It's time

Will returned home safely, the thought of the Great Sage dying was still weighing heavily in his mind.

'What in the world can kill that man?' Will thought.

Will the Great Sage die from a formidable foe, or will his body finally give in after three hundred years?

Will had never seen the Great Sage's full power, but from what little he had seen, and his insane HP, he was insanely powerful. One time Will accidentally hit the Great Sage while wearing his full apex dragon armor that grants him insane strength, yet the Great Sage blocked his attack and shook it off like it was nothing.

Will handed the rings over to a worker Golem.

"There's over 30,000 mana ores in those rings. Toss them in the pile."

"Yes, Master. This definitely halves the time it would've taken us to reach your goal."

"Also, six days from now I'm renting the majority of the Golems to the Empress for a day, not including the worker and spider Golems, those Golems stay here. Make sure you do whatever she wants and do it well unless it means it hurts Sandra, me, or the Sun kingdom in any way."

"Yes, Master. Is that how you were able to convince the Empress to give you so many mana ores, by renting me out to her?"


"For what?"

"She says she wants to attack the Reyes kingdom in six days."

"Oh, I get it now."

Will teleported and continued working on the Golem he had in mind. The next few days he worked harder than ever before.

{HP: 6,750/6,750}

His HP continues to grow as he eats the pills crafted from the exotic flowers. Without Adaline with him his progress slowed down by a lot.

Will thought that at this point his HP would have reached the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

With three days left until the Empire attacks the Reyes kingdom, all Will did was make progress.

A fancy room underneath the kingdom that Will was working on was brightly lit by the communication stone that was on top of a drawer.

Will recognized the communication stone, it was the Empress's.

"Is she already going to ask for the Golems this early?" Will grabbed the communication stone and read the message.

{Will, I know there's only three days left until the 'plan' happens, I have already started marching with my men to get there a bit early}

On the other side was a magnificent army. The Empress was wearing armor with the Empire's insignia just like everyone else. The majority were riding on top of lizards covered in armor, And everyone's armor and weapons had low level enchantments.

However the ones who were riding the lizards had to stop as all the lizards started acting weird. Some didn't move as if their feet were planted on the ground, others wanted to run away but were being held in place by the soldiers.

The Empress took this time to contact Will for extra help.

{I came to ask you for a favor, I know we agreed I would only be able to rent out your Golems for a day, but I was hoping I could extend it for a couple of days starting now?}

{Why a few days?}

{I know it's a lot to ask but some problems began to arise a few minutes ago with our mounts. And there have also been a large number of dragon sightings around the Empire and I don't like it one bit. I just want you to send a small amount of Golems to protect the Empire until we return}

{Not that I'm saying no but I thought the Empire was more than capable of protecting itself from dragons?}

"So this is where the dragons have been going, the North."

Lately his Golems noticed that there aren't as many dragons roaming around as before. Will wanted the dragon corpses for his armor and to be able to craft powerful magical items.

{I would agree with you on that one, but I had to use a large amount of manpower for the 'plan' to work and I am worried that when we return to the empire it'll be too late. As for your payment it can be anything you want, but I can only pay you after this is all done}

"Anything, huh?" Will snickered at her words. Looks like she didn't know how her words could be understood in other ways.

The Empress felt that she made a mistake in her wording but couldn't back out now.

{Okay. I'll send over some Golems to protect the Empire. Do you want me to send some dragons- I mean, golems, over to you to escort you to the Reyes kingdom safely?}

Will feels that he can really trust the Empress. She gave him all the mana ores when he could've just gone back on his word and not fulfill his end of the deal.

And also this is the perfect chance for him to collect more dragon corpses even if they are further away than usual. It was a win-win situation for him.

{That sounds like-}


A man shouted at the sight of an apex dragon approaching them, interrupting Valerie from replying. Using the hundreds of weapons with the infinity enchantment they shot down the dragon dead almost immediately.

"*Whistle* Empress, these guns are amazing!"

The soldiers behind her began praising the weapons with the infinity enchantment. They were all using explosive bullets which normally would've been quite expensive to make.

