Cheng Lingsu's face turned slightly pale. She couldn't recognize the Ouyang Qian and Li Dan who stood before her right now. Even if there was a difference between them, there was no need to injure the other side using such a method as they could just part ways. After all, they were friends for 3 years during the most precious youth period, "Don't kid around. I really have something important to do. It's quite crucial to me."

She still hoped that they were just joking with her.

"Kid around?" The smile on Ouyang Qian's face gradually withered away, replaced by an ice-cold frown, "Cheng Lingsu, do you think you're still some mighty lady? You think you can boss us sisters around like you did in high school? Do you think we'll do whatever you ask us to do?"

"Qianqian, Little Dan, how can say such words? I never bullied you in high school and treasured our friendship very much. I've always treated you as my good sisters."

Ouyang Qian laughed out loudly, "Naturally, all the good things were hogged by you while we could only act as supporting characters. Of course, you were happy all the time. If I had two sisters who acted as my lackeys and worked for me whenever I want them to, I too would've been happy and treated treasured that friendship."

Pain flashed through Cheng Lingsu's eyes, "You actually thought like that."

"Why did you…"

She was planning to ask why she had remained her friend if she didn't like it, but she couldn't ask it as she had already realized the reason. It was because she was the Second Young Lady of the Cheng family and was considered by them as one kind of resource which they could invest in.

The pain in her eyes turned into agony.

People whose eyes well full of greed were actually this disgusting. It was no wonder that the elders always warned that one must make friends carefully. She finally understood that the elders were trying to pass down wisdom they had acquired through experience. She recalled how she had acted towards Jiang Xiu and felt even more regret and finally comprehended how much he loathed her.

"I'm requesting you. Please give the invitation card to me."

Ouyang Qian laughed proudly, "Since you're requesting, it must look that way. Kneel down and beg me, maybe I'll give you the invitation card then."

"Will you really give it to me if I kneel down and ask you?"


Cheng Lingsu lowered proud head and slowly bent her knees, kneeling down. Kneeling down in front of so many people was quite humiliating. Ouyang Qian and Li Dan were already high from the rush of witnessing the incredible scene before them. Finally, Cheng Lingsu knelt on the lush green lawn.


"Cheng Lingsu, to think a day when you would kneel in front of me would arrive!"

Cheng Lingsu didn't have the slightest amount of shame or hate. On the contrary, she felt like she had gained a lot from it. She hadn't knelt for Ouyang Qian or for Li Dan but rather to express her transformation, to repent for injuring Jiang Xiu before.

As Jiang Xiu was very powerful, she didn't think she could do anything for him, but at this moment, she believed she could.

"Are you satisfied now? Can you give me the invitation card now?"

"Hahaha. Didn't I just tell you? I'll think about it if you drink the beer."

"You…" Cheng Lingsu looked at her with fury.

"What? Don't play the game if you don't want to."

"A'Ben, you damned fellow. Looks like you're gonna benefit this time…" Li Dan heckled, "Susu, our Jiang City's Second High's No. 1 campus queen is going to blow your pipe and pleasure you to death."

That boy sat down on the chair with a grin on his mouth and placed the beer bottle between his crotch.



The others began to jeer as well.

Cheng Lingsu said, "Ouyang Qian, don't act too excessively."

Ouyang Qian acted as if she was scared and jumped back, "Whoa! You really scared me. Are you going to call your Flower Protection Envoy, Ye Wenchen to handle me? Don't waste your breath. His father got sacked, and he's in quite a miserable situation now."

"Drink it quickly!"

"Drink it!"

A group of boys in the side heckled again.

"If you want the invitation card, you have to entertain us." Ouyang Qian took out the invitation card, "If you don't drink it, I'll tear the invitation card. You won't get it ever then…"

Cheng Lingsu's face turned ugly. She realized that Ouyang Qian won't give her the invitation card unless she suffered enough humiliation.

But if she did such a thing, her image would hit rock bottom. It would become a stain on her life. She wouldn't have cared if it was her alone, but she wasn't alone now. She had another astonishing identity, she was Mr. Jiang's wife.

