Beside You Ch. 26: Love Me Like a Friend

Chapter Twenty-Six: Love Me Like a Friend

I felt secondhand embarrassment for the poor boy on the other side of the screen.

How did we always end up having weird conversations like this?

"Like, if he said," Benny said, "Hypothetically that he wanted to touch your tits…."

"Is that even a question?" Gus asked.

"Yes," Benny said, "If you were a girl, and a guy wanted to touch your tits."

"I mean," he said thoughtfully, "It isn't like touching the no-no square."

"Depends on who you ask," I stated.

"Would you let a man touch your tits, Gus?" Benny asked.

"I don't know," he said, "My nipples are sensitive."

I sighed.

"As a man," I said, "Would you let another guy touch your boobs?"

"Definitely," he said, "Depending on the situation."

"Give us a hypothetical," Benny said.

"Like," Gus said, "If I was gay, I don't fucking know."

"So you're saying," I said, "You wouldn't let another man touch your man boobs unless you were gay?"

"No," he said, "That was the only hypothetical I could think of on the spot."

"So you would then?" Benny asked.

"I mean, like," he said, "In what context?"

"What do you mean?" Benny asked, "How much context do you even need?"

"Like," Gus stammered, "Why is a guy trying to touch me in the first place?"

"You have excellent muscle definition," Benny stated, "Maybe a guy wants to examine your firmness."

"How did this get as gay as it did?" Gus asked, genuinely confused.

I shrugged.

"I don't even know," Benny admitted.

"You made it gay," Gus said.

"I feel like its different if you aren't flirting with the person touching you," Benny stated, "Like, having a girl touch my boobs in a very non-sexual way."

"Is that even possible?" Gus asked.

"Yeah," Benny stated, "You can touch a girl without it being sexual."

"I'm not liking the direction this conversation has gone," I stated.

"I was just asking," Benny shrugged, "But I like that you don't like the idea of other people touching you."

"Why would I?" he asked, "It feels wrong if it isn't you."

"Awe," Benny said.

"The two of you are adorable," I said.

Both of them glared at me.

"Sorry," I said, "In a very non-sexual way."

Benny laughed harder than I thought she would.

"Can we please change the subject?" Gus asked.

"I'd rather not," Benny said, "Teasing you is fun."

"There are plenty of other things that would entertain your desire for chaos," Gus stated.

"Such as?" Benny challenged.


I tensed the second I heard my name.

"What about her?" Benny asked.

"Have you spoken to Collin today?"

I frowned.

I haven't been able to bring myself to text him back yet.

"I haven't," I said.

"How come?" Benny asked.

"He's been asking me if I've spoken to you today," Gus admitted, "He sounds worried."

"Worried?" Benny asked, "Why?"

"Did he do something to you, Ren?" Gus asked.

I shook my head, "He was a gentleman the whole time."

"Then did you just not feel any sparks?" Gus asked.

"Collin is really nice," I said, "But I didn't feel any."

I felt guilty finally saying it out loud.

"There is nothing wrong with that," Gus stated, "Only you will know who feels right for you."

"You aren't going to give Steven another chance, are you?" Benny asked.

Gus looked confused.

I was quick to shake my head.

"Steven had more than enough chances," I stated, "I'm only willing to be civil with him so that he'll leave Michael alone."

"You don't need to worry about that," Benny stated, "My mom won't let him press any charges."

Did her mom really have any say in that? Sure she could make all kinds of threats, but Steven really doesn't like Michael.

I didn't want to take any chances.

That reminds me, I still haven't unblocked his number.

"You can't trust Steven," Gus said, "He's always been a liar."

That didn't surprise me. He's lied to me plenty of times.

"Can we talk about something else?" I asked.

"Like?" Benny asked.

"How are you guys with Michael?" I asked, "I know he and I were having issues of our own."

Gus frowned, "Not all that great, I guess."

Benny shrugged, "I haven't really spoken to him."

"You guys should talk to him," I said.

Losing them was what he was most afraid of. I didn't want that to happen.

I wondered if he changed his mind about us.

"We will," Benny said, "But we want to give him a little space first."

"Does he need space?" I asked.

"He tends to get hostile if we approach him first," Gus stated, "So we usually wait for him to let us know when he's ready to talk."

That was fair.

It felt like Michael might want them to press though.

"So if Collin isn't your type," Benny said, "I've got my work cut out for me."

