but even I haven't seen those experts act."

He withheld one matter which was that the Wang family's demigod was on the list.

"Is Mr. Jiang really that amazing?" Ye Wenchen couldn't believe all this.

Zhong Likan shook his head, "You can't imagine Mr. Jiang's godly skills." He quivered after remembering the scene of Jiang Xiu overtaking the helicopter by walking on the void like a God.

"Nom… Nom…"

Everyone was released from their trance after hearing this voice and looked towards the source. Ye Wenchen and the others couldn't endure their anger, and Cheng Lingsu frowned at the mountain-like pile of food stacked there. You're making us lose face, eating right from the start as if you haven't eaten anything ever.

The girls glared at him with despise.

Zhong Likan also felt quite unwell as this person was acting so wantonly when he was discussing Mr. Jiang. When his cold gaze fell on the person, the color drained from his face.


He felt it was quite difficult to say the following words.

Jiang Xiu's gaze swept past Zhong Likan and this single glance almost gave Zhong Likan a heart attack. He was dumbstruck with fear. Jiang Xiu joked at him, "Is Mr. Jiang really that amazing?"

"Isn't he also someone with a pair of eyes and a mouth?"

Brother Zhong furrowed his brows and said coldly, "Shut up! How dare you mock Mr. Jiang? One word from Mr. Jiang is enough to overturn Jiang City and make the other big shots p*ss in their pants, let alone a beggar like you. You can never imagine how scary Mr. Jiang's power is."

"Lower your arrogance and learn to act humble."

"Don't let this Daddy hear your voice again! I don't even want to hear you make sounds while eating."

His words kept turning ruder.

Ye Wenchen and the rest looked at this scene with delight as Brother Zhong lashed out on Jiang Xiu. Cheng Lingsu furrowed her brows. Though she was hiding her relationship with Jiang Xiu, she still felt quite embarrassed.


Zhong Likan gave a hard slap to Brother Zhong. The others were all stupefied, and Brother Zhong wore a blank expression, "Second Uncle…"

Though Brother Zhong was the one slapped, even Ye Wenchen and the others felt stunned at this development.

What's happening?

Did Zhong Likan slap his own nephew for Jiang Xiu?

Zhong Likan's mind revolved at Mach speed as he deduced that these people didn't know the true identity of Mr. Jiang and since it was so, he didn't dare say anything.

"Is this the way you speak to a guest?"

Although Brother Zhong felt unsatisfied, he understood that his home was planning to have a good relationship with Ye Wenchen. Since he wasn't giving face to Ye Wenchen's friend, Jiang Xiu, it meant that he wasn't giving face to Ye Wenchen.

"Second Uncle, I was wrong."

Everyone inferred the circumstances immediately, that it was due to Young Master Ye and looked at him with respect. As for the person himself, he felt high from the rush when seeing a bigshot like Zhong Likan slapping his own nephew to give face to him.

Zhong Likan pondered about how to make up for his nephew's hot-headedness as soon as possible.


Before Zhong Likan could apologize, Jiang Xiu wiped his mouth after finishing his meal. "It looks like I'm not welcome here. Everyone can enjoy your meal. I have other matters to deal with."

Ye Wenchen and the others sniggered in their minds. Looks like you know how to act tactfully.

What they hadn't expected was that Zhong Likan's complexion turned pale after Jiang Xiu left. He got up in a hurry to chase after him and almost wobbled down, causing the chair he was sitting on to fall aside. They were baffled because they knew that Zhong Likan was someone who practiced martial arts so this was really strange.

"What's with this scenario?"

If the reason Zhong Likan had slapped his nephew was to curry favor with Ye Wenchen, it'd make sense if he remained seated as Ye Wenchen was still here. But the reality was different. He was actually chasing after a nobody with an alarmed expression on his face.

"Mr. Jiang…"

Zhong Likan caught up to Jiang Xiu and called out nervously.

"We are honored by your presence, Mr. Jiang. You really scared me very much. My nephew didn't know he was facing you so I please ask Mr. Jiang to forgive him."

"Discipline him more."


