Beside You Ch. 32: Too Much

Chapter Thirty-Two: Too Much

We were pushing it.

I barely had time to rinse off in the shower.

Michael got dressed while I was rinsing off.

We didn't have much time to really talk until we were back in the car.

"I didn't really get the chance to ask earlier," I said.

He didn't say anything.

"What happened to your phone?" I asked, "Gus said that you lost it."

"Yeah," he said, "But I found it."

"Did you see my messages?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Sorry," he said, "I found it after school."

I just stared at him.

"That's why I went to the smoke shop," he admitted, "I don't have a charger in the car, and the stupid fucking thing died."

"Where was it?" I asked,

"It was stuck in the side of the seat," I pointed next to his seat, "I felt pretty fucking stupid once I found it."

"Did you look for it everywhere?" I asked.

He glared at me.

"Gus told me to check the car," he admitted, "But I was sure I had it in the room."

I found myself smiling.

"So, you were just being stubborn?"

"Kind of," he mumbled.

"You were worried you had another episode?" I asked.

He just stared forward.

"I'm not sure," he said, "I just don't like thinking about it."

"Well," I said, "Charge your phone, and if you lose it again, have Gus let me know."

"Okay," he said.

"And next time," I said, "If we make plans, and you don't want to go, just say so."

"It's not that I didn't want to," he sighed, "I just wasn't sure if I should bother you."

"Michael," I said seriously, "Bother me."

He glanced over at me.

"I'm serious," I stated, "You don't bother me, but if you feel like you do, do it anyway."

"You say that now," he said.

"I mean it," I said, "If you need to talk, or if you just don't want to be alone. Bother me."

He nodded.

"And it might feel a little awkward for you," I said, "But I enjoyed our time together today."

"All of our time?" he asked, "Or some of it?"

"Maybe not at first," I admitted, "When you were trying to push me away."

There was a short awkward silence before he spoke.

"I'm sorry about that," he said, "That was a dick move."

"It was," I agreed.

"Didn't stop you from going to a motel with me," he said.

"Those are two separate things," I stated, "Besides, we made up. Didn't we?"

"We did," he said.

I was glad for that.

We reached the school sooner than I was ready for.

I didn't want to leave him yet.

"Don't forget your stuff," he said.

I nodded.

I got out of the car and opened the back door.

There were two bags.

One from the Goodwill and the other from T-Mart.

I made sure to take Michael's hoodie out to toss it over the seat to land where I sat before.

"Thank you," I said, "For today."

"You're welcome," he said, "And thank you."

A grin formed on my face.

"I'll talk to you later," I said.

"Move your ass," he said, "It's 8:45."

I made sure to shut the door once I had the bag in my hand.

I moved around the back of the car and headed in through the gate.

Exhaustion didn't hit me until I was standing in front of my room.

Was I this tired earlier?

I stared at the number forty-two.

I felt good.

Weirdly, I felt great.

My skin tingled when I thought about earlier.

He said we would do it again.

He said he could make me feel things I'd never experienced before.

I was looking forward to that.

I had to pull myself out of my own head.

The door opened before I could even get my keys out.

"There you are," Benny said.

I nodded.

I held up my bags.

"Did you get everything you needed?"

I nodded.

"That's good," she smiled, "I was worried you might not make it back in time."

I smiled back at her, "I made it back just in time."

She stepped aside so that I could walk in.

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" I asked.

"Not really," she said.

She shut the door once I was inside.

"You didn't get lost?" she asked.

I shook my head.

Was I not supposed to say that I ran into Michael?

I didn't want to lie.

It was silly to keep it to myself.

I would just have to tell him that I told Benny.

"I ran into Michael," I said.

"You did?" she asked, "Did you punch him?"

I laughed as I shook my head.

"I would have."

"He lost his phone," I said, "But he took me to that T-Mart store to get the stuff I needed."

She looked at me, unsure.

"As long as he didn't ditch you completely," she said, "I'm glad he helped you out."

I nodded.

I was too.

There was a moment I thought he was going to treat me like he did the other girls.

That would have really…

I had to shake my head before I thought the words.

My mind wouldn't let me drown them out.

That would have really broken my heart.

