Beside You Ch. 2: Harder to Breathe

Chapter Two: Harder to Breathe

A loud booming sound woke me up.

I was quick to sit up and look around in a panic.

"Sorry," Benny mumbled.

"I don't like your morning alarm," I groaned.

Her alarm was going to be the death of me. It sounded like a bomb going off, followed by an alarm.

"I have to wake up somehow," she stated.

I just sat there feeling tired.

"Shower?" she asked.

I just nodded as I got to my feet.

I pulled the bag out from under my bed before taking the old clothes out and putting new ones in.

"I like to go shopping on Friday," Benny stated.

"Shopping for what?" I asked oddly.

"I only buy stuff for the week, so I need to go shopping for anything I might need."

"I can go with you," I said, "Might as well get in the habit of going once a week."

"Come on," she said, holding up her key "To the showers."

I followed behind her, and on the way, I found myself staring at the large fence.

"We should see if Gus and Michael are out," I said.

She turned quickly to shake her head at me "Listen here, new kid. During the day, this school is on lock."

I looked at her funny, but then I followed her finger as she pointed out security guards.

"They are constantly watching the fence during the day," she stated, "Nighttime, there is only one or two of them on duty."

"What happens if we are at the gate?" I asked.

"You don't want to find out, trust me."

She turned back around, and before I turned, I could see the two guys standing not too far from the other side of the gate.

I just walked into the bathroom with her and proceeded to take my shower.

"What do you think our uniforms will look like?" Benny asked, "Pants and shirt? A dress? Skirt and shirt?"

I shrugged as the water poured down my body, "I prefer pants."

She just laughed.

The sound of talking filled the room, new people I didn't recognize.

"It feels good to be back."

"I know, I missed not having to sneak out."

"I'm tired, you guys."

I stood there silently as I washed the conditioner out of my hair.

This was too much for me, it was early, and I didn't particularly enjoy people.

"Hey," I heard Benny say, "Are you almost done in there?"

"Yeah," I said back.

"Sounds like we aren't alone, ladies" I heard a voice outside the showers.

"Benny has a girlfriend, huh?" another one asked.

"I knew she was butch," said another.

Here we go again, foot meet mouth.

"Wow," I said, "I wasn't aware I was in a lesbian relationship."

"Neither did I," Benny said, "Want to be my girlfriend?"

This was one of the things I loved about Benny. She loved to fuck with people, and it was all for it.

"Why not?" I shrugged.

"Gross." I heard the girls say.

I couldn't help but smile when I heard Benny laugh.

"I'm out," Benny said.

I shut the water off and pulled the towel around my waist before grabbing the rest of my things.

Once I walked out, I was forced to walk past the judgmental girls.

The look on all their faces instantly made me want to vanish.

"Here, I thought she'd pick a girl with bigger tits."

"What the fuck is that?" one of the girls asked.

The one that appeared to be the ring leader pointed at me, "Looks like she colored in half of her body and just gave up."

"She looks like an alien," another said.

"A butch alien," the ring leader stated.

"Wow," I said, "You guys are assholes."

"Shut your mouth," the taller blonde hissed, "Flat chested bitch."

"Dumb blonde cunt," I said before walking to the other room.

I didn't even have a flat chest, I just hated girls like that. I never know when to just stop.

Benny grinned at me.

"Way to go, champ," she said, "Your life here is really going to suck."

"What?" I asked, "How?"

"That girl," she pointed, "Her grandmother started this school."

Fuck my life.

"Don't worry," she smiled "We'll be fucked together."

I forced a laugh as I walked into the small changing room so I could get dressed.

I wanted pants so that I didn't have to show my legs, now I just need pants that fit.

I found myself gazing at my reflection in the tall mirror.

My hair was longer than I remembered it being. The ends just barely reached my breasts.

I ran my hand through the tendrils of red, thankful that I had just dyed it before I came here.

My eyes connected with my reflections' gaze, then fell to the pale skin and freckles on the left side of my face, then slowly moved to the right side of my face. The mark I had lived with since birth. It looks almost like a splatter of reds and purples. I was born with a permanent bruise.

It was difficult seeing the mark and knowing all the crap I got for it.