Cold sweat poured down Zhong Likan's forehead. He knew that offending Mr. Jiang was akin to receiving a death sentence. Such was the case for Tang Tao as his dead body was seen, thrown out of the Tang family on the following day.

Though his nephew's situation wasn't as grave as Tang Tao's offense, the Zhong family had to clearly declare their position on this."

"I'll notify big brother to come over here."

"No need."

Jiang Xiu waved his hand and left towards the entrance to the resort.

Zhong Likan stood there with a complicated mood. He knew that Jiang Xiu wouldn't appear here without cause and must have come here for a reason. According to the recent rumors, it seemed like the Wang family felt discontented towards Jiang Luoxia and my resort is also at Hang City, don't tell me…

"Hey, big brother, Mr. Jiang came over to our resort…"

"It seems like he came here for something. Could it be that he came to pay respects to the Wang family?"

Boss Zhong said, "Pay respects? If he really intended to do so, he'd have done it in an ostentatious manner. Why would he leave alone?"

Suddenly, he realized something was wrong, "Damn, something big is about to happen."

Jiang Xiu came out through the resort's entrance and noticed a beautiful girl with long hair wearing a white dress waiting for her car. She wore white high heeled shoes. These shoes were from a luxurious French brand. Superior quality items like silk, fake diamonds etc… were used to make them. Many women from famous families liked to wear these kinds of shoes. Though Jiang Xiu didn't who this woman was, from her appearance, she appeared to be a Ms. Perfect from an influential family.

Jiang Xiu asked her, "Excuse me, do you know which bus must be taken to go to the Wang family, the Wang Conglomerate's Wang family."

"I know where the Wang family is but I don't know which bus goes there…" The valet driver brought over a red Porsche before she could finish speaking.

Jiang Xiu nodded, "Do you know the way to reach there?"

"Young Lady Wang, your car…"

The beauty conveniently sat in the Porsche and turned towards Jiang Xiu, "You want to ask the Wang family for help, right? There are hundreds of people who visit the Wang family every day to ask for help just like you but don't even get to see anyone. If you want something done, better do it yourself."

She pressed on the accelerator and sped off with a boom after saying this.

Leaving behind exhaust fumes.

The valet driver smiled, "You're shocked, right? Do you know who that was?"

"Wang family's Young Lady Wang Xintong."

The doorman was waiting for the show to start but Jiang Xiu didn't reply to him so he started talking himself, "Brother, you've missed a nice chance to curry favor with the Wang family. If Young Lady Wang had agreed to guide you, your problems would've been solved."


"May I ask how to reach the Wang family then?"

"That's quite complicated. This area is classified as a half-suburban district so it's better to drive to the Wang family by a car."

The resort had special cars for the guests to make trips to the city but the valet driver thought Jiang Xiu was an ordinary person due to his clothing and didn't bother mentioning this.

"Can I rent a car for use then?"

"Rent a car?"

"We don't have cars but we do offer bikes to the guests. However, you aren't allowed to go far and can only ride it near to the resort area. It's quite pricey to rent it too."

"Give it fast then…"

After paying the advance, Jiang Xiu got on the bike and rushed out of the resort at a lightning-fast speed. Since that beauty was someone from the Wang family, he believed he'd reach the Wang family by following her.

Jiang Xiu had learned how to ride a bike in his previous timeline. Since he was living together with Cheng Lingran then or perhaps because it was decreed by fate, he and Cheng Lingran lived a bitter lonely life away from their families just like his parents. The reason he had learned to drive was to deliver food, but Cheng Lingran had never complained about anything.

And now, he, the grand Sect Master of the Heaven Treading Sect, was riding a bike as if he and it were one-body.


It overtook one vehicle after other.

There was a traffic light at a crossing right after the resort area. Jiang Xiu saw the red Porsche there. Music was running from inside it, and Wang Xintong hummed along with it softly while the crashing sounds of waves from Qiantang river scrambled the music in intervals. The air filled with a pleasant, fragrant moisture.

The sound of revving woke her up from her stupor. She turned aside to see the handsome youth she had seen before stop his black bike beside her Porsche.

