
The gazes of all the guests dropped on Jiang Xiu. They were very shocked. 100 Million Euros to buy a piece of jewelry. Even using the word 'crazy' wasn't sufficient to define using such an enormous sum to do such a thing.

The black bodyguard even forgot to stop him while Xiao Xuetong was already stupefied. Did he just say 100 million? Did he? Yeh.

Bai Xin was dumbfounded as well, "1-100 Million Euros!"

It was something out of her perception!

The company with which she was affiliated with wouldn't even sell for such a high amount of 100 Million Euros, and he was using such an amount to buy jewelry.

Long Yingqing's eyes opened wide as well. She glared at him without blinking even once. He… has he gone insane?

The members of the Long family were shocked as well. I-Is this brat actually a millionaire?

They weren't ready to believe it even if he were really a millionaire.

Their first reaction was astonishment. Jiang Xiu had used an amount of 100 Million Euros to bid and even instakilled Mr. Lee's bid, but after thinking over it carefully, they wondered whether he really had that much money.

Mr. Lee also looked at this man with shock, his eyes narrowed into slits.

Jiang Xiu wore a calm expression on his face and looked towards the auctioneer. "What? Did you not hear me clearly? I'll repeat it then. 100 Million… Euros!"

The auctioneer finally woke up from his daze, "Mister, are you sure?"

"Do you think I'm kidding?"

At this moment, Xiao Xuetong's expression had already changed. She rushed to pull Jiang Xiu back. This wasn't a place they could mess around in. It was quite a serious auction. They were all well versed in the laws of the court to express their seriousness towards it.

Long Xiaoru said, "If you make a false bid to grab the item, the auction house has the right to request the court to make you pay the price you bid. In other words, even if you were just kidding, you'll have to pay the price, or else the court will freeze all your funds, force you to declare bankruptcy and even send you to jail."

"Shut your trap!"

He took out a black card with his fingers and threw it. It accurately flew over towards the auction table and landed there, the diamonds flickering under the lighting.

"It's Express Centurion!"

All the present elites knew about the weight behind this world's most mysterious card. It was the credit card with the highest credit. Those who held it enjoyed first-class benefits, customized private service as well as limitless global expediency.

"The King of Cards!"

They were all really shocked this time.

This card could overdraft the highest amount of 3.6 Billion Euros. The assets possessed by someone who had this card were definitely enough to easily take out 100 Million Euros.

The Long family's members were all stunned. Wasn't this guy poor?

"This brat is really a millionaire!"

"We made a mistake!"

Long Yingqing also revealed a very complicated look. She realized that her judgment of Jiang Xiu was never right. She felt very weird.

Xiao Xuetong quickly came back to her senses and reminded Jiang Xiu, "Hey, are you crazy? This thing isn't even worth 100 Million Euros. Even a thousand euros are too expensive. Don't buy it!"

"Auctioneer, are you not going to announce the bid?"

The auctioneer finally came back to his senses as well. Everyone's sight fell on Jiang Xiu's body which seemed to be glowing with a divine light which kept flickering.

"100 Million Euros once!"

No one knew who he was but using 100 Million Euros to buy something which was originally worth 5 Million Euros was enough for those who worshipped money to worship him as well.

"100 Million Euros twice!"

Jiang Xiu faced that Mr. Lee then said, "What? You aren't going to play?"

Mr. Lee's expression turned ugly. It was unsightly that the thing he wanted to get got taken away. He had bid 30 Million Euros to show off, but now, he had instead got countered by this brat in such a ruthless way. The price of 100 Million Euros was really too high and wasn't worth the item.

Even if it were a rich person, they wouldn't kid around with 100 Million Euros.

Mr. Lee said, "This jewelry item isn't worth 100 Million Euros. This mister, since you like it, it's yours."

He forced himself to say these words despite the contradiction in his heart.

Everyone could make out that this crown pendant wasn't worth more than 10 Million Euros. The reason Mr. Lee had bid 30 Million Euros wasn't that he cared about the actual value of this piece as sometimes the value of the item didn't depend on it. Saying that this item wasn't worth 100 Million Euros now was akin to saying grapes are sour when you can't eat them.

"100 Million Euros thrice!"

The auctioneer hit the hammer down!


Long Yingqing had a hideous expression on her face. This wasn't just slapping at Mr. Lee's face but also hitting her face. "I don't like that crown pendant much anyways!"

After Jiang Xiu had lost this card, Wang Xintong had immediately renewed a new one for him and sent it to him along with the passport.

After swiping the card, the concerned staff returned the card back to Jiang Xiu. The bodyguard also came before him and apologized, "We're sorry, Mister. We were misled by their words!"

The Long family members made a very awkward expression.

Long Xiaoru said, "It's really unbelievable. This brat is really something. Looks like our judgment of him was wrong all along, but using 100 Million Euros to buy a piece of jewelry to show off must've given him quite the pain, right?"

Long Xiuyi sneered, "He's just overreaching to impress!"

Everyone's gaze fell on Xiao Xuetong. It was definite that he wouldn't be wearing this crown pendant so that meant it was for the lady beside him.

In an instant, Xiao Xuetong had become the focus!

She was also feeling a little stupefied. "You were really so wealthy?" She wondered whether she was in love. God had sent her a wealthy prince charming into her life.

"The second auction item is a necklace… the starting price is 6 Million Euros!"

Everyone began to bid in succession!

"6.5 Million!"

Since Mr. Lee was defeated the first time, he had to somehow recover his face, so he turned towards Long Yingqing. "Shall I buy it for you?"

Long Yingqing nodded and then glared at Jiang Xiu!

"10 Million Euros!"

He increased the bid by a considerable amount to recover his lost face.

"100 Million Euros!"

Everyone was shocked once again.

This was too overbearing, right to the extreme. It was simply coming in front of the other party then slapping them. This had put Mr. Lee in an awkward situation.

Mr. Lee's complexion turned ashen immediately. The man behind him even planned to go out and warn Jiang Xiu.

He was already defeated once and would lose all face if he were defeated again.

"150 Million Euros."

Mr. Lee decided to act overbearingly as well.

The entire venue became abuzz with excitation.

Jiang Xiu had no intentions to shrink back, "200 Million Euros!"

Mr. Lee's expression became utterly sour. Jiang Xiu was clearing not giving him face. 200 Million. Which family would even compete for an item by bidding over 200 Million?

"250 Million Euros!"

Jiang Xiu countered, "500 Million Euros!"

The eyes of all the elite Europeans, noblemen, as well as the female stars almost popped out.

5-500 Million Euros!

Oh my God!

All their gazes then fell on Mr. Lee's face and saw that he wasn't planning to bid again. His average Korean face which looked a little flat now had a strange expression on it. His lips kept twitching.

Even this world's most precious Ocean Heart sold for over a 100 Million and even that was taken back by the royal family due to it being the emblem of the royal family while this necklace was bought for 500 Million.

This was just too insane!

There was no face left for him to recover now.

Long Yingqing was also stunned after hearing the amount. The gaze with which she looked at Jiang Xiu was full of disbelief. He was so young, and even if his home was wealthy, this amount of 500 Million Euros was too high. Whether be it people from China, Korea, Europe, Southwest Asia or the high nobles, none of them could remain calm now.

Who the hell is he?

Just what is his background?

Bai Xin was filled with hate as she witnessed all of this. Xiao Xuetong had actually come in with such a wealthy young master. She looked towards Long Tianyi beside her. She initially believed he was pretty good, but after seeing Jiang Xiu spend such an amount, she immediately realized the difference.

"500 Million Euros once!"


Every count off seemed like a loud slap to Mr. Lee's face.

"Thrice and sold!"

The guests began to clap with crazy enthusiasm. This matter was bound to overwhelm the entire upper class of Europe and America by tomorrow. It was too crazy.

After being defeated twice. Mr. Lee didn't bid again. Was there a need for him to suffer again after his face took so many hits that it was swollen?

He looked at Jiang Xiu with an indifferent gaze, "Young man, you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth. Sometimes, showing off can make you regret for an entire lifetime."

Jiang Xiu smiled coolly. Since Mr. Lee didn't bid after that, he too didn't bid. He planned to buy two items, and he was already done with that. The auction proceeded after that, and the rest of the people also broke free from the repressive mood due to the two items which were auctioned just now. They were still discussing it even as the auction neared its end.

Everyone was trying to guess his background while Xiao Xuetong had become the center of focus as she was the woman who was accompanying Jiang Xiu. "Jiang Xiu, what does your family do that you're so wealthy?"

"We sold fruits before, but now, we do everything."

"However, using 600 Million Euros to buy these pieces of jewelry is really too much…" She didn't know what to say. In the year 2008 when the economic boom still hadn't occurred in China, being a millionaire was already enough to be considered as a wealthy person in the country. An amount of 600 Million Euros was just unimaginable.

Jiang Xiu disapproved of this. To him, money was just a mere worldly possession. Anything which money could buy wasn't valuable to him. The precious things were those which money couldn't buy.

After the auction ended, everyone interacted with each other, engaging in conversations while sipping wine.

Bai Xin said, "The wind is blowing in Xiao Xuetong's direction this time. I'm afraid she'll become RV's ambassador this time. Jiang Xiu spent 600 Million Euros at RV's anniversary party, and this was also publicity for RV. The chances of me getting the ambassador position are quite small."

She was really unwilling to admit defeat yet was also powerless. She hadn't expected Xiao Xuetong to bring in a millionaire who could easily take out 600 Million Euros. Even the Europeans were frightened.

As for those European and American female stars, they had almost gone crazy. The expressions on their faces were so extreme that even the makeup powder was falling off from their faces.

Long Tianyi said, "Hmph! There are many wealthy people in this world, but those who have authority are less in number. Mr. Lee is one of such people. As long as Mr. Lee says something regarding the RV ambassador's choice, even the RV brand won't dare to ignore it."

Bai Xin's eyes lit up, "Really?"

Long Tianyi continued, "Of course. That brat is in the limelight right now, but as a result, he has offended Mr. Lee and those who offend Mr. Lee never have a good ending."

Mr. Lee walked over towards Jiang Xiu and sized him up and down. He wore a smile on his face and was full of confidence as if he were a monarch facing all those under the heavens. "The reason you spent so much money must because you wish for Ms. Xiao Xuetong to become RV's ambassador."