Doing such a thing would humiliate Mr. Jiang make him the laughingstock.

Therefore, though she knelt, she would never receive such humiliation.

A severe look gradually appeared in Cheng Lingsu's pretty eyes, "Ouyang Qian as well as the other students, do you absolutely want to do this? Let me give you a piece of advice. Don't act too excessively and give the invitation card to me. I'll owe you one that way and return riches and honor to you."

Ouyang Qian shook her head, assuming a helpless appearance, "Are you still dreaming? To tell you the truth, I want your ruin your, Cheng Lingsu's reputation all the way down today."

"What can you do about that?"

Cheng Lingsu looked at Ouyang Qian who stood there proudly, "Ouyang Qian, you believe I'll accept such humiliation since my Cheng family has gone bankrupt? Let me tell you that you can't afford to offend me now more than before."


Ouyang Qian laughed heartily, "Little Dan, did you hear that? It's too funny. She says I can't afford to offend her? What can a poor wretch like you even do to me?"

Cheng Lingsu said, "Ouyang Qian, don't forget that we are girls, not men. Girls are quite simple. If only their man is good, they can get anything they want."

"I forgot to tell you one thing. I got married."

Ouyang Qian and Li Dan looked at each other. Cheng Lingsu's beauty was something that even they girls envied, let alone men. They couldn't say her words were a lie but all the wealthy and elite families attached importance to social status. Cheng Lingsu didn't have anything at all so he could at most act as a Cinderella, become a man's concubine or mistress, forever unable to obtain a proper position in this life.

"Oh? I'll have to congratulate you then. I wonder which man's plaything you've become? It isn't some old man older than your father, right?"

Only those old men who possessed influence and power took a poor, pretty girl as a wife.

Cheng Lingsu took a step forward, her gaze falling on Ouyang Qian's face, "Ouyang Qian, listen clearly. My husband is Jiang Luoxia…"


These words led to a million waves.

Everyone became restless, whispering to each other. Their gazes towards Cheng Lingsu changed, and even Ouyang Qian and Li Dan's expressions turned ugly.

They all knew who Jiang Luoxia was. Though Gu Dezhi couldn't be called the leader of the administrative side of Jiangnan's border region, Mr. Jiang was definitely at the top of the underworld side.

Who didn't know of this ruthless character?

"I-Impossible! How can you marry Mr. Jiang?"

"That's just impossible!"

Ouyang Qian said, "Cheng Lingsu, don't think you can scare us with such words. Mr. Jiang is our former classmate and though we had interacted with him before, don't forget we had opposed him back then. How could he have married you."

"This is the marriage certificate!"

Ouyang Qian took a look at it.

There was a photograph on the marriage certificate. Cheng Lingsu wore a slight smile on her face while Jiang Xiu had a reluctant appearance on his as if he was unwilling, but it was indeed Mr. Jiang, even his name was written on it clearly - Jiang Xiu.

Others might not know that Jiang Xiu was Jiang Luoxia but Ouyang Qian and Li Dan knew it. They were classmates in high school and had witnessed him throw the Wang family's family head, Wang Xuehai, off the helicopter when he had subdued the Wang family and also saw him kill the Wang family's Demigod with their own eyes.


Ouyang Qian and Li Dan felt their head hurt.

"How is this possible?!"

"Such injustice!"

They looked at Cheng Lingsu, feeling as if the heavens were playing a big joke on them. Since her family was ruined, she shouldn't have obtained a chance for reversing her fortune again, but the world had given her such a powerful man.

"I want the invitation card for my husband!"

"Now, will you give me the invitation card or not?"

Ouyang Qian's face turned pale. She was a loss because didn't have an invitation card. What she had with her was just a greeting card, that's all.

Ouyang Qian and Li Dan's faces lost color with fear, they sent imploring gazes towards Cheng Lingsu. This time, they had indeed kicked the iron panel. They had humiliated her quite viciously and forced her to kneel, but in turn, incurred such a dangerous counterattack.