His features seemed as if they were carved out of marble. His hair flew around due to the wind and he looked quite cool, especially his eyes which seemed like the depths of the netherworld.

He deliberately increased the horsepower to provoke her with the engine's revving sounds.

"Humph! Interesting!"

Wang Xintong also changed the car's gear, stepped on the break and revved up the car. Her car was actually customized for racing and experts could easily make out the difference after listening to the engine's sound.

The red light had already reached the final 3 counts and was about to change to a green color.

There's a deep puddle 30 meters far from the traffic light and whoever falls behind would definitely get splashed by the dirt.




Followed by a boom, the Porsche reached an astonishing speed, causing the car's wheels to rotate at high speed in mid-air and then blitz ahead of the other cars after landing.

At the instant when the red light changed into the green light, the Porsche and bike blitzed out simultaneously at lightning-fast speed, leaving behind a cloud of smoke as well as the car's revving.


Wang Xintong was determined to win and had extreme self-confidence. After modification, the racing car could cover 100 yards in just 43 seconds. The intense G-force during the drive pressed the driver against the seat, making it difficult to move.

However, she noticed the bike roar furiously like a T-rex as it passed beside her. The metallic body seemed to fill it with incomparable power, leaving behind only an afterimage in its wake.

Whooosh… Only the sound of the bike cutting past the air was audible to her ears.

Immediately afterward, she noticed the muddy water rise up due to the bike's wheel and along with her Porsche was drenched in it as it moved past.

Fortunately, she had especially closed down the roof or else she'd have suffered miserably.

On the contrary, her car was splashed with mud now.

Wang Xintong possessed exceptional racing skills and this was a big insult to her.

She couldn't bear it and pressed down the accelerator in fury.

The Porsche swiftly caught up to the bike as it was moving at a lithe speed and soon overtook it.

As it reached the next puddle, the Porsche's wheels rolled around in it, causing the muddy water to splash towards Jiang Xiu.

Jiang Xiu saw the muddy water and lightly leaned his body to the side, making the bike lean to the ground at a 30° angle, rushing past from under the muddy water.

"Dodged it?!"

Wang Xintong was astonished and couldn't help but look towards him. That man's gaze met hers and the insolence in it enraged her.

Her complexion turned cold as she looked towards the next puddle. She zoomed towards it but Jiang Xiu was a second faster than her.

It seemed as if Jiang Xiu wasn't satisfied with splashing mud on her car as he had half-pressed the brake, causing the rear wheel to rise up in the air a little and then touch the water's surface again while spinning fast, which caused the muddy water to rush towards her Porsche with quite the force.

Wang Xintong's expression froze after seeing the dirty water come over. She had lost again.

The dirty water dyed her car all over.


The two of them raced ahead, one ahead, one behind and the converse in the next moment, continuously competing with each other. The dirty water splashed up each time they passed a puddle and Wang Xintong had lost all the bouts while that damn loser didn't even have a single bit of mud on him.

Fury overcame her. Her driving skills were even praised from racing gods of Germany but she could do nothing in front of this stinky loser. Moreover, he wasn't even driving a modified bike.

She glanced towards him then was met with his grim face and cold gaze.

Like the old adage went - If you agree to bet, you must accept to lose.

Wang Xintong slowly made her way towards her home.

After reaching the Wang family's Gardens, Wang Xintong alighted down and glared at Jiang Xiu coldly, "Your driving skills are pretty good."

"Better than yours!"

"You have quite the personality…"

Wang Xintong discovered that not only did Jiang Xiu possess crazy driving skills, he was also quite handsome and possessed a mysterious aura which drew people in. It's just that the street clothes he wore made him look like a commoner.

"It doesn't matter. Even if you're eccentric, you'll still have to bow down in front of my Wang family…"


His gaze fell on the gardens which possessed a 200-year long inheritance. The area was pretty wide and enough to accommodate a village.

Just as Wang Xintong had said, several people were crowding before the Wang family's Gardens.