Jiang Xiu smiled coolly and refused to comment.

Mr. Lee laughed at him with a taunting smile.

"What are you laughing for?" Jiang Xiu asked him.

"I'm laughing at your ignorance. Even if you a lot of money, just a word from me is enough to decide RV's China ambassador. It'll be whoever I want it to be. Long Tianyi recommended Bai Xin to me. I think she's suitable for it, so I decided on her."

"Why don't I believe it then?"

"That's why I said you're ignorant. You simply don't know what the rules of this game are or how to play it. Brat, even if you have money, if you don't have sufficient power to protect it, you're just a sheep waiting to be slaughtered."

"Everyone, our Madame RV invites you in!"

RV staff held up Jiang Xiu for a moment to let him swipe the card. They asked him about how they should hand over the jewelry, and he replied to them in such a way, "It's fine to give those things to my driver."

He was just that willful and eccentric, but this had scared the hell out of the RV staff members. Mister, these are worth 600 Million Euros. Just holding the jewelry in one's hands was enough to make the person tremble with anxiety.

When Jiang Xiu and Xiao Xuetong went in, they saw Mr. Lee, the members of the Long family as well as Bai Xin already present inside.

It was quite calm here, and the place was a Gaulle-styled manor. Here, Jiang Xiu saw an old European woman who was over 70 years old. Her face was full of wrinkles, but she wore elegant and luxurious clothing.

This woman had single-handedly established RV and brought it to the epitome of luxury goods chain, Madame RV.

Madame RV gave a European noble greeting towards Jiang Xiu and Xiao Xuetong, "Respectful Mister, we are quite happy that you like our jewelry that much."

"Please take a seat!"

She made the servant pour a cup of expensive wine for Jiang Xiu and Xiao Xuetong.

"Since Mister has used such a high price to purchase our jewelry, you must have a condition, right? There's no harm in saying it." In fact, the madame's heart was in a conflict.

However, Jiang Xiu's reply was out of her expectations. "I don't have any conditions!"

Xiao Xuetong wanted to ask Jiang Xiu to help her get the position of the ambassador, but she didn't request it in the end. Their relationship wasn't that good to ask for something like that. If Jiang Xiu didn't plan to mention it, she too wasn't planning to say anything.

Madame RV said, "Since it's this way, let's not waste too much time on it and go with Mr. Lee's suggestion. RV's China ambassador will be Ms. Bai Xin."

Xiao Xuetong hung her head down grudgingly while the victor, Bai Xin, almost leaped up in joy. She trembled all over and couldn't suppress her excitement. If this news were disseminated along with the proper propaganda, she would immediately rise to the international scene and reach a level higher than Xiao Xuetong.

Mr. Lee's gaze swept past Jiang Xiu. Do you understand now, brat?!

Some things aren't decided by money.

In my eyes, you're just a frog leaping here and there, even if you're able to leap, you're just a frog in the end.

"Wait for a second!"

Madame RV asked in surprise, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course, there is. Why did Madame RV decide who'll be the China ambassador?"

Everyone wondered whether Jiang Xiu had become an idiot. Since the RV brand belonged to Madame RV, she'd naturally have the final say about who'll become the China ambassador. Just her name RV was enough to decide it!

Long Xiaoru couldn't help but ask, "Do you think you're amazing just because you have money?"

Madame RV asked him, "What does Mister mean?"

"I want to know one thing. I heard that RV is trying to look for an ambassador for the Asia zone?"

She nodded, "Indeed!"

RV was a luxury goods brand name. It had a significant influence in Europe and America and was even considered the best luxury brand, but its performance in the Asia Pacific zone was average. It was accurate to say that they weren't even able to enter the Asia Pacific market. The RV family had discussed this several times and concluded that it was due to the conflict brought about by the difference in culture. Therefore, they looked for a company to act as their agent and Wang Xintong had used a costly amount of 1.5 billion to seize this authority to act as the agent.

"Since you've already chosen an agent, then Madame RV doesn't have the power to interfere in the other party's work. Therefore, Madame RV doesn't have the final say in who becomes the RV's China ambassador."

Mr. Lee interjected, "You're too naïve!"

"Whoever I decide on will become the ambassador!"

His tone was quite firm and overbearing. It was almost as if even Madame RV had to listen to him.

Madame RV said, "Mr. Lee's intentions are mine as well. I'll notify Ms. Wang who's the agent that this is the decision of the headquarters. She won't oppose it as well."

"That's where you are wrong. She'll definitely reject it!"

Madame RV was puzzled!

"Because I'm her boss!"


Mr. Lee, the members of the Long family, as well as Bai Xin, including Xiao Xuetong were all very shocked. They never expected him to have hidden so deep.

Even Madame RV was shocked.

"I don't think Bai Xin is suitable. As long as the rights to act as RV's agent in the Asia Pacific zone are in my hands, she'll never become the RV Girl. You can mark my words on that!"

He had slapped Mr. Lee's in public for the third time now, causing Mr. Lee's face to turn ashen.

It was really too painful.

"Xiao Xuetong will be the new RV Girl!"

Life was a rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs, it was pretty exciting. Xiao Xuetong believed she had completely lost the change of becoming RV's ambassador but never expected that such a development would occur.

Madame RV asked, "What if I insist on using Bai Xin?"

"I'll insist on using Xiao Xuetong." Jiang Xiu replied.

"I'll revoke your qualifications to act as RV's agent in the Asia Pacific region then!"

"You have the right to do that, but your RV family better prepare a good compensation. I believe the amount won't be low. Think about whether you are still going to rely on him. Just don't forget how he made a fool of himself in the auction just now."

For an agent fee of over a Billion RMB, which is around 100 Million Euros, the penalty amount absolutely wouldn't be low under normal circumstances. With how talented Wang Xintong was in business, this penalty would naturally be quite high and no lower than ten times the fee.

"A poor sob who couldn't take out money to buy jewelry for his girlfriend or to save his face, do you think he'll be willing to pay the penalty?"

"Fucker!" The man standing behind Mr. Lee dashed over in anger, took out a saber knife and seized the opportunity to slash at Jiang Xiu.

For a moment, the entire place was brightened up by the blade's reflection as earth-shattering energy descended.


"It looks like you're really set on opposing me, brat. Do you even know who I am?"

The Long family was one of the elite families of China. To be able to make such a family bow their heads to him and also have a considerable reputation in Europe, this Mr. Lee from Korea was in no way a simple person.

Jiang Xiu waited for him to reveal his identity.

"Brat, you really underestimate the power I have…" He raised his wine up downed it in one go, just like a Monarch, "I am LEE JAE-KI!"

As soon as he said these words, the entire sky seemed to pause.

This name was quite famous in Korea. Though Korea didn't have imperial powers, Lee Jae-Ki's position in Korea was the same as an imperial prince. No one could go against his words. It was because the Lee family had the highest authority in Korea's imperial court.

Compared to Jiang family's Prince Ao who was sent to Jiangnan just for show, this Lee Jae-Ki was a real Prince Lee. He had attended the Imperial Academy since his childhood, and his classmates were all nobles from various countries. No matter whether his origin or network, they were on an entirely different level.

"Do you understand now?"

He was pretty confident about his influence.

"Never heard of it!"

Jiang Xiu shook his head. Deity Xiu wasn't humiliating him on purpose, he had honestly never heard of the name.


Everyone's expressions twisted. Your previous actions could be written off since you acted without knowing Lee Jae-Ki's identity but you still act like this even after it was announced?

Even more, this Mr. Lee's family possessed an unfathomable power which was far above the secular forces.

Otherwise, Madame RV wouldn't have supported him so untiringly, not even hesitating to offend someone who had pushed RV to the heavens by purchasing their jewelry for 600 Million RMB.

According to reason, for someone of his background, it shouldn't have been difficult to take out a Billion Euros, but reality didn't work like that. Just like how a millionaire of China's later generation says he has assets worth billions, but it was difficult to move even just a few 100 million. To deal with an item which was worth around a billion, it'd require the bank's support or else the Lee family would run out of money too.

Therefore, authority was better than money as it could be used to suppress others, just like how officials contained the businessmen.

Jiang Xiu continued, "It does sound like you're someone amazing so why don't you take out a Billion Euros to help RV cancel the contract. You can make whoever you want the ambassador then."

"If you don't have money, don't talk crap here!"

Lee Jae-Ki's face warped.

"Fucker!" The martial artist, Kim In Ryong, wore an angry look on his face. He couldn't endure this Chinese person acting so rude and humiliate his master, so he waved his knife, hacking it towards Jiang Xiu at lightning speed. The saber light traversed across a few meters and turned over the grass on the ground. It seemed as if he wanted to cut Jiang Xiu into two halves like the ground.


"Sky Wielding Saber Cut!"

The air issued a ripping sound as the saber energy passed by. This saber was already able to release energy, which meant that this person's cultivation was pretty high and might've reached the peak of the Supreme Stage, the stage where it was possible to affect the outer world using inner strength. He was only a step away from becoming a Demigod.

The saber light traveled with light speed and reached in front of Jiang Xiu in an instant, just about to behead him.

Kim In Ryong revealed a cruel smile on his face. Those who humiliate Korea and Mr. Lee receive the death penalty. He had aimed his attack Jiang Xiu's central axis so that the saber light would slice Jiang Xiu into two halves neatly.


Mr. Lee acted as if he wasn't even looking at it. He raised sipped the wine, enjoying the taste of this top-quality item from the 70's. Deciding Jiang Xiu's life or death was as simple as having a drink to him.

On the other hand, Long Yingqing's eyes opened wide in shock. She didn't know what to feel at this moment. She hated Jiang Xiu to the extreme, but she didn't know why, when she saw that he was about to get killed, she felt sympathy for him and even felt a bit sad, blaming him for bringing his own destruction. You're just unaware of what the words 'Mr. Lee' signify or how big the power behind him is.

Someone people couldn't be provoked!

Jiang Xiu slowly raised his head and glanced at Kim In Ryong. This glance was akin to that of Bodhi opening the dharma vision. The entire space-time seemed to lengthen limitlessly, and everything became exceptionally slow.


Sounds of thunder echoed in the area.