"Ren?" Benny asked.

I had to avert my gaze, or else I would start to feel worse.

"Yeah," I said back, trying to sound put together.

"Are you ready?"

"Almost," I said.

I shut my eyes for a second, in the hopes of pulling myself together. One deep breath and I was quick to pull my long sleeve shirt over my head.

She was there waiting patiently when I finally emerged.

She grinned at me before I gathered up the remainder of my stuff and followed her out.

The campus is livelier today. More girls are walking around, and they looked prim and proper.

If there was one thing I knew, it was that looks could be deceiving.

We made our way back to our room and put our bags back where they came from.

"And when do we do laundry?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I try to do it on Sunday, but I usually just do it whenever."

I nodded slowly.

Her phone went off, and she was quick to answer it.

I watched her smile once the person spoke. It was the first time I noticed the dark blue case with small animated dinosaurs on it. It was cute, and it was very her.

"Good morning to you, too," she grinned.

A smile that wide and genuinely happy, it had to be Gus on the other line.

Her smile was quickly replaced by a frown, "You have to be kidding me."

I looked at her questioningly.

"Some of the uniforms are already here."

We were just sized yesterday.

She looked down at her phone for a minute before shaking her head.

"Not ours, the girls who were sized before."

I nodded, feeling relieved. I almost started to panic.

"Any plans today?" she asked him.

There was a short pause, and I took that as my chance to pay a lot more attention to the carpet that it deserved.

"What's Michael doing?" she asked before scowling. "Of course, he is."

I just sat there confused, was it really necessary to give us pink carpet?

"Alright, maybe next weekend then," she said.

What about during the week? My full attention was back on her.

"I love you too," she said, "Later."

She hung up the phone, and I looked at her, confused.

"What?" she asked me once she saw my expression.

"Why do you have to wait until the weekend?"

"The school rules" she looked at me as if I was supposed to already know, "We aren't allowed to leave campus on a school night unless we have a good excuse or a note."

I nodded slowly "Of course not, a proper lady would always stay close to her studies."

"That's what I'm talking about," she laughed.

"What are the guys up to?" I asked.

"Gus is going to stay in today, Michael is going out again."

"Of course, he is," I said.

She smirked, "That's what I said."

I knew it was, that's why I said it.

She let out a small sigh, "Should I feel this lazy?"

I felt the same way, so I didn't blame her.

"Do we have anything to do today?" I asked her.

It was funny, I was already lumping her and me together.

"We could always go do some laundry," she pointed out.

I sat up, "So then, let's go do some laundry."

She let out a cross between a whine and a groan.

I looked over at her to see if she was alright or if she was just being dramatic.

She sat up and smiled, "You're good for me. I would never do it unless I was nagged."

"You're good for me, too," I admitted.

It was the truth. If I hadn't met her here, I could be feeling completely different. I was glad I met her. I was glad I met all three of them. It was nice to not have to navigate through all this by myself.

She grabbed a basket, and I took my dirty clothes and stuffed them into a bag.

"We can wash ours together if you want," she said.

I nodded. I didn't have very many dirty clothes anyway.

We walked by the black gate again, and I could see Gus in the distance Michael laid on the grass next to him.

"Look who it is," I pointed.

She turned, and I watched as she smiled.

"I thought he was going out," she stated.

"Maybe he was busy?" I asked.

She just laughed, "Definitely looks busy to me."

I had a feeling that would be a long-standing joke with them.

We reached the gym, and inside there were several machines. Only two were available.

So, the gym has showers, bathrooms, and the machines to wash and dry your clothes.

From what the map says, a pool as well as a small indoor section with bleachers.

For what? Maybe for when it rains, or the weather is too bad to be outside.

She dumped her clothes into a machine and took my bag from me, and she dumped the contents into the same machine.

She started it and then marked an alarm on her phone, "We should come back in an hour."

I nodded before taking the basket and carrying it.

A loud sound came from Benny.

I looked at her as she answered her phone.

"Yeah?" she asked.

I just kept in pace with her as she walked.

"Yeah," she said, "I saw you too."

I liked the two of them together, they were cute.

