
Cheng Lingran sighed after watching Jiang Xiu busy himself in moving the luggage inside, "Little Xiu, you're still the same as before, a good lad."

Cheng Lingsu was left dumbstruck after hearing this. My good sister, do you know what you're saying? He's the devil. He's the reason our family has gone bankrupt, and here you are praising him.

"You must not act bossy and get along with Little Xiu from now on."

Hearing her earnest words, Cheng Lingsu looked at her as if she were looking at a crazy person.

However, Cheng Lingran's thoughts were on a totally another wavelength. Thank god that father didn't remove the engagement between Lingsu and Little Xiu. Otherwise, they would have lost faith in us, and we would have been left with nothing.

Cheng Lingsu really wanted to expose Jiang Xiu's true identity in front of her big sister, but Jiang Xiu's previous warning made her stomach her anger. She could only agree helplessly.


"Little Xiu, drink some water!"

As it was blistering hot due to the summer, Cheng Lingran had gone to buy a bottle of cold mineral water for Jiang Xiu.


The girl before him had just reached the age of 20. Although she hadn't matured to that lovely form of the previous timeline, she still exuded a youthly breath with her bright, glistening black eyes.

Jiang Xiu didn't know what kind of change would occur in her future life due to him destroying the Cheng family.

He took out a necklace and handed it over to her.

The necklace consisted of a small pearl inside which a faint golden light kept flickering. This was the River Swallowing Toad's inner core. Only a little energy remained inside it after he had devoured most in the past few days. He used a secret skill to place a spell array inside which would activate in case Cheng Lingran was in danger.

"A gift for you!"

"For me?"

To Cheng Lingran, Jiang Xiu was just like a little brother, so she felt it a bit unexpected that he had given her a gift. She received it from him. The necklace felt ice-cold yet also very soothing, "What is this?"

"An amulet!"

Cheng Lingran's eyes seemed to smile. She wouldn't have taken the gift if it was a precious thing but she would consider it as his kind intentions and accept it if it was an amulet. After she put it on, spiritual energy poured out from the pearl, cleansing the energies within the house. Her surroundings cooled down as if a gale had passed through.

"So magical."

"It's quite useful, the pearl matches with the horoscope. Also, you cannot remove it or else it will stop working. You have to keep wearing it even while bathing and sleeping."


Cheng Lingran's eyes turned wide open, "It's fine in the summer since it's so cold but won't I freeze if I have to wear it during the winter too?"

Jiang Xiu had never seen such a girly Cheng Lingran who was innocent and unaffected. She was completely different from the Cheng Lingran in his memories. In the previous timeline, Cheng Lingran was a woman shrouded in pain and never smiled. Even if she did smile, it was a fake one. She was tormented by Jiang Xiu every day, yet she refused to leave him and go away.

"It's warm in the winter and cold in the summer…"

"Just like a jade, huh." She caressed it once before letting go of it. "Have you filled out the aspiration form yet? You're the topper so they will give free reign to you."

"I haven't decided yet."

"Susu is planning to choose the Imperial University so why don't you pick it as well? Then you both can attend together…"

The Imperial University and the National University were the best educational establishments in the country and were of the same grade. Most people choose one of these two.

"I'll think it over."

A wailing sound arrived from outside at this moment, "Hanlin!"

Cheng Hanlin had arrived. After seeing the worn-out condition of the house, he had a lifeless look in his eyes as he let Sun Xiaohong cry bitterly on him, "Do you plan to let us mother and daughters life our life here?"

Jiang Xiu sneered in his mind, Did you think you'll live in a grand villa or something?

This Deity has spared your life since you gave birth to a good daughter who paid for your sins.

Buddha once said that the previous generation's karma is paid by the later generations. If it weren't for Cheng Lingran paying for their sins in the previous timeline, Jiang Xiu would have exterminated the entire Cheng family thoroughly.

"We don't even have enough money to hire a decent house?"

"We do have a little money, but that's for our daughter's tuition fee." Sun Xiaohong grabbed her expensive purse tightly, afraid that the money inside would fly away. Fortunately, she had a little cash which she had hidden. If it were in the bank or had she used it to buy share certificates, they would have been frozen by the bank.

"Why don't you borrow a little from your friends? Tell them you'll return it later after you make some money."

Cheng Hanlin shook his head, "They aren't picking up their phone."

Such was the hypocrisy of the world.

"Though we husband and wife can suffer hardships, we can't make our children suffer." Cheng Hanlin loved his daughters very much and never shouted on them. "Ranran, buy a train ticket and return to the Imperial Capital. Try crashing at your friend's home or in the dorm."

With such a small house, even if Cheng Lingran wished to stay behind, she would only burden her home. Let alone, she had already planned it well. She would look for an internship after returning to the Imperial Capital. There were still two months left before she graduated so she could struggle for these two months using the wages.


"Susu… can you go live with Little Xiu?"

Cheng Hanlin felt that though the Jiang family wasn't that prosperous, they wouldn't have a problem to settle the portion of food for another person. After all, Cheng Lingsu was their future daughter-in-law, and he knew that Lin Yueling would treat his daughter fairly.

Cheng Lingsu looked at Jiang Xiu with astonishment, fear flashing through her gaze. Telling her to go live with him was akin to delivering a lamb to the tiger's cave. She got flustered, "Dad…"

"Do you have classmates who are willing to let you crash at their home then? If not, you have to go live with Little Xiu. Or are you telling me that you want to squeeze in here with mom and dad?"

Cheng Lingsu had tried to call her former best friends, Ouyang Qian and Li Dan after the incident, but the two of them said that they weren't in town. However, Cheng Lingsu had seen them both walking on the street later on.

"Alright, it's done then."

"Hurry up now. You won't be able to buy a train ticket if you're late…"

`"I'll accompany you there!"

Jiang Xiu and Cheng Lingsu helped to carry Cheng Lingran's luggage. She could've bought the things she lacked in the Imperial Capital before, but she had to take them with her now.

As the train station was still quite far, Jiang Xiu stopped a taxi when he saw it. However, Cheng Lingran didn't want to ride in it. "Let's go in the public transportation. We can't waste money like before."

"Let me pay for it!"

Jiang Xiu stated expertly. Alongside, Cheng Lingsu muttered to herself. Damn filthy rich people.

"Driver, to the airport!"

Cheng Lingran corrected him, "To Quhuo Railway Station."

"Where to in the end?" The driver was confused.

"Airport! It takes more than 20 hours from Jiang City to the Imperial Capital by train. I'm afraid you'll be exhausted. Let me buy the flight ticket. Money must be spent at times."

The little sister also agreed, "Yes, Sis. Let him pay for it." She cursed in her mind again. Damn filthy rich people.


It wasn't that Cheng Lingran wanted to journey comfortably. It's just that there were many dangerous characters on the train. Kidnapping cases have also happened often there, and she was a girl in the prime of her youth, so she felt a bit unpeaceful to travel alone, thus agreed to it.

After reaching the airport, Jiang Xiu went to the ticket office, "To the Imperial Capital, 1st Class Cabin!"

1st class cabin?

Damn filthy rich people.

Cheng Lingran waved her hands, feeling flustered, "There's no need for that. The Economy Class is fine."

"This De… I said first class, so it'll be first class."

"There's really no need for that, Little Xiu…"

The ticket seller rolled her eyes, "You don't need to argue. There are no flights scheduled to the Imperial Capital today. The soonest one is set for tomorrow… 10:00 AM."


There's so much luggage. We even spent money to ride the taxi, and you're saying there's no flight scheduled?

Cheng Lingran said, "Wouldn't that mean I'll have to stay here tonight?"

"I'll go call a friend," replied Jiang Xiu.

The ticket seller interjected, "It's useless no matter who you call. It's not like there are no tickets but rather no flights. There is only one flight to the Imperial Capital every day, which is at 10:00 AM."

Jiang Xiu didn't bother with him and went to the side then called Wang Xintong, "Arrange a plane for me, from Jiang City to the Imperial Capital. Don't arrange a helicopter, but rather make it a commercial plane."

"Mr. Jiang, we've already prepared a plane especially for you at Jiang City. It's ready at all times. I believe it can take off within half-an-hour."

This girl was keener than her father and more perceptive.

Jiang Xiu returned back after ending the call, "Alright, the flight should take off in half-an-hour. It'll arrive in the Imperial Capital in 8 hours."

"Who are you kidding? Didn't I say there's no flight scheduled?"

"Even private planes won't do?" replied Jiang Xiu.

The ticket seller, Cheng Lingran, and Cheng Lingsu were all left speechless.


Damn filthy rich people.

Cheng Lingran naturally didn't believe that Jiang Xiu could arrange for a private plane. In the year 2008, private jets were something only heard of on the television. It was too high-end, yet Jiang Xiu had really taken them to the VIP waiting area.

She asked with shock, "Little Xiu, what's going on?"

She knew about his background really well. He wasn't some son of a wealthy family acting like a loser but rather a genuine one.

"My friend needs an airplane at the Imperial Capital. It was just about to take off from here, so I requested him to let you ride it."

Cheng Lingsu scoffed at the side. Swindler, keep deceiving her.

"I'm going to the washroom."

Cheng Lingsu felt like she would reveal this devil's true identity if she stayed here, so she left the scene. However, she was feeling quite nervous. After her elder sister leaves, she would have to live with him alone. She didn't know how that devil would handle or torment her.

"Little Xiu, I didn't know you had such connections."

"Did you not hear? I saved Tang Zhenshan's life coincidently."


Cheng Lingran had also heard Tang Zhenshan's name, "So it was like that."

"Sis, did you think about me during these years?"

Cheng Lingran clenched the fist on her thigh tightly, her gaze wandering on her little sister's back who had gone a bit far. She then glared at Jiang Xiu, feeling that these words were too ambiguous. Cheng Lingran was worried about what Susu would think if she heard those words, yet she was stunned by Jiang Xiu passionate gaze. "Why are you acting so mischievous now? Is this the way you're supposed to look at your sister?"

"I'll poke your eyes."

Jiang Xiu was stunned. He felt that the younger Cheng Lingran's charm was indeed a bit peculiar as she changed a bit too much later. He never knew she had such a peevish side.