Benny was quick to change the subject again.

"No," I said, "You don't have to worry about that."

"Is there someone you like already?" she asked.

"I'm just not ready," I said, "Going out with Collin made me realize I'm not ready to put myself out there."

It wasn't a lie. I didn't want to be out there looking for love.

I already found it.

I was going to do whatever I could to make him see that.

Even if it didn't work in my favor.

He wanted to stay friends. I could do that.

I just wanted to be more than that.

I will wait until he knows if that's what he wanted too.

"That's okay," Gus said, "When you're ready, we'll be here for you."

"Thanks," I said.

I couldn't fight the grin on my face.

"At least message the boy back, though," Gus said, "He won't leave me alone."

I nodded.

I pulled my phone from my pocket to let him know I was doing it.

First, I would do something stupid.

I unblocked Steven.

Then I went to the messages.

I already talked to Gus, so I didn't look at his texts again.

Collin had texted me several times since last night.

I felt a little bad as I went back through them.

From: Collin – 'I hope you made it back safely.`

Was it normal to feel guilty after reading a message like that?

Because I did. I just wish that I didn't.

My eyes went to the following message.

From: Collin – 'Night Red.'

My gaze went over the next text.

From: Collin – 'Good morning.'

From: Collin – 'I hope you slept well. '

It was the next set of messages that made me anxious.

From: Collin – 'Is everything alright?'

From: Collin – 'Ren?`

From: Collin – 'Did something happen?'

It made me feel worse the more I read.

From: Collin – 'Did I do something wrong?'


I took in a breath as my thumbs idled over the letters.

To: Collin – 'Sorry for making you worry.'

To: Collin – 'Good morning to you too.'

What else?

Damn it.

I didn't want him to feel bad.

I am the bad guy here.

He didn't deserve this. He deserved better.

To: Collin – 'You did nothing wrong.'

How do you tell a good guy that he just isn't the one?

I just stared at the screen until it went black.

I hope he isn't too upset.

Then again… did I really have any right to feel guilty?

"Did he text you back?" Gus asked.

I shook my head.

"Nothing yet," I said.

"Is he still texting you?" Benny asked Gus.

"It's been about an hour since I last heard anything."

I turned my phone back on to look at the messages.

I wanted to talk to Michael.

His name on my phone alone was nearly enough to cause a flutter in my stomach.

I wanted to tell him that I missed him already.

That was something that a girlfriend would do. I was no such thing.

I just sighed and brought my full attention back to Benny and Gus.

"Michael texted me," Gus said.

My whole body perked up at the name.

"Yeah?" Benny asked.

"He wants to talk," he said.

"To us?" Benny asked, "Or you?"

"Me," Gus said, "Sorry."

Benny shook her head quickly, "Talk to him. At least he wants to talk to someone."

This is one of the reasons I love Benny.

She puts others before herself.

Even when she wants to know what's going on.

"Just let him know that we're here for him," Benny said, "And that we love him."

Gus nodded.

It wasn't that much after that I felt my phone vibrate.

I unlocked the screen to see the new text.

From: Michael – 'How are you feeling?'

I was surprised to see anything from him.

I didn't think he'd reach out to me at all today.

It made me have to really think about how I was feeling.

I was still feeling a little sore.

Every once in a while I would feel a slight cramp, or I would feel a little bit of pain when I sat on something hard.

I probably thought about last night a little too much.

To: Michael – 'I'm okay.'

To: Michael – 'How are you feeling?'

I had a feeling that he wouldn't like my question.

In a way, it did apply to him too.

He replied faster than I expected.

From: Michael – 'That's good.'

The second reply took a little longer.

From: Michael – 'I'm still not too sure on that one yet.'

That was not even remotely close to what I thought he might say.

To: Michael – 'Anything I can help with?'

"I love you," Benny said.

I looked up from my phone to see Gus putting on his jacket.

He was leaving already? What did I miss?

"I love you too," Gus said, "Love you, Ren."

"Love you too," I said.

My phone buzzed again.

"Good luck," Benny said, "And be safe."

"I will certainly try," he said, "I'll call you when I get back."

The call ended, and Benny sighed.

"What?" I asked her.

My gaze went to the device in my hand.

From: Michael – 'Not with this.'

Another message popped up underneath it.

From: Michael – 'I need to talk to Gus about all the shit that's happened over the last couple of days.'