"Our room doesn't look any different," she stated, "Ren didn't bring any decorations."

I felt myself frown. I would have if that was an option.

"Okay," she said to him before turning to me, "Gus wants to Skype."

I shrugged, "Doesn't matter to me."

"Alright," she said, "Let us get back to our room, and I'll call you."

She hung up the phone.

"Does this normally happen?" I asked.

She shrugged, "We don't get to see each other very much, so we do what we can."

It was sweet. He gave off this tough guy image that would be more believable if I hadn't seen him around Benny.

"So, Ren," Benny said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

She unlocked the door but caught me off guard with what came out of her mouth.

"Are you a virgin?" She asked me dead seriously.

I started to cough, and my face went crimson.

"Way to throw a curveball my way."

"I'll take that as a yes," she grinned.

"So what?" I demanded, "Boys don't like me."

In fact, most people that took one good look at me high tailed it in the opposite direction.

She looked at me, confused, "I don't see anything wrong with you."

I had to look away from her. I knew that she was just being nice.

"Ren," she said seriously, and I met her eyes again "Despite what you may think, you are beautiful."

I felt a strange wave of emotion go through me, still not sure exactly what it was.

My gaze shifted to the side "You don't know me very well."

She shrugged, "I have time to know you."

I felt somehow relieved to hear her say that.

There was a short silence while I tried to pull myself back together, and the first thing I thought blurted out of my mouth.

"What about you?" I asked her.

"Not anymore," she said.

Part of me was a little surprised that she didn't hesitate to answer for even a second.

"Gus?" I asked.

"Duh," she giggled "We've been together for a long time, it had to happen eventually."

"Romantic," I said.

"It really was," she smiled at me "There are boys, and then there are men. He is definitely a man."

I made a face, "What exactly are you referring to?"

She smiled at me, "Obviously, I mean him in general, and his dick, of course."

I fought the urge to laugh. She was too much.

It was cute, though, the love they had for each other. I didn't know the two of them very well, but I could feel it.

She looked at herself in the mirror and fixed her hair, "How do I look?"

"For what?" I asked.

She pointed to the computer, "I'm about to call them."

"You look great," I smiled, "No video sex, virgin ears over here."

She grinned at me before doing stuff on her computer.

"You better get over here, Ren," she hissed.

"Wait, me? Why?" I asked nervously.

"Hey, Benny!" I heard a very excited Gus.

"Put some clothes on Ren," Benny hissed "You can't walk around naked! I've got the webcam on!"

It went silent before she laughed.

I, of course, was red in the face again. She sure had a way of making me feel a little off guard, but fortunately, I knew it was just her way of including me in their reindeer games.

I peeked into the camera, "Hi."

Gus smiled wide, "Morning, Ren."

The room behind them was dark. The walls were a darker gray color.

"Is the King in?" Benny asked.

Gus turned around, "Michael!"

"What?" we could hear him hiss.

He walked out, and his shirt was off.

Benny was quick to cover my face.

I got a glimpse of just how big the tree on his body was. I needed to see it again. It looked like it took up his whole left side.

"Put some clothes on Michael," Benny hissed.

"Why are you covering her face?" Gus asked.

"She's a virgin!" she hissed.

I forced her hands away, and I regretted it instantly.

"That's an ass," I pointed.

I was quick to turn around. I was trying to see the tattoo, but instead, I was pretty sure I saw scars.

"Put some clothes on Michael," Gus said.

I heard a noise of protest.

"What happened to your lady plans?" Benny asked.

"Blew her off," Michael stated.


"He's dressed," Benny said.

I turned around to see him fully dressed now.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"She doesn't seem like a virgin," Gus stated.

"Guys don't like me," I whined.

Gus looked at me, funny, "I don't see anything wrong with you."

"That's what I said," Benny shrugged.

"I see why," Michael stated.

How was I as offended as I was?

"Look how much clothing she is wearing" he pointed at me, "This isn't the middle ages, guys these days like to see a little more skin than your hands, ankles, and face."

I had to turn away.

"Maybe she likes to bundle up?" Benny hissed.

"Or she's a cutter," Michael stated.