"Why can't I look at my sister?"

These words were a bit shameless.

Cheng Lingran felt her cheeks burn up. Jiang Xiu motioned with his hand for her to come near. As a girl, she naturally felt quite curious, so she matched him.

"Sis, I'm actually a big bad wolf."

Cheng Lingran giggled, "Looks like you indeed know it!"

Jiang Xiu got excited after seeing her dimples. He never knew that Cheng Lingran had such amorous expressions without the chains of hate binding her.

"Sis, can I ask you something?"


"Why didn't you come to see me later on?"

After the Jiang family had declined, no one was there to take care of Jiang Xiu. Cheng Lingran was still only 9 years old when he was sent to Dongzhou to study. She came to deliver gifts to him for 5 continuous years and also came there to see him occasionally. However, she stopped visiting all of a sudden. Jiang Xiu remembered it pretty well. He was in 7th grade then while Cheng Lingran was in 9th grade.

Cheng Lingran got flustered, "W-Wasn't that the time for the high school entrance exam?"

"And after the exam?"

"I've forgotten about things from such a long time ago."

They hadn't seen each other ever since then, right until Cheng Lingsu's birthday.

"Was it puppy love?"

Cheng Lingran was 15 years old then, an age when girls yearned for love and also experienced first love. The 13-year-old Jiang Xiu was entirely ignorant then and though he missed Cheng Lingran, he missed her gifts more. He felt dejected after she stopped coming.

"Puppy love your head!"

This brat really dares to say anything.

Cheng Lingran blushed from the shame and flicked his head with her finger, seething with anger, "Not everyone has puppy love like you and Susu, getting engaged when you weren't even a one year old."

Jiang Xiu exclaimed after the flick to the head then felt his forehead as if it hurt a lot, "That's different. It was an arranged betrothal of kids, not puppy love."

"What's between you both is puppy love…"

Cheng Lingran felt that she was being accused wrongly. She wasn't expecting retaliation from him. She reached out to hit him again for acting so bad, but he grabbed her tender hand.

"You're quite brave. You actually dare to hit back?"

"I'm fighting against injustice, against exploitation, against domestic violence."

"Let go…"

"I'll scream you're harassing me." Cheng Lingran warned him.

"Sis, if you do that then my life would be over. I'll be branded as a pervert then beaten up. I wouldn't have any face left to meet people anymore. I'll lose my confidence and live with a feeling of inferiority, numbing my vexed feelings with booze, living in an intoxicated world every day."

"I'll become a broken man."

Cheng Lingran forced a smile, "If you continue to act like a victim, who among us will have to suffer the losses then?"

"Me!" Jiang Xiu replied with a confident tone, "You'll hit me if I let go. Let it be. Hit me if you want to. If I don't enter hell, who will? I certainly can't make such a beautiful person like you enter hell, so I have to take this task. Can't you act better towards a person like me who's destined to end up in hell?"

Cheng Lingran giggled and wanted to retort, but she shut her mouth immediately then withdrew her hand suddenly. She saw that Cheng Lingsu had returned.

Jiang Xiu also saw this and had some aggressive thoughts. This Deity made a huge mistake by not killing you.

"We can take things for free since it's the VIP area."

Cheng Lingsu came back with several kinds of things and entered her role as the youngest daughter of the Cheng family.

"Sis, do you want some?"

Cheng Lingran shook her head. She discovered that the back of her hand was sweaty. It naturally wasn't from her, so there was no doubt it was from Jiang Xiu. She wondered why he was sweating so much. There were two reasons people sweat, when it was too hot or when they were too nervous. The AC was running here, so it wasn't due to the heat, which meant that he was quite nervous.

Why was he so nervous? Could it be… that he was trying to take advantage of me? Cheng Lingran's face turned red as she peeked towards him. He too dodged her gaze as if he had done something immoral. Cheng Lingran was sure about her guess now, and this made her blush even more.

Cheng Lingran bit her lips, feeling her hand hurt as if she was wronged.

"Mister, your flight is ready."

The female attendant came over with a smile.


The party stood up and walked over towards the boarding area. The sisters were reluctant to part after reaching there. Cheng Lingran felt quite worried about her parents, "You'll have to keep a watch on mom and dad since I'm leaving. Take care of yourself too."

Cheng Lingsu wailed in her mind. Take care of myself? I'm going to enter hell today onwards. I don't know how this devil will torment me now.

"I know! Sis, you also take care of yourself in the Imperial Capital."

As Cheng Lingran was about to board, Jiang Xiu gave her a bank card, "It's better to have money while traveling. I know you'll refuse, but you don't need to use the money so just keep it with you. The pin is your birthday."

Cheng Lingran hesitated a bit but still took it in the end, "Mhm!"

Cheng Lingsu felt enraged to the side. This money is originally our Cheng family's money.

The airplane took off with a boom.

Cheng Lingran sat at the window seat. The aircraft's interior was pretty luxurious and was remodeled especially. She was really startled after entering inside. An airplane like this usually cost around 100 million, and a single trip had an expenditure of a few million. After she asked the attendant, she had told Cheng Lingran that she was the only client and this flight was scheduled for her alone.

She looked towards the airport with astonishment through the window. The favor Jiang Xiu had earned for saving Tang Zhenshan was just like the card he had given her. After using it, the money in it would keep decreasing, and finally, all the funds in it would run out. The card would be over drafted sooner or later. She felt quite stunned that he had spent such a huge amount to deliver her back to the Imperial Capital.

The traces of him grabbing her hand were still present there. She took out a lollipop out from her purse then suckled on it.

"Where are we going?"

Cheng Lingsu asked timidly. This devil acts quite amiable with Sis but is always so cold towards me.

"Don't worry about me. I can squeeze in with uncle and aunt."

She was quite afraid of staying alone with Jiang Xiu. If she were together with the Jiang couple, she would feel better.

"Do you think you're qualified to live together with this Deity's parents?"

Cheng Lingsu didn't dare to utter a word as she knew that would invite trouble to herself if she confronted him head-on.

"Didn't you want to live in a villa?"

"This Deity has a big villa, it's enough for you to live in." Cheng Lingsu screamed in alarm, "NO, I WON'T GO…"

Cheng Lingsu knew her miserable fate was about to begin. This devil who she feared as well as hated would torment her indefinitely. You were acting so nice in front of Sis but see, you've revealed your true instincts once she left

"I won't go…"


She screamed in her mind, but no matter how much she shouted, she still followed behind Jiang Xiu obediently.

A black Benz came over, and the driver came down from it to open the door for him, greeting him as 'Mr. Jiang' respectfully.

The wetland villa was a place even more high-end than the home Cheng Lingsu used to live in. The villa's interior was calm, and there was no servant here. This made her even more nervous.

Her face turned pale when she realized that she would live alone with him in such a big villa. She feared that no one would even hear her screams for help.

"This Deity lacks a maid here. From now on, the laundry, cleaning, washing, cooking will be handled by you. If this Deity is dissatisfied with any of it, this Deity will drown you in the wetlands outside."

Jiang Xiu said it in a flat tone, but she knew that he would definitely do it.

"Jiang Xiu, don't act too excessively. I've only come to live here temporarily."

"Why should I act as your maid?"

Cheng Lingsu wanted to resist. She felt that her future would be over entirely if she blindly obeyed him.


Jiang Xiu laughed coldly, "Because your tiny life is in this Deity's hands."

Cheng Lingsu's face was pale, but she still braved herself to speak out, "Don't scare me, Jiang Xiu. Others might be scared of you and may flatter you while saying 'Mr. Jiang', however, I'm not afraid. If you really force me to do these, I'll go file a case against you. I've witnessed you kill people with my own eyes."

"Go then. This Deity won't stop you."

"Don't think I won't…" She really opened the door, but she was left stupefied when she did and saw a man standing outside.

This man looked around 50 years old and had slightly grizzled hair. He wore spectacles and appeared quite dignified. The person beside him was just about to press the doorbell. When he saw the door open, he introduced himself. "This humble person is Gu Dezhi."

"May I ask if Mr. Jiang is at home?"

The reason why Cheng Lingsu was dazed is that she knew who this man was. It was the no. 1 person in the Jiangnan province, the genuine leader of the border region.

Jiangnan's most influential power holder!

She had seen him on television several times, but it was her first time seeing him in person.

"H-He's inside…"

"I heard that Mr. Jiang has displayed his godly might at the Bayview Platform, so I've boldly taken the liberty to pay a visit."

Cheng Lingsu couldn't believe her ears. OH GOD! He killed people, and the leader of Jiangnan's border region has come to praise him? What has this world become? Has everyone gone insane?

Ironical. This is too ironical. And I even planned to file a case against him. W-What am I supposed to do now?

Cheng Lingsu was stupefied.

"Let's speak inside."

Jiang Xiu stood in the drawing room loftily. His expression was indifferent as always like that of Buddha's inside a temple when facing an official from Jiangnan's border region. In Jiang Xiu's eyes, these ordinary people were akin to dust, no matter who it was.

Gu Dezhi felt surprised after seeing Jiang Xiu's manners. He had seen several big shots but never seen anyone so proud like him. He also felt quite afraid due to what he heard about the battle on the Bayview Pavilion.

"What are you doing standing there like an idiot? Go prepare the tea."

Cheng Lingsu recovered her sense only now.

After both of them took a seat, Jiang Xiu asked him, "Has Secretary Gu come here to discuss something with this Deity?"

Gu Dezhi wore a superficial smile on his face, "The reason I've made this trip is to meet the 20-year-old Demigod of the rumors. Naturally, I've also come to complete my mission to invite Mr. Jiang in becoming a member of our organization."

"You aren't going to invite me as a special forces soldier or something, right?"

Gu Dezhi sighed, "Truthfully, my Gu family's foundation is at the military. After the death of my father, our influence has been weakening day by day."

"In this era, there aren't many wars. It's mostly debates or contests which happen inside the army now, and mainly focused on the Grand Competition. My Gu family had ranked 2nd from the last among the 8 corps that participated in it."