"I want to request the Wang family to save my mother's life…"

"I want to request the Wang family to mediate the dispute between the Ruili Conglomerate and me…"

"I want to request the Wang family to hire…"

Wang Xintong said, "Do you see it now? These people are all here to request my Wang family's help."

"My mother is in a critical state and I've visited all the hospitals already. Western doctors, Chinese doctors, and even African Witch doctors have tried to heal her but it didn't work. Only the Wang family can save my mother's life."

One of them asked, "What will you use to make the Wang family act?"

That man replied in this way, "I have a lot of money. If 1 million isn't enough, then 10 million, and if that too isn't enough, then 100 million. I don't believe the Wang family wouldn't open the doors if I'm ready to spend 100 million."

Someone sneered, "100 million is nothing. The Wang family wouldn't do anything even if you offer a billion. They have an inheritance spanning over 200 years. Money and gold are just common things to them."


That person was left dejected.

Wang Xintong hugged her chest with her hands, "Did you hear that? Do you understand what kind of existence my Wang family is? If you want to request my Wang family to act, you'll have to perhaps use the oldest methods."

"Kneel down in prayer!"

"If your luck is good, a thunderstorm would pass by. You'll kneel for 3 days and 3 nights under the lightning before my Wang family decides to have mercy on you and help."

Jiang Xiu laughed heartily. It was quite disharmonious with the surrounding scenery.

He said, "Who said this Deity has come to the Wang family to make a request?"

Wang Xintong was astonished, "Then what did you come to the Wang family for?"

Jiang Xiu took a step forward aggressively, "Jiang City's, Jiang Luoxia, has come to visit Wang family's Wang Xuehai!"


The voice exploded like a clap of thunder, filled with majesty and seeming as if it was coming from the horizons with an astonishing momentum. The loud voice fell down like an atom bomb, making the people's ears numb and giving them a dizzy spell due to the shock.


The surrounding people were dumbstruck. They felt that he was too arrogant to openly provoke the Wang family. Wang Xintong's eyes opened wide as she looked at Jiang Xiu with a gaze full of disbelief.

"Y-You… are Jiang Luoxia?"

She had heard this name quite often recently. This man had risen up like a comet in Jiang City and took over it easily, without much objection. And it was also this person who had refused to come to the Wang family to pay respects.

Countless people rushed out from the Wang family's Gardens after the voice reverberated in it.

No one had ever dared to behave so atrociously before.

Right now, Deity's Xiu's hair was rising up along with the wind, his gaze containing a cold glint. He stood there with jazz and didn't seem ordinary at all. This was Deity Xiu, the sovereign who dares to even insult the heavens and look down on all under the heavens with disdain.

"Jiang City's Jiang Luoxia…"

Wang Xintong was really angry. I didn't expect this guy to be Jiang Luoxia. Why does he seem like a totally different person now?

If Jiang Xiu was covered under a mysterious aura before, that veil had lifted now.

Deity Xiu's unparalleled appearance was in plain view!

Many children of the Wang family came out from the Gardens. The Gardens were quite big as their family had a martial arts inheritance so it took a few minutes for them to come over.

"Jiang Luoxia, you're too brazen. You think you can make trouble at my Wang family?"

The one who spoke was a man who appeared to be in his forties.

"What about it?"

Jiang Xiu gazed towards him in an aloof manner, "Your Wang family isn't some restricted area that I, Jiang Luoxia, am not allowed to enter."

There was no place Deity Xiu couldn't go and didn't dare to go.

The Wang family was nothing to him!

He spoke with disdain, "Since your Wang family has dared to snatch this Deity's Myriad Base City Plaza estate, this Deity will let you know the conclusion of offending me."

"Oh, so you came over due to the Myriad Base City Plaza project."

The middle-aged man sneered, "My Wang family spent 100 million to buy it."

"And also bought it by signing an official agreement."

"You say that the Myriad Base City Plaza is yours, but if you don't have the documents to prove it, you better shut your trap. Face us in court if you can, and if you win, then you can ask what ability my Wang family has."

"Or do you want to make an unreasonable scene here like city thugs?"