My heart hammered in my chest. If I wasn't so myself, I would have been thankful that they all avoided the obvious. I moved closer towards my bed to remove myself from the camera's view.

"He didn't mean it, Ren," Gus said.

"I meant it," he said, "Clearly, I'm right."

I got in front of the screen again to glare at the dirty blond male. "So what if I do?"

He didn't seem phased. "You aren't the only one with scars idiot."

"Don't call me names asshole," I hissed.

"You can add that to your list of reasons," he stated.

"It's better than me fucking everything with a hole," I hissed.

Benny and Gus both went wide-eyed.

It is I Ren, the girl whose foot currently resides in her mouth.

"I…" I was interrupted.

"You're right," Michael stated, "I'd like to see you handle being a little fucked up."

"Seriously," I said, "You think I'm not?"

"You're a goody-two-shoes, I doubt it."

I stood up straight and shook my head "My family sent me away."

"So, you can become a lady," he stated.

I laughed dryly, "Right, so I can become a lady."

They all looked at me.

You know nothing… I wanted to say it, but I couldn't.

Part of me regretted my outburst, but it was the truth. I wasn't wanted.

"Maybe we should cut this short," Benny suggested.

"But I want to talk to you," Gus said from the other end.

"You guys can talk," I said, "I don't mind."

"You're angry for a reason," I heard Michael say, "Clearly, that little notebook of yours holds more than you let on."

Panic filled me, and I made my way to the computer again, "Go fuck yourself."

Benny made a face as she looked at me "Don't talk to him like that."

"Shut up, Benny," Michael stated, "She's exactly fucking like you."

She looked at the screen before looking at me.

Guilt formed heavily in my gut as I looked back at her. I knew that I had a temper, that was, unfortunately, one of the reasons I was sent away.

"Ren," Michael said, "Be free next weekend, we have plans to do something else."

I stared wide-eyed and confused at Benny, who returned my expression.

"Where are you going?" Gus asked him.

"My schedule suddenly became clear."

"Ass," Benny said.

"He's right, though," Gus said.

"About what?" she demanded.

"About Ren," he stated, "You were the only one brave enough to talk to him like that, other than me."

I didn't know what to say, I was a total bitch.

"I'm sorry, Ren," she said.

"No, I'm the one that should be sorry," I said, feeling ashamed "I deserve it, I never even told you guys why I ended up here in the first place."

She looked at me, "Seriously?"

"Any longer back home, and I'd be at the neighboring school," I admitted.

"No way," she grinned.

"Seriously?" Gus asked.

"Not like I talk about it," I stated, "No more talking about me."

"I like her," Gus stated.

"I like her, too," Benny stated.

"And I like you guys," I said.

"Awe guys," Benny said, "We're an orgy."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"If only Michael would go for Ren," Benny stated.

"Pardon?" I demanded.

She laughed "It would be a dream come true if he found a girl like you."

"He doesn't even bother fighting with most women," Gus said.

He doesn't? I wasn't sure how to feel about that.

A loud booming sound came from Benny, and she looked down.

"I have to go change over the laundry," she said to Gus.

Has it really been an hour already?

"I can do it," I said.

"You sure?" she asked me.

"Yeah," I stood by the door "Don't lock me out."

She nodded, and I walked out and headed for the gym again.

I found myself walking somewhat close to the black gate.

Once I got to the gym, I switched our clothes over and set an alarm on my phone.

I walked out and stared at the black gate again.

It's hard to imagine what I would be like if I were on that side of the gate instead of this one.

A voice startled me.

"Stop it, you look ridiculous."

I heard a voice, and I turned around quickly. No one was there, not that I could see anyway.

I listened for another minute, and I swear I heard a low moan.

This immediately got awkward.

"Come on," it was a female voice, "Do something."

"Go fuck yourself," a male voice hissed.

I headed in the direction I heard the voices. There was a section behind the gym, and the hedges angled in the weirdest direction, and it made a small blind spot to anyone trying to see you. It was a small place that anyone on either side could meet with somebody without being seen. I wouldn't have found it, if not for the strange sounds.

A girl was kneeling by the gate.

"Uh," I said awkwardly, "Is everything alright?"

