Beside You Ch. 21: Hurt for Long

Chapter Twenty-One: Hurt for Long

It felt a little awkward as I made my way to Benny.

She just smiled at me.

"Sorry about all that," I said.

She shook her head, "Steven would be lucky to have you back in his life."

I stared back at her.

Her gaze went to the side.

I wasn't sure if it was because she was a little anxious or the mood was just a bit awkward.

"The real question is," she said, "If he deserves it or not."

That's fair.

I was asking myself something similar.


"Yeah?" I asked back.

"Are you really going to give him a second chance?"

I had to think about that one for a minute.

"I don't know," I admitted.

Her light brown eyes locked with mine.

"Can I be honest?" she asked.

I nodded, even though I had a pretty good idea of what she was about to say.

"You shouldn't," she said, "Steven has always been jealous of Michael."

That much I was able to figure out already.

"Did he suddenly start to say super nice things?" she asked.

"I know what he is trying to do," I stated.

It felt a little too obvious.

He was never that nice to me.

He had a crush on me?

That felt like a bad joke.

You don't do that kind of thing to someone you like.

If you do, then clearly you aren't the person for me.

"Then what are you going to do?" she asked.

That was a really good question.

"I'm going to try and forgive him," I stated, "Not for him, but for me."

She looked a little surprised by my answer.

"He wants more," I said, "But he has to earn anything that he wants from me."

It sounded weird once I said it out loud.

I couldn't really see me and Steven like that, not again.

"Is he using that in exchange for not pressing charges?"

I nodded.

"Piece of shit," she muttered.

I didn't disagree on that one.

If the boy wanted me to forgive him, he should prove he wanted to do better without having me wrapped around his finger.

Though, I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Let's get out of here," Benny said, "I don't want to be here anymore than I have to."

I nodded, and we headed out.

"Where did the boys go?" I asked once we reached the elevator.

"Not sure," she said, "Michael is having a bitch fit. Gus went with him in case he does something stupid again."

That made sense.

Good looking out Gus.

"The real question," Benny said, "At least the one I'm dying to ask."

I glanced over at her.

She grinned wickedly at me, "What about Collin?"

I glared at her.

"Don't tell me you forgot."

I shook my head.

"I just wasn't thinking about it," I admitted.

"Well, you need to," she said, "What are you going to wear?"

I felt myself frown.

"Are you going to get all dolled up and sexy?" she asked.

Was I?

I didn't put much thought into that either.

"Do you like Collin like that?" she asked.

I met her questioning gaze just before getting off the elevator.

Did I like him like that?

There was a short silence as we left the building.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, "But I want to."

I heard voices before I saw Michael and Gus arguing off to the side of the building.

"Do you think he's cute at least?"

I only nodded as we got closer to the arguing duo.

There was no doubt that Collin is attractive.

"I didn't want to deal with him in the first place," Michael grumbled, "He never fucking leaves me alone."

Gus didn't have a chance to respond, not before I opened my mouth.

"Maybe he has a crush on you," I stated.

I know it was probably the worst thing to say right then.

Michael turned his head to glare at me.

"I'm sure you'll make sure to let me know if he brings up a threesome," he said with more hate than I feel was warranted, "Since you'll be fucking him."

I felt myself move before I even realized what I was doing.

My hand collided with the side of his face.

Benny gasped, but it was a small one.

I panicked after I slapped him.

He was already so hurt. The dark bluish-purple on his jaw made me feel worse.

"I'm sorry," I gasped.

He didn't even look at me.

I could see the anger and surprise in the way he kept his gaze away from me.

"That was pretty fucked up," Benny said.

I felt myself starting to shake.

"Bold of you to assume she's going to fuck anybody," she said.

Michael glared at her now.

"Collin has a better shot than Steven does," Gus stated.

Michael's head snapped in my direction.

I could feel the tension in the air.

Benny was trying to say something to Gus without it being obvious.

"What about Collin?" Michael asked.

"Ren's got a date," Gus stated.

He knew exactly what he was doing. It was written all over his face.

"Since when?" Michael asked, not once breaking eye contact with me.

"Why does it matter?" Benny asked, "Ren can date whoever she wants to."

Why was he so fucking mad? He rejected me.

He is so fucking confusing.

"She can do whatever she wants," Benny stated, "If someone makes her happy, that's what matters."

Michael dropped his eyes, and I could see the hurt.

I wanted him to be the one.

"Have you decided on what you're going to wear?" Gus asked.