Jiang Xiu felt that it's no better than ranking the last.

"That's why we wish to invite Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Xiu shook his head, "This Deity isn't interested."

Gu Dezhi became worried, "Mr. Jiang, please don't refuse immediately and think it over. There's no harm in hearing the conditions of my Gu family. Though people like Mr. Jiang are quite famous among the public and Jianghu, the elegance brings nothing. However, everything is different if you hold an army rank."

"It'll bring honor and respect."

"If Mr. Jiang agrees to it, you can have the position just below the General rank. You can elevate your rank with deeds. As Mr. Jiang is so young, it's possible you might reach the General rank rather quickly."

Jiang Xiu still refused.

"This Deity's ambitions lay somewhere else."

Gu Dezhi smiled helplessly, "Mr. Jiang naturally disdained things like these, but Mr. Jiang is still living in the mortal world. You have parents so you'll eventually take in a wife who will give birth to your child. Mr. Jiang must surely want to ensure their safety?"

Jiang Xiu was stunned. He muttered to himself then said, "If Secretary Gu promises me one thing, this Deity might agree to it."

Gu Dezhi became exalted after hearing this.

"Mr. Jiang, please tell me…"

"This Deity's father was an official 10 years ago but was sent to prison due to a crime. This Deity wishes for that verdict to be reversed and that he recovers his former post."


This matter was very inconvenient. First, this case was already 10 years old, and even if it is overturned, it wasn't easy to reinstate the post.

Gu Dezhi clenched his teeth, "We can do it!"

Jiang Yi was already 43 this year and quite old, but he was quite young when considering officialdom. Most importantly, he was living like a dead person right now. Jiang Xiu believed that his father would definitely recover if his post were reinstated.

"Find this Deity after you've done it."

Jiang Xiu's mood became better after Gu Dezhileft.


Cheng Lingsu's voice came through. She seemed very dispirited.

"I'm asking why did Secretary Gu act so respectfully to you?"

"Why did he ask you to accept an army position?"

Cheng Lingsu couldn't understand. Her eyes glistened with tears.

"You're obviously a murderer!"

"What do you think?" asked Jiang Xiu.

"They are afraid of you!"

Jiang Xiu shook his head, "You're only half-correct. They are afraid. But the main reason is that they know there's no use in offending me and even possible that they would attract a calamity. If you witness your companion being killed by something supernatural, for example, a ghost, will you say that a ghost killed him?"

Cheng Lingsu shook her head.

"This Deity is that kind of supernatural existence."

"This Deity is a God!"

After saying this, he turned around and went inside, "Wash this Deity's laundry properly, just like how you did it last time, a hand-wash. It should be sparkling clean."

Cheng Lingsu's thoughts wandered. Stop conning people. You aren't a God, you are a Devil. Don't try to deceive me with these lies.

Only, she had to admit one thing. That was that Jiang Xiu possessed supernatural powers. She felt that this was the reason Secretary Gu had come to invite him into the army to indirectly provide him amnesty.

The highly intelligent 2nd Young lady of the Cheng family had instantly figured out the crucial point, but she could only despair after figuring this out. Since even Secretary Gu was providing a means to give him amnesty, there was no way she could do anything to him.

After Gu Dezhi went out, he immediately made a call to Gu Dekang of the Army. After Old Man Gu had passed away, they both worked in different fields, one in the military and the other as an official. One was an official at the border region while the other reigned in the Army. Although it looked quite grand on the surface, the foundation of the Gu family was already lost. It was just a shadow of its former image now.

"Mr. Jiang agreed."

Gu Dekang asked, "By Mr. Jiang, do you mean that person who killed the Wang family's Demigod?"


"I feel this matter is quite strange. Brother, although you don't practice martial arts, have you ever heard of a 20-year-old Demigod? You haven't, right? Even I haven't heard of such a person ever."

"But the rumors outside all say it."

Gu Dekang's hair on the temples had grizzled, and his face was quite dignified, "How can we believe those rumors of Jianghu? Most of them were often unfounded. There are only around 20 Demigods in this age. I feel like those people are just boasting and will be completely terrified when they have to reveal their abilities."

"But many people witnessed him kill the Wang family's Demigod."

"The Army's secret files show that the Wang family's Demigod, Wang Jianzhi had already died 60 years ago. That person couldn't have been Wang Jianzhi."

"It's a common trick in Jianghu to ride on the back of others to make their reputation rise."

"What?" Gu Dezhi was stunned. "But what about the witnesses? They had fought a battle on water and Qian River isn't that an easy place to stand on."

"It could have been a light movement art. You simply don't know what kind of existences Demigods are."

"Then we shouldn't invite him then?"

"No need! I have already arranged things here." Gu Dekang said, "We've found the location of Bodhi Gene…"

Gu Dezhi looked back at the villa which was shrouded in an ethereal aura after ending the call then shook his head resentfully, "Everyone says that Jianghu has vulgar professions. I never believed it before but looks like it's true."

His secretary to the side asked, "Secretary Gu, what happened?"

"That Wang Jianzhi had already died 60 years ago. These people are really something. The Wang family exploited a dead person's name to rule over Jiangnan for over 60 years then this Jiang Luoxia exploited it to bring both fame and fortune to himself."

The secretary also agreed to it, "You're right. How can someone even live for 200 years?"


Jiang Xiu was currently cultivating inside the villa. There were already 27 Divine Regalia on his arm now which formed half a character, and they were glowing faintly.

He caressed it excitedly.

27 of them had merely revealed the tip of the iceberg, which was really astonishing. According to what Jiang Xiu knew, the Shadow Emperor Divine Race was the first one whose complete Divine Regalia consisted of 31. This was already classified as a top-grade result and also got them the moniker of Glyph Kings. From his judgment, it looked like he would surpass even 31 Divine Regalia.

He then frowned immediately. After using up the River Swallowing Toad's inner core, his cultivation speed had dropped a lot. This really made him feel unwell.

"I have to find some means to increase the cultivation speed."

"This speed is too slow."

He wished to know how many Divine Regalia would form from his first Divine Regalia Pattern and what kind of ability he would gain from it.

"Better to look for places where miracles have occurred."

"Maybe I can find one or two things to eat…"

He walked out of the room while thinking of sending Cheng Lingsu to buy him a few books related to this.

However, when he came to the drawing room, his face went frigid immediately. Cheng Lingsu was laying on the chair comfortably and watching television while munching on snacks.

Melodious music played through the television as a heavenly voice resounded within the drawing room after the prelude ended. A girl wearing a white cheongsam stood on the stage. Her beautiful black hair laid on her pretty shoulders like a waterfall flowing down. She also wore a crystal crown on her head which made her look lovely, and she was singing through the microphone right now.

Xiao Xuetong, she was the most famous star right now.

Every girl aspired to become one, and even the proud Cheng Lingsu wasn't an exception. She was quite infatuated with Xiao Xuetang.

"Looks like you're making yourself at home…"

The ice-cold voice frightened Cheng Lingsu. She stood up in a hurry and looked at Jiang Xiu timidly, stuttering while replying to him, "I-I got tired after mopping the floor, so I thought of watching television for a bit…"

Her hair was messy and strands of hair laid on her forehead which was drenched in sweat. Her pale face gazed at Jiang Xiu with panic flashing through her eyes.

Jiang Xiu was quite familiar with this gaze. In the previous timeline, whenever he was in a rage, Cheng Lingran would look at him with this kind of expression filled with pleading.

"Go buy some books for this Deity. Buy anything related to remnants or traces of religions."


Cheng Lingsu nodded then turned around to leave but stopped, "I don't have money."

"Take this."

Jiang Xiu gave a card to her. Cheng Lingsu replied in a cramped voice, "I'll help you buy the books but can you give me a leave for 3 hours? I want to attend Xiao Xuetong's concert."


Jiang Xiu laughed out loudly. He doubted whether he was acting too benevolent towards Cheng Lingsu.

"Only for 3 hours. I'll return home immediately after it's over, and this won't delay my other works."

Cheng Lingsu pleaded.

"Did you think this Deity will agree?"

Despair flashed through her eyes. She knew Jiang Xiu wanted to take revenge on her. The more she wished to do something, the more he wouldn't let her do it. She looked at the television with a gaze of reluctance. Cheng Lingsu always wanted to go to Xiao Xuetong's concert, but she never had the opportunity to do so as she was pretty busy studying for the college entrance exams. She didn't get a chance after that too.

Cheng Lingsu's phone started ringing at this moment, "Hey, Sis!"

"I've reached the Imperial Capital. You are with Little Xiu, right? Act sensibly at Uncle and Aunt's place, okay? Live well."

Cheng Lingsu looked at the villa which was similar to an empty playground. She had never lived so well in her entire lifetime.

"Mhm. I got it."

"Remember to go visit dad and mom tomorrow. Help them out if they need anything. You have to do my share too since I'm not there now."


Cheng Lingsu said, "Sis, is that all? I'll hang the call then."

After listening to her little sister's tone, Cheng Lingran understood that her spoon-fed sister couldn't accept that she had gone away after their home had met with such an unfortunate event.

"Right, I heard that Xiao Xuetong went to Jiang City for a concert. I would have attended the one here in the Imperial Capital if I knew this before. It's really a pity that I missed it." Though she said this, she actually wasn't in the mood to attend such a concert. She only said this to elevate her little sister's spirit.

"Yes, it's a pity that we can't see it." Cheng Lingsu replied dispiritedly.

"Give the phone to Little Xiu…"

Cheng Lingsu gave the phone over to Jiang Xiu, "Hey, Sis. Have you reached there?"

"Yeah, your friend is very thoughtful. They even delivered me back to the university." Cheng Lingran continued, "I feel that Susu's mood is quite gloomy. Will you take her to the concert tonight? I'll pay you the money back for it later."

Cheng Lingsu heard this quite clearly, hope flashing through her eyes, but she had given up already. She believed that Jiang Xiu wouldn't agree as he was set on taking revenge on her.

Jiang Xiu wasn't expecting Cheng Lingran to make such a request. He felt quite helpless, "Alright!"

He agreed?

Cheng Lingsu felt happy with this unexpected outcome.