The girl was quick to turn, and I recognized her, it was the headmaster's granddaughter, the girl I called a cunt. Wait, no it wasn't, they had the same hair color, and the way they did their makeup was the same, but that was it.

She was quick to glare at me "Can't you see we're in the middle of something?"

I just looked at her.

"We," the guy began, "Were not in the middle of anything. You were annoying the hell out of me."

I knew that pissy voice.

"Michael?" I asked.

The male stood up, and he smirked: "Well, isn't this a surprise?"

The girl looked at him.

He just ignored her.

"Still mad?" he asked me.

She looked at me, pissed.

"Can you give us a minute?" she asked.

"How about you go?" he suggested.

"I was here first," she hissed.

"Fuck off," he said.

Her jaw dropped before she stormed away.

Was this normal? It didn't feel normal. Was I on camera? I glanced around before looking at him again.

"Are you normally this mean to girls?" I asked.

He shrugged before sitting down again, "I'm certainly not nice to them."

"Why?" I asked.

He looked at me for a minute, "Are you still mad?"

I shook my head, "I may have overreacted."

He looked as if he was trying to study me.

"What?" I asked awkwardly.

"Let me see your wrists," he said.

I glared at him, "No."

"Ren," he said, "Let me see."

I knelt down as close to the gate as I could, and he reached through the gate to grab my left arm and pulled my sleeve up before checking my other one.

He looked confused as he stared at the bare discolored skin.

"What?" I asked after a minute of silence, "Were you expecting scars?"

He released my arm, and I was quick to pull my sleeves back over my exposed skin.

"I've gotten used to wearing layers," I admitted.

I was about to say more but quickly stopped myself.

"Say it," he said.

"Who said I was going to say anything?" I demanded.

"Your face," he said, "What was the reason you overdressed?"

"Other than the obvious," I looked to the side, "I used to get beat up a lot."

He didn't say anything, he just looked away.

"The extra clothes made it easier to cover the bruises and my birthmark."

His attention returned to me, and he didn't look away.

This boys' gaze was intense.

"Do you have a phone?"

I looked at him, confused, "Yeah, why?"

He held his hand out, "Let me see it."

I hesitated before pulling my phone out of my pocket, and I pushed in my password before I handed it to him.

He was doing something on it, and I was getting nervous.

It took a minute before he handed it back.

"I put my number in," he said before pulling his own phone out "And I sent myself yours."

I stared down at his contact information, "Would you get mad if I called you King?"


I only nodded in response.

"Maybe in the future," he said, "Maybe then it will be okay."

"Are there rules?" I asked half-joking.

He just looked at me.

"Is it just a nickname friend's use for you?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Only people who know me."

I wanted to get technical and tell him I know him, but in reality, I didn't. I didn't know what he had been through, I barely knew this boy.

"Earlier, you said something," I stated.

"I said a few things," he stated, "To which one are you referring?"

"You said I wasn't the only one with scars," I said, "I thought I saw some on you."

"You probably did," he shrugged.

I opened my mouth to speak again, but the alarm on my phone went off. The clothes in the dryer were done.

"Someone calling?" he asked.

I shook my head, "Alarm."

We both sat there silently.

"What's our plan for next weekend?" I asked.

"Another double date," he stated, "I suggested we do something different this time."

I nodded, "I don't think I can handle another chick flick," I admitted.

He nodded, and we were back to silence.

"About the scars," I said.

He shook his head, "I won't talk to you about it."

I felt a little rejected, but I nodded.

It made sense, of course, but now I knew I was going to wonder about them.

"So," I said awkwardly.

"What was the alarm for?" he asked.

"Pregnancy test," I shrugged.

He looked at me, almost like he was disgusted with me.

"It was a joke," I said, "I was waiting for the laundry to be done."

The previous expression was gone, he almost looked a little irritated.

"You just got here, and you're already doing laundry?" he asked.

"It's not all mine," I said, "Benny needed to wash some stuff, and she said I could put a few of my things in."

He nodded, but he pulled his phone out and typed something in.

My brain decided that it was a text to a girl.

We both just stared at each other.

At first, I got the feeling he didn't trust people, but it makes me wonder what he is willing to do to get close to people.