"No," Benny stated, "I already asked."

"Seriously?" Gus chucked, "Is Benny going to help you?"

I nodded slowly.

Gus just laughed, "Then Collin's going to get himself in trouble."

"What makes you think that?" Benny demanded.

"You're going to make Ren dress up," he said, "Poor boy won't stand a chance."

Benny grinned wickedly, "I have a mission."

"Which is what exactly?" I asked.

"I have made myself your Cupid," she stated, "My goal is to get you laid."

We all stared at her.

"Laid respectfully," she added.

"Because the respect part makes it better," I said.

"Better than getting laid disrespectfully," Gus stated.

I couldn't help but shake my head.

"Whatever," Michael said.

He didn't say anything else. He just walked away.

"He's been way too fucking moody lately," Gus sighed.

Benny only nodded in agreement.

"Respectfully?" I asked.

Gus just laughed.

"Shut up," Benny grinned.

Gus started to walk after Michael, and we followed.

"For real though," Gus asked, "Are you going to dress up?"

"I hadn't really thought about it," I admitted, "But if it's a party, why wouldn't I?"

"That's up to you," Gus stated, "Just let me know if Collin acts like anything other than a gentleman."

I nodded.

It was sweet to have him worry so much.

Gus was like the big brother I always wanted.

Benny is, without a doubt, the sister I've always wanted.

I'm still not sure what Michael is exactly.

Gus walked through several lines of cars before grinning.

"Here I was thinking you were going to leave without us," Gus said.

Michael was leaning on the front of his car, still very much irritated.

He tossed his keys to Gus.

"I can't drive anyway," he said.

"You could if you really wanted to," Benny stated.

"Do you want me to really want to?" he asked.

The way that he glared at her made me feel uncomfortable.

"So where to from here?" Gus asked.

I could tell he was trying to take some of the tension out of the air.

"Back to campus," Michael stated, "You can drop me off at the Motel on the way."

"Is that a good idea?" Benny asked.

"I'm tired," Michael stated.

"You can sleep in the room," Gus stated.

"I don't want to."

Michael was even moodier than usual.

"Suit yourself," Gus said flatly.

Michael pulled open the back door before sitting in the back seat.

Benny sighed loud enough for all of us to hear.

I made my way around the car to sit in the back seat behind Gus.

Michael glared at the back of Benny's seat.

Gus said something to Benny before they got into the car.

It felt awkward.

Gus turned the car on, and we headed out of the hospital parking lot.

I found myself glancing over at Michael.

His phone was in his hand, and it looked like he was trying to write out a message one-handed.

His thumb hesitated over the keyboard.

Was he trying to get a girl to meet him at the motel?

That already irritated me. He was already in bad condition.

My phone buzzed, and it startled me.

Benny turned back to see what made me jump.

I glanced down at my phone to see who it was from.

My first thought was Michael.

He was typing out a message less than a minute ago.

His name wasn't the one that popped up on my phone.

"What is it?" Benny asked, "You jumped."

"My phone just scared me," I admitted.

"Oooooh," she grinned, "Who's it from?"

I glanced down at the name, and I was a little surprised.

"Collin," I stated.

He had already said goodnight, so I didn't expect to hear from him again tonight.

"How sweet," Benny said.

I glanced over a little awkwardly at Michael.

He gripped his phone awkwardly in his hand.

I watched as his hold tightened around the device. His knuckles turned white.

Did me talking to Collin really bother him that much?

I found myself frowning.

Michael didn't deserve to get mad.

I brought my attention back to the unread message.

It did make me wonder what was up.

From: Collin – 'Would you be interested in getting something to eat with me before the party?'

I just sort of stared at the message.

It felt like a trap.

Boys never just asked me to do things with them.

"What did he say?" Benny asked.

I wanted to look at Michael, but I could already feel his gaze on me.

"He asked me if I wanted to eat something with him before," I stated.

"Do you want to?" Gus asked.

"She does," Benny turned in her seat just to grin at me.

"I do?" I asked her.

"Even if you don't," she stated, "You're going to tell him yes."

"She can say no," Michael stated.

"Sure she can," Benny stated, "If she really wanted to."

Benny glanced at me before glancing at Michael.

"Do you not want to go?" she asked.

Did I not want to go?

In all reality, I had no reason not to.

I shook my head, "I'll go."

"You don't have to go just because Benny said you should," Michael said.

He couldn't hide the edge of irritation in his voice.

"Who says that I don't want to go?" I asked him.