"There will be many people attending the concert so you must take care of Susu properly…"

Cheng Lingran ended the call after speaking a bit more.

"First go buy the books for this Deity then you can go buy the concert tickets…" Since Jiang Xiu had promised Cheng Lingran, he would definitely accomplish it.

Cheng Lingsu thought to herself. Do you think this Lady is an idiot? I'll tire myself out after carrying that many books so I'll naturally go buy the concert tickets first. Xiao Xuetong's tickets are quite difficult to obtain. What will I do if they are sold out completely?

Jiang Xiu's gaze fell on that famous star in the television after Cheng Lingsu left.

Xiao Xuetong's singing voice contributed quite little to the reason for her popularity, the main reason for it was her beauty. Her features were quite clear under the lighting. Even a keen gaze won't find a single blemish on her pretty face. However, Jiang Xiu's gaze fixed upon her chest. There was no need to explain it, she possessed a really astonishing rack.

"An Evil God's Curse?"

A necklace laid on top of her chest. Though it looked pretty on the exterior, to Jiang Xiu, it appeared like a ferocious-looking demon. He blinked his eyes and this time, he saw a person kneeling in front of an Evil God's avatar and recounting things to it.

The Entertainment Circle was the breeding ground for many little demons, but an Evil God only brought tragedy and ruin.

"It looks like this star is duping everyone."

After Xiao Xuetong finished a song, she smiled towards her fans and waved her hands as a greeting. As they say, a smile is enough to bring down a city, another smile is enough to bring down the country. All the fans screamed at this beautiful scene.

Cheng Lingsu returned back at 6 in the evening with several big and small bags. Her palms were red from lifting them, and her arms trembled. A single book was quite heavy, and she had carried many of them over.

She was drenched in sweat from the fatigue yet she still said, "The concert begins at 7:30 PM. Let's go early as a traffic jam might occur on the road."

Jiang Xiu first took a look over the books she had bought, his gaze fixed on a book called Divine Race Evolution Theory. He praised her for her selection and really thought she was worthy of being named a top student.

He browsed through it casually and left a remark, "Call a cab."

Xiao Xuetong's concert was a really grand occasion for Jiang City, and the stadium crowded with people.

"Looks like she's quite popular." Jiang Xiu commented.

"Naturally, Xiao Xuetong's been the most famous female singer in the country for the past 2-3 years. No one has been able to surpass her till now. Her concerts are always crowded no matter where it's hosted." Cheng Lingsu explained to him.

"It's quite difficult to obtain tickets to her concert."

"How did you buy it then?"

Cheng Lingsu turned silent. A rowdy youth waved tickets for the concert nearby at this moment, pressing close to the people, "Want a ticket? It's just 5000…"

Scalped ticket?

Jiang Xiu asked, "How much did you spend on these two tickets?"

Cheng Lingsu replied timidly, "It was 4000 for one. 8000 for two." She believed that since this money were all obtained by him from her Cheng family, it wouldn't matter if she spent it. She even thought that she had spent less and thought it would have been better if she spent another 40,000 or 400,000.

Jiang Xiu slightly furrowed his brows, feeling that Cheng Lingsu hasn't gotten over her princess-like behavior. The ticket was just 300-400 outside, but she actually went to buy scalped tickets worth 4000. Do you think scalped tickets for concerts are cheap? In your hands, you really don't treat this Deity's money as money

He replied indifferently, "No food for you tomorrow."

Cheng Lingsu's brows twitched, but she didn't retort. She was glad that she had somehow arrived at the concert and felt it was a good deal to buy tickets worth 8000 in exchange for a day's worth of food. I'll just take it as dieting.

They entered the stadium along with the crowd. It was packed with people.




The cheering reached a new peak after a visage appeared on the stage. Even Cheng Lingsu screamed excitedly, her face thoroughly flushed. Her usual virtuous and cold behavior had vanished entirely. She wouldn't have acted like this, but she finally understood that hard times waited for a person after her home went bankrupt.

Like the old adage went - 'One must find joy in sorrows.'

"Hello to the friends off the stage, are you doing well? Thank you for coming to my concert…"

"I wonder where the screams are?"

The idol's cute action was too big. The crowd followed after and screamed like a tsunami. Cheng Lingsu also did her best to scream. Jiang Xiu felt that her throat would definitely go hoarse due to this and didn't know how he would explain it to his parents tomorrow if they asked for the reason.

"Watch since you're here to watch. What are you shouting for?"

Cheng Lingsu replied to him amidst the hubbub, "The crowd wants to support Xiaoxiao by doing this. You probably won't understand such a moving and exciting thing."

"Ignorant idiot."

There were very few things which escaped Deity Xiu's eyes. Jiang Xiu had also touched matters like these in the previous timeline. However, only after placing himself among the lower strata did he realize that an idol's power was more amazing than faith in the divinities.

If it were divine faith, it would need the followers to have a desire or wish. The people praying would obtain the blessings or their provided help for their request to be granted. But for an idol's fans, it was a full return deal in which they didn't seek much. This was a crazy scene and also the reason many little demons were born in the Entertainment Circle, as it was a big piece of meat.

Just as Jiang Xiu was pondering about something, he felt the person behind him push him. At first, he thought it was an accident but then discovered that those youths were eyeing Cheng Lingsu and also rubbing their body against hers from time to time.

Though Cheng Lingsu wasn't as pretty as Xiao Xuetong on the stage, she was quite an alluring beauty. Only, she had flower protecting envoys guarding her before but not anymore. She tried to evade them several times, but it was no use. Those youths were acting more excessively. They left no traces of it before but now reached out with their hands. The color drained from Cheng Lingsu's face, and she almost shouted out. But it was too noisy, and everyone was screaming, so it was utterly useless.

At such an embarrassing moment, Jing Xiu pulled her in front of him, and a stream of energy swept past those youths.


Their internal organs were injured, causing them to puff blood out at the scene!

The youths were frightened due to this and were scared whether they got afflicted with some disease. They didn't dare to have any more wicked thoughts as they lost their interest in the concert and hurried towards the hospital immediately.

They were scared witless.

Cheng Lingsu was also very frightened, startled that the people had suddenly puffed blood out. She looked towards Jiang Xiu with astonishment. If it was just one person, it could be chalked up to a perennial disease, but all the people who had tried to take advantage of her had all puffed blood. This was indeed very abnormal. She knew Jiang Xiu had done this as only he possessed the ability to do so.

Making the hooligans who took advantage of her puff blood out, this was quite an aggressive reaction.


"Why did you help me?"

Cheng Lingsu gazed at Jiang Xiu quite brazenly, waiting for his reply.

"Didn't you hate me? And want to take revenge on me?"

Her gaze was full of thirst.

Jiang Xiu laughed coldly, "You're overthinking this. You're just an ant in this Deity's eyes and don't have the qualifications for me to hate you, more so make me take revenge on you. The only link between us is the engagement we have set in our childhood. Just wait for the day I make my parents end this link, you shall completely disappear from this Deity's view then."

"As for why I helped you, no matter what you're still this Deity's nominal fiancee. You're making this Deity lose face by letting others take advantage of you."

The thirst in Cheng Lingsu's eyes dimmed, finally transforming into a deep sense of loss.

"So that's what you think."

Cheng Lingsu didn't scream like before again and acted calmly for the rest of the concert. She felt a sense of defeat. This made her sadder than when Jiang Xiu had destroyed her family. She didn't place Jiang Xiu in her eyes before, and now, he had gone too high for her to reach. He had become someone who could make an official from the border region come to pay him a visit. A person who had more than half of Jiangnan under his feet and could have any woman he wanted, be it either a daughter of a wealthy family or a star. Both types of girls were better than her who had nothing now.

She even felt that the idol, Xiao Xuetong, singing and dancing on the stage was suitable for him.

The engagement between Cheng Lingsu and Jiang Xiu was like fetters to her before. She wished she could remove the engagement each day but the Jiang family wasn't willing to do it. But now, it was the reverse. The engagement had become Jiang Xiu's fetters. She didn't know whether the Cheng family would act like the Jiang family now, and shamelessly refuse to remove the engagement.

Xiao Xuetong sang with zeal on the stage along with her pretty dancing moves. The surrounding fans shouted crazily, but Cheng Lingsu's world was completely silent. She could neither hear nor see anything.

Jiang Xiu saw Xiao Xuetong smile on the stage. He was sure now that this girl was duping the people. The thing acting behind her wasn't a little demon which increased her charm to attract more fans but rather an Evil God. Only, this Evil God was too brave. The path of faith wasn't suitable for him.

Though he could obtain divine faith through Xiao Xuetong, he wouldn't be able to do it for long as she wouldn't be able to endure it and die from the curse. This could happen in no less than 3 years.

"This Deity has some matters to deal with, so you can return first."

"Call for a cab yourself."

Cheng Lingsu nodded. Really, he's leaving me in the crowd as if I'm trash.

In a blink, Jiang Xiu disappeared into the crowd.

Though the concert was already nearing its end, Xiao Xuetong's fans were still quite zealous. No matter whether it was the backstage entrance or the lobby, it was crowded by bodyguards and reporters. It was quite the difficult situation.

Jiang Xiu saw a shadow sneak out along the dark path on his route. Perhaps because it was too dark, the shadow had tumbled down the stairs followed by a scream and landed on the floor in a very ugly posture. It was quite a miserable scene, and the shadow couldn't budge for a long time.

Although Jiang Xiu acted indifferently at most times, as the incident happened before his eyes, he felt like taking a look. "Are you fine? Should I call an ambulance?"

This person was really unlucky to get hurt right after the concert ended. It would be quite difficult for an ambulance to reach here at this time.

However, she screamed out, "DON'T! DON'T CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

Actually, it was a woman who was crossdressed as a man.

"I-I'm fine."

She sat down on the floor, and the baseball cap fell down at this moment, causing her waterfall-like long hair to drop down. She raised her pretty face up which was enough to make a person go dumb. Her eyes shone with a radiant light, and she appeared quite alluring under this dusky scene. Perhaps because she was hurt, her eyes were glistening with tears as she bit her lips, "Don't call an ambulance, I'm fine."