I stood there and stared at the bag I had just set on my bed.

What if I made a huge mistake?

"Now that you're back," Benny said, "I need to shower."

Did she wait for me?

"Want to come with me?" she asked.

I nodded.

I barely had time to rinse off earlier.

"Give me a second to grab my stuff," I said.



It has become part of my morning routine to be scared awake.

Benny's alarm was like a nuclear alarm warning.

It blared like I might die if I didn't get up.

I was tired.

I also noticed something else.

I was sore.

It wasn't like the first time.

Maybe it was because I did more?

Maybe it was because Michael was a bit rougher?

It hurt a little, depending on how I moved.

The twisted part is, it made me want to do it all again.

My day felt like a blur until lunch.

Benny looked worried, and I wasn't sure what to say.

I needed her to tell me what was on her mind before I could help.

I opened my mouth to ask her what was wrong, but she spoke first.



"I want to ask you something," she said.

I'm not sure I liked where this was going.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

She met my eyes, and worry was written all over her face.

Did she find out?

"I don't want to force you," she said, "Considering what happened last time."


I was confused.

"My mom has been nagging me," she admitted, "She wants us to come over again."

"Us?" I asked.

"Yes, you," she said, "But she still doesn't want Gus to come."

"Well, Gus is your other half," I stated, "He has to go."

"Will you go?" she asked.

"When?" I asked.

She frowned.


"Tonight," she said, "And we leave on Sunday, like last time."

I was still scared of her mother.

"Do the boys know?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I figured I would tell them after I told you."

"Okay," I said.

I'm not sure how I feel about going.

"Will you?" she asked, "Will you go?"

I hesitated before nodding, "I'll go."

She looked suddenly relieved.

That's what she was so worried about? Telling me?

She pulled her phone out, and I watched as she typed with her thumbs.

"Are you telling the guys?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Will it be like last time?" I asked.

She bit her lip.

"A little bit."

Only a little?

She was acting a little suspicious.

"Is there something else?" I asked.

She glanced down at her phone.

"My mom wants us to stay at the house this time," she said.

"At the house?" I asked.

She nodded.

"At your house?"

She nodded again.

Was that okay?

"I don't know," I said.

"We'll be there with you," she said, "And this time, there won't be a whole bunch of people."

People were a good distraction.

More people meant less attention on us.

"Are Michael and I still pretending to date?" I asked.

She hesitated before nodding.


"That's why she insisted on you coming too," she admitted.

Her phone buzzed a few times, but she didn't answer it.

They must be text messages.

Her eyes scanned the device.

"Well," she said, "I sort of expected this."

"What happened?"

"Gus is freaking out," she said, "And Michael is pissed off."

"So," I said, "Same as last time."

"Pretty much," she sighed, "But it's my mom."

"I get it," I said.

At least Benny's mother liked her.

"I know it feels too soon," Benny said, "But she asked me today."

I nodded.

I have clothes.

Even though it would probably suck, I would be okay.

I just wasn't sure how I was supposed to act around Benny's mother.

She obviously didn't like me.

She made that pretty clear.

"I just feel like she has something planned," Benny said, "That's what worries me."

"What do you think she has planned?" I asked.

She frowned, "I don't even try to guess anymore."

"Is it that bad?"

"Sometimes," she admitted, "When she wants something, she makes it happen."

I wasn't so sure I liked the sound of that.

"It's better to just show up so I can figure it out," she said, "That way, I know what I can do to stop it."

I nodded.

That made perfect sense.

I just hope it's not as bad as it sounds.

We finished our lunch and went to Home Ec.

Benny was focused on the recipe.

We didn't talk much more about her mom, but we goofed off a little.

We made cookies today.

We also learned how to hem the sleeves of a shirt and the legs on a pair of pants.

I didn't like sewing.

I accidentally poked myself too many times.

At least the cookies came out decent.

Benny had to hide her phone several times to respond to messages from the boys.

I think they weren't as willing to go as I was.

Gus was pretty upset about the whole thing.

As he should be, because he technically wasn't invited.

From what Benny said, he was never invited.

Like, to anything involving her parents.

Gus is a good guy. When benny told me about that, it bothered me.

Wouldn't parents want to know who their daughter was with?