I met his eyes.

His brows furrowed as he stared back at me.

"Do whatever you want."

He said it flatly before turning his attention to the window to stare outside.

What was I even supposed to say to that?

Fine then? Like a child?

I didn't even humor Michael with a response.

This is what he wanted, wasn't it?

He told me to look somewhere else.

I typed out my message to Collin without even thinking.

To: Collin – 'I would like that. Thank you.'

The car ride was quiet the whole way to the Motel. Michael didn't even say anything when he got out of the car.

"Holy shit," Benny sighed once it was just the three of us.

"Right?" Gus nodded.

I wasn't sure what to say.

Benny smacked Gus on the arm, and he jumped.

"Why'd you do that?" Gus whined.

"I was trying to tell you to keep your mouth shut about the Collin thing."

"Why?" he asked, "Michael doesn't care."

"After all the stuff with Steven?" she asked, "He's worried Ren will get hurt again."

Is that why he was acting like a fucking child?

Maybe it was just hopeful thinking that he might actually be a little jealous.

Hoping was useless.

"So what do you guys want to do now?" Gus asked.

"We could go get some food," Benny suggested.

Was I up for that?

I found myself frowning as I thought about it.

"You up for that Ren?" Gus asked.

I could see his eyes in the rearview mirror.

"I'm not sure," I admitted.

"I can take you back to campus," he said, "If you want."

I shook my head slowly.

Michael didn't get to make me feel like shit for the choices I made.

Not when I only had to make some of them because of him.

"I could eat," I said.

Benny grinned over her shoulder at me.

I want to be able to enjoy things like this without feeling guilty.

"Where to?" Gus asked.

Benny glanced at me again.

I just shrugged, "You guys pick."

"Pizza it is," Gus grinned.

Benny beamed at him.

It felt a little like I was intruding on their moment.

Oh well, I was already along for the ride.


I felt something hit my face, and all I could muster in response is a groan.

"If you'd wake up, I wouldn't have to throw things at you," Benny said.

"Why do I have to wake up?" I asked.

"Ren," she sat on my bed, "Date night."

It felt like my stomach dropped a little when she said that.

I forgot.

"I'm going to help you pick out something cute to wear," she said, "And if you'd like, I can help with your hair or make-up."

I glared at her.

"Is there something wrong with my hair or my face?"

"Not at all," she stated, "But sometimes dressing up and doing something different makes you feel better."

That was honestly the first time someone had ever said that to me.

I was always told I should wear make-up so that I didn't scare someone. Either that or because my face was too ugly.

"I'm not ugly," Benny stated, "But sometimes make-up and cute clothes make me feel sexy."

I'm sure Benny could pull off sexy in a tracksuit.

Anxiety settled in my stomach.

"What if it looks like I'm trying too hard?" I asked her.

"You think I'll let that happen?" she asked, "I'm here for you, girl, not get your sexy ass up."

She smacked my thigh hard, and I couldn't help but yelp.

Benny laughed at my noise, and I just tried to force the embarrassed blush from my skin.

"You think Collin is into thigh spanks?" she asked.

I sat up in time for her to finish that sentence, and I covered my face.

"Are you into spanking?" she asked.

I could hear the genuine curiosity in her tone.

"Not that I know of," I admitted.

"Hey," she said, "There is nothing wrong with the occasional spanking."

"Speaking from experience?" I asked.

She turned to grin at me, "Maybe."

I couldn't help but giggle.

She joined in on my bubbly laughter.

It took a good few minutes before we were able to calm down.

"I think you should wear the maroon dress," she said, "The one you were going to wear after the barbeque."

I had to think about which one that was. She had gotten me several things to wear then.

She went into my closet, and once I registered which one she meant, I felt myself start to shake.

It shows cleavage.

More than I probably wanted to show Collin on the first date.

"It's cute," she said, "And it's the perfect amount of sexy."

"Maybe a little too sexy," I said.

She arched her eyebrow at me, "Too sexy for what exactly?"

"A first date," I stated.

"Ren," she said, "It won't hurt to try it on."

I met her determined gaze.

"If you feel uncomfortable wearing it, then we can find you something else."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Of course," she said, "I'm only okay with you wearing sexy things and being uncomfortable when I'm there to keep you safe."

That was oddly sweet.

"But right now," she said, looking at her phone, "You need to get your ass into the shower and handle it girlie."

Was it really that late already?

I only nodded.

"I'll have some stuff laid out for you when you get back," she said, "Miss you already!"