From: Michael – 'I'm not really looking forward to what we have to talk about.'

"I just wish Michael was more open with us," Benny said, "This would be a lot easier if he would just be honest."

"What do you mean?"

I typed up my response after I spoke.

To: Michael – 'About us too?'

To: Michael – 'Just be honest, and tell him how you feel.'

"He just doesn't do well with feelings," She said, "It's like he doesn't know the words for the emotions."

That made sense.

The vibration made me look down again.

From: Michael – 'It's not that easy.'

From: Michael – 'Gus tells Benny everything.'

I don't think that's necessarily true.

"He is pretty damn stubborn," I said.

To: Michael – 'If you don't talk about it, you won't solve anything.'

To: Michael – 'If you feel like a conversation should be kept between the two of you, then tell him.'

To: Michael – 'Gus will understand that.'

"He's a pain in the ass," she said, "But he is my family."

I couldn't argue with her on that one.

"I just wish that he trusted us more."

"Trust?" I asked, "I thought he trusted you guys."

"After all the shit that's happened this week?" she asked, "I'd call that little trust."

"It's natural to worry," I said, "I think despite how he acts, he's a very self-conscious person."

"And you would be right," Benny said, "He cares too much about what we think about him."

It was a bit strange to hear, but it made sense.

He always gave off the impression that he didn't care about what anybody thought about him.

Getting to know him, I know better now.

Michael is full of feelings.

He just isn't the best at expressing them.

My phone buzzed again.

"I just don't know what to do," Benny admitted.

I wasn't really sure what to tell her.

"The best thing you can do for him is be there," I said, "He should know where home is by now."

She looked at me, clearly confused by the words that just spewed from my mouth.

"Where home is?"

I felt the flush in my cheeks.

"It's something my dad used to say," I said, "Home is where your heart is."

"That's just a normal saying, though," Benny huffed.

"But it can mean different things," I stated, "Home isn't a place."

"It kinda is though."

I glared at her.

"Are you telling me that you feel more at home with your parents, in that massive house," I asked, "Than you do with Gus?"

She made a face.

"Wherever he is," I said, "Is home for you."

She glanced at the computer.

The screen had gone dark from inactivity.

"I never really thought about it that way."

Maybe that was why I never felt comfortable anywhere else before.

I didn't really think about it much either.

I tried not to think too much about my dad. It only made me sad.

Sure, you can find any place to lay your head and call it a home.

The true feeling of warmth didn't come from just a place.

People around you, people that love you… that's what made all the difference.

At least that's how it is for me.

"Ren," Benny said, "Gus is my home."

I nodded.

"And so are you and Michael," she said, "I love Gus, but I love you guys too."

It made my chest ache a little at her words.

"Are we home for you?"

I didn't even have to think about it.

"You are," I admitted.

Subconsciously I must have known for a while.

"Do you really think Michael considers us his home too?"

That one was more complicated to answer.

"I think we are," I said, "But he isn't sure why."

That made more sense to me, at least.

"You think?" she asked.

I nodded.

My phone vibrated, and I panicked.

I forgot to check it.

My gaze dropped to the device, and there were two messages.

One from Michael and one from Collin.


I opened Michael's test first.

From: Michael – 'I don't want him to have to hide anything.'

From: Michael – 'Besides, I'm not telling him about what happened with us.'

I felt myself frown.

It probably didn't mean what I think it did.

To: Michael – 'Good luck.'

I switched to Collin's message feed.

From: Collin – 'Are you alright?'

I stared at the words only to see another message pop up, then another.

From: Collin – 'I was worried about you.'

From: Collin – 'Michael was in a mood last night.'

He's always in a mood.

Another text popped up.

Then another.


Then another one.

Before I even read the first, there were several messages.

From: Collin – 'I've seen him pissed off before, but that was new.'

From: Collin – 'I thought we were having a good night.'

From: Collin – 'He didn't hurt you, did he?'

What the hell?

From: Collin – 'I wish we could have had more time.'

"What is it?" Benny asked.

I didn't realize I was glaring at my phone.

"Collin," I stated.

"Oh," she said awkwardly, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," I said, "But he's asking if Michael hurt me."

"Did he?" she asked.

I shook my head.

Michael didn't…


Not in the way either of them thinks he did.

"Was he mad?"

"Collin?" I asked.

"Michael," she said, "Collin might think he hurt you because he was mad."