Even if they disapproved of who she chose.

At one point, I even felt my own phone go off.

The bell rang, and we headed to our different classes.

I wasn't the slightest bit interested in doing anything else today.

Fitness was the last thing I wanted to do.

I wanted to sleep.

My brain knew what I was about to go through. It needed to charge.

I made sure to bring my new sweatpants and hoodie.

The pinks were off, but they were still school approved.

It felt strange wearing full pink.

It was one thing to wear the skirt and the jacket, but this felt different.

I was warm as hell, but pink as fuck too.

Once everyone was dismissed, we were supposed to run laps today.

I was not running.

I was going to walk and check my phone.

My phone went off earlier, so I knew I had at least one message.

When I checked, I realized I had more than one.

Michael and Gus both messaged me.

When I looked, I noticed they weren't the only ones.

Collin texted me too.


I'll save him for after.

I went to Gus first.

From: Gus – 'Please tell me you're as against this as we are?'

I sighed.

To: Gus – 'Of course I don't want to go, but it's for Benny.'

To: Gus – 'I get why you don't want to, and I'm sorry.'

I went to Michael's messages next.

There was more than one.

From: Michael – 'So I guess we're going in for round two.'

He must mean for the fake dating.

From: Michael – 'Or were we going to fake break up?'

I glanced down at the other two messages.

From: Michael – 'I know this will bother you once I say it.'

From: Michael – 'But I have a bad feeling about this.'

It wasn't just him.

To: Michael – 'It's not just you, I have a bad feeling too.'

My thumbs idled over the letters as I thought about my next message.

To: Michael – 'We should keep up the fake dating.'

To: Michael – 'If you're okay with that.'

Next was Collin.

I was a little reluctant to check his text.

I wasn't sure what he was going to say, and I was worried that I wouldn't have a response.

He sent me one message.

From: Collin – 'Hey red, I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.'

I found myself frowning.

Why was he so nice to me?

My phone went off, and I saw Gus's name at the top.

I went to his message feed.

From: Gus – 'Benny's mom fucking hates me.'

I saw another message pop up.

From: Gus – 'How am I supposed to compete with an ideal relationship that just so happens to be with my best friend?'

I sighed as my eyes went over his words.

Gus really had it hard, didn't he?

To: Gus – 'Because it isn't ideal to Benny.'

He had to know that he didn't need to worry about Benny's mom.

To: Gus – 'You just need to prove her mom wrong.'

To: Gus – 'Keep showing up, and keep showing her how happy you make Benny.'

That was probably the best advice I could give him right now.

My phone buzzed again.


I went to his message.

From: Michael – 'It doesn't really matter to me.'

I saw the bubbles at the bottom.

I went back to Collin's text before I forgot about it.

To: Collin – 'I'm okay. How are you doing?'

Fuck that felt awkward.

My phone buzzed again.

I went back to Michael's message.

From: Michael – 'I just hate this whole situation with Gus and Benny.'

I get it. Things were just complicated.

I hated it.

Another message popped up.

From: Michael – 'Bailee doesn't do shit like this for no reason.'

That's what Benny said.

Her mom must have some sort of plan.

My phone went off again, but I had to hide it while I walked by the teachers.

They wouldn't hesitate to take it.

It took me a few minutes to be out of their sight.

I had another message from Gus.

From: Gus – 'I get that, but she doesn't make it easy.'

From: Gus – 'It's not that I think she doesn't like me. I'm pretty sure she hates my guts.'

Why would she hate him?

Just because he wasn't Michael?

To: Gus – 'I honestly don't get why.'

To: Gus – 'Why would she?'

Another message notification popped up.


I made a face before going to his message.

From: Collin – 'I'm glad to hear that! I'm good. I'm wondering when you'll let me take you out again.'

I had a feeling this might come up.

Another message popped up.

From: Collin – 'You have any plans this weekend?'

Thank God.

I totally had plans.

I felt guilty as I thought it.

To: Collin – 'I do actually, I'm sorry.'

To: Collin – 'Maybe next time.'

I mentally scolded myself after sending that second message.

Why am I getting his hopes up?

I'm such an asshole.

I went back to Michael's message to see that I hadn't responded yet.