Jiang Xiu was stunned by the girl's beauty but then again felt she looked familiar, "It's you!"

The girl hinted him to shut up nervously.

"Sssh! Don't make noise…"

This was indeed a coincidence. Jiang Xiu wasn't expecting to meet Xiao Xuetong here. He was about to go find that Evil God, and since the prey had already arrived, there was no need for him to spend time searching now.

Jiang Xiu couldn't help but laugh after seeing her embarrassing appearance, "You are Xiao Xuetong, right?"

The girl didn't want to admit it, but it was already useless, "It's me!"

"Should I call someone to help you then?"

"Don't! Please don't do that." The girl pleaded. "Student, you must have come to listen to the concert, right? Are you my fan? How about this? Help me get out of here without anyone else discovering us, and I'll gift you a signed CD."

"Sorry to tell you but I'm not a fan. I came along with a friend." Jiang Xiu replied. "Only, if you want to get out, that's not a bit problem."

"But you're injured pretty badly, will you be able to move?"

Xiao Xuetong tried to move her leg, but it really hurt when she tried to so she bit her lips and requested him, "Carry me on your back!"

Jiang Xiu felt it was hilarious. This star was indeed too impolite, and what made Jiang Xiu smack his lips was that she tried to crawl towards his back even before he could respond to her. However, when she moved a little, she screamed from the pain immediately.

After that, Jiang Xiu saw her eyes glisten, but she forced herself not to cry by biting her lips or else her image as an idol would tarnish.

However, she still sobbed, "It hurts."

She got hurt a lot when she stumbled down the stairs just now. Even a man wouldn't be able to bear it, let alone, a sweet schoolgirl. It was common knowledge that though girls weren't afraid of being pushed down, they were terrified of falling down.

"Where are you hurt?"

Xiao Xuetong replied stiffly, "It might be the ankle…" Saying so, she tried to move her body again, but she trembled all over, screaming out in pain.

She couldn't hold back her tears even if she wanted to.

"Want this De… Want me to help you check it?"

Xiao Xuetong nodded but then asked, "Are you able to check it properly?"

Ignorant idiot!

You doubt this Deity's medical expertise?

"Why don't you call someone to deliver you to the hospital then?"

Xiao Xuetang really couldn't bear the pain, "Since you say you can, I'll let you take a look first…"

You'll naturally suffer since you dared to doubt this Deity. Thereupon, he adopted an expression which doctors usually wore in hospitals, "Does it hurt?"

"No kidding!" Xiao Xuetong cried out. You still ask this kind of question? You did it deliberately, right?

"I guess your ankle suffered a fracture. Even if it's cured, it'll leave behind an after effect. You can only walk like a hobble in the future. It's such a pity that a pretty star like you will become a hobble person."

To a girl, death wasn't that scary, they were instead scared of losing their beauty. Xiao Xuetong imagined her limp appearance and cried out again.

Jiang Xiu continued his heartless inference, "This world has many people who remained strong even after their dreams were destroyed. I believe you won't stay depressed and that your songs will support you forever."

Xiao Xuetong cried even more miserably.

"I read somewhere that people's emotions get excited when they cry and this leads to faster blood circulation. More blood will accumulate near the wounded area, and the probability of becoming a cripple will increase by 52.36789%."

Xiao Xuetong wailed loudly. She wished to stop but couldn't help herself. That look was indeed very pitiful.

Jiang Xiu laughed after seeing such a look, "I'm just kidding."

"I'm in such a miserable state, and you still have the nerve to scare me? Don't you have a sympathetic heart? Are you even human…" Xiao Xuetong was enraged. If she were perfectly fine, she would have grabbed his hair and make a mess out of it then see whether he still dared to rejoice in her misfortune.

"I really like establishing my happiness on top of the pain of others."

"Especially pretty schoolgirls."

Xiao Xuetong replied with hate, "Pervert!"

Jiang Xiu crouched down and grabbed her injured leg softly, "I'm going to remove your shoe. Endure the pain."

It was easier to remove the shoe as she had worn men shoes. Jiang Xiu then took off her socks. Xiao Xuetong's beautiful foot revealed from inside. She had fair skin which seemed to shine and appeared quite alluring under the dark corridor. She had nimble toes which looked just like pink petals.

Jiang Xiu held her foot in his hand. This Deity can continue this act for a year!

Xiao Xuetong felt a weird feeling when her foot was grabbed by a big hand which made her cheeks burn. She peeked at Jiang Xiu and discovered that his gaze was blurred. You pervert.

She felt as if she was being violated, "Close your eyes. You're not allowed to see."

Jiang Xiu nodded then closed his eyes and began to grope around her leg.

What about Deity Xiu's integrity you ask? Hehehe…

Xiao Xuetong felt like withdrawing her leg when she saw him grope around like that, but she didn't dare to move as it hurt too much when she did.

Deity Xiu's tenacious will suffered an inhuman ordeal as he held Xiao Xuetong's foot which seemed sculpted out of beautiful jade.

"Hey, did you figure it out?"

"I'm still checking…"

Xiao Xuetong couldn't figure out whether he was really checking her injury or using this opportunity to take advantage of her.

She saw him grope around her leg again.

Though Jiang Xiu wasn't specialized in medicine, his medical expertise was far ahead of the doctors on Earth. He felt her foot; the bone and arterial chart of her ankle appeared in his mind immediately. This move was known as Bone Introspection.

"It's dislocated."

She had twisted her ankle while falling down.

"I'll help you set it back."

Xiao Xuetong felt relieved after hearing that it was only dislocated. She thought she will let him try fixing it and then go to the hospital tomorrow for an X-ray to confirm whether it was correctly set.


After a star like Xiao Xuetong went missing, the staff, her assistant as well as the security guards tried to look for her everywhere. Her broker, Sister Li and her assistant, Pang Rou were just passing through this corridor when they saw two shadows below and stopped walking to see them clearly. They made it out that one of them was none other than the brat Xiao Xuetong.

And right now, that brat was laying on the ground with a man on top of her.

The posture was very sexy. The sight was quite explicit.

Sister Li thought, Did this brat fool so many people and sneak out to have a tryst with this schoolboy?

She was terrified. If the news went out that Xiao Xuetong had a boyfriend, the PR would be a mess, and the fans would die from the grief.

She heard the man speak, "I'm starting."

Xiao Xuetong replied, "Okay!"

Jiang Xiu grabbed her ankle and slightly turned it. The unprecedented pain made Xiao Xuetong scream out, "IT HURTS…."

Our Sister Li was stunned by this scream.

The bone and arterial chart of Xiao Xuetong's ankle appeared in Jiang Xiu's mind. The bone was set correctly. He felt his work was a little amateurish because he hadn't done something like this in a long time.

"It's inside."

"It really hurts…"

"Bear it a little, you'll feel better soon…"

Sister Li's heart almost stopped beating. She looked at her watch and noted down the time. 12th July 2008 9:45 PM. It was an important day, a woman's most important day.

The day they turn into an adult!

Sister Li saw reporters heading towards this direction and thought, If the reporters catch this scene, it would be a disaster

She urged the assistant Pang Rou to come along with her to block the reporters.

"Sister Li, why hasn't Xuetong come out?"

"Let's return to the hotel and prepare for the feast. This concert was a big success, so the boss is thrilled…"

They moved towards the reporters.

At the corridor, Jiang Xiu said, "Alright. You should be able to recover within a month."

Xiao Xuetong really felt that it didn't hurt that much anymore. She tried to move a bit and found it okay. She opened her mouth quite timidly, "Thank you!"

"I was afraid you'll feel inferior after becoming a hobble person."

This scoundrel really doesn't know how to act courteously.

"Squat down…"

"What for?" asked Jiang Xiu.

"So that you can carry me. How can I walk like this?" Saying this, she prepared to ride on Jiang Xiu's back.

"No one had ever dared to ride me, it's always me who has ridden others."

"Bah! You pervert…"

Those words indeed sounded a bit immoral.

"Are you going to carry me or not?"

"No!" answered Jiang Xiu.

Jiang Xiu's back was reserved for only one woman in his previous life. It was the same for this time, and that woman was none other than Cheng Lingran. That place belonged to her and only her.

Xiao Xuetong said, "There are many policemen and security guards outside. If you don't carry me, I'll tell them that you pushed me down the stairs." She raised her chin quite arrogantly.

"I won't carry you on my back!"

"However, I can carry you…"

Saying this, he carried Xiao Xuetong like a bride. He had already done it before she could scream and started climbing down the stairs. Xiao Xuetong didn't even release a single sound during this time.

After he had climbed down a few steps, she asked him, "Am I heavy?"

"Not that much!" replied Deity Xiu.

"Oh… I've been dieting lately…"

Deity Xiu's powers of perception were pretty accurate. Xiao Xuetong's body weight was 47.5 kilos, and she had lost around a kilo from the concert tonight while her height was 170 cms. If she continued dieting, she might as well kill herself.

"Did I sing well at the concert?"

"I didn't listen to it?"

"I came along with a friend who likes your songs…"

"Was it a man or a woman?"

Jiang Xiu came out of the stadium then asked Xiao Xuetong, "Where do you want to go? If we wait until your fans start coming out of the stadium, it'll become a huge mess."

Xiao Xuetong became anxious, "Yeeeaaahhh, they are already coming out!"

"You can't let them find us out!"

Jiang Xiu looked at Xiao Xuetong's pretty face. The dim light of the night couldn't conceal its splendid beauty, letting it bloom freely. "Big Sis, how fast do you think I can walk while carrying a person?"

"Please! We will be dead if the fans block us."

"Is that how you ask someone for help?" asked Jiang Xiu.

"I beg you!"

A pair of eyes brimming with tears watched Jiang Xiu's face. She indeed looked quite pitiful.

"Why did you even escape?"

Xiao Xuetong replied, "You won't understand. You must think that superstars have a lot of money and fame to enjoy themselves, but they lose many more things in return. I feel as if I'm trapped in a cage, unable to go anywhere."

"I wish to wander around this world freely, without any fetters."

"Enjoy this air of freedom as much as possible."