I glared at her as I got my stuff for the shower.


It felt a bit like Benny was up to something.

I couldn't help but think about what it was while I was getting ready.

I walked back into the room, and she was sitting in her chair waiting.

"Is she back?" I heard Gus ask.

"She is," Benny grinned.

"Do you mind if I stay on?" Gus asked, "I won't look, I promise."

"Not like you can see her side of the room anyway," Benny smirked.

"I don't mind," I said.

"Yay!" Benny roared, "I'm so excited!"

"Why?" I asked, trying not to laugh, "I'm the one going out."

"She's excited for you," Gus said, "It's been a while since she's had a girl friend."

"We're girlfriends?" I asked Benny.

I made sure to ask suggestively.

"Well yeah," she said, "Don't you remember what we did the other night?"

"Hold on," Gus interrupted, "What did I miss?"

"What was the first rule of naked pillow fight club again?" I asked.

"That's three spankings for you," Benny said.

"Can I keep them on this time?" I asked, "It stung last time. The fabric of my panties irritated my skin."

"That's the point," she stated.

"Please stop," Gus groaned.

"What was the point?" I asked, clearly ignoring him.

"That way, you think of me every time it hurts," she said with the intention for it to sound sexy.

I couldn't help but giggle.

She laughed way too hard.

I could hear Gus mumbling something on the other side of the screen. I just couldn't hear his exact words.

"You guys are mean," Gus said.

"Love you too babe," Benny said.

"Love you too," Gus said.

"Ditto, babe," I said.

Gus sighed, "I love you too, Ren."

"How weird is it to have two girlfriends?" Benny asked.

"I'm not sure yet," he said, "Ask me again later."

Benny grinned lovingly at the man through the screen.

They were having a sweet moment before Benny panicked.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"You need to get dressed," she said.

I glanced at the maroon dress on my bed, and I felt nervous.

"Just try it on first," she said, "Gus and I will give you our honest opinions."

"We will?" Gus asked.

"Shut up," Benny said, "We will."

I walked closer to see that she really did pick out everything.

She even picked out my bra and underwear.

I picked up the partially lacy pair of black fabric.

"Where did these come from?" I asked.

Benny shrugged, "They're yours."

I could see her trying to play innocent.

She must have bought them when I wasn't with her.

They might not even fit.

Where is the rest of the fabric?

I grabbed the dress and the black matching undergarments and went to my closet.

The doors open outwards so that we could have a small shied when changing with our roommates in the room.

Though, I didn't usually care.

Benny still didn't know about my thighs yet, and I didn't want this to be how she did.

"You tease," Benny said.

I removed the sweatpants and t-shirt I wore when I got out of the shower.

The bra was mine from before, so I knew that would fit.

The lace underwear made me nervous just looking at it.

Didn't girls wear these with intentions?

If they even fit…

I slipped them up, and I gasped.

"Is everything alright over there?" Benny asked.

"Yeah," I said quickly.

I was still in the mindset that I was this large girl, but they fit.

The way too sexy for me lace panties actually fucking fit!

I glanced over at the mirror behind the closet door, and I was afraid to look down.

My eyes betrayed my nerves.

My gaze glanced over my body.

It was strange to not feel disgusted with myself. This was new.

"Hurry up," Benny said, "I want to see."

"Hold your horse's, lady," I said.

"My what?" she giggled.

"It's an expression," Gus stated, "Though I haven't heard it in a while."

"Hold your doughnuts, friend," Benny said, "No, hold your salami, buddy."

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Hold your tits, woman," Benny said, "I like this game."

My sides hurt I was laughing so hard.

"You should be getting dressed," she said, "Not pulling muscles from laughing your ass off."

Even Gus couldn't stop laughing.

"Though if you do laugh your ass off, I can hold onto it for you," she said.

I couldn't breathe.

This woman was trying to kill me.

"Getting it back might be the hard part," she said, "But I am willing to make a deal."

"Benny," Gus wheezed, "Please, for the love of God, stop."

She was silent for a few minutes.

"Why do I have to stop?" she asked, "You guys are getting comedy gold here. For free."

"I just want to put my dress on," I gasped.

"Okay," she said, "Wieners."

Gus got hit with the giggles again. Thankfully I was able to hold them back.

I grinned my whole way through stepping onto my dress.

I frowned once I saw myself in the mirror.

I could barely hear Benny talking.

I slowly buttoned the three buttons over the deep V of the dress.