To: Michael – 'I don't like it either. Gus is an awesome guy.'

To: Michael – 'I don't understand why Benny's mom doesn't like him.'

My buzzed again.

I was too popular today.

It was Gus this time.

From: Gus – 'I'm sure Benny told you about my dad.'

I stared at the text.

She did.

From: Gus – 'Bailee doesn't trust me around Benny because she thinks I'll hurt her.'

I do remember her referring to Gus as a brute.

She had no problem with Steven hitting a girl in the face.

This whole thing was too confusing.

To: Gus – 'She's really worried you'll hurt Benny?'

To: Gus – 'That's actually confusing. You would never!'

He replied fast.

From: Gus – 'Are you sure?'

I was confused again.

From: Gus – 'Are you sure I wouldn't?'

I had to stop this spiral. I could feel it.

To: Gus – 'Stop.'

To: Gus – 'You would never. There is no doubt in my mind.'

I needed to lighten this heavy fucking mood.

To: Gus – 'Bets are a different story. Hurt feelings don't count.'

It was a shitty attempt, but it was the best I had right now.

My eyes went to the top corner of my phone to check the time.

I had twenty-seven more minutes of class.

It was taking too long!

Another notification.

I went to Michael's message feed.

From: Michael – 'It's a little complicated, mostly because she's worried.'

Michael wasn't much better then.

Gus fought his dad.

Michael beat the fuck out of his stepfather.

Why was one okay, but the other wasn't?

It was too confusing.

I pressed back just in time to see another text come in from Collin.

From: Collin – 'Sure thing red, next time.'

I felt bad.


Why was I this way?

Another text came in.

I went back to see it was from Gus.

From: Gus – 'I just love her so much. I don't get why Bailee doesn't see that.'


I feel like she might, with enough time.

To: Gus – 'Just keep showing up.'

To: Gus – 'It will probably take time, but she'll see it.'

I wasn't sure how else to reassure him.

Some things took time.

My phone went off again.

I went back to see a message from Michael.

From: Michael – 'Just make sure you're ready by 6.'

I assume that's when we're leaving.

I waited a few minutes, but no other messages came in.

It didn't take much longer for me to finish my second lap.

Before I knew it, the class was finally over.

I did what I usually do. I didn't change before going back to the room.

Benny was already in the room.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hey," I said back.

I noticed the clothes she laid out on the bed.

"Should I avoid certain clothes?" I asked.

She shook her head, "Honestly, just wear whatever you want."

I nodded.

The next hour was the two of us figuring out what the hell we were bringing.


We definitely weren't ready by six.

It was closer to seven by the time we headed out to the car.

The boys were standing outside of the car with the trunk open.

I couldn't help the grin on my face when I laid my eyes on Michael.

He was wearing his new hoodie.

Damn it, he looked good in it.

"Finally," Michael said, "I'm fucking tired."

Benny just walked past him.

"Sit behind Benny," Michael stated.

"Huh?" I asked, "Why?"

I walked forward so that I could put my stuff in the trunk.

"Big baby needs a nap," Gus said.

"Fuck you," Michael said, "Naps work."

Gus laughed, "Bitch."

Michael ignored him and got in the back behind the driver's side.

I noticed Benny trying to say something to Gus.

It seemed a little private, so I got in the car too.

Michael sat there awkwardly with a pillow in his arms.

I thought the nap thing was a joke.

"Would it bother you if I used you as a pillow?" Michael asked.

I think my brain just malfunctioned.

"What?" I asked.

"Can I lay on you?"

I was having dirty flashbacks.

"Ren," Michael leaned over to whisper, "Not like that."

"Sorry," I mumbled, "It's fine."

He placed the pillow on my lap before leaning over.

"I had to sit this way because of the sling," he said, "If it's uncomfortable, just tell me. I'll move."

I placed my hand on the side of his head.

My fingers went through his curling hair.

He made a low humming noise.

"Does this bother you?" I asked.

He let out a heavy breath, "No."

I was able to see the scar on the side of his head.

My eyes traced it instead of my finger.

It went to his ear, going over it.

It looked like it was painful.

I gently raked my nails through his hair, and he let out a soft sigh.

I was enjoying this more than I should.