Jiang Xiu commented, "And as a result, you would have died even before you could set out, breaking your leg without being able to walk out the gate. The outside world isn't suitable for you. Wouldn't it be better for you to return to the cage?"


Xiao Xuetong retorted solemnly. I just lacked experience since it was my first time doing something like this, and was too nervous. I'll practice a lot later so I can do it better. No one can deprive my rights to pursue freedom.

"Where do you plan to go?"

Xiao Xuetong shook her head. She also didn't know where she wished to go. She just wanted to escape but didn't have any solid plan for later. "Keep walking, I'll thinking of something…"

The road from this suburban district to the urban area was 7-8 km.

Were it not for Jiang Xiu's Godhead, even the most muscular man couldn't carry her for such a distance.

A seven seater van rushed along the roadside and drifted nearby them. The door opened, and a group of masked men rushed out, snatching Xiao Xuetong away without any explanation. Xiao Xuetong was stunned then immediately realized the situation. She screamed in alarm, "It's a kidnapping!"

"Quickly save me!"

Jiang Xiu also realized something was wrong. He believed that Xiao Xuetong's boss had sent people to recover her, but after noticing that they were all wearing masks, he became sure that they weren't from Xiao Xuetong's company.

He immediately stepped forward and stopped the half-closed door rigid in its tracks. The kidnapper tried to close it but couldn't manage to do so. At this moment, the driver pressed down on the accelerator.


The van zoomed away.

Jiang Xiu couldn't adjust his power in this short span of time when the van rushed ahead with force. In the blink of an eye, the van had already gone 10 m far.



Xiao Xuetong's frightened shrieks resounded along the suburban road. Her face had gone deathly pale. She didn't dare to imagine how she'll end up now that she had fallen into these kidnappers' clutches.

"Shut up, b*tch! Keep quiet, or this Daddy will mess you up!"

The van traveled along the route at a fast speed.

"Oi, look back!…"

One of the kidnappers cried out in alarm.

All the kidnappers followed that guy's line of sight and gazed back. They saw a human silhouette chase after the van at lightning speed. It was Jiang Xiu who was pursuing this vehicle.

"Fudge! To think he's chasing after a van. Who does he think he is?"

"F*cking dumbo…"

The kidnappers snorted with disdain, feeling that this person was too f*cking dumb.

"Beauty Xiao, who is this brat? He's risking so much to save you."

Another kidnapper replied to him, "He's just a f*cking idiot."

Although Xiao Xuetong felt quite frightened, she too gazed back with curiosity. She saw Jiang Xiu chase after the car with an unbending will. She felt her heart warm up after seeing this scene. A flame of hope lit up within the despair-filled darkness. Although Xiao Xuetong knew it wasn't realistic for a person to overtake a car by running, he still hadn't given up, and this allowed her to hold onto hope.

"This brat can really run…"

A vehicle could travel a distance quite easily by pressing down on the pedal, but it wasn't possible for a human being to keep running at top speed for a kilometer or over.

"Too f*cking incredible…"

A kidnapper looked at the dashboard, the vehicle speed was 120 km/h right now. They hadn't shaken that idiot off even with such speed.


"We didn't see a ghost, right?"

The kidnappers were all stupefied.

If they knew that their current speed was equivalent to a grandpa talking a walk after eating for Deity Xiu, they wouldn't be able to keep their sanity.

"Go faster…"

Jiang Xiu's silhouette was left behind when their speed had reached 150 km/hr.


The leader of the kidnappers relaxed his breath. One of the kidnappers almost pissed from the fear.

"We finally got away…"

The driver pondered for a while before asking in shock, "Did that brat chase us for 3 kilometers? And that too with a speed of over 100 km/hr?"

"Was it that long?"

"It shouldn't have been that long. I think he came close for a moment or so? He did run well, so maybe that guy does sports or something…"

Xiao Xuetong closed her eyes in despair when she saw Jiang Xiu disappear under the darkness. She believed he could overtake the van but in the end…

"What are you doing? Quickly release me."

One of the kidnappers replied, "What do you think we are doing? You'll understand once we reach the place."

"Release me. I'll give you as much money as you want…" Money was just a mere worldly possession to Xiao Xuetong. She couldn't care about it much, but reputation couldn't be gained back once it's lost.

She feared that these kidnappers would violate her. She was really terrified of this possibility.

She didn't dare to think towards that direction.


Their boss spoke, "We naturally want money. But how much is Lady Xiao's reputation worth? 10 million? Or 50 million? We brothers could have fun in a few casinos with the money, but it'll all turn to zilch sooner or later. It would be great if Lady Xiao could send a few million every month though."

"But would you do that in case we release you?"

Naturally, she wouldn't.

"That's why we planned this. We'll film a movie starring Lady Xiao. It won't take long. If you forget to send us brothers the money, we will upload the movie to the internet…"

Xiao Xuetong naturally knew what kind of movie they were planning to film. Her face turned pale knowing it was the worst-case scenario.


The car sped up.

When the driver blinked his eyes, he saw a person standing on the roadside who seemed to resemble the brat who was following them. However, the car was too fast for him to see it properly.

"A-As if that's possible?"

There was no way it was possible for such a thing to happen.

The van slowed down to 80 km/hr after it entered the urban area. At this moment, the driver saw a silhouette standing at the traffic light intersection ahead of him. It was Jiang Xiu.

The eyes of the driver grew wide open.

He felt that maybe he was hallucinating.

The van continued to move forward, and Jiang Xiu appeared once again at the next traffic light. He had appeared on the left side before, but he was on the right side this time. He also had a cup of coffee with a human-face design on it in his hand which seemed to have been bought mid-way. He gazed at the driver with a smile across his face.


The driver felt his throat go dry. It wasn't due to thirst but instead due to fear that his heart held.


Cold sweat formed on his forehead which slid down his face.

"Don't get scared… Don't get scared…"

He took a long breath and planned to focus on driving. However, when he raised his head, he saw a person stand on the overhead walkway ahead of him. It was the same brat who had that cup of coffee from before.

The driver's eyes almost popped out.

When the car reached under the walkway, he summoned his courage and took a look up. He could see Jiang Xiu's appearance clearly now. His heart collapsed when he realized it was the same brat.

He suddenly pressed on the brake then opened the door and escaped from the van in spite of the car still being in the middle of the road, screaming in fear.


His colleagues inside the van were also frightened due to the abrupt jolt. The kidnapper's boss even cursed out then raised his head. He too was thoroughly stupefied. Deathly silence shrouded the entire van.

A man with an ice-cold gaze stood on the walkway, holding a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. The scene looked quite strange under the dim moonlight.

Without the driver, the van lost control immediately. The kidnappers in the van could have taken hold of the driving wheel to stabilize the vehicle, but they were scared out of their wits. They couldn't believe that a human can be faster than a van and thought that the thing chasing them wasn't a human but rather a ghost.

Would a ghost save a human?

The following scene spooked them even more. The kidnappers saw Jiang Xiu hang off the walkway's railing then leap off it.

HOLY MOTHER! It's 5 m high! There's also traffic!

There was no doubt he'd get killed by a car crashing into him if he didn't die from the fall.

Who wouldn't think he's a ghost facing such a scene?

The kidnappers still hadn't realized that the van was about to crash ahead. It was already too late by the time they understood it.


Jiang Xiu dropped down from the sky, his palm pressing down on the van's roof. A considerable power burst forth and stopped the van right in its tracks. The van's roof also caved in due to it.

It would have served the kidnappers right if they died from the crash but Xiao Xuetong was still inside. The consequences of her getting hurt from the accident were too unimaginable.


The kidnappers were utterly dumbfounded.

H-He stopped the van with just a hand?

What is he if not a ghost?

Crash! Crash!

The van was okay, but the cars behind weren't. The driver of the car behind them had used the emergency break instantly which caused the car behind it to crash into the tail lights. One continued after another, and a total of 5 cars had crashed into each other. It was indeed a tragic sight. For a moment, only the sounds of horns were audible.

Jiang Xiu went to the door and opened it. The kidnappers looked at him in alarm, "You really have guts. You think you can kidnap a person from this Deity's hands?"


These people who had never believed in the supernatural were now shivering.

They didn't dare to even put up a resistance.

Though people were surrounding them in this central city district, they didn't feel safe at all. It was because they knew that this demon was watching them.

The sounds of sirens came through from far away.

"It's the police. The police have arrived…"

They used to grunt whenever they heard sirens before, but now, they felt as if their mothers had come to pick them up.

"Police officer, save our lives!"

"Save us!"

Xiao Xuetong didn't know what was happening at all because she was tied behind in the back seat and couldn't see what was happening ahead. She only heard the driver scream about a ghost then roll out of the van. The van went out of control then stopped again. Her head knocked against the seat in the front at this moment, and she felt dizzy due to this. She felt as if she saw Jiang Xiu during her dazed state then passed out.

"Aren't you the kidnappers?"

Sometimes, even kidnappers need to be saved by the police.

They would instead go to prison than face this demon.

Jiang Xiu was startled after seeing that Xiao Xuetong wasn't reacting. He was worried that something happened to her, so he rushed in and grabbed her hand to check her pulse. He judged that she must have fainted.

The kidnappers jumped out of the ban's windows but none of dared to escape.

It was said that it was useless to run if a ghost was targeting you.

Their only hope was to go to prison.

Each one of the kidnappers waited for the police to arrive and arrest them. They even prayed for the police to come faster.

The police had put in an extra effort this time. Someone had witnessed the kidnapping incident, and though the person hadn't seen who got kidnapped, he was sure it was a kidnapping so hesitated a bit before reporting it to the police in the end.

Jiang City's police immediately checked the CCTV footage and determined that it was indeed a kidnapping. They had eyes on the vehicle the entire time, and this was the reason they had arrived so fast.

"No one moves!"


The police cars surrounded the seven-seater van, and the police officers aimed their guns at them. The kidnappers had long ago started matching by kneeling down on their knees and raising their hands up.

"Saved. We are saved."