"You're wondering something," he stated, "Just say it."

"You don't trust people," I said, "And it makes me wonder, that girl from yesterday, does she get to call you King?"

He looked at me, but it was more like a glare.

"You said to say it."

I felt my face getting red. I was embarrassed for bringing the girl up without even really thinking about it.

"No, she doesn't."

I just stared at him. I was far too curious about him.

"Is that what you meant by knowing you?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is."

I nodded slowly, "I'm sorry."

"Ren?" I heard my name.

I turned around, but no one was there.

"Benny," he said before sighing.

He looked irritated.

"I know you don't know me very well," I stated, "But I feel like you and I are similar."

I looked back to see his expression. I could tell that he thought I was full of shit.

"We're not that similar," he stated.

"How would you know?" I asked, "You don't know me."

"You find comfort by hurting yourself," he stated, "I find comfort in a woman."

I looked at him before getting to my feet "It doesn't sound very different at all."

He stared at the metal bars "Our pain is different."

"Something, our parents started," I said.

He looked startled by my words.

"Again," I began, "I know I'm new here, and new to the group, but I know everyone does something for a reason."

"That notebook," he said, "What do you write in it?"

I forced a smile on my face, "Well, King," I said, "I remind myself every day what I am here for, and why I need to stay."

"How depressing" he didn't acknowledge what I called him.

"I also wanted to thank you," I said.

"For what?" he seemed irritated.

"I know it wasn't a real date," I smiled to myself, "But I had a good time, and I thought it was a good first date, so thank you."

"You've never been on a date?" he asked me, surprised.

I looked to the side to avoid his gaze.


I felt a jolt of fear run down my spine. She nearly gave me a heart attack.

"What are you two doing?"

"Hey, Benny," Michael greeted her, not showing any real emotion.

I looked back at her and grinned, "Hey Benny."

She grinned back, "What's up?"

She sat next to me and left the hamper right behind her.

"Took you long enough," Michael said.

She turned to glare at him "Well, I tend to lag when I get messages like that."

I was confused, and he just laughed. It was the first time I heard him laugh. I was struck first by the sound, then by the smile that remained on his face.

She showed me the text message from Michael, and I understood why she would lag.

From: Michael – 'Whore come get your laundry.'

"I was wondering how you knew I was doing laundry," she said.

We all sat there, I felt a little awkward, and I could feel him looking at me.

"I thought you had plans," Benny stated.

I looked up to see him glaring at her.

"She's too clingy. I didn't feel like going out."

"Does this girl have a name?" Benny asked.

"It's not relevant."

"Is she anything like the last one?" she asked.

She was trying to piss him off, I wasn't sure how I knew it, but I did, and she was.

The atmosphere somehow turned hostile, and I didn't know what to do.


It was more awkward than it was before.

Benny looked my way.

I smiled instinctively at her.

"What were you guys talking about?" she asked.

"Nothing," he snapped.

He was clearly in a bad mood now. I just didn't understand why.

"Ren?" she turned my way.

I was being called out, and I'm not really sure what to say.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Michael interrupted me.

"Benny," he hissed.

She didn't seem phased by his anger at all.

"Ren?" she asked again.

I looked back and forth between them, "I plead the fifth."

"Isn't your husband in need of attention?" he asked her.

She shrugged, "My husband knows I am a curious person."

"Go away, Benny."

She just laughed, "Alright, you guys can be alone again."

I hate to say it, but she ruined the moment.

Benny stood up and grabbed the basket, "I'll put your stuff on your bed."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"Later, grumpy," she said to Michael before walking off.

It was silent for a minute.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about that," he said, "She has no restraint when it comes to personal business."

"She worries about you," I said, "She loves you."

"I know," he sighed, "But she's trying to get you and me together, or have you not noticed?"

I mean, she did make that comment earlier, but I didn't really expect her to act on it.

I made a face, "I guess I didn't notice."



He smiled, "I should go."

To be honest, it was a beautiful one. The ends of his mouth curled up just a little, and it made me stare at his lips. His bottom lip was fuller, while his top lip was a little thinner. His teeth were a bit crooked, but that didn't take away just how stunning he was when he smiled. Wait… did I just say stunning?