I heard the door open, and I quickly retracted my hand.

"Aww," Gus said.

"Eat my ass," Michael said.

"Eat mine first," Gus retorted.

Benny sighed as she got into her seat.

"Save that for the orgy boys," Benny said.

"I thought we had to schedule those in advance?" Gus asked.

"Isn't that why we're all here?" I asked.

Benny laughed.

"I thought we were going to another sex shop," Michael said.

"We don't need to go to a sex shop," Gus stated, "We have plenty of silverware."

"The fuck?" Benny asked.

"For all of the ass Michael is going to eat," Gus said, "Get it?"

"No," I sighed.

"I don't need a spoon to dig into that ass," Michael said, "That's what tongues are for."

"Careful there," Gus said, "All this talk about eating my ass is getting me a little hard."

"Shut the fuck up," Michael chuckled, "Just drive."

"This is what happens when two people share a brain cell," Benny stated.

"Mean," Gus laughed, "But true."

Gus started the car, and we were finally on our way.

Benny fiddled with the radio, and I could hear her hand Gus talking about random stuff.

My eyes dropped to Michael.

My left hand came up to gently trace the curve of his neck.

His shoulder raised a little, but he didn't say anything.

"Is anybody hungry?" Gus asked.

My stomach was still in knots from this whole plan.

"Not really," I admitted.

"We can get something when we get closer," Benny suggested.

"Fine by me," Gus said.

I didn't pay much attention to what was going on outside the car.

My full attention was on the dirty blond head on my lap.


We got something little to eat just in case Benny's mom had dinner plans.

I was nervous.

We were about forty-five minutes away now.

Michael was sitting up now.

I missed the weight of him.

I missed having an excuse to touch him.

Something was wrong with me.

"Fuck," Gus said.

"You okay?" Benny asked.

"We're almost there," he said, "I'm freaking out again."

"You'll be fine," Michael said, "We're here with you."

It was strange to hear Michael say it.

It was true but still strange.

"We got you, babe," I said.

Gus laughed nervously, "Thanks, babe."

"I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to the babe thing," Michael stated.

"Something wrong with it, babe?" Benny asked.

"We definitely can't do this around your mother," Michael stated.

"Got it," Benny said, "Tone down the babes."

"So, no orgy?" Gus asked.

"Not this time, big guy," Michael said.

Gus made fake sad noises.

I just shook my head at them.

My gaze went outside the window, and I felt anxious.

Some stuff already felt familiar.

How close were we?

"Almost there," Benny said.

Could she read minds?

I glanced up and saw her eyes on me through the side mirror.

My face must have given my thoughts away.

"In case it's not just me," Benny said, "I'm absolutely dreading this fucking weekend."

"You could have always said no," Michael stated.

Benny turned to glare at him, "Really?"

He frowned.

"You tell her no then," Benny said.

When Michael didn't respond, she sighed.

"I know," she said, "She's not an easy person to talk to."

The car was quiet after that.

It didn't last that long.

I remembered these houses.

My head snapped to the side to look at Michael.

I think he must have sensed my anxiety.

He turned to look at me too.

"Do we have to stay at the house?" Michael asked.

"Mother insisted," Benny stated.

I watched the frown form on his face.

That probably meant that there would be no argument.

Why did Michael not put up a fight when it came to Benny's mom?

He was so willful and stubborn.

Not to her.

It felt like another question he wouldn't answer.


He would probably tell me that it was just complicated.

It already irritated me.

We weren't even fighting.

All of this was in my head.

Still, I was frustrated.

There were too many things about him that I didn't know.

I had a feeling that I would never know him completely.

The car stopped, and I felt myself start to shake.

"I'm not ready for this," Gus said.

I felt that.

"You should be used to this by now," Michael stated.

Gus glared at him through the rearview mirror.

"I know," Michael said.

"The sooner we get out of the car," Benny said," The sooner we can get this over with."

"That's not how it works," Gus said, "Because when we wake up, we'll still be here."

"Gus," Benny said, "I get that you don't want to be here, but please stop."

Benny didn't sound like her usual self.

Gus didn't say anything. Instead, he just got out of the car.

This felt awkward.

Michael sighed.