One of the police officers rushed towards the kidnapper's van and saw Jiang Xiu and Xiao Xuetong inside. The moment his sight fell on Xiao Xuetong, he knew that this schoolgirl was the kidnapped victim, but he was stunned soon after. He discovered that the girl was the superstar Xiao Xuetong. He felt blood rush up to his head at this moment.


He wasn't expecting for the hostage who he saved to be Xiao Xuetong.

"Don't move! Put your hands behind your head and squat down…"

Jiang Xiu tried to talk, "I'm not a kidnapper, I saved her…"

The constable seemed around 35-years-old and was the Deputy Captain. He was a brave person and had lots of combat experience. He roared at Jiang Xiu, "I repeat. Put your hands behind your head and squat down…"

The Deputy Captain glared at him while tightening the grip on the gun aimed towards him. It looked like he would fire if Jiang Xiu didn't match his instructions.

Jiang Xiu felt helpless and raised his hands.

The officer didn't provoke Jiang Xiu again, "Get down…" His number priority right now was to guarantee Xiao Xuetong's safety. His mission would be complete if she safe.

The hostage he saved was Xiao Xuetong who was currently popular in the showbiz. He even felt he might get promoted for this deed.

"Can't you see they're wearing masks? They are the kidnappers."

"I came to rescue her."

Jiang Xiu was really worried about the IQ of these police officers. As Xiao Xuetong was unconscious right now, she couldn't testify for him.

"Stop the nonsense. Put your hands forward so I can shackle them…"

Jiang Xiu felt angry. He had saved the person out of kindness but got accused wrongly and even got manacled. He decided to reveal his identity before this turned uglier.

"Are you going to do it this way?"

"I stopped the car. I grabbed the kidnappers. If it weren't for me, would these guys have let you catch them? Do you think they are idiots?"

Officer Chen Bin also felt this was surprising. When they had arrived, the kidnappers were kneeling on the ground, begging for forgiveness. Even if Jiang Xiu's words seemed 80% authentic, he couldn't allow an ordinary person to take the credit for such a great achievement.

"Hah! You know nothing. We had already arranged an inescapable net and blocked the escape routes. That's why these kidnappers had surrendered."

Jiang Xiu was stunned. He scrunched his brows. Although he was in the van just before, he was clear about the outside circumstances. The police had come from a single road far away and didn't come from any other routes. This meant the person before him was telling lies. When Jiang Xiu remembered that the victim was Xiao Xuetong, he realized that this person was trying to steal the credit.

"What? Got nothing to say now?"

"According to what I see, you're a kidnapper and the mastermind behind this…"

A cold glint flashed past Jiang Xiu's gaze, "Say that again?"

Jiang Xiu couldn't care more about such an achievement as it was utterly useless for him. But this person before him was framing him and even made him the mastermind.

"Shut your trap! Deputy Captain, let's just shackle him…"

One of the police officers said rudely, rushed ahead and grabbed Jiang Xiu then pressed him against the police car.

Inside the interrogation room of the police department, to avert any accidents, he interrogated Jiang Xiu personally. He had to seal this case as soon as possible as he couldn't allow the achievement to slip through his hands.

"Name and age…"

"Jiang Xiu, 17…"

"Where do you live?"

The news spread out quite fast. Xiao Xuetong's boss, as well as the agent and the lawyer, hurried to the police department as soon as possible. Hundreds of paparazzi and reporters had followed behind them.

The police department was surrounded in a moment.

"How is Xiaoxiao right now?"

"She's fine, right?"


Even the Captain of the Jiang City's police force, Captain Fang had rushed over immediately. This was no small matter. The disturbance created by the kidnapping of a superstar was worse than the abduction of a leader. Luckily, this case was already settled perfectly, so it brought a lot of face to the police this time.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have no comments on the case currently…"

Captain Fang entered the interrogation room right after this. Chen Bin stood right after seeing the boss come inside.

"How is it going? Has he confessed?"

"It's troublesome, Captain Fang…" Chen Bin replied.

"That brat keeps saying he came to save her…"

Captain Fang cursed out, "Bullsh*t!"

Chen Bin knew what to do after hearing this. "But his lips are pretty tight…"

"It's useless even if he's tight-lipped. You know what to do, right?"

"Xiao Xuetong's influence is too enormous. After the case results go out, the entire nation will know this matter by tomorrow morning. Our Jiang City will be the focus."

"Do you get it? What do you think will happen if it news shows that such a superstar got saved by an ordinary brat?"

"There were 7-8 kidnappers! No one will believe it!"

Captain Fang continued, "Do you still need me to tell you what to do?"

Chen Bin returned to the interrogation room. He wore a lax face as he wasn't worried now since Captain Fang was there to support him. He looked at Jiang Xiu with pity. There was no doubt that he would become a scapegoat. "Confess, okay? It's useless to stay tight-lipped…"

"We already know everything."

"What do you mean? Are you trying to frame me?"

"We never frame a good person, but also never let a bad person off." Chen Bin leaned forward and lowered his voice, "The kidnappers have already confessed."

"That you're their colleague."

Jiang Xiu narrowed his eyes. So you're really trying to frame me, huh?

"The punishment might be lenient if you plead guilty but it'll be worse if you don't."

"Brat, stop putting up a facade."

"Confess obediently."

"What do you want me to confess when I haven't done anything?" replied Jiang Xiu.

"Stop the crap. Your colleagues have already confessed everything. They have ratted you out, so it's useless for you to resist."

"What did they rat out?"

"Don't act stupid. The kidnappers have already admitted that you're the mastermind."

In fact, those kidnappers were in another interrogation room in a frightened state right now, screaming there's a ghost and what not.

Jiang Xiu got really interested, "So you're saying it's useless whether I confess or not?"

Chen Bin replied in a gloomy voice, "Yes!"

"Only, your sentence will reduce if you confess."

Jiang Xiu muttered to himself before asking, "How many years?"

"If you are able to get a lenient sentence, maybe around 3-4 years?"

"You sure you won't regret if I confess?"


Chen Bin felt like he could already see himself sitting in the captain's seat. There was no way he would regret it. "Catching criminals is the duty of the police. We wouldn't regret it even if there are repercussions."

"Alright, I'll confess…"

Chen Bin was exalted after hearing this. He thought that Jiang Xiu would prolong it by skirting around the edges and though he had closed long cases down before, it would require a lot of money and effort. It was also risky to do that. It was best for the criminal to confess as there are zero risks this way.

He felt that the youth in front of him was indeed tactful.

"Are you ready to speak now? Alright. Tell me everything in detail. Who incited you to do this? Don't miss out a single detail…"

"I'm really a kidnapper. The person who incited us to kidnap Xiao Xuetong is called Old Gu…"

"How did you communicate with him?"

"Through the cell phone. The number is 158…"

Chen Bin realized that this business was indeed fishy after hearing everything. He felt delighted that this brat was really a kidnapper. He was just trying to make him the scapegoat but wasn't expecting his false accusation to be true. He was sure he'll get promoted this time. He had already worked hard under the Deputy Captain post for seven years. Seven years were now gone from this life because he didn't have a background or achievements. By saving Xiao Xuetong, he had lifted the face of Jiang City's, no, the entire Jiangnan province's police force. It made sense that he would definitely get promoted.

"Why did your car have an accident then…"

"Internal strife due to uneven shares of the profit…"

So it was indeed this. Chen Bin continued, "Alright, that makes sense. Continue…"

After a few minutes, Chen Bin appeared at Captain Fang's office.

"Captain Fang, he has already confessed. This is the mastermind's phone number, 158…"

"Good. You have done well."

Captain Fang passed down the order, "Lock on to the cell phone's location immediately."

Such was the way Fate played with men. The phone number Jiang Xiu had given was none other than Secretary Gu's private number which he had given to him. The police would have locked on to his residence in Jiangnan if he had returned to Hang City and wouldn't have dared to act recklessly, but unfortunately, Secretary Gu had decided to stay over for a night in Jiang City due to some matters.

"Captain Fang, we have locked onto the cell phone's position…"

"It's at Haojiang Grand Hotel."

"Chen Bin, lead the squad personally and go capture the criminal. Make no mistake while executing the plan…"


The police cars whistled down the roads and arrived at Haojiang Grand Hotel. Chen Bin contacted Captain Fang again. To know the location accurately, they needed to call the number.

Captain Fang called the number. If it were Secretary Gu's public number in Jiangnan's border region, no one would have picked up the phone as it was already night time. But this was his private number, so he picked it up while in a dazed state. "Hey…"

Before he could say anything, Captain Fang's solemn voice came through from the other end, "Hello, Old Gu…"

The voice was filled with ridicule.

Secretary Gu couldn't remember anyone who spoke to him in this manner and thus made a scowl. He got furious as he was woken up from his slumber due to this, "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Hahaha…"

Captain Fang laughed to the fullest. He got a notice that Chen Bin had already locked onto the cell phone's exact position. "I'm investigating a kidnapping case right now, and we have found that you're involved in this case. Better match with us accordingly or else…"

Secretary Gu was enraged, "Or else what?"

"Don't you know what kind of crime kidnapping is? You can get sentenced to over 10 years…"

"Alright! Come to catch me then!" Secretary Gu had never felt so angry ever. He felt as if he would explode from the anger but still kept a calm tone. No one could imagine the fury in his heart right now.

"I'm in Room no. 1331, the Presidential Suite in Haojiang Grand Hotel…"

Captain Fang was stunned then immediately recovered his senses. He had never seen such an arrogant kidnapper who openly declared his location.

"This Daddy will do that then…"

Chen Bin, who was waiting outside the room got the order from Captain Fang to break in!

After the call ended, Secretary Gu was filled with anger. He couldn't believe that some idiot had pulled case onto his head.

Secretary Gu had already decided to fire these groups of bastards after returning to Hang City tomorrow.


The door of the hotel's presidential suite was blown open. Secretary Gu was startled. He then looked as fully armed police squad barged inside.

"Don't move…"

Deputy Captain Chen Bin rushed in and pushed Secretary Gu to the wall heroically. Secretary Gu couldn't move even if he wanted to. He was already old, and due to being handled so roughly, he could only shriek miserably.