Before he could say another word, Jiang Xiu had acted. It seemed as if lightning had struck, freezing both time and space.


The man flew back. A pale light appeared from Jiang Xiu's index finger as he mumbled a word, "Behead!"

Before the middle-aged man could even scream mid-air, the white sword light had pierced through him.

He crashed into the vermillion colored entrance then tumbled down.

Dead as f*ck.


Everyone was left stupefied.

The other Wang family children simply couldn't believe their eyes.

Blood flowed down the vermillion colored entrance and the ghastly dead body laid on the ground. At this moment, it seemed as if the air had frozen and the land appeared desolate. The scene had awed them all.

The people who were there to request for the Wang family's help were all stupefied.

I never thought someone would dare to oppose the Wang family and even kill someone from it.

Just what the heck is happening?

Wang Xintong's eyes almost popped out, "Y-You… dare to kill my Wang family's person? You're too brazen!!"

Jiang Xiu's gaze swept past her, "Didn't your Wang family snatch my project and force me to come and pay respects?"

"Today, this Deity shall properly pay respects."

He walked towards the Wang family's entrance in large strides.

"You think you're qualified to enter?"

A silhouette rushed out like a cheetah from the inner courtyard, his body soaring high as he punched towards Jiang Xiu.


He gathered his strength at his fist, causing the nearby air to resonate as a faint radiance covered it, seeming as if it could cut past even Gold and Jade.

"It's Wang Xueli, Wang family's Iron Fist. His cultivation has already reached the peak of the Supreme Stage, and he's only a little bit away from reaching the Demigod Stage. A true Quasi-Demigod."

Someone recognized him.

"This brat is done for. He's just courting death by causing trouble at the Wang family."

"Kill him!"

A ruthless glint filled Wang Xintong's gaze.


A pale light shot out from Jiang Xiu's hand and danced in the air before it rushed towards Wang Xueli like a flying sword.


The smelting light swept past his entire body and cut him into two pieces. Under Wang Xueli's alarmed gaze, his flesh seared through like tofu and the inner strength exploded out above his dead body.


He could only manage to scream before getting diced up.


Everyone was left dumbstruck.

An older generation expert of the Supreme Grandmaster Stage had been defeated in just one move? What level has that Jiang Luoxia reached? The Peak of the Supreme Stage… or Demigod?

"Wang family, a bunch of jack-sh*ts, do you dare to attack me?"

The expressions of the other Wang family children morphed, "You're really bold. If you dare to kill anyone again…"

"You speak too much crap!"

Jiang Xiu took another step forward. That man flew back due to the attack and crashed into the man behind him, causing his chest to cave in and die due to the vibrations.

The dead bodies fell to the ground.

Jiang Xiu took another step forward, waving his hand towards the Wang family members with ease as they rushed towards him. A white light flashed past the person at the front, causing him to drop dead with a horizontal scar along his cheeks.

By the time he took the 4th step ahead, the scene was already a carnage.

Death followed along with each of Jiang Xiu's steps. In a snap, he had already taken 18 steps and killed 18 of the younger generation. No man was left standing.

He placed his arms behind him and leisurely stepped across the Wang family's door, setting foot on the Wang family's land.

Everyone cried out in alarm at this moment.

Wang Xintong's complexion turned ashen as she trembled all over.

"T-Too powerful…"

"Jiang City's Jiang Luoxia is actually so strong."

Corpses laid down on the ground as far as the eyes went, over a dozen lives were taken away like removing weeds.

Jiang Xiu seemed just like a Demonic God!

After entering inside, he strolled there as if it was his own family's garden, unhurried and pleased. But that killing intent still overshadowed the Wang family's Gardens, and the land appeared to be the burial grounds for the Wang family.

"This Deity has passed the Wang family's entrance, what will you do now?"

Wang Xintong was dumbstruck, feeling agonized.

She had never expected that the loser who she met at the resort was no one other than Jiang Luoxia. Wang Xintong also didn't expect that he was so ruthless and powerful. She had rarely seen someone with such power.

"You dare act so wantonly at my Wang family's premises?!"