A strand of white smoke which like that of a cigar's smoke slowly flew out. It seemed as if it would dissipate yet it was accompanied by an awful sound of thunder, containing an incomparable power.

The energy pulses from the white smoke strand spread in all directions along with a loud rumble. Xiao Xuetong was pushed back a few steps due to this and the luxurious rattan chair she was sitting on also flew away.

Its might was even stronger than that of a bomb's.

The saber light as well as the hissing spread towards the surrounding people. The cruel expression on Kim In Ryong's face went rigid, being replaced by endless fear.


His saber was still in the middle of hacking downwards, but the saber's blade was simply unable to endure this kind of power. The edge crumbled into pieces till the handle under everyone's shocked gazes, followed by which Kim In Ryong was blown away backwards. He crashed into the 10 x 20 m French window behind him and disappeared into the darkness.

The entire place went silent!

They were utterly shocked. Jiang Xiu had used such a terrifying power in an instant and defeated Mr. Lee's saber expert using force.

Oh my God!

What kind of power is this?

The way everyone looked at Jiang Xiu changed. Xiao Xuetong was stupefied and felt like she was knowing Jiang Xiu all over again. She believed that he was a young student of Jiang City first, then a millionaire and now… Dang! Even movies don't have such exaggerated scenes.

Xiao Xuetong and Bai Xin were clearly people who didn't know the ropes, but the Long family members were clear about it. They were all dumbfounded. They had looked down on such a person and considered him as someone they could squash like an insect, even using him to handle Long Yingqing but he actually turned out to be such a terrifying person. They felt fear in their hearts, followed by cold sweat forming on her backs.

As for Long Yingqing, she was utterly shocked. This is Jiang Xiu's real strength? If he hadn't held back that day, even if I lived through it, my leg would've become crippled.

The Long family also had an expert with them, Lin Yao. The saber attack just now was something even he couldn't necessarily receive yet Jiang Xiu had settled it so easily. Just what level of cultivation has this person reached? Is he at the summit of martial arts or perhaps a… Demigod? Lin Yao didn't dare to think in that direction. This person was still too young.

As for Mr. Lee, it was as if someone had locked him in his posture right now. He still held the base of the wine glass in hand but the top was already ruptured, and the wine had fallen all over his body.

"To think you attacked me! Ignorant idiot!"

He planned to act like a cultured person with great difficulty and use regular means to handle this matter yet they forced our Deity Xiu to attack. "My words are still the same. If you want Bai Xin to become RV's China ambassador, it'll only happen if RV cancels the contract which gives the agent authority to act in its stead in the Asia Pacific region."

Lee Jae-Ki was after all someone who had experienced a lot of situations, so he didn't panic. "Sire's cultivation isn't weak, so it's no wonder that you act so arrogant and don't give face to my Lee family, but you still don't know how powerful my Lee family is."

"My Lee family has a Demigod who is a member of Heaven's Gate!"

"Do you know what kind of an existence a Demigod is? With your cultivation, you must've heard of it already, so you should know how to act."

Jiang Xiu calmly looked at Lee Jae-Ki who was drenched in red wine. He still had a bold and arrogant look on his face, as if he were a Monarch looking down on all under the heavens.

"Do you know why China has holed itself up all these years and suffer bullying and humiliation?"

"It's because the Demigods of China are weak."

"Only two Demigods of China can withstand my Lee family's Demigod. Let alone, my Lee family has Heaven's Gate behind us. It must not have been easy to reach your current cultivation, so it's best for you to quit it now and take this chance to survive."

Lin Yao who was standing at the back was quite shocked at the moment. He looked at Jiang Xiu who appeared to be around 20 years old and made the connection between the surname Jiang. He felt both these things were a bit familiar.

Lin Yao's expression twisted suddenly, "A few moments ago, didn't he say he's Wang Xintong's boss?"

"Mhm. What's the problem?" Long Yingqing asked.

Lin Yao couldn't remain calm anymore. Cold sweat slid down his forehead as he voiced his concern. "Wang Xintong is Jiang Luoxia's representative in Jiangnan. Since he's Wang Xintong's boss, wouldn't that mean he is…"

Lin Yao's expression warped as he looked at Jiang Xiu, his eyes almost popping out.

Lee Jae-Ki said arrogantly, "But you still have to give up on the RV's China ambassador position…"

"What if I don't?"

Lee Jae-Ki's face turned grim, "Then prepare to become my Lee family's enemy and suffer our rage! Only, don't blame me for reminding you. You can only resist if you are Si Wuxie or Jiang Luoxia or else…"

"You'll definitely die…"

"I'm already ready, but are you ready?" replied Jiang Xiu.

Lee Jae-Ki asked, "What do you mean…"

After hearing Lin Yao's words, a person's visage appeared in the minds of the Long family members… As the Long family was an elite family in China, and also affiliated with Heaven's Gate, the members of the family were familiar with the Demigod Ranking. Not long ago, a huge change had occurred on it. A person had soared up like a rising comet, revealing his sovereign-like magnificence as he ascended to the summit of Demigods and became known as China's No. 1 Demigod.

No. 3 on the Demigod Ranking, this was the highest rank a Demigod of China had ever reached till now!

According to the rumors, this person was the master of Jiangnan's Wang family, a 20-year-old man with the surname Jiang. Slowly, that legendary person's silhouette began to fuse with Jiang Xiu's figure who was in front of them.

Long Yingqing felt a 'boom' in her mind while the gazes of the other members turned into extreme fear.

Lin Yao screamed out, "Mr. Jiang, please wait a moment…"

Lee Jae-Ki looked down on Jiang Xiu, acting as if he were passing the final judgment on him. "What do you mean? What are you ready for?"

"To… Kill you."

It was all too late. By the time Lin Yao and the other Long family members had realized that the unremarkable youth before their eyes was the unparalleled, high and mighty Jiang Luoxia, the situation had already become irredeemable.

An icy look appeared on Jiang Xiu's face as he waved his right hand at Lee Jae-Ki. The cuffs of the suit he wore were quite tight, yet it felt as if that wave of his contained limitless power.


Sounds of thunder echoed over the place as a torrential heavenly force left from his sleeves. This formless power was immense and seemed as if it were the result of a Giant God waving its hand. The air in front of him, the grass, and the rattan chairs disintegrated, and even the distant hallway, steps, lamps, as well as the wooden pillars turned into fine powder.

It was so powerful that even a bulldozer was akin to a children's toy when compared to it. It was fast, fierce and packed with destructive force, decimating all matter in its wake.

The people were scared shitless!

Madame RV, Long Yingqing, Xiao Xuetong, and the others looked at this scene in fear. Li Jae-Ki's bodyguard who was blasted away dashed out from the room in a fury. Ever since he had sworn fealty to the prestigious Lee family, he had never suffered defeat. He vowed to himself that he'd cut Jiang Xiu's body into thousands of pieces, but he was horror-struck as well.

C-Can a human possess such power?

It's so powerful!

They were even more aghast by the fact that this power was actually aimed at Lee Jae-Ki. Since even rocks had turned to dust, there was no way Lee Jae-Ki's body made of flesh could resist it.

The bodyguard of the party hall heard the sound of glass breaking and immediately rushed over. As the black bodyguard bro was misled by the Long family's people and offended that super-VIP, he was on full alert now, but after he witnessed the scene when he reached here, his mouth turned into a complete oval shape. Oh ma gad!

The 1.9 m tall herculean black man knelt on the ground and prostrated himself in admiration as if he were offering himself to God.

Only God could possess such power.

Long Yingqing who was seated nearby to Lee Jae-Ki felt an essence-like power whittle past her, leaving an explosive echo at her ears. In the next instant, that haughty Mr. Lee exploded into blood mist.


Followed by a terrified scream, everything returned to a frightening silence.


Lin Yao had once seen a first-rate Demigod's attack, but even that didn't possess such destructive force. The corporeal body was utterly weak in front of this power, unable to even withstand a single hit. It was like a law of ruin which destroyed everything in its wake.

"H-He's dead?"

"Mr. Lee's dead?"

Watching the empty space where Lee Jae-Ki was standing a second ago, they felt a piercing pain in their eyes, causing their eyes to almost pop out of their sockets. The blood mist floating in the air, as well as the acrid smell of blood, reminded them that what they saw just now wasn't an illusion.

Silence. A deathly silence took over the place!

Everyone was shocked and held their breath after watching Lee Jae-Ki get killed, and that too through such a tyrannical method.

Jiang Xiu said, "I'm already prepared, but it looks like your Lee family hasn't prepared properly yet!"

"I hope they don't disappoint me!"

Everyone senses slowly returned to them, and they couldn't help but shrink back instinctively. Long Yingqing's face had lost all color as she asked with fear and trepidation, "J-Just… who are you?"

"Who do you think I am?"

Long Yingqing gulped down the saliva with great difficulty, looking at him with dread. Jiang Xiu had wronged her a lot and even opposed her whenever they met. He was her nemesis. Ever since she ran into him, nothing good had happened to her. She even had that poured all over her, but a girl's heart was unpredictable. Jiang Xiu had already entered her subconscious mind yet now, everything became so unfamiliar. She struggled to say it, "You are… Jiang Luoxia?"

This name seemed to possess magical power. At the moment it was spoken, everyone exhaled.

20-years old, Wang Xintong's boss, the Surname Jiang as well as this kind of inhuman power. His identity was clear yet conjecture and him admitting it personally were two entirely different things.

Jiang Xiu said, "That's right, I am Jiang Luoxia!"


The man before them was really the No. 1 Demigod of China!

As a martial artist, Lin Yao, couldn't control his trembling body. He immediately took a step forward and knelt down, calling out to Jiang Xiu with revere. "The younger generation, Lin Yao, greets Mr. Jiang!"

Confronting China's No.1 Demigod, all the martial artists felt a chill on their backs. They just didn't have any leeway to resist him. Even if they were in Lee Jae-Ki's place, the outcome wouldn't have changed as they couldn't withstand that single wave of his hand.

"We greet Mr. Jiang!"

Lin Yao's both knees were on the ground already. This was a subconscious action. He even lowered his head till it touched the grass and didn't dare to get up, shivering all over with fear.

The higher their achievements in martial arts, the better they understood his awfulness, and the higher veneration they felt.