"None of this is far," Michael stated, "You don't have to get mad at him."

I was surprised to hear him say that.

"He does this every time," Benny said, "It's my mom, Michael."

"I know."

"He makes it hard to be with my family," she said, "I just wish they'd both knock it the fuck off."

It felt like I wasn't supposed to be a part of this conversation.

"I love him," Benny said, "If I didn't, I wouldn't feel this shitty about everything."

Michael leaned forward.

"It's stupid," Benny said, "I'm just tired of everything feeling so complicated."

I've heard that word too much today.

It's complicated.

Life was sometimes.

Things would be less complicated if people would talk about it.

Michael glanced at me, and I was getting a weird feeling.

It was like he didn't want to talk to her with me here.

I guess I got the hint.

I opened the car door.

"Ren?" Benny asked.

I stopped before I was completely outside.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

My eyes locked with Michael's.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, "I just need to grab my stuff."

"Okay," she said.

I shut the door.

I realized I must have been glaring at Michael.

The muscles in my face relaxed, and I felt it in my forehead.

Gus leaned against the trunk with his arms crossed.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he said back.

His usual cheer was gone.

It bothered me.

"I want to ask if you're alright," I said, "But I know you aren't."

He nodded slightly, "I just hate this shit."

I leaned on the trunk and rested my head on his arm.

I was too short to lay my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I wish there was something I could do to help."

He sighed.

"You are helping," he said, "This whole fake relationship with Michael was supposed to make her back off."

That clearly wasn't working.

"Now she wants to invite you here," he said, "But she still won't accept me."

My arm came up to rub his back soothingly.

"I'm fucking jealous," he said, "I'm tired of fighting just to be with the girl I love."

"You shouldn't be jealous," I stated, "I'm pretty sure Benny's mom hates me too."

"I doubt that," he said, "You were invited."

"There has to be a reason," I said, "Benny said her mom doesn't do stuff like this for no reason."

"It'll only piss me off more if she invited you here just to fuck with you," Gus said.

"If that's the case," I said, "We can always find another place to sleep for the night."

"Benny would get mad if I just left," he said, "I'd rather not."

"I meant if something happens," I stated, "None of us should leave for no reason."

He nodded, "Okay."

I heard a door open, then shut shortly after.

Michael stopped in front of us, and he looked irritated.

Did something happen?

He glanced up at Gus, then at me.

"Are we going in?" he asked, "Or are we going to stay out here all night?"

"I thought I would delay the inevitable," Gus stated.

"Then could you move so the rest of us can get our shit?" Michael asked.

What the fuck?

Gus moved, and I was forced to lift my head from his arm.

I felt an arm around my waist.

Gus's arm was around me, moving me forward with him.

"Ren," Michael said, "Help me for a second."

We were barely away from the car.

I moved away from Gus to stand next to Michael at the trunk.

Benny's door opened she finally got out of the car.

She stood by the back door staring at Gus.

I could see that she was worried.

I wasn't even sure what to say.

The only thing I could do was help Michael.

What did he even need help with?

I watched him pull a black duffle bag forward.

Gus reached into the trunk to grab the bag.

"You shouldn't make Ren carry your stuff," Gus said, "I got it. You can head inside."

"I wasn't going to," Michael said.

Then why did he ask for my help?

"Which bag is yours?" Michael asked.

I reached for mine, but Michael grabbed it first.

"I can carry it," I said.

He ignored me.

He stood next to the car, waiting for the rest of us.

Why was he in such a shitty mood all of a sudden?

"You two head in first," Benny said, "I want to talk to Gus."

I reached for Michael's bag to take it from Gus.

He made a face at me.

"I got it," I said.

He let it go and let me take it.

I gestured for Michael to go ahead.

He turned and headed for the door.

Did I do something?

"Michael?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

I frowned as we reached the door.

He pressed the bell.

I think I could hear the ding from inside.

The same man from last time answered the door.

"Michael," he grinned, "How wonderful to see you."

"It's good to see you too, Thomas," he said.

Thomas looked at Michael, and I think he realized he was only using one of his arms.

His left sleeve didn't have an arm in it.

"Let me get that for you," Thomas said.

"I got it," Michael was quick to say.