Michael doesn't just hurt people.

At least not physically.

My knees stung when I thought about it.

Most of the time.

"Why would Collin think that?" I asked.

"Probably because of why Michael is there to begin with," Benny stated.

"He told me what he did," I stated, "But it wasn't a woman."

Benny looked at me seriously.

"Did he tell you who it was?"

I shook my head slowly.

She sighed, "I hate secrets."

"It's okay," I said, "He left that bit out for a reason."

"You should know," she said, "It wasn't a stranger."

Wasn't a stranger? Not a woman.

I wanted to ask who.

Michael would be furious if I found out this way.

"Has he told you anything about his family?" Benny asked.

I didn't like where this was going at all.

"He told me a bit about his mother," I admitted.

She looked shocked.

"How much about her?" she asked.

I could hear the hesitation in her voice.

"She was sick," I stated, "He said that she was Schizophrenic."

Benny met my eyes.

"You know," she said loud enough where I could barely hear, "Schizophrenia is genetic."

My heart hammered against my ribcage.

Did that mean that he was too?

"Anything about his father?"

I remember him telling me.

"Dead," I said, "When he was little."

She nodded.

"What did he tell you he did to end up at North Valley?" she asked.

He told me the day I met him.

"He said he beat a man half to death," I stated.

"I'm surprised he's told you that much," she said, "He tends to keep his family shit to himself."

Well, a lot has happened.

Wait, family shit?

"It was someone in his family?" I asked.

Her eyes locked with mine.

Oh no. I shouldn't have asked.

"His step-father."

My mouth opened but shut quickly.

Why? What could he have possibly done?

"Is he still alive?" I asked.

Benny nodded.

"Is Michael's mom?" I asked.

Her head shook slowly.

I felt grief for a woman I didn't really get to know.

She must have meant so much to Michael.

"What did he do?" I asked, "For Michael to do that?"

Her eyebrow arched as if asking me if I was serious.

"Do you want me to tell you?" she asked.

I shook my head quickly.

I wanted to know, but I didn't at the same time.

Benny turned to face the computer before sighing.

"He wanted to hospitalize her," she said, "She was too dangerous to be left alone."

Too dangerous?

Wait… Who wanted to put her in the hospital?

"Michael wasn't okay with him trying to send his mother away," she stated, "It led to a nasty fight."


My eyes stayed on Benny as she gently moved her seat side to side.

"Was she hospitalized?" I asked.

Benny only nodded.

"Is that when he came to live with you?"

She nodded again.

Poor Michael.

"Wait," I said louder than necessary, "He was fourteen when he did that?"

"That was the first time," Benny said, "The second time was nearly a year after."

"Was there a third?"

She shook her head.

"When did she…." I couldn't bring myself to ask.

"She died in the hospital," Benny stated, "Alone."

I felt sick.

"That's why Michael nearly killed him."

I didn't even know what to say.

I just felt wretched about the whole thing.

Poor Michael.

His poor mom.

"Ren," Benny said, "I don't want you to get the wrong idea here."

I was more confused than anything to hear her say that.

"More than half of those scars on Michael were her fault," she stated, "She was sick."

More than half?

There were so many littered across his skin.

Which ones?

What did she do?

It hit me pretty hard when the next thought came to me.

Steven had called him a Mama's Boy.

Is that why he got so mad?

"You can't say any of this to him," Benny said, "But I thought that you deserved to know some of it."

I nodded slowly.

"Thank you."

I don't think I was ready to know any of this.

It felt heavy.

He was always so defensive when you asked about anything personal.

This felt wrong.

More than anything, I think I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry," Benny said.

I glanced up to see her worried gaze.

"I didn't realize it was that bad," I admitted.

I figured it was more phycological because of her illness. It's far beyond that.

"I'm glad you told me," I said.

That was only half true, though. I was glad that I finally knew something.

More than that, though, I just felt this strong desire to wrap my arms around him.

Maybe that was why he didn't like to talk about it.


"I'm sorry," I said after several quiet minutes.

"For what?" Benny asked.

She didn't sound upset. Instead, she just asked as if it were a simple curiosity of hers.

"I'm sorry that you felt like you had to tell me," I said.

She was quick to shake her head, "I said you deserve to know."

It didn't really feel that way.

"The serious stuff will come up later," she said, "But you have more than proven yourself."

What was that supposed to mean?