Along with this voice, the Elder came rushing over along with a bunch of disciples.

Seeing Jiang Xiu storm over the house door, several silhouettes appeared one after another. Some tall, some hunky, some young, some old yet each one was filled with energy and were peak experts.

There were Grandmasters among the older generation, and the younger generation were all at the Inner Strength level or higher. Their aura seemed earth-shattering as it rushed forward.

"This is the power of the Wang family. Even if Jiang Luoxia is strong, he's just a single person."

"He'll definitely lose!"

The Elder leading them glanced at Jiang Xiu. He already knew who this youth was. "Mr. Jiang, you're truly great. You've killed so many members of my Wang family without even determining if they were in the wrong."

"You think your Wang family is allowed to snatch my Myriad Base City Plaza project but I, Jiang Luoxia, am not allowed to kill your Wang family's children?"

"What kind of logic is that?"

An ominous glint flashed in the Elder's eyes, "That's because you didn't follow the rules and come to the Wang family to pay respects. Mr. Wang just meted out the punishment."


"Then the reason this Deity killed your Wang family's children is that you failed to follow the practice and kneel down to this Deity."


"You dare to baffle the Wang family?!"

Jiang Xiu took back the smile on his face and revealed a murderous expression. The entire place veiled in a murderous aura. "Baffle? You're too naïve. Those who offend Jiang Luoxia end up much worse."

"Kneel down and convince this Deity to give you mercy."

"You're courting death!"

A man standing behind the Elder got angry. The Wang family had reigned for several years and were revered by the commoners. In those days, even Gu Shu had first visited the Wang family to pay respects before going to his office when he was instated. He didn't expect that this tiny thug would actually act so wanton here.

"Surround and kill him."

The man ordered. The men behind him acted out at the same time. There were even a few Grandmasters among them. The gallery standing in the doorway sighed at the Wang family's powerful resources. There were also rumors that their family had a Demigod too. Just these Grandmasters were someone who people couldn't afford to provoke.

Jiang Xiu stood motionless at his original spot as those people came over to kill him. This moment seemed as long as a century. He slowly raised his eyes, pointing his index finger towards the sky.

A sword light, a blue lotus.

The land seemed pure and holy as those lotus leaves drifted in the wind, twinkling with a dazzling radiance as they slowly flew over towards the group charging towards him.

"Boom… Boom…"

That radiance exploded like a bullet.


Sounds of screams resonated in the area. Their bodies riddled with scars, some splitting into two pieces due to the ray of light, some stabbed in their chest, some in their throats; completely losing their lives.

The lotus leaves withered in the wind and finally disappeared into the void.

A deathly silence.

Just by raising his hand, Jiang Luoxia had killed thirteen people. They didn't even get the chance to struggle and passed away.

This overbearing strength intimidated their hearts.

Life… was such a weak thing before him.

"A peak Grandmaster or a Demigod?"

They couldn't utter a single word due to the shocking attack.

"Impossible! He's still so young!"

"There's no way he's a Demigod!"

Wang Xintong was already dumbstruck now.

"This is the gift from this Deity to pay respects. Is it enough, Wang family's Elder?" Jiang Xiu stood there with his murderous aura and unsurpassable power.

"If the Elder is satisfied, then please accept it. If you're still dissatisfied, this Deity can add more to the gift."

The Wang family's Elder's face turned ashen. His mouth twitched as he replied, "There was no need for Mr. Jiang to act so ruthlessly, right? My Wang family only took a thing valued at 100 million from you but you killed around 30 members of my Wang family."

The Wang family had never encountered such a ruthless and overbearing opponent in the past 200 years.

They could only express their agony through their words.

"Who do you think I, Jiang Luoxia, am that you can create difficulties for me? Whoever offends me, this Deity shall make them regret it lifelong."

This was Deity Xiu, the Sect Master of the Heaven Treading Sect.

Peerlessly aggressive and domineering.

The Elder's face turned gloomy, "What do you want then?"

"I don't want much. I just want your Wang family to submit and transfer 70% of the shares in your industries to this Deity."