He even moved the bag away, just in case Thomas tried to grab it.

"You can take the bag she has," Michael indicated to me.

Thomas's gaze went to me.

"Oh, Ren," he grinned, "It's lovely to see you again."

I smiled awkwardly, "It's nice to see you too."

He held his hand out for the bag, "If I may?"

I handed it to him.

"Will you be staying in your old room?" he asked Michael.

"Yes," he said, "And so will Ren."

Thomas looked surprised before looking at me.

I could see the question in his eyes.

I nodded.

"Then I shall leave your bag in your room," he said.

"Thank you," Michael said.

Thomas walked away, and I stood there awkwardly in the entryway with Michael.

"You're okay with that?" I asked.

Michael turned his head to look at me.

"With what?"

"Sharing a room," I said, "Your room."

He didn't look like he cared at all.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I asked.

His brows furrowed.

"Why would I be?" he asked.

Hell no.

"You've been acting like you're pissed off," I stated.

"We can have this conversation later," he sighed.

He was dismissing me.

"You're an ass," I said.

"And?" he asked.

"As long as you know," I stated.


It was a woman's voice.

I turned to see an older woman with a massive beaming smile.

I remember her from last time as well.

"Mrs. Sidney," Michael said.

I could hear the affection in his tone.

"And Ren?" she asked, "Right?"

I nodded.

"You're just as beautiful as the last time I saw you," she said.

She wrapped her arms around me.

She squeezed me hard.

"Be gentle when you hug me," Michael said, "My arm is in a sling."

She pulled away from me to glare at him.

"Why?" she demanded.

"It was an accident," he said, "I fell."

She glared at him, "Is that so?"

He nodded, "It is."

After a minute of her glaring, I think she believed him because she sighed.

"You need to be more careful, dear," she said.

"I know," he said, "That's why I said it was an accident."

"And your chin?" she asked.

Her hands reached for his face, but he moved back.

"Just a scrape," he said, "It's fine."

"If it's so fine, then why is it covered by a bandage?" she asked.

She had a point.

"Because bleeding on everything is frowned upon," he said, "So it's covered."

"Don't sass me, boy," she said.

"Sorry, ma'am," he said.


Why was this so fucking cute?

"That's right," she said, "Now, where is Miss Bethany?"

"She's outside with Gus," Michael said.

She nodded, "Alright."

I remember liking Mrs. Sidney.

I loved the way she could put Michael in his place.

"We're not expecting anyone else, right?" she asked, "Just the five of you?"

"There's only the four of us," Michael stated.

She made a face as she glanced from him to me.

"Five," she said, "Steven is already inside."

"Tell me you're joking?" Michael asked.

I could hear it in his voice.

He was not happy about that.

"He's been here since yesterday afternoon," she said, "I apologize. I thought you knew."

Michael looked at me, "Are you okay with that?"

I could feel Mrs. Sidney's eyes on me.

"You know Steven?" she asked.

"He's not safe around me," Michael stated, "If I see his face, I'm going to hurt him."

"You will do no such thing," she scolded, "You know better."

"I know what I should do," he said, "But if I see him, I don't know if I can control myself."

"You'll have to find a way," she said, "Because he is already here."

"Then I'll leave," Michael said.

"You will do no such thing."

I knew that cold tone.

I glanced up to see Benny's mother.

"You've done enough to that boy," Bailee stated, "Besides, you're not here for him."

Her eyes went to me, and it made me nervous.

"Welcome back, Mayren," Bailee said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Her name is Ren," Michael stated, "She doesn't like to be called Mayren."

"Oh," she said, "I'm sorry, that's what Steven calls you."

Michael made a noise.

I wanted to hold his hand to calm down.

Last time it helped.

My hand reached for his, but I only found the empty sleeve.

"Sounds like Steven wants a round two," Michael stated.

"Michael," Bailee said, "You will control yourself in my house. Do you understand?"

"He says one wrong thing to Ren," he warned, "I'll beat the fuck out of him."

"Watch your mouth," Bailee said.

The way she said it scared me.

I didn't want to be here.

I wanted to go back to campus.

"Tell that to him," Michael said.

"The two of you will be civil under my roof," she warned.

"I will try," he said.