It had a connection of fabric over the V but under the neck.

It almost looked like it was connected to the shoulders.

"Ren?" Benny asked.


"Is everything alright over there?" she asked, "You've been quiet for a little too long."

Was everything alright?

This dress felt like a lot.

It was significantly more stunning than I thought it would be.

The most shocking part about it, was that I didn't hate it.

It also looked phenomenal on me.

Benny walked around the door to look at me, and she gasped.

"What is it?" Gus asked.

"You look amazing!" Benny squealed.

I wasn't quite sure what to say.

"Your tits!" she gasped, "You look hot!"

"Well, now I'm curious," Gus said.

"Really?" I asked her, "It doesn't look like too much?"

"Fuck no," she said, "You look gorgeous!"

It still felt a little strange.

Did I want to wear this for Collin?

I had to shake the thought from my mind.

I wasn't wearing this for anybody but me.

Well, me and Benny apparently.

"Can you zip me up?" I asked her.

She nodded as I turned around.

I felt her tug the tipper all the way to the neck of the dress.

"There," she said.

I turned back to see her grinning.

"Stop it," I said, "You're making it weird."

"I can't stop my face," she said, slapping her cheeks, "I'm just so proud."

"Okay," I said, pulling her hands down.

"Show me!" Gus whined.

I grinned at Benny as I shut the door to my closet.

"How are we going to do your make-up?" she asked, "I personally vote for the minimum."

"Minimum?" I asked, "As in what?"

I walked over to stand in front of the screen to show Gus the dress.

He stared at me for a second before grinning.

"She's right, babe," Gus said, "You look beautiful."

"Right?" Benny said, "That dress looks good on you, but you are pulling it off all on your own, babe."

I had to remind myself not to cry.

This is what it felt like to be loved.

"Thank you," I said, "Both of you."

Benny didn't hesitate to hug me tightly.

"You don't even have to say it," she said, "I would do anything for you because I love you."

"Ditto, babe," Gus said.

I had to wipe my eyes.

"Good thing you aren't wearing make-up yet," Benny pulled away to help me wipe away the stray tears.

"Ren," Gus said, "I know it isn't the best time, but can I ask you something?"

Benny stepped out of the way so that Gus could see me better.

"What's up?"

He pointed awkwardly at his neck, "I feel like a dick just trying to ask."

"About my birthmark?" I asked.

He glanced to the side before nodding.

"I don't mind you guys asking about it," I stated, "You all have seen it and haven't been cruel."

"We never will be," Benny stated, "But if someone does again, I'll punch them square in their front butt."

It took me a minute to register her words.

I choked on a laugh.

"Yeah," Gus said, "She actually just said front butt."

I shook my head as I wiped at my eyes for a different reason this time.

"Go ahead Gus," I said once I could breathe again, "What did you want to know?"

"How big is it?" he asked.

Benny wheezed behind me, "Personal much."

Gus turned bright red, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "I don't mind."

Benny was having way too much fun at our expense today.

"It's not too weird?" Gus asked.

I made a face as I thought about it, "Not really?"

I still remember Michael asking me how big it was.

I guess it was hard to ignore, with it taking up nearly half of my chest.

"I'd say it takes up a little less than a third of my body," I stated.

Most of it was on my side and a bit on my stomach and back. It only took up part of my thigh. The birthmark also took up the majority of my right arm. Barely the tips of my fingers were free of it.

"It's actually kind of hot," Benny stated.

I turned to look at her.

"Seriously," she said, "If I were into girls, I'd totally plow you, Ren."

"Just plow?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, "For the rest of our lives."

I laughed at that.

"What about me?" Gus asked.

"I'm sure even if I were gay, I would still love you the most," Benny said.

"Do you promise?" he asked.

"I do," she said, "In this life and in every other one, it's you."

"You're it for me," he said, "If I can't have you, then I don't want anybody else."

They were making me feel lonely.

I wanted that.

"Sappy," I said with a broad smile, "Both of you."

"Yeah, Yeah," Benny said, "Let's get your face on."

It was nice.

Benny didn't do much, and in an odd way, I appreciated that.

She didn't use any foundation. I was supposed to be proud of this birthmark.

It was mine, and apparently, it was hot.

She did my eyebrows, my mascara, and she drew a thin line of eyeliner with a nice pointed swoosh at the end.

"You're right," I said once she was all done, "I do feel good."

"No," she said, "I said sexy."

"She did say sexy," Gus stated.

"And you are," Benny stated, "Sexy."