"W-We greet Mr. Jiang!"

The Long family members recalled that they had offended Jiang Xiu and thus knelt down in fear, not even daring to move an inch. They were very vexed, especially Long Xiaoru and Long Xiuyi, as they had suppressed and also humiliated Jiang Xiu during the auction. Cold sweat began to form on their foreheads when they thought back on it.

Xiao Xuetong and Bai Xin were utterly stupefied.

They wondered whether they had transmigrated.

It was as if they were looking at a mythical event!

At the same time, they also realized the huge gap between these people and Jiang Xiu. It wasn't the difference between an ordinary person and a wealthy person, and also wasn't the difference between a wealthy person and a noble, but rather the difference between a human and a God.

They were people of the secular world while Jiang Xiu was a lofty God.

A Deity who ruled over everything!

Xiao Xuetong's and Bai Xin's gazes turned foolish as they looked at Jiang Xiu. Especially Xiao Xuetong, she felt a faint sense of loss in her heart for some reason. She should've been happy that her friend was so powerful, but she felt as if he was someone too high and unreachable to her. She felt a desolate feeling momentarily and was filled with complicated emotions.

Jiang Xiu said, "Madame RV. If you want to make Bai Xin RV's China ambassador, you can still do it by canceling the agreement!"

Madame RV was also utterly shocked, but she had after all experienced the vicissitudes of life, so she recovered quickly, "Mister was actually the newly ascended Demigod, Mr. Jiang Luoxia. Your reputation is well-known."

"However, the issue of RV's ambassador isn't that simple."

She continued, "You just killed the Korean Lee family's heir. They won't give up at this point. There's also China's Long family. He was the fiancé of this pretty lady beside me."

"You'll have to face the revenge of these two families!"

Jiang Xiu swept his gaze across Long Yingqing's face. He couldn't discover any traces of sadness from it and only saw shock in them. It seemed like she didn't have much affection towards her so-called fiancée.

However, it made sense. A political marriage gave importance to the shared benefits. Both sides were acting to obtain benefits, so no one bothered to bring emotions into it. In this game, the one who succumbed to their feelings was bound to lose everything they possessed.

Jiang Xiu could even sense a trace of happiness from Long Yingqing's eyes. It was the happiness of breaking free from the fetters of fate. It gave a relaxing sensation of freedom to a person.

Madame RV gazed at Jiang Xiu and lightly shook her head, "Respected Mr. Jiang, you're too impulsive. Perhaps you still haven't realized your mistake, but when you do realize it, it'll surely be too late for you to feel regret."

Heaven's Gate was planning to take in Jiang Xiu, but many of the members were against this idea. Now the Long family and the Lee family were also added to that lot, the chances of them taking in Jiang Xiu had already reached near to nil.

"Respected Mister, are you really ready?"

"To face the Lee family and Long family's rage!"

"Rage?" Jiang Xiu glanced at Madame RV, his eyes lacking the slightest tint of mirth, only flames of rage swirling deep inside them as his aura slowly rose up. "Korea's Lee family, Long family, Heaven's Gate…"

His gaze shot towards Long Yingqing's pale face suddenly. His eyes turning pitch-black, and his hair growing crazily as a flame-like fury engulfed the vast skies.


China's No.1 Demigod had finally made a move!!

Dark clouds gathered in the sky all of a sudden, covering up the moon's radiance. A gale brewed up as thunder echoed from a distance along with sizzling lightning flashes. It was as if a God had descended unto the human world, instilling a quaking fear in humans.

"Oh my God!"

Those present here had finally realized how powerful Jiang Xiu was. Killing a person was something trivial compared to his actual abilities, his power was able to influence the world and produce a change in it.

The dense and dark clouds repressed the entire area continually.

Long Yingqing's body began to tremble, her face turning as pale as paper. She couldn't keep standing anymore and collapsed to the ground, unable to move an inch. An indescribable pain, originating from the depths of her soul, tortured her. In an instant, her forehead was covered in sweat, after which she curled up into a circle.


Inside a castle somewhere in Gaulle, a mournful, furious howl resounded across the entire place. This yell hadn't occurred on the material plane but instead directly appeared in the minds of everyone present in this area.

"What happened?"

Inside the Heaven's Gate meeting room, a man donned in a black Daoist robe shuddered in pain.

"What happened? Tell me!"

They were all Demigods and were here to the decide whether to kill or subdue Jiang Luoxia whom they had duped into coming over to Europe. Whilst they were amidst a fierce argument, this unexpected incident suddenly took place.

"Why aren't you saying anything?!"

The man's fingers tightly gripped onto the wooden table. His hand turned transparent with an extremely sinister black vapor continuously rising out of it.

"Long Zaizong, someone is tampering with your great-granddaughter's body!" His voice was hoarse and full of pain.

"What's the situation?"

Many present here knew about the affair. In those days, that little girl called Long Yingqing was on the brink of dying. Long Zaizong had asked the monk for help who had then used a secret skill to preserve her life, and from then, that little girl became a sacrificial medium to the monk. Due to this, the Long family owed the monk a favor.

But someone was tampering with that little girl's body now, making him suffer extreme pain.

"Prestigious Grand Monk, how can such a small thing trouble you?" An elderly Chinese man spoke up. His face was covered in wrinkles and appeared like an art piece with sunken depressions all over. He wore a relaxed smile on his face and didn't take this issue seriously at all.

Not only him, none of the others present here took it seriously.

They boasted strength far surpassing that of people in this world and believed they were experts who stood at the summit of this world. No one could affect them, let alone threaten them.

"Quickly settle it. We have important matters to discuss!"


The monk began to shiver even more violently, and black vapors kept rising out of him. His eyes became bloodshot while his face wasted away at speed visible to the naked eye. His strength could be seen fading away quickly. He screamed loudly, "It's Jiang Luoxia!"


Everyone was stunned after hearing these words.

"Just what is happening?"

The monk explained, "He's forcefully pulling out the dead soul I planted inside Ms. Long's body. It's the clone which I had refined by making strenuous efforts and is also my life source… Jiang Luoxia… He wants to pull it out of her… There's no way for the dead soul to escape… It's going to be defeated!"


The monk screamed in pain again. The sensation he felt was as if a human's soul was being pulled out of the body forcibly. The fusion between the soul and body was similar to that of skin and flesh, and the pain he felt right now was akin to the pain felt when being skinned alive.

"Are you unable to resist him?"

Long Zaizong was alarmed. The other Demigods were the same as well, waiting for the monk to answer. They couldn't believe it. The monk had pursued the way of giving birth to a sacrificial soul to cultivate and reached his current cultivation level. Even if Jiang Luoxia's strength was stronger than his, it wasn't for sure that his achievements on this path would be higher than the monk's.

This was no matter to kid about. Could a man who hadn't even turned 20 compete with a monk who had cultivated on the scriptures for a generation?


The monk screamed again. Now, even his body had begun to wither.

"S-Save me…"

The relaxed expressions on the Demigods present here disappeared after hearing the monk's cry for help. Their faces turned grim as they had realized the situation didn't look good.

The monk was actually unable to resist Jiang Luoxia!!

According to the present circumstances, if the monk couldn't break free, he'd die tragically here.

All of them drew in a cold breath after thinking of this.

Jiang Xiu actually seemed to have higher attainment in the domain of the enigmatic soul sacrifice as well.

"Hah! Look now. We're still discussing whether to admit him into our organization while he gave us a display of strength first." One of the men slammed the table in a fury.

"We must kill him!"

The monk was still howling with pain. This path which he had cultivated was actually a very unorthodox one, few to almost none cultivated this way. Therefore, though there were plenty of Demigods here, none were able to help him.

"H-Help me…"

A voice came through, "Abandon your clone."

The man donned in the nine-python robe slowly turned around, "It wasn't easy for you to refine the clone, but compared to your life, you ought to know which is more important. We have a saying in my China - Where's there's life, there is hope."

If the monk broke off the link with his clone, Jiang Luoxia wouldn't have any means to attack him, and he could at least preserve his life.

"It'll be too late if you tarry."

The monk clenched his teeth and assumed a queer seal with his hand while chanting a profound incantation. His body trembled, following which a dense amount of black vapor scattered free from his body and disappeared.


He released a relaxed breath, as if all his power had been sucked out, and didn't even had the strength to move. He seemed to have aged a lot and looked wasted, his skin appearing like that of a tangerine's peeled off skin.

"How do you feel?"

The monk said, "I've somehow escaped with my life, but I've lost 70-80% of my cultivation."

But immediately after that, his expression turned quite peculiar. He said, "Jiang Xiu wants me to pass a message. Those who offend he, Jiang Luoxia, won't just die alone, but rather their entire group shall die together."


This stone tossed onto the pond had created a thousand ripples!

"Jiang Luoxia really has the nerve to say this. He actually shows contempt for my Heaven's Gate so openly." A gloomy voice resounded in the room.

"An insignificant newly ascended Demigod actually dares to speak such audacious words. It seems like our Heaven's Gate has acted too lenient in the past few years. They have already forgotten our ferocity."

"It's really ridiculous that there were even people proposing to take in Jiang Luoxia."

"Is there a need to discuss this anymore?"

A Demigod spoke indignantly, unable to restrain his anger. Their supreme Heaven's Gate was being humiliated in such a way. This was a big disgrace to them.

"What face will our Heaven's Gate have left if we don't kill Jiang Luoxia."

The nine-python robed man furrowed his brows. "What did he say?"

The monk said, "He even said he's sending a gift to everyone… It's in my torso…" He felt a painful heat in his torso as he said this and the heat was becoming a little unbearable for him. He took off his robe just as a radiance in the shape of a profound character radiated from inside him.

"What is this?"

The monk's facial expression began to twist in pain, and that character-shaped light broke out with an intense glow. He screamed once again and as that glow reached a peak… the monk's body exploded.

Burnt ashes floated inside the whole room.

A deathly silence took over the place!

The Demigods were all stupefied, their eyes wide open in shock. Even the nine-python robed man's grimaced, revealing fear in his eyes as he tightly held onto the Longevity Stone.

W-What kind of method is this?

The ability to kill a Demigod through a distance of several hundred km was extremely frightening.