Though Cheng Lingsu was opinionated and pressed on regarding the matters she believed in, she was a good, young girl in the end. At most, she would give them a taste of their own medicine, but her husband, Jiang Xiu, was different. He was a merciless guy who had reached his current position through a bloodbath. If someone offends him, he crushed them to death like an ant.

Ouyang Qian's voice began to quiver, "S-Susu, I…"

Cheng Lingsu didn't want to hear her nonsense. She had already had enough of looking at her face. Moreover, she didn't have the time to dally around here, "Give me the invitation card, and I'll write off what happened today."


Cheng Lingsu furrowed her brows, "Are you giving it to me or not?"

Ouyang Qian gathered her courage and said with much difficulty, "I never had the invitation card. I duped you. Susu, I didn't do on purpose…"


Cheng Lingsu's pretty eyes grew wide open, "You don't have it?" Her anger had finally reached its peak. At this moment, she wished she could kill this person before her, just like how Jiang Xiu does. She felt that much hatred.

Watching Cheng Lingsu's bosom heave up and down violently as if it were a volcano on the brink of erupting, Ouyang Qian stated nervously, "Susu, forgive me. I was only joking with you."

"Please don't tell this matter to Mr. Jiang."

Li Dan's face was ashen as well, cold sweat formed at her forehead as she spoke in agreement, "Yes. Susu, we've been good sisters for so many years. You won't complain to Mr. Jiang just because of this small matter, right?"

"Small matter?" Cheng Lingsu gave them a cold look, "It might be a small matter to you, but it's a huge matter to me, something which will decide my entire life."

"Susu… D-Don't tell Mr. Jiang. He'll kill us."

Suddenly, contemptuous laughter came through from the side.

Everyone looked over there and discovered a youth walk over towards them. The youth appeared around 20 years old and was comparatively calmer than the others. "Qianqian, Little Dan, aren't you getting too scared by Jiang Luoxia's name? Did you forget that Jiangnan's heavens have already changed?"

"The party being held at the West Lake Manor today is to handle Jiang Luoxia."

"He might not even live till tomorrow."

Ouyang Qian and Li Dan's eyes shone. Yes. How come we forgot this? The reason they feared Jiang Xiu was because they had seen him push Wang Xuehai off the plane. It was too stimulating for them, something they would never forget during their entire life. That's why they felt afraid to the core whenever Jiang Xiu was mentioned.

"Li Ming. You're right. Jiang Luoxia is powerless to defend himself right now."

Li Ming continued, "Who knows why she wants the invitation card? Anyway, we can't fulfill her wish. Since she's Jiang Luoxia's wife, I think we should capture her, take her to the West Lake Manor, and give her to Crown Prince Ao to deal with. Jiang Luoxia hasn't dared to appear till now, but he'll definitely make a move if she were captured. This will be considered a great contribution and we might even…"


"Young Master Li is right."

The others nodded one after another in agreement, especially with regards to the final sentence. It was already definitive that Crown Prince Ao will take over Jiangnan and all the contributors would definitely be rewarded when that happens. This was a rare opportunity for them.

Many people grabbed the chance to become wealthy so that they could live in leisure, and right now, such an opportunity laid before them.

Someone said, "Grab her and send her to Crown Prince Ao."

"Yeah, grab her!"

But someone said, "What's the use of capturing her? We can't even go inside, let alone hand her over to Crown Prince Ao."

Li Ming smiled proudly, "What's the difficulty in that? My Li family has several people inside. Just a call is enough to settle it." Li Ming was a member of the Jiangnan's Li family. His family head was Li Muteng who was beside Crown Prince Ao and Li Chengfeng, one of the four young masters of Jiangnan, was his cousin.

Cheng Lingsu's face was already pale right now. She wanted to help Jiang Xiu but never expected she would instead end up as a burden.

On the contrary, Ouyang Qian and Li Dan became very excited. They thought they were done for, but things took a new turn suddenly. Life was like a rollercoaster ride, full of ups and downs. The stimulation was too much at times.

Since Cheng Lingsu had come here because of them, their contribution in this matter would be at the top.

Li Meng called Li Muteng, "Uncle, a woman came over to our place asking for an invitation card, saying she's Jiang Luoxia's wife. We've already confirmed her identity, she's indeed his wife, Cheng Lingsu."