I nodded, "So should I."

Neither one of us moved.

"Are you nervous about your first day?" he asked.

I had to think about it. "To be honest, I don't know."

"I couldn't deal with that many fucking cunts at once."

Well, that escalated quickly.

"What's your max?" I asked, "Two or three?"

"One," he stated, "That's why I am mean to women."

"We deserve it sometimes," I nodded, "I know it."

"They deserve it," he stated.

I wasn't sure what he meant by that.

There was another moment of silence.

"What about mini-golfing?" he asked.

I looked at him, confused, "What?"

"Mini-golfing," he repeated.

"For next week?" I asked.

He shrugged, "It was just an idea."

I smiled wide, "I've never been mini-golfing before, it sounds fun."

He nodded, "I'll run it by Gus and Benny."


His phone went off, and he looked irritated.

"What?" he demanded.

His pleasant demeanor instantly turned sour.

I heard a female voice, and she was yelling.

"I'm not some fucking pet you can pick up whenever you feel lonely," he growled.

I felt like I shouldn't be here right now. I was overhearing something I had no business overhearing.

"You think I give a fuck?" he hissed.

I pulled my legs closer to me, and I just moved a little to a random tune in my head.

He listened to her bitch about something. I could almost hear her clearly.

"And?" he asked, "Don't feel bad for me. Your pity is fucking useless to me."

She yelled something else.

"Do you cling to every guy that fucks you?" he asked, "Or am I just the lucky one?"

She got louder.

"Are you done?" he asked calmly.

She was anything but calm.

He hung up the phone.

"I can barely handle one," he sighed.

"I know what you mean," I mumbled.

"If you weren't a virgin, I'd recommend coming to you for comfort."

I made a face.

"There are quite a few ways we can do it if you want to keep your hymen intact."

I wasn't sure how to feel right now. I liked him, yeah, but not enough to spread my legs for him.

"You should call her back," I said as I stood up, "Either that or you could just go fuck yourself."

"Real classy Ren."

"I could say the same," I hissed, "I guess this is what I get for thinking I could just be your friend."

He looked up at me "You are just like every girl that talks to me. First, you are hopeful, and you try your hardest to get me to notice, and not too long after that, just a glance from me and your legs are going to hate each other."

The way he said it, I don't know how, but I felt his words between my legs.

"You're an idiot," I hissed "I don't know why you're suddenly acting like a jerk, but you need to hurry up and get over yourself."

He stood up and walked away.

What an asshole! Why did I stay when he was on the phone? Clearly, he is insecure about himself, but who the hell isn't?

I felt the tears coming, but I shook my head and willed them away.

I had to be strong. I had to breathe, and I had to try and forget the end of our conversation. Somehow, I knew he was going to try to talk to me later, like nothing ever happened, especially in front of Benny.

I sighed before pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the time, but I was surprised when I saw that I had a message.

From: Michael – 'I'm sorry, forgive me.'

I stared at the message, and I felt a lump in my throat. It was something my mother would always say, and for some reason, I must enjoy the abuse because I replied with one word.

To: Michael – 'Always'

He might take it the wrong way, but I knew he was more like me, even if he didn't want to admit it. I didn't know how I knew something traumatic happened to him, but I did.

I just need to move forward and get through my time here.

Part of me knew it wasn't going to be easy, and I know he and I will be seeing a lot of each other.

I stared at the blank screen on my phone for a few minutes, maybe expecting a reply, or hoping for one. I didn't know, but I put my phone back in my pocket before going to my room.


Benny has been nagging me.

Apparently, Michael went back to his room in a bad mood, and immediately Gus told Benny.

"I don't know," I told her.

"Ren," she said, "Don't hold out on me."

"I don't know why he is in a bad mood," I stated, "All I know is that his girlfriend called, and they were fighting. I don't know why, and I don't know what happened."

She stared at me.

"I don't know, Benny," I sighed.

"Alright," she said, "I believe you."

I nodded. It was over now.

"Shower?" she asked me.

I nodded, feeling mentally and physically tired.

That was the last thing I did before going to sleep.

Monday, my first day of school here, was there when I woke up.