Awe! If one were to ask what was awe, this would the answer! Before the monk had cut off the connection with his clone, Jiang Xiu had already planted a divine magic curse inside him using the soul as a medium. Jiang Xiu was 3 millenniums ahead of him in this respect.

"H-He's dead?"

Jiang Luoxia had added another Heaven's Gate member to the murder count. First, it was Buzhi Ming and now the black-robed monk.

"Jiang Luoxia…"

The nine-python robed man's eyes narrowed into slits as he spoke in a cold tone, "Since you are unable to figure out what's good for you, don't blame me for acting ruthlessly. The proposal of admitting Jiang Luoxia into Heaven's Gate is canceled!"

"Immediately issue the Heaven's Gate Demigod Hunting Order!"

Long Zaizong said, "This Jiang Luoxia possess mysterious methods. It's better for us to bide our time to formulate a plan to kill him in a single attack. Otherwise, trouble will befall us if he were to escape."

A man beside him commented, "Long Zaizong, are you actually scared?"

"When has our supreme Heaven's Gate feared anyone?"

The nine-python robed man said, "It's not wrong to act cautiously. Jiang Luoxia's history is a mystery, and his ranking as as the No. 3 on the Demigod Ranking isn't just for show. I believe we should discuss this properly."

The dark and dense clouds above the party venue finally dispersed and moonlight scattered onto the area. Long Yingqing who was curled up on the ground felt seriously sick. Like the saying went - sickness comes like a landslide but goes slowly like spinning silk. She was drenched in sweat all over and supported up by a person, "W-What did you do to me?"

"Nothing much. I just killed the Demigod who planted the soul fragment inside your body, that's all."

Madame RV's expression warped, "Gandalf's dead?"


"Madame RV doesn't believe it?" Jiang Xiu asked her.

Madame RV knew Jiang Xiu was a Demigod who possessed extraordinary strength as well as mysterious methods but killing someone who was several hundred km away was something she couldn't comprehend through her superficial knowledge.

The reason she had a close relationship with the Long family and the Lee family was due to that black-robed monk. He was someone whom she had visited once with her paternal great-grandfather to give a gift, a person of great wisdom and knowledge.

A person came beside her from behind and whispered something in her ears. Madame RV's facial expression distorted immediately, making her look at Jiang Xiu with eyes wide open. "You… No… Respected Mr. Demigod, you really killed Gandalf!"

"There was nowhere else to release my rage!"

Madame RV's expression turned ashen.

Everyone from the Long family was utterly shocked, looking at each other in dismay. All of this felt like a fairy tale story to them as killing a Demigod who was at a far away place was just unheard of.

Madame RV squeezed out a smile with great difficulty, "Respected Mister, I believe Ms. Xiao Xuetong is more suitable for the role of RV's China Ambassador."

Jiang Xiu's gaze swept across her face, "You never had any say in making this decision, so there's no need for you say empty words."

Madame RV shut her mouth in embarrassment.

"It seems like you're acquainted with the people of Heaven's Gate?" Jiang Xiu asked.

"My father was a member of Heaven's Gate, but he passed away quite early. I only have a superficial understanding of Heaven's Gate. In comparison, the Lee family and the Long family are branches of Heaven's Gate. Ms. Long has even gone to their headquarters once."

"Have you gone there?"

Long Yingqing nodded with a pale face, "Mhm!"

"Then you must remember the way…" Jiang Xiu believed he'd have to spend some effort to look for the HQ of Heaven's Gate but didn't expect he wouldn't have to do anything at all.

Long Yingqing nodded, "It's the Holy Land!"

"Lead the way then!"

The news of Jiang Luoxia arriving in Europe took over China's martial arts world like a storm and the fact that he had killed Lee Jae-Ki had made Korea's murim world go crazy.

Many Koreans insulted in succession. Fucker, wait for our Lee family's Demigod's revenge.

China's special division located within Europe was extremely tense. On that night, they received feedback from the country to pay close attention to Jiang Luoxia's movements and do their best to support him.

"It seems like our worry was unnecessary!" That newspaper reading man commented.

The woman was a little sour as well but now had a relaxed expression, "As Mr. Jiang has killed the Lee family's prince, he has thoroughly made enemies out of the Lee family and the Long family. There's a fat chance he'll be able to join Heaven's Gate."


The man's expression turned solemn, "They can only be enemies." His good mood completely died off. Heaven's Gate was an existence which even superpowers like the U.S and China were afraid of.

"Damn it. An Long, we just received news that Mr. Jiang has set off towards Gaulle's western region."

The man, as well as the blonde young woman, were stunned, immediately after which their expressions distorted.

"Damn it!"

"The Holy Land!"

An Long's expression turned grim. "It looks like Mr. Jiang plans to go to the Holy Land. That's the base of Heaven's Gate."

"T-That's too crazy. He isn't going there to kill them, right?!" That fat European man's blue pupils expanded while his lips shuddered as he spoke.

An Long said, "If you consider Jiang Luoxia's style, it's possible he might be indeed planning to do that…"

"Oh my God! But that's Heaven's Gate's base!"

"Ever since WWI, even gunships have detoured over that place, but he plans to go there single-handedly?" The blonde young woman grabbed her hair.

An Long said, "I'll have to contact the country regarding this."

A Demigod partial to China was really too valuable. Yes, China had many Demigods, but they were concealed or placed their own safety before everything else, and there was only one person with unfathomable strength, which was Jiang Xiu. For China, he was the strongest national defense power as well as a sharp weapon in their hands.

It'd be a real pity if he were to die. Moreover, Jiang Xiu was still quite young, only 20 years old. If he could live for a hundred years, he'd be able to protect China's glory for those hundred years.

The information sent back from the country was to use all power in their hands to ensure Mr. Jiang's safety.

As Jiang Luoxia has gone to meet the big boss in Diaoyutai and used his identity as a Demigod to discuss with the boss, it was natural that the country would spare no strength in helping him.

"An Long, what do you plan to do?"

An Long began to pack his luggage, "I'm going to the western region. There's no need for you to come. It's too dangerous."

"No no no…"

"You are our leader. How can we abandon you?"

An Long smiled, "It's too dangerous time this time. I'll have room to maneuver if I'm alone, but if you're with me, it'll make me worried. You guys should stay behind to provide support at any time."

The door was pushed open and a handsome youth entered inside. It was the youth who had taken the photos. "I just received information that after Mr. Jiang killed Lee Jae-Ki, a large number of Korean murim artists entered Gaulle. They should've come for Mr. Jiang."

"Hmm, boss, you're going out?"

An Long said, "I'm going to the western region." His expression was quite solemn as the circumstances didn't look optimistic. Lee Jae-Ki was the Lee family's heir, and the Lee family wouldn't leave the matter of his death alone.

Actually, it wasn't just Korea, the martial arts of China had also entered Gaulle. They had sniffed the smell of gunpowder, and even many from Japan had rushed over.

Chaos loomed over Gaulle right now.

And amidst this chaotic gathering, Jiang Xiu was sitting in a car driven by Long Yingqing. She felt a lot better now and didn't sweat continuously like before. Moreover, though her body felt empty, she instead felt relaxed. Previously, she used to always feel a repressive sensation, but it wasn't there anymore.

"You mean the other party was using my life to extend his life?"

"If you make it sound simple, that's indeed the case and also his goal. The reason you became irritated or felt dizzy often is because of the incompatibility between your soul and body, and also because your life was being drained too quickly."

"But I never aged faster."

"This has no relation to age. Age is merely an issue of time. The strength of vitality is a completely different concept." Jiang Xiu hadn't mentioned one matter. In case a situation where Long Yingqing experienced a loss in vitality were to occur, she might've experienced sudden death. The probability of this happening also increased along with age.

Children had the most vigorous vitality, and as they grew up, this would slow down. Around 28 years of age, a human's vitality began to wither, and when that happened, Long Yingqing would definitely die. In other words, even if she had good luck and didn't experience sudden death, she would only live to the age of 28.

There was no free lunch in this world. A price needed to be paid when the monk saved her life back then.

"Your constitution is a bit special!"

As Jiang Xiu was tampering with Long Yingqing's soul, he had discovered that her soul had experienced a variation. If she were on the Immortal Martial Continent, all the large sects would've fought over her.

No matter what her cultivation talent may be, her accomplishments on this aspect definitely wouldn't be low.Only, Earth wasn't suitable to cultivate. Even he could do nothing about it, let alone an ordinary person. If it weren't for him coincidently getting the Longevity Stone, he couldn't have become a God so quickly. With his former pace, it might have taken 40-50 years.

Long Yingqing peeked at Jiang Xiu's marble-like face from aside, saying in a light voice, "Thank you!"

Jiang Xiu felt this to be strange, "What are you thanking me for?"

"I read in some ancient Greek records regarding those so-called holy women used for sacrificial offerings. They aren't able to live a long life, and only live till 20 at most. That's why… Thank you!"

"I just saved you in passing."

Long Yingqing knew there was no need for Jiang Xiu to remove the soul fragment if he wanted to hurt the monk and could've left it inside her body. Perhaps it was easy for him to do it, but doing it was more than often troublesome than not doing it. "Anyway… thank you!"

A slightly wicked smile perked up on Jiang Xiu's face, "I just wanted to awe Heaven's Gate and let them understand that I'm not someone they should provoke. Only, your gratitude is a bit too early, you'll soon hate me to the bitter end."

Long Yingqing's expression warped, "You really plan to go to the Holy Land?"

"Of course!"

Jiang Xiu wondered if something was wrong with this girl's brain. The car was already on the route towards that place, so this question was really too naïve. Jiang Luoxia was someone who always keeps his word.

Long Yingqing bit her cherry lips, "Don't go. It's not like I'm worried for you, but since you helped me, I just want to warn you that the Holy Land isn't as simple as you think."

"You'll definitely die if you go there!"


Long Yingqing nodded, "The way you killed Lee Jae-Ki was indeed fearsome, and the method you used to kill the monk was even more unimaginable, but even if you add all of that together, you still aren't Heaven's Gate's opponent as you don't understand them. Even if you want to make them your enemy, you need to know about them. Know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall come unscathed through a hundred battles."

Jiang Xiu sneered, "Long Yingqing, trying to evaluate me based on your abilities is just in vain." Even if you have thousands of tricks, it's as thin as paper in front of absolute power. Just a slash from my saber is enough to settle it.