"Family sticks together," she said, "Even if it's a chosen one."

I nodded.

I was more than willing to fight for them.

"I know that Steven's words have been bothering you," she said, "But all he knows how to do, is hurt people."

How did she know I was thinking about Steven again?

What if he still tried to press charges against Michael even after Benny's mom told him not to?

I didn't like it.

This whole bullshit scenario.

If all I had to do was entertain the idea of a relationship with Steven, for Michael… I would.

I won't get back together with him. I didn't care what kind of excuses he would come up with.

It doesn't even look like he tried to message me since the other day anyway.

I think he was just meddling because he thinks Michael has a shiny toy he's interested in.

"I know," I said, "I was just thinking about what he called Michael."

"A Mama's Boy?"

I nodded.

"Little shit," Benny frowned.

He really was though.

My phone buzzed.

"Collin again?" Benny asked.

I glanced down at the message to see that it was from Michael.

I didn't reply to Collin because of the shit he was saying.

I went to his message feed first to reply.

To: Collin – 'I'm used to his temperament.'

To: Collin – 'He didn't hurt me. He hasn't before, and he won't.'

It irritated me that I had to say any of this to him.

They were friends. He should know that Michael doesn't do that kind of shit.

To: Collin – 'I had a nice time, thank you.'

I wasn't sure what else to say, so I left it at that.

I pressed back to read the new message from Michael.

From: Michael – 'Where are you?'

Where am I?

To: Michael – 'I'm in my room.'

To: Michael – 'Why? Is everything alright?'

Benny's phone went off, and she looked at me before answering it.

"Hey," she said, "Is everything alright?"

My phone vibrated.

From: Michael – 'Get out of there.'

It went off again.

From: Michael – 'Call me.'

What the fuck?

I stood up and looked at Benny with a worried expression.

"I'll be back in a minute," I said.

She nodded quickly.

I heard her gasp once I shut the door.

"He said what?"

I just kept walking until I was at the spot I usually saw Michael at.

He wasn't here.

I went through my contacts to click on the name I was searching for.

He was quick to answer.

He didn't say anything.

"Michael?" I asked, "Are you okay?"

I think I heard him take in a shaky breath.

"Michael?" I asked.

"Gus hates me," he barely managed to get out.

"No, he doesn't," I said softly, "He was worried about you all morning."


Why did he sound so unsure?

"Where are you?" I asked.


"Why do you think he hates you?" I asked, "What happened?"

"He keeps talking about the shit with you and Steven," he said, "I know I fucked up."

We've already been over this.

Michael and I were okay.

Maybe it really did go back to what Benny was saying.

"Michael," I said, "Maybe it isn't just about that."

"What do you mean?"

"They both worry about you," I said, "They feel like you don't trust them sometimes."

"I don't trust them?" he asked, "What does that have to do with anything?"

I guess I get it.

He was using that tone he usually did when he was ready to argue.

"Trust," I said, "You didn't trust me. Instead, you believed him based on what he said."

"I didn't want to believe him," he said, "I've known him longer. He says shit all the time."

I didn't respond.

"He talks a certain way when he's lying," he said, "He sounded like he was telling me the truth."

"Now if I tell you something like that," I said, "Will you believe me?"

"I will."

He didn't hesitate to answer.

"They might feel like you didn't trust them in trusting me," I said, "That you chose his word over them."

He made a sound.

"I guess that makes sense."

So does that mean that they already talked?

It hasn't been all that long since Gus left in the first place.

About two hours.

I guess that was enough time to argue.

"Where is Gus now?" I asked.

"Fuck if I know," he said, "He got mad and walked out."

"Why did he get mad?" I asked, "What happened?"

"It was stupid," he said.

It sounded like he didn't want to tell me.

"If it made him mad enough to leave," I stated, "Then it wasn't stupid to him."

He sighed, "I brought up what he said the other day."

"Which was?" I asked.

"When he told me to get the fuck away from him," he said.

I remember how hurt he looked hearing it.

"That made him angry?" I asked.

"Not exactly," he said awkwardly, "I told him if he ever said it again, I'd stay away from him permanently."

I frowned.

"You're an idiot."

"I know," he said.

"Just tell him that hurt your feelings like an adult," I stated.

"I don't know how," he admitted.

"Just," I had to think for a second, "Just ask him to refrain from saying stuff like that."

"I did."