"When was Collin supposed to pick you up anyway?" Gus asked, "You said it last night. I just don't remember."

"He said food before the party," Benny stated, "He said five, right?"

"Seven-thirty," I said.

"I was about to say that boy is late," Gus said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

Benny wouldn't let me use my phone just in case I used it to look at my make-up.

She put her phone in my face.

6:48 PM.

I was nervous all over again.

"I can text him and let him know that you're ready early," Gus said.

"Or," Benny said, "Yeah, no, that works."

"Or not," I said.

"Change your mind already?" Benny asked.

I shook my head, "I just need a minute."

"I think she's feeling a little overwhelmed," Gus stated.

"Yeah," I pointed at the screen, "That."

"That's okay," Benny said, "Everything is going to be okay."

"Yes," Gus said, "You're going to have a ton of fun."

"And if for any reason Collin hurts you," Benny said, "I will murder him."

"Hopefully not that," Gus stated, "Because then I'll have to dig the hole so deep we'll need a ladder to get me out."

"I love you guys," I grinned.

"Put your shoes on," Benny pulled the matching heels from the side of the bed.

I didn't care much for heels.

They were painful, but I guess that was the price of looking good.

She was right. I do feel pretty fucking hot in this dress.

"Uh, Ren?"

I glanced over at Benny, and in her hand was my phone.

"You have a phone call, babe," she said, "You'll never guess who it is."

"Is it Gus?" I asked.

Gus laughed, "Sorry baby, no."

"Hello?" Benny answered it.

I felt myself starting to panic.

"She's just about ready," Benny said, "Are you on your way over?"

I wasn't sure what was being said, but she nodded as he spoke.

"Okie dokie," she said, "I will send her right out to you."

Benny hung up the phone.

"Benny," I whispered.

"I'll meet you guys out front," Gus said.

The call ended, and I felt myself starting to sweat.

"You got this," she said, "Don't forget your purse."

"My what?" I asked.

She handed me a small purse, only a little bigger than a wallet.

"I put some money in there for you," she said, "Just in case."

"Where exactly and I supposed to put this?" I asked.

She gestured to her side.

"How?" I asked.

She started to unbutton the four buttons under the deep V, and I gasped.

My stomach was practically out as she stuffed the purse/wallet at my side.

"It should stay there just fine," she grinned, "I put your phone in there too, so don't lose it."

She rebuttoned the ones she undid.

"Now, let's get you on your way."

We made our way out, and I had to walk a little slower so that I didn't eat shit.

I only saw Gus.

"Just so you know," I said to Benny, "I'm telling on you."

She gasped.

"Gus," I whined, "Benny put her hands down my dress."

As I said it, I noticed Collin just on the other side of Gus.

The look on his face was priceless.

"She did what?" Gus asked.

I could see the smile on his face.

I pointed down, then at my side.

"Did she touch your no-no square?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"But she wanted to," Benny nudged me.

I looked her dead in the face, not caring who heard.

"Then why didn't you?"

Collin started to choke, and Gus just stepped closer.

"Save that for later," Gus said, "Your girlfriend has to go."

"I'll miss you," Benny said, "But I hope you have the best time."

I grinned at her, "Thanks babe."

She smacked me right on my butt and grinned.

"Have fun," Gus said, "If you need anything, call one of us."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"Anytime babe," he grinned.

"Did I miss something here?" Collin asked.

"We're a three-way," Benny said, gesturing to each of us, "But we share Ren with others."

"Poor choice of words, babe," Gus said.

"I guess," Benny said.

"Anyway," Gus said, "Go on, have fun you two."

"Now you sound like a dad," Benny said.

"Do I?" he asked, "I feel like a proud big brother, but I'm okay with being a dad."

Benny grinned, "Oh, I'll call you daddy alright."

"We're going now," Collin said awkwardly.

"Bye," I waved.

They both waved at me as I got into Collin's car.

"Wow," Collin said once we were secure in his car.

"They do that a lot," I stated.

"I meant you," he said.

"Me?" I asked.

I felt the blush in my cheeks as he stared at me.

"You look beautiful," he said, "I don't even know how else to describe how amazing you look."

"Thank you," I mumbled.

"I feel a little under dressed," he said, "I'm sorry."

He was wearing dark blue jeans and a dark grey shirt with white dots all over it.

"You look nice," I said, "Don't worry."

He grinned back at me.

"Next stop," he said as he started the car, "Food."

I nodded as I clicked on my seat belt.