"Do as you wish then!" Long Yingqing said somewhat resentfully.

She had never tried to persuade someone so sincerely and had not even treated Lee Jae-Ki like this. In fact, she was quite unfamiliar with Lee Jae-Ki. It wasn't like she had spent a short time with him. Since she had stayed in Korea for 3 years, she should've become well-acquainted with that man, but the conflict in her heart didn't allow her to familiarize herself with him.

Because she knew it was just a marriage for benefits.

Noticing the sadness flash through Long Yingqing's eyes, Jiang Xiu vaguely saw his own silhouette in her, from the time when he had run into the Jiang family in his previous life and become a political marriage tool. Those people only saw their own benefits and never thought of her life.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiu felt a terrible aura lock onto himself. At this moment, the car was traveling at a speed of 100 MPH, so he was really curious which expert was able to lock onto him when he was moving so fast.

He took a glance back, immediately after which his eyes opened wide, making him curse out. Fudge! Rage welled up in his heart as he spoke in a cold voice, "Ignorant idiot!"

On top of a discarded building at a distance, a person had a bazooka propped up on his shoulder with the car Jiang Xiu was inside as his target.

To kill Jiang Luoxia, they had stooped down to the lowest, vulgar methods.

Naturally, it was a Korean flat-faced person.

He revealed a nasty smile, "Go to hell!"


The missile thrust out of the bazooka with a powerful driving force, shooting out along with a flash and smoke. It rushed towards the land rover Jiang Xiu was traveling inside with astonishing speed.

Long Yingqing also heard the rocketing sound, causing her to turn back to look and was spooked out of her mind. She saw the missile fly over towards them, despair drowning her entire heart. This thing's power could blast the car they were inside into pieces.


She screamed out loud in fear.

Jiang Xiu believed that this Korean man should've seen Long Yingqing's face through the scope. Even if he didn't see it clearly, he should've known Long Yingqing was abducted by him.

Since he used the bazooka under such circumstances, it meant that not only Jiang Xiu's life was at aim, but even Long Yingqing was a target as well. They didn't even consider the fact that she was once the fiancée of their young master or that she was the young lady of the Long family.

That ambusher exposed a cruel smile on his face. Typically, the result would've been a massive explosion with the car blown to the skies, but in the next moment, his expression went rigid. "How is that possible?!"

He saw that missile baselessly stop in mid-air. Its back kept spouting out flames, but it didn't move forward a single bit.

It didn't detonate?

As if that missile had gained intelligence, it made a U-turn then aimed towards the ambusher's location. His eyes grew wide open. "FUCK!"

Immediately after that, the missile shot towards him.

He responded quickly and assumed a lying posture on the ground. He was Korea's top-tier murim artist and also a soldier king. He was fully aware that his only chance to live through this was to lie down on the ground and not stick his chest to the ground while lying down. That'd be a mistake as the vibrations from the explosion would injure his internal organs if he did that. Many fresh recruits believed they'll be fine after lying down, but after the event, they'd cough up blood then die. It was best to use the arm's support while lying down.

He had done this kind of movement at least 10,000 times during his military service. Lying down on the spot, lying down after doing a roll… but even if his actions were perfect, it was all in vain.

The power of modern hot weapons was much stronger than the ones used during WWII. Moreover, to handle Jiang Luoxia, he had brought the one with the maximum power. It could destroy the discarded building with ease.


The missile's implosion gave rise to an awful heat as well as pressure. The explosion's force destroyed the entire building, along with that man's body who was wallowing in despair. Fortunately, this process was quick. It was just that even in his death, he still couldn't understand how that missile had changed its course.

The ones who had got the short end of the stick were the other experts sent by the Lee family who were also inside the same building. They didn't even get a chance to show their skills before they got killed in the explosion.

Those 13 people and were the core strength of the Lee family.

The building's destruction gave rise to a huge dust cloud as well as an explosive sound. The water inside glasses set on tables in the surrounding 5 km all rippled due to the vibrations.

The car was almost thrown up due to the heatwave, but it was suppressed by Jiang Xiu. The tires drifted against the ground violently as it slid 2-3 m aside. The car's windows were unable to hold on and disintegrated as well.

"Are you fine?" Jiang Xiu asked.

Long Yingqing was frightened. Her pretty eyes looked at Jiang Xiu with disbelief. The missile seemed to be just a children's toy in front of his power. She rejoiced about this very much. If it weren't for him being so powerful, she'd have got killed. Damn trash of the Lee family, you actually tried to kill me.

The land rover dashed out of the smoke. At a distance, a man laid slowly laid down the binoculars in shock. This person was An Long. He never expected the Lee family would use a weapon of this rank but even more than that, he didn't think dealing with such a hot weapon was nothing but child's play to Jiang Luoxia.

According to the information he had received, around a dozen elite members of the Lee family planned to ambush Jiang Luoxia and were hidden on this road, so he intended to provide support.

Only now did he understand that it was completed unnecessary.

If he had guessed it right, those Lee family members were inside the building. Moreover, they were probably now buried in its ruins.

It wasn't that they got wiped out due to their foolishness but rather that Jiang Luoxia was so powerful that he didn't even fear a missile.

"Mr. Jiang, are you really going to decimate the Holy Land?"

The mission he had received from his superiors was to prevent Jiang Luoxia from leaving towards the Holy Land. He didn't know just how would he complete such a mission.

Looking at the car disappear, he rushed out of the building and chased after it.

"Mr. Jiang, I hope you don't do such a foolish thing."

Due to the explosion just now, besides the windows, the entire vehicle seems to have been affected. After traveling around 10 km, it trembled violently then gave rise to smoke. Long Yingqing had tried to turn on the ignition several times but it was of no use. She shook her head helplessly towards Jiang Xiu. "The vehicle's not starting up."

She pushed open the door, gracefully skipped out of the car then opened the car's hood. In fact, she didn't understand much about cars, but she didn't want to put up a disappointing display. She was a very strong-minded girl.

Her pretty face got clouded over by worry.

She wore a red top today, which was paired with black jeans which perfectly outlined her butt and waist as well as her graceful legs. As Gaulle was comparatively cold, she had worn a white high-neck woolen garment inside. The bright red and black constrasted with the white underneath, vividly expressing her peerless glamor.

She closed down the hood in anger, "The engine's dead!"

This time, Long Yingqing was able to deceive him properly. Jiang Xiu was a poor person in his previous life and then landed in the Immortal Martial Continent, so he had a lot of blind spots in life. For example, he didn't know anything about repairing cars.

There were few people in Gaulle and they were far from the city. They were stranded in the middle of nowhere with no vehicles passing by. It was a little troublesome.

"My bad!" Jiang Xiu said.

To save strength, he didn't resist the force which had resulted due to the missile's explosion and let the car endure it. He regretted it very much He merely stopped it from being flown up but didn't expect to have goofed up so badly.

Long Yingqing was baffled after hearing this. She furrowed her brows. "What do you mean by that?"

"Am I not in the wrong for making such a pretty girl stand on the roadside and endure the chilly wind as well as the sunshine, making her go through such inhuman treatment? It's a grave blunder."

Long Yingqing couldn't help but laugh. She really wasn't expecting the ice-cold natured Jiang Luoxia to tease her like this. Her heart was filled with sweetness in a moment. "You baddie!"

Long Yingqing looked inside the car's trunk and found mineral water bottles in mint condition inside them. She took one out and handed it over to Jiang Xiu. The relationship between the two had eased considerably this time. "Don't worry too much. The Holy Land is located nearby to Gaulle's Labelle Grass Mountain, which is a famous tourist spot. Although it's a bit remote, it gets a lot of visitors."

"No one is going to come anytime soon."

Jiang Xiu's eyesight as well as hearing as on another level. There weren't any cars coming this way.

"Nothing can be done except waiting then!"

Naturally, it was also possible to call someone to drive over, but they had already traveled for 4-5 hours. It'd take the same amount of time for someone to come over.

Jiang Xiu gazed at her, discovering that this girl indeed looked pretty when she didn't have an arrogant expression on her face. Especially that tint of bashfulness as well as her pale, tender skin.

Long Yingqing became a little nervous as he gazed at her. She curled her hair behind her ears. There was no one here, only she and him. This guy teased me before, maybe he's… Her face blushed when she thought of this, causing her chest to tighten up.

"I remember you had the strength of a Tae Kwon Do black-belt expert?"

Long Yingqing replied timidly, "With my black-belt strength, I am nothing but a child in your eyes." She was worried right now. What to do? What if he uses force? I'm not even close to his match regarding strength. Will I have my purity destroyed in his hands?

She pinched the bottle nervously, resulting in it being deformed.

"Your strength ought to be enough. Push the car while I turn on the ignition…"

Long Yingqing's beautiful eyes almost popped out. Are you even a man?! You really have the nerve to sit inside the car while making a sweet, little girl like me push the car. I really can't believe this. I'd rather be happy if you had done that instead to me.

No wonder you were acting so good to me and even took the initiative to tease me. The trap was waiting for me here. You bastard. I should've already realized your character, you single-attributed scum.

But after recalling he is Jiang Luoxia, she could only say yes to him. "Okay."

Young Lady Long's Tae Kwon Do black-belt strength was an integral estimate of her skill and power, not just brute force. Jiang Xiu tried to start the car again. Although he wasn't familiar with cars, he wasn't completely clueless about them. As shown on TV dramas, each try showed a little different result when the ignition was attempted.

Long Yingqing came over, "Jiang Xiu, why don't you push the car, I'll try here!"

Jiang Xiu actually promised her, "Alright, you ride, and I'll push!"

Long Yingqing felt like this guy's words had another meaning to them, causing her face to flush up. She cursed at him inwardly. Rogue. After throwing him a shy yet angry glance, she thought maybe it was her thought process which was skewed. As some brainless expert had once said, girls are different from boys. If a girl is with a boy, and she finds her thoughts drifting towards that direction, it means she likes him.

Ah, Long Yingqing, you haven't fallen in love with him, right?

Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

He's so annoying and tyrannical. He even threatened the Long family. How can I like him? Actually, girls like her who were extremely arrogant all thirsted to be conquered deep in their hearts. She just hadn't realized that both her mind and soul were already conquered by Jiang Xiu and within her deepest subconscious, she wished for her body to be conquered as well.