Her eyes went to me again.

"Good," she said, "Now, Mrs. Sidney, if you could show Mayren to her room."

"She'll be staying with me," Michael stated.

Bailee looked surprised, "The two of you are still together?"

"Yes," Michael stated, "Isn't that why you invited her here?"

I could hear his frustration.

"No," she said, "I have been talking to Steven. He has expressed to me his desire to date Mayren."

"It's Ren," Michael said.

"It's her name," Bailee said, "She doesn't mind. Do you, Mayren?"


I hated it when she said my name.

It reminded me of the way my own mother said it.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I do mind."

"I apologize," Bailee frowned, "Steven addresses you as such. I thought it was okay."

"He does it to bother her," Michael stated, "No one calls her that."

"Forgiven me," Bailee said, "Ren."

I nodded.

I heard shuffling feet from the doorway.

"Bethany," Bailee greeted.

"Hey mom," Benny greeted back.

Bailee's eyes landed on Gus.

She didn't even acknowledge him.

"Gus," Michael said, "Steven is here."

I glanced at Gus to see his face.

"Want to know why?" Michael asked.

Gus frowned.

"He wants to date Ren," Michael said, "So he asked Bailee to set something up."

I could see the anger on his face.

Gus was already upset from before.

"Seriously?" Benny asked, "Steven is here?"

"He didn't have anyone to take care of him after he was discharged," Bailee stated, "So we are taking care of him here."

"Is that why you invited Ren?" Benny asked, "Not because you wanted to get to know Michael's girlfriend?"

"Steven told me they had broken up," she said, "He told me he was interested in Ren."

"We haven't," Michael stated.

"I was misinformed," Bailee said, "I'm sorry."

Benny glanced at me.

"I wasn't convinced about their relationship from the last visit," Bailee stated, "And quite frankly, I know Michael isn't the type to go steady with anyone."

"Mom," Benny said, "You don't have to try and set anyone up."

"I know," she said, "I'm just looking out for you, dear."

"We're going to bed," Michael said, louder than necessary, "Follow me, Ren."

"Aren't you hungry?" Mrs. Sidney asked.

"I feel sick," Michael said flatly.

I didn't hesitate to follow him.

I wanted as far out of this conversation as I could get.

As he walked ahead of me, I could see his anger in the way that he moved.

He looked tense.

A few turns and up a set of stairs.

I was absolutely going to get lost.

He stopped in front of a door before setting my bag down to open it.

I was able to grab it before he could.

"Ren," he said.

"It's okay," I said, "We're already here anyway."

He sighed.

I moved into the room to set my bag next to the foot of the bed.

His room was almost bare.

He had a closet, a dresser, a nightstand, and a bed.

On the ceiling was a dark brown fan.

The walls had no posters.

No trophies or ribbons.

There was nothing on his walls at all.

This didn't look like a child's room.

Even his bed set was dark gray.

"I'm so fucking pissed off," he said.

I walked up to him to wrap my arms around him.

"Please don't touch me," he said.

I wanted to hold him.

I wanted to help him feel better.

"Are you sure?" I asked, "I want to hug you."

"Please," he whispered, "Let go."

I moved away from him.

His face couldn't hide his anger.


He held his hand up for me to stop.

His hand went to his face to cover his eyes.


I could hear the crack in his voice.

I needed to hold him.

This was killing me.

"Please," I said, "Just let me hold you."

"No," he said.

I could hear him struggling to breathe.

His hand couldn't hide the tears on his cheeks.

I knew I shouldn't, but I did it anyway.

My body moved forward, and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I forced his face into my shoulder.

His hand pushed at me a little, but he didn't use much force.

He gave up too quickly.

His arm wrapped around my back, and he gripped my shirt.

His sobs were louder when he tried to hide them.

I gently rubbed the back of his neck with my right hand and rubbed his back with my left.

I've been this angry before.

Nothing you can do about it, so you cry.

"What can I do?" I whispered.

He only sobbed into my arm.

I rested my cheek against the side of his head.

I felt my eyes start to sting.


I willed the tears away.

He needed me right now.

I would stay calm.

This much I could do for him.

"Slow your breathing," I said soothingly, "Once you're ready, I'll tell you a story."