"Stop screaming…"

Deputy Captain Chen Bin smashed the gun's base on Secretary Gu's head, making him lose consciousness.

"Take him away!"

Deputy Captain Chen Bin's heart was filled with unfathomable heroic emotions. He had rescued the hostage, arrested the culprit and perfectly dealt with this case.

He went out and pumped his fist up towards his colleagues.

Secretary Gu was taken into the police department in such a way for the first time ever in his entire life. His fury had already reached an unimaginable degree. He would've blown these group of scoundrels away if he had a grenade in his hand.

His face was wholly ashen with a dreadful calm.

Just like the calm before the storm.

He got placed in a cell where people stood along with him. He was pretty familiar with the procedure. This was the way the police recognized the criminal with a witness's help.

And Deity Xiu was that said witness, "You really caught him."

Chen Bin sneered, "Did you think he's so powerful that we can't catch him?"

"You overestimate him too much."

Deity Xiu really wishes to praise him a lot, "You're quite efficient."

Through the glass, Jiang Xiu saw an old man in his fifties, with grizzled hair and a white sleeveless shirt. He also had a bump on his head. Who else could it be if not Secretary Gu?

He was in a miserable state right now. He had a dead look on his face and didn't even wear shoes. Just moving caused a sting of pain.

"Which one is Old Gu?"

"Point him out!"

Jiang Xiu pointed towards Secretary Gu blatantly, "It's him. He's the one who incited me to kidnap Xiao Xuetong."

At this moment, Captain Fang had arrived at the office. He was filled with glee. The Jiang City Hall had called him just now and promised him a big reward. So he immediately arrived at the police department to keep full focus on this case.

"How did it go?"

Chen Bin replied excitedly, "We got the right person! Everything's done!"

Captain Fang nodded satisfactorily and looked at him with an appreciative gaze, feeling that this person was pretty good and planned to recommend him for a promotion. Also, he wanted to see who was actually so arrogant to declare his location to come to grab him.

When he came in front of the viewing glass and saw Secretary Gu standing among the criminal line, his mind became mush as if his brain got squashed into pulp. He was stupefied. The cigarette between his fingers fell to the ground with a thud sound.

Though Chen Bin didn't know Secretary Gu, Captain Fang knew him. He felt his entire world collapse at this moment.

"It's him, he's the mastermind…"

Mastermind your sister.

Captain Fang looked at Chen Bin with a damning gaze, wishing he could bite him to death, "T-This person is the mastermind?"

Chen Bin nodded excitedly, "Yep. That's him. This person is too crafty. He has planned this shocking kidnapping case personally. He's really too brazen to actually target Lady Xiao Xuetong."

Captain Fang wished he could cry but couldn't, "Do you know what you have done?"

Chen Bin stood upright and gave a salute with ample heroism, saying in a firm tone, "Serve the People!"


Captain Fang's heart was filled with despair. He wished he could cut this person into pieces.

He gazed towards Gu Dezhi who was inside the room. No wonder he acted so arrogantly when I called him. No one else in Jiangnan could act so arrogant, "Do you know who he is?"

"I know. The mastermind, Old Gu."

Old Gu! Old Gu your ass!

Jiang Xiu looked at this scene with full interest. By looking at Captain Fang's expression, he knew that this person had recognized Gu Dezhi. As the no.1 person of Jiang City's police force, there's no way he wouldn't recognize the leader of the Jiangnan's border region.

A fantastic show was about to begin.

This Deity responded the same way you treated me.

"H-How were you sure that he's the mastermind?" It was absurd that they had grabbed the leader of Jiangnan's border region by mistaking him as the kidnapper. The achievement for solving Xiao Xuetong's case would be gone, and it was even a big question whether they will keep their jobs.

He stared at that big bump on Secretary Gu's forehead. It was clear that he was hit.

It's all over. We're dead.

To think we grabbed such a person by mistake and even hit it…

Captain Fang hit his head then crouched down in despair. He hoped that this was just a nightmare and that nothing had happened after he wakes up.

Chen Bin finally realized something was wrong, "Captain Fang, why are you acting like this?"

Captain Fang roared at him in a fury, "Release him!"


Fang Yicong roared, "Don't you fucking know who he is? Do you not see political news at all?" If Chen Bin looked at news ordinarily, there was no doubt he would have recognized the person. This situation could've been reversed if they had identified Secretary Gu in the hotel, but now, he had to suffer along with him.

"Chen Bin, just wait to get sacked, okay?"

He couldn't stay here any longer and immediately went to bring Secretary Gu out.

"C-Captain Fang…"

Chen Bin was baffled. He made a great effort to recall all the cases he had handled but couldn't remember making a mistake during any one of them. He finally asked, "Who's is this man in the end?"

"Secretary of the Jiangnan Provincial Party Committee, Gu Dezhi, Secretary Gu…" replied Jiang Xiu.


Chen Bin was stunned as if thunder had struck him. He was completely dumbstruck.

"Y-You deceived me?"

"Didn't you want to frame me? So I let you frame as much as you wanted to."

Chen Bin's eyes grew wide open in anger.

"Prepare to face the wrath of the no. 1 person in Jiangnan, okay?"

Chen Bin's mind went blank as great despair drowned his heart. He almost fell to the ground. He suddenly recalled something and dashed out immediately.

Gu Dezhi was taken out of the room, and soon after, someone came to remove the shackles on Jiang Xiu. They apologized to him continuously.

Gu Dezhi sat there with a cold face with a big bump on his head. He had already changed into proper clothing. Never in his entire life had he lost so much face.

Around 20 people had assembled in the police department's monitoring hall, but none of them squeaked a word. It was deathly silent with only the noise coming from the radios.

The Secretary of Jiangnan, as well as the administration of Jiang City, were all here. The persons involved in this, Fang Yicong and Chen Bin were also here, with their heads lowered like criminals, waiting for the verdict.

Jiang Xiu walked in at this moment.

Secretary Gu stood up and squeezed out a smile, "This is really embarrassing. The face of the border region has been completely lost today."

"This Deity's face is also lost."

"Just what happened?" asked Secretary Gu.

Jiang Xiu sat down casually, "They didn't confess yet?"

How could they dare to confess?

"This Deity saved the person, but how could they allow such a big achievement to slip through their hands? So they framed this Deity as a kidnapper so they could steal the credit."

Secretary Gu's face turned ashen. He believed that Jiang Xiu had tried to embarrass him deliberately, but he was genuinely embarrassed now by the subordinates under him.


"How can something like this happen in this age? Repulsive! Too repulsive…"

He slammed the table with his hand, causing the files on it to slide down to the ground.

The others were frightened.

This matter was too big and a big disgrace to the entire police force.

Captain Fang and Chen Bin were terrified.

Fang Yicong said, "Secretary Gu, the entire mission was implemented by Deputy Captain Chen Bin. I only oversaw it and didn't know the inside details."

Chen Bin's face turned dull.

"Strip his police uniform away." Secretary Gu commanded.


Chen Bin screamed. He had put in a lot of effort to climb up the ranks. Though he didn't have a lot of achievements, he had reached the post of Deputy Captain with great difficulty. How could he readily give up such a position of power?

"Secretary Gu, you can't just listen to his one-sided statement."

"When I arrived on the scene, he was inside the van. He kidnapped Xiao Xuetong."

"He's naturally the number one suspect in this case. What did I do wrong?"

"I can't accept Secretary Gu removing me from my post."

"Who knows? It's possible that this person is indeed the kidnapper…"

Gu Dezhi laughed in anger, "Do you know who you are calling a kidnapper?"

Chen Bin shook his head.

"He's the famous Jiang Luoxia of Jiang City, Mr. Jiang…"

The entire police department was in an uproar.

"Jiang Luoxia…"

"Mr. Jiang…"


Chen Bin's eyes almost popped out. He looked at Jiang Xiu with a gaze of disbelief. Mr. Jiang? That person who stands at the summit of Jiang City, that Mr. Jiang?

"And you actually dare to say Mr. Jiang is the kidnapper?"

If this person was Mr. Jiang, there was no way he would do something like this. Even if he did, he wouldn't get caught on the scene.


Chen Bin couldn't keep his calm anymore. He screamed like a mad demon.

"You harmed me! You harmed me!!!"

He believed that if Jiang Xiu had revealed his identity earlier, there was no way all this would have happened. That's the reason he blamed Jiang Xiu.

"I'll kill you!"

He dashed towards Jiang Xiu. Jiang Xiu laughed coldly in response. Chen Bin wasn't his opponent even if he was manacled, let alone, he was free now.


Chen Bin flew back 6-7 m.

He puffed blood out while standing up. His head was buzzing, and he was agitated. "I won't let you go since you ruined me…"

He took his gun out all of a sudden.

The others in the hall were stunned.

They retreated back in fear. The current Chen Bin had lost his reasoning. They immediately responded to this threat. "Protect Secretary Gu!"

"Do you want to kill this Deity?"

Jiang Xiu's tone was tranquil. He took a step forward instead of retreating.

"You think I won't fire?"

Chen Bin bellowed.

The mood had become extremely tense. Everyone looked at Jiang Xiu. The rumors in the underworld said that this man had extraordinary strength, but no matter how high one cultivated martial arts, it was common knowledge that humans couldn't block a gunshot. Let alone, they were too near.


Jiang Xiu roared at him.


Chen Bin pressed the trigger due to the provocation. Everyone screamed, and Gu Dezhi's eyes grew wide open. He wasn't expecting that person to fire. This matter had blown out of proportions. A fatality was about to occur.

This Jiang Luoxia is indeed courting death. Chen Bin's mood is so unstable, and you even provoked him. Isn't that courting death?"

However, the next scene stunned them.

The bullet stopped half-a-meter in front of Jiang Xiu.

It seemed as if time had frozen.

After taking a careful look, they noticed a faint light barrier surround Jiang Xiu's body. The bullet formed ripples on his barrier but couldn't penetrate through it.

"What the…"

Jiang Xiu reached out and grabbed the bullet with his hand with ease.


Chen Bin finally recalled and understood why those kidnappers kept saying they had met a ghost or a demon.

Gu Dezhi was also left dumbstruck.

"Oh my god!"