"There's no mistake in it, right?" Li Muteng asked.

Li Ming said, "Yes."

Li Muteng muttered, "Keep an eye on her. I'll go consult Crown Prince Ao…" Saying so, he approached Jiang Ao's ears and quietly informed him of the matter.

Jiang Ao said, "Do you think my Jiang family needs to use a woman to handle a man?"

"I'll instruct them to release her then." Li Muteng replied.

Ji Yicong interjected at this moment, "Young Master Ao, it's naturally not worth it to embarrass a woman, but we can exploit her. Jiang Luoxia hasn't shown any activity for three days. I suspect he doesn't dare to fight with the Ancestor and is thus avoiding to deal with this issue. If it were an ordinary person, it wouldn't have mattered if the person pulled back, but Jiang Luoxia is different. He's a Demigod. He naturally won't dare to act arrogantly in front of my family's ancestor, but my ancestor is older than him, just in case my ancestor passes away, he would certainly bring down a calamity on both our families."

Jiang Ao's expression changed immediately, "What are Uncle's intentions then?"

"I'm thinking of the long term. We can capture his wife and force him to appear then accept the challenge. My ancestor can kill him and completely settle this problem them. Once it's done, there's no need for us to worry about revenge in the future."

Jiang Ao said, "Hmph! He crippled my cousin, Jiang Hang. I won't let him off for this alone."

He called Li Muteng, "Bring that woman over."

Li Muteng felt that his Li family has racked up great merit this time. Lady Luck was in his favor recently. He immediately called his son, Li Chengfeng and went out together with him. Li Chengfeng was also one of the persons Jiang Xiu had slapped in the meeting in Belden back then.

"Little Ming, bring her over."

The younger generation members over there all wanted to seize this opportunity to enter West Lake Manor but were all stopped outside. Ouyang Qian and Li Dan argued vehemently that he must take them along too as Cheng Lingsu had come here because of them. They couldn't allow the Li family to hog up all the contribution. Finally, Li Ming decided to take these two women along as he wasn't able to talk his way out of it.

After being taken into the West Lake Manor, Cheng Lingsu was brought before Jiang Ao. He glanced at her. Cheng Lingsu's features seemed to have received the grace of nature, her style unmatched in her generation. She was a beauty who could bring down a nation. Though he had seen several beauties, Cheng Lingsu was absolutely one of the first-class women. He praised in his heart that Jiang Luoxia indeed knew how to choose a woman.

"You're Jiang Luoxia's wife?"

Before Cheng Lingsu could answer, Ouyang Qian and Li Dan had already started blabbering, "Crown Prince Ao, she's indeed Jiang Luoxia's wife. We even saw the marriage certificate. Also, Jiang Luoxia studied at the same high school as her."

Jiang Ao's cold gaze swept across them as he said in an emotionless tone, "Did I ask you?"

Ouyang Qian and Li Dan were frightened and hurried to close their mouths.

"What if I am?" Cheng Lingsu countered.

Cheng Lingsu's mood wasn't as calm as she showed on the surface right now. Her heard had sunk to the bottom of the sea and full of remorse. She felt that she shouldn't have gone to Ouyang Qian and Li Dan to ask for the invitation card. She couldn't prove herself nor be of any help and instead became a burden who holds back Jiang Xiu.

"You have guts!" Jiang Ao said, "It's a pity you choose the wrong man. Jiang Luoxia made an enemy out of my Imperial Capital's Jiang family and even crippled my cousin. My Jiang family definitely won't let this go."

He took out a cell phone, placed it on the table then pushed it towards Cheng Lingsu, "Call Jiang Luoxia and tell him to come here."

Cheng Lingsu remained silent.

"Are you unwilling to do it? You want to protect him? That's fine then. However, such news will show up on tomorrow's newspaper - 'The Corpse of Jiang Luoxia's Wife Found Floating on West Lake.'"

Cheng Lingsu's face turned pale, "His number won't connect."

The entrance became restless all of a sudden, "Mr. Jiang…"

"Jiang Luoxia has arrived!"