Jiang Xiu pushed the car while Long Yingqing tried to turn it on several times, but it was of no use. It was possible the engine really had a problem.

They could only wait for a car to pass by!

"Do you have money?" Long Yingqing asked him.

"Do you think I need to carry money while going out?" Jiang Xiu countered.

Long Yingqing was downcast. She could only lift up a thumb to get a free ride. However, a vehicle heartlessly speeded by them right after it.

As an indulged princess of the family, she too didn't have the habit of carrying money.

They spent 30 mins trying to hitch-hike. Over 10 cars passed by in the meantime but not even a single one pulled up. Jiang Xiu's brows furrowed. If the next car didn't stop, he planned to use force to take over it.

The next vehicle was an off-road Benz of a rather huge size. The other side had already come over towards their direction before they could lift the thumb. After the window was lowered, a pretty Chinese girl's face came into view. "Hey, you Chinese?"

"Yes!" Long Yingqing said, "Our vehicle died. Can you give us a lift?"

"Of course." The girl replied.

Long Yingqing became exalted and even showed off a little to Jiang Xiu. Look, I was able to stop a car. After that, she pulled the back door open and entered inside.

The car's interior was pretty spacious, and it seemed to be a new one too. There were only two people inside, the other being a spectacled boy wearing sportswear. He gave off the impression like that of office staff and had a lax expression on his face.

The girl looked around 20 years old and was quite pretty, with the face of an international make. Her sight fell on Jiang Xiu. "Handsome guy, are you also going to Labelle Grass Mountain to have fun?"

"To have fun? Yes, I am!" Jiang Xiu replied.

The girl asked, "Do you come to Gaulle occasionally or live here all year round?" She seemed to be very interested in Jiang Xiu.

The boy's face became sour, "Little Ying, why are you asking so many questions?"

The girl called Little Ying replied, "I just want to!"

"You should focus on driving. Handsome guy, ignore him. What's the answer then?"

"I come to Gaulle occasionally…"

Little Ying chatted with Jiang Xiu enthusiastically. This girl was definitely a woman with pretty looks among ordinary people, but she lacked a bit in comparison with all the girls Jiang Xiu was acquainted with.

Her sight fell on Long Yingqing and discovered that this girl was so pretty, enough to astonish all men in the world. "Wow. Such a pretty girl. Jiang Xiu, is she your girlfriend?"

Jiang Xiu said, "No! We are just… ordinary classmates!"

Long Yingqing didn't comment on it. She looked on as Little Ying did her best to tease Jiang Xiu. Little Ying said, "Do you have a girlfriend then?"

Jiang Xiu said, "I don't have a girlfriend!"

Long Yingqing sneered. You are so intimate with Cheng Lingran, what is she if not your girlfriend? Really, even a powerful man is, in the end, a man. One look at a pretty girl and you've shown your real character.

Little Ying asked, "Don't joke around. How come you don't have a girlfriend when you're so handsome?"

Jiang Xiu just replied with a smile.

One thing to note was that his current appearance was in the deified state. He was a God right now, and the most natural state for him was the deified one. Besides his normal eyes, he was similar to an ancient god and too handsome to have friends.

It was also possible that Long Yingqing got teased because of his ethereal face.

After a 3-hour long ride, the vehicle finally reached Labelle Grass Mountain. As Jiang Xiu and Long Yingqing prepared to get down, Little Ying asked them, "Shall we go together? It's fun with more people…"

Jiang Xiu shook his head, "Sorry but we have other business to attend to. Thank you for your help. Let me give you a piece of advice. This place isn't safe. Best leave as far away as possible from here lest you lose your life."

Little Ying didn't believe Jiang Xiu's words. Although Gaulle's public security wasn't as good as China's, she thought it won't be that dangerous. She felt that he was trying to get rid of her, after all, just based on her appearance, she couldn't even compare with Long Yingqing who was accompanying him. "Don't lie, okay? Let's have fun together. We even have barbecue stuff…"

Jiang Xiu had already started walking towards Labelle Grass Mountain along with Long Yingqing. As far as the eyes went, a lush green covered the mountain range. Ruins of a damaged castle could be seen on the peak. According to Gaulle's history books, a war had broken out two times here in the past, and this castle was destroyed during it. It had a dense historical feel.

The boy said, "Little Ying, leave it alone. Why are you trying to get close to him when he's ignoring you?"

"That's what's called acting 'cool,' you won't understand." Little Ying replied.

"Isn't he just a little handsome? What's the use of that thing? Nowadays, background and assets are more important. My family even has a wine farm in Gaulle which is worth 100 million in the market."

"My parents care about your money, but I don't care about it at all. I like handsome men. Attractive Index is justice! Got it?"

The boy muttered, "Am I in the wrong for being ugly?"

Little Ying's gaze followed Jiang Xiu's silhouette which was farther now. She couldn't help but exclaim in admiration, "Too perfect. He's just like the most perfect God who has walked out from the myths."

"Little Ying, you're too young and muddled by these external things. One becomes old along with age. When looking at a person, you must look at his talent, as talent won't fade away with age."

"I can look at that thing called talent when I'm a 40-year-old woman."

"You aren't planning to fangirl about teen male idols when you're 40, right?"

Little Ying didn't reply as she felt there was a high chance of that happening.

Attractive Index is everything!

Little Ying said, "Jian Rong, why don't you just give up? I don't like you. Even if you and I get together, I'll only like your money, not you."

The boy nodded excitedly, "It's enough to just like my money, it's not like I have any talents!"

Little Ying rolled her eyes at him then ignored him. Their car slowly entered the town and when they arrived there, they were almost dumbfounded due to the shock. Red warning tape was put over many regions, and there were armed personnel holding guns everywhere. There were numerous cars and even more people. Moreover, all the cars were expensive ones. Their off-road Benz SUV couldn't even be compared to them.

Once the news that Jiang Luoxia was going to Heaven's Gate spread, it wasn't just Korea's Lee family who rushed over due to their hate for him. Martial artists from China, and Japan, European experts, and people from Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Taiwan had rushed over too.

This matter was pretty serious. Heaven's Gate had never suffered such disgrace, and the Demigods that had gathered were no lesser than 50. Over 10,000 men had assembled at this tiny town today.

Gaulle's Department of Defense was too tensed up and sent out all of its armed force led by its experts.

"W-What's happening?"

Little Ying was utterly dumbfounded and couldn't help but recall Jiang Xiu's words. That man was stupefied as well. "I've come here several times but never seen such a scene."

She said, "Maybe some country's government dignitary has come here to have fun?"

All the man could see were pricey cars as well as many big shots being escorted by bodyguards in black suits. "It's really too ostentatious."

Little Ying commented, "Some might've even though Gaulle is in a state of war."

A passerby used English to speak to them, "You are ordinary people?"

"Are you not?" Little Ying questioned back.

That foreigner was dazed, "Alright, it looks like you don't understand what's going to happen. A battle between Gods is going to take place here. If you're just an ordinary person, it's best for you to quickly leave this place."

Little Ying almost giggled, "You say it as if you're speaking the truth. A battle between Gods?"

"War of Gods?"

The foreigner replied, "More or less. War of Gods is a confrontation between two sides and this time, it's one entity versus the others." His eyes were filled with mania.

"Are you telling the truth?" Little Ying questioned him.

Jian Rong said, "Mister, you must be kidding, right?!"

The foreigner just smiled without replying to them.

"What are they doing over there?"

Many machines were moved over, and there were even filming vans. There was also a spybot being tested in the sky. The foreigner explained, "It's to film the battle."

The things which are filmed would become the deepest secret of each country.

Little Ying wasn't even scared at all, "Can I watch too?"

The foreigner muttered to himself. It was clear her curiosity wasn't going to back down, and he wanted to show off a little too. Since the main event hadn't begun yet, they wouldn't be able to see anything, so he let her follow him. However, after Little Ying saw the view on the monitor, she was stunned. A man and a woman were riding big, strong horses across the bumpy grass mountain. "Isn't that…"

"We know him!"

The foreigner laughed, "You two must be kidding, right? You know Jiang Luoxia?"

Little Ying said, "Jiang Luoxia. Fudge! That handsome guy actually gave a fake name to me. We really know him. They came over here in our car. The girl accompanying him was called Long…"

The foreigner's gaze turned solemn, "Long Yingqing!"

"Yeh, Long Yingqing!"

The foreigner's expression warped as he held his head exaggeratedly, "Oh my God! You really know Jiang Luoxia. He came here in your car?"

"Is he really that amazing?"

The foreigner almost dropped to the ground hearing this question. "Do you know who initiated this unprecedented battle? It's him, that boy, China's No.1 Demigod!"


On the monitor, Jiang Xiu sensed someone spying on him. His gaze swept across everywhere and discovered a tiny spybot flying in the sky. He waved his hand, sending an invisible energy wave towards it, destroying the spybot.

After Jiang Xiu and Long Yingqing entered the town, they discovered a lot of people had gathered here. It wasn't possible to drive a car inside the mountain range, and Long Yingqing told him the Holy Land was still quite far. Last time, she had gone there on a horse, so the two of them went to the ranch to hire horses.

Long Yingqing commented, "Using a spybot to film is too naïve. It can't even fly to the Holy Land, and even if it were able to, it'll go out of the operating range."

It was only possible to film from one place, which was a satellite within the outer space.

In fact, the things filmed by satellites far exceeded what humans are aware of.

"Are you really going in?"

"Of course, don't ask such a silly question."

"It's not even in the least bit silly. Do you know how many experts are inside? There are…" She stopped speaking. She knew the strength of Heaven's Gate, but the Long family was also a branch of Heaven's Gate. If she leaked out information about them, she'd be betraying the Long family. "There are over 20 Demigods!"

Yet she still revealed it!

"Can't you just keep low until things settle down? I heard China is forbidden ground for Heaven's Gate, that they don't dare to enter China as they wish. My Long family is the sole exception as we had contributed a lot to the country's founding. Even if it's this way, my Long family's Demigod also can't stay in China and spends most of the time living in Europe."

"You can return home!"

"There's no need to fight with them."

Long Yingqing urged the horse to pursue after Jiang Xiu while spending all her energy to persuade him.