"Well, say it less like how you did."

"How?" he asked.

He sounded a little desperate.

"Gus," I said, "That thing you said the other day really bothered me."

"No," he cut me off.

"Please don't tell me to stay away from you," I kept going anyway, "You're my family, and I love you."

"Shut up," he sighed.

"Family will fight, but we will always find our way back to each other," I said.

"I can't say that mushy shit to him," he stated.

"You could," I said, "He would say it to you."

Which was true. Gus would say some pretty ooey-gooey shit sometimes.

"It hurt your feelings?" I asked, "Right?"

He grumbled.

"Yes or no will suffice," I stated.

"Yes," he mumbled.

"Then tell him that," I stated, "Without threatening him."

"I don't know how," he said.

This idiot. This sweet fucking idiot.

"Start with an apology," I stated, "Then tell him that stuff that shouldn't be said by either of you."

He was silent.

"Then tell him he is your family," I said, "He'll love that part."

"Shut up."

I could hear the embarrassment in his voice.

"He wants to know that he isn't replaceable," I stated, "With what you just told him, of course he'd be upset."

"Wait," he said, "I hurt his feeling?"

"Yes," I stated, "That's why he left."

I didn't have to be there to know for sure.

Gus was sensitive.

Both he and Benny worry about Michael so much.

"Michael," I said, "You have so few people. You need to remind them why they were chosen."

There was a short awkward silence before he spoke again.

"How?" he asked.

"Plan something for them," I said, "Or tell them."

"I'm not good with words," he said.

"I know," I stated, "But sometimes just trying will be enough."

He didn't respond.

I sighed.

"Michael," I said, "Meeting you guys has been everything to me."

He still didn't say anything.

"I dreaded coming here," I admitted, "But Benny took me in right away."

"She's good like that," he said.

"Gus welcomed me with open arms," I said, "You took some convincing."

"Still do apparently," he said.

"Shut up," I said, "I love you."

It slipped out before I had the chance to think about it.

"I love all three of you," I said, "More than I have loved anybody in my whole life."

Which was true.

Only one other person would fit into that small category, but even he didn't fight for me.

He didn't say anything.

"Michael King," I said, "I chose you. You and all of your bullshit."


"You are my family," I said, "I will do my best to be a worthy home for you."

"Ren," he said quietly, "Stop."

"Why?" I asked, "Feelings are good, even if they suck."

"I don't deserve anything like that from you," he said.

"So?" I asked, "It's not about deserving or not. You have it. You have to deal with it."

He chuckled, "Yeah?"

"Yes," I said, "And I'll tell you as many times as you need to hear it."

It was quiet.

I worried that I might have been a little too much for him right now.

"Say it again," he said.

My heart sped up.

"I love you," I said.

I did. There was no doubt in my mind.

"One more time," he said softly.

"I love you," I said, "Michael King."

"I…" Michael said, but he stopped.

Was he about to say what I think he was?

I didn't want to press him.

Yes, I wanted to hear those three little words.

There was a noise, then a voice.

I could hear someone in the background.

"Michael?" I asked.

"Gus came back," he said.

"That's good," I said, "Go talk to him."

"Ren," he said awkwardly, "Thank you."

It warmed me to hear him say that.

"You're welcome."

"And as a friend," he said, "I love you too."

It hurt a little to hear it following those words.

It didn't matter though, I was where I needed to be.

"Now say that to Gus," I said, "Good luck."

"Okay," he mumbled, "Later."

The line went dead.

It sounded like my response bothered him.

Why was that boy so damn confusing?

I just shook my head practically the whole way back to my room.

Benny sat on her bed, grinning at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Who was that?" she asked, "You snuck off to talk to?"

It felt like she already knew the answer.

"It definitely wasn't Gus," I said.

"Obviously," she said as if it were a fact.

"It wasn't you either," I said.

Her grin looked painful now.

"Gus heard what Michael said to you," she said, "I'm sorry I can't help it!"

"Well, he asked for some advice," I stated, "And he knows I have no problem telling him he's an idiot."

"Ren," Benny said.

"What's up?"

"I love you," she said.

I found myself smiling, "I love you too."

I felt my phone buzz.

It didn't stop with just one.

It felt like I was getting a phone call.

I glanced down at the device to see message after message pop up on the screen.

I had to unlock it before I could see who sent them.

I frowned the second I read his name.


37 unread messages.