{We're fine. Just please focus on protecting the empire. I feel bad leaving it alone like that but I need to do this}

{Okay then}


The dragons are starting to become uneasy. Their numbers started to dwindle ever since they scouted the area looking for Josh, the one who had woken up the mountain dragon from his slumber.

Their search ended horribly after they'd been getting shot down by many metal objects that shot them with either piercing bullets or explosive bullets, and they always aimed at their wings so that they wouldn't be able to escape.

They had no other choice but to give up searching for Josh. Many already believed it was too late and he has told the Great Sage.

Another rising problem was that the mountain dragon has been getting restless lately. For a while he would sleep for a couple of hours or even days but would eventually get up to eat, or shift to a more comfortable sleeping position.

The dragons feared that the mountain dragon wouldn't go back to sleep anymore.

The mountain dragon isn't their savior even if he had protected them from the formidable cyclops, he was a menace to everyone including to the entire dragon race, he was no different from a bomb.

They want to keep his existence a secret from the rest of the world because 1: no one would bother them and no one would try to wake him up, Josh already achieved that unfortunately. And also, they truly believe that no one could match its might, not even the Great Sage, and when he wakes up no one would be spared.

After all, what's stopping the mountain dragon from deciding to just end all of the dragons? Nothing, and he was more than capable of doing so.

And so the majority of the dragons have begun migrating to new homes as every time the mountain dragon shifts in his sleep many dragons die.

That's when the dragons decided to move somewhere safer where they won't be crushed.

A few have decided to stay back, such as the golden dragon, and a few others in hopes that they could successfully force the mountain dragon to sleep.

Many dragons began migrating to the North. The East is where the mountain dragon is, and at the South is the Reyes kingdom where the Great Sage lives. The empire at the North side did pose a minor threat but nothing they couldn't handle.

However, the Sun kingdom located in the West is a kingdom that monsters have yet to learn of its existence, but they also avoid it as many of the metal objects come from the West and so they have started avoiding the area as well.

The middle area was nothing but a forest that was the home of the elves and was being protected from all threats by Lea.

"Stsixe eceiP enO. (He's waking up again! He's not going back to sleep anymore like before!)

The remaining number of dragons that stayed back were becoming increasingly worried.

They could all feel it, they could feel that the mountain dragon, the strongest of all dragons was going to take action sooner or later. And they all felt fear, like a prey being watched by a malicious predator.

The gold dragon was calm because he knew it was already inevitable at this point. But inside he was also afraid.

As for the two dragons who brought Josh to the mountain dragon, they were beheaded by him personally for royally screwing up.

The mountain dragon was getting more irritated by the day when he couldn't properly sleep anymore like he wanted.

"?SutaiHdoGnomeD si eman ym taht wonk uoy did, yeh." (Everyone, get away from here. I'll stay behind)

"Yawyna meht deen t'nod I. Yako s'taht tub sdneirf on evah I." (But, sir.)

"Won litnu sdrawkcab siht etalsnart uoy gnikam rof yrros dna, koob ym gnitalsnart rof uoy knaht, srotalsnart naissuR. (Do as I say, Kev, there is no point in any of you being here. He'll most likely be fully awake by tomorrow. Leave, hide, and don't come back)

The remaining dragons hesitated but they all eventually left leaving only the golden dragon, and the mountain dragon alone.

But just as he said that, the mountains started moving.


The Great Sage was in his dark room eating corn soup with some bread he got from the Sun kingdom. For the first time in many years he is going outside to buy food, but in another kingdom far away.

"Hm?" Surprised, he let go of his bowl and it shattered on the ground spilling everywhere.

'What in the world was that?'

It was only for a few seconds, but he felt something horrible was about to happen.

There was only one time he felt something similar to what he was feeling, when he fought the Witch. However, the horrible feeling he had just now was nothing compared to when he faced the Witch.

'That's not her. That wasn't her. She can't get out of that. Unless… no, she can't. I have to make sure.'

Just remembering her brought horrible memories back when he almost died fighting her.

A few months ago he got scared for a second when his friend, Silvas, the king of the elves, told him of a living zombie and that the Witch had come back because they knew she was an immortal and therefore cannot die, but he waved that off as nonsense because he knew that the Witch cannot come back, not