Jiang Xiu's horse was unbelievably fast, its legs full of power and carrying an aura which seemed to express its intent to trample the sun, moon and the stars. He replied in a cold voice, "It's too late since I've already come here."

"They also won't let me leave!"

Just as he said these words, an off-road vehicle came outside. As the mountain range was full of ups and downs, it was unclear how this off-road vehicle was brought here.

A Korean man wearing a black suit and a sinister expression showed his face from inside the vehicle. "Long Yingqing, you really have some guts to betray Heaven's Gate and lead the enemy into the Holy Land."


Jiang Xiu suddenly leaped from the horseback and dropped from the sky, stepping on that man's head. The man, as well as the car, caved into the ground, and that man's head pierced into his body due to being stepped on. "China's Jiang Luoxia has arrived as planned!"

His voice echoed across the entire mountain range like a clap of thunder, passing through each nook. Clouds gathered across the skies and enveloped the whole mountain range. It was quite the majestic scene, almost as if the heavens were falling.

Inside Heaven's Gate's HQ, all the Demigods were amidst a fierce argument. They were discussing how to kill Jiang Luoxia. The biggest problem in this was related to Long Yingqing. The Long family still cared about this girl. She had outstanding looks and was also a talented genius. No matter whether she remained in the Long family, she'd still have worth as a marriage tool in the future.

Long family's Demigod, Long Zaizong was doing his best to oppose the plan to kill Long Yingqing along with Jiang Xiu. The destructive power when Demigods battled was too immense, so he was requesting them to first rescue Long Yingqing.

Korea's Demigod narrowed his eyes, "She should feel honored to sacrifice her life for Heaven's Gate. My family's Jae-Ki is already dead. As his fiancée, shouldn't she also follow him into death?"

Long Zaizong roared, "Shut your bitching mouth. My great-granddaughter was merely engaged with your Lee family's descendant, not married. Even if she had married him, you don't have the right to bury my great-granddaughter together with him."

The old Korean man got infuriated, "Long Zaizong, Long Yingqing has fallen into Jiang Luoxia's hands. Do you think he'll let her go? I fear she's already been violated by him. This isn't just a disgrace to my Lee family but also to your Long family. Death is the best ending for her and also the only way to maintain our families' prestige."

Long Zaizong sneered back at him, "What era are you living in? Only an obstinate old fogey like you would care about this matter. Even if something really happened, Long Yingqing is the victim. Moreover, you're just reaching about this."

"I think you just want to take revenge for Lee Jae-Ki and don't care about my great-granddaughter's life, am I right?"

A redheaded woman took this rare opportunity to cut into the conversation, "The two of you, Jiang Luoxia is strong, and everyone knows about this clearly. First, he killed Buzhi Ming then killed the monk from far away. We don't even know how big a price we'll have to pay to kill him, and we're still quarreling here. We must first formulate a plan to kill him in a single attack. We can't let him escape to China."

"Long Zaizong, just what does your great-granddaughter's life alone amount to?"

"You…" Long Zaizong's face was entirely flushed from anger.

"Alright, everyone, calm down." An old European man commented. "Jiang Luoxia has killed two Demigods of my Heaven's Gate. If we don't settle this hatred by killing him, the prestige of Heaven's Gate will take a huge hit."

"It's just as Selena says. We can't let him escape to China and have to kill him!"

"Only if Long Zaizong renounces that great-granddaughter of his can a few of us can bring out our power as much as we wish. Even if Jiang Luoxia is strong, we can crush him down!" A wild looking stubble-bearded European man mocked in a cold tone.


A fierce wave rushed in from outside, resulting in the windows' glass to explode. The people inside the hall were all jolted. The Korean Demigod voiced out his doubts, "What happened?"

A European man rushed inside with a terrified look on his face, screaming with all his might. "That Jiang Luoxia is raiding the place!"


The members inside the hall were stunned. This place was the HQ of Heaven's Gate, and ever since it was established several hundred years ago, no one had dared to forcefully invade this place.

"He really dared to come here?"

"Does he think he can challenge 23 Demigods of my Heaven's Gate alone?"

They all rushed out and saw dense black clouds covering the entire sky above the grass mountain. Rumbles of thunder resounded from the horizon as lighting flashed inside the dark clouds. "China's Jiang Luoxia has arrived as planned!"

As he walked in with swag, the warhorses neighed in shock, and the birds fled in disarray.

Currently, Jiang Luoxia's long hair was waving in the air like flames, and his clothes fluttered due to the wind. Lightning seemed to flash within his eyes, and the entire world quaked in fear due to his descent. That powerful aura was terrifying to the heart as the black clouds covering the whole sky seemed to wail in anguish under that aura. His apathetic gaze was full of an imposing attitude which looked down over the entire world with disdain.

"Y-You really dare…"

The one who rebuked him was the Lee family's Demigod. His face was full of shock as he confronted Deity Xiu's aura which was covering the heavens. He even stuttered while speaking and lacked his previous vigor.

A Demigod who wasn't even 20, a person who had risen to fame from killing Ji Wudao and become China's No.1 Super Demigod.

Though Heaven's Gate was based in Europe, since Jiang Xiu had killed Buzhi Ming, they were paying close attention to him, so they had photos of his deified appearance.

But only when they saw the scene in person did they sense how astonishing Jiang Xiu's aura was.

"You really dared to come to my Heaven's Gate!"

"I, Jiang Luoxia, always do what I say. Since I said I'll exterminate your Heaven's Gate, I definitely won't disappoint you."

"Arrogant brat!"

Long Zaizong snarled at him, "Naïve child, Heaven's Gate isn't a place where you can behave so atrociously. Just who is your master? I really wish to ask him just how did he raise up an apprentice like you."

Jiang Xiu's expression turned grim, "You're not qualified to ask my master's name!"

Long Zaizong was also Chinese. Though he didn't dare to say he knew the names of all the experts in China's martial arts world as he had left that place many years ago, he knew almost all of them and believed he might recognize the name.


Long Zaizong saw Long Yingqing walk forward with a pale face. She felt as if she were having an out-of-body experience and had a lifeless look in her eyes as she stepped forward mechanically.

She was really terrified!

No one knew just what she had witnessed as Jiang Xiu invaded the Holy Land. Only now did she truly realize what the name 'Jiang Luoxia' represented.

Long Zaizong shouted at her, "Yingqing, are you alright?"

"Ancestor, I'm fine."

"Did he do anything to you? A-Are you still…" He felt a little embarrassed while asking this question. Although he didn't mind saying it, he was, after all, a person from a hundred years ago and was concerned about such things.

Long Yingqing understood what the ancestor was asking and shook her head.

Korea's Demigod barged in at this moment, "Long Zaizong, looks like you've gone senile along with time. Do you think your great-granddaughter will admit what happened to her in front of everyone here?"

He ignored Long Zaizong's angry expression and said, "Jiang Luoxia, since you dared to kill my Lee family's people, how do you plan to repay this debt of blood?"

Jiang Xiu sneered at him, "What? You think your Lee family's people are more precious than others? They're no better than pigs waiting to be slaughtered…"

"Just take a look behind me…"

There wasn't even a single person remaining standing behind him. Mountains of corpses laid on the ground and blood flowed like seas. The entire place was a mess. Especially the Lee family's members, none of them had an intact corpse.

It was similar to that of a battlefield overrun by an Asura, filled with dead bodies of Heaven's Gate's disciples. The expressions of all the Demigods of Heaven's Gate warped when they saw this.

Korea's Demigod trembled all over. "Good. Very good. Since you dared to come to my Heaven's Gate, don't blame us for fighting together against you."

"Everyone, let's kill this evil person to take revenge for the dead Buzhi Ming, the black-robed monk as well as the disciples."

Jiang Xiu scoffed back at him, "Useless trash!"

"You're courting death!"

The redhead, Selena, suddenly grabbed towards his direction. Her fingernails were also scarlet, just like blood, and as she went through the motion of grasping, a flame spurted out from her hand.

She wasn't a natural esper. When she was 6 years old, her house had caught fire, and her parents burned to death. She had seen a shadow within the fire, and when she grabbed it, she gained the power to control fire.

Soon after that, she was taken in by a convent of Gaulle and discovered a method to control and increase her power in their scriptures. She became the youngest witch of Europe at the age of 18 and gained the moniker of Goddess of Fire.

"Too weak!"

"This kind of flame will stop burning without external help to keep it burning." He waved his hand with ease, releasing a cool breeze towards the flame. The flame's color turned dull, and along with a rumble, the flame appeared to lose its power slowly before disappearing.

"This is…"

The expressions of Heaven's Gate's Demigods distorted in shock.

This was Selena who was praised as the Goddess of Fire in Europe yet her attack was broken so easily. This attack of hers could easily blast a colossal tree which required at least 4-5 people to surround it entirely, but it was nothing to Jiang Xiu.

All of them were utterly shocked.

With such power, it was no wonder that he was able to reach till here and kill so many disciples. In front of him, those ordinary people were equivalent to ants.

Long Yingqing's eyes grew wide open in shock as well.

He's able to deal with a Demigod's attack with such ease?

"Everyone, let's attack together!"

Korea's Demigod immediately realized that the circumstances didn't look good. Jiang Xiu was too powerful, and it'd be difficult to defeat him if they attacked one by one. It'll need all of them to attack together to avoid getting killed by him one by one.

All the Demigods attacked in an instant. There was an intense light as well as thunder, flame as well as poison…


The Demigods' attacks were very astonishing, and among them, many of them had revealed their deified state, each one possessing a bizarre look, as they burst out with a decimating force.

All of them desired to destroy this monster which had descended into this world, so they released all the power they had suppressed all these years.

One of them flew towards a far away tree like a bird and landed on top of it, looking over the place from high ground.

"Keep at it! Attack him!"

A huge hole 3-4 m deep was created at the place Jiang Xiu was standing due to the explosions.


"Jiang Luoxia has turned into du…"

But he couldn't finish his words.

A formless power crazily converged at the place Jiang Xiu was standing, and a shadow slowly walked out from inside. A hidden aura soared up behind him which seemed to be formed of flames and thunder, issuing a deep rumbling sound.

The Demigods revealed a look of shock and despair when they saw the person clearly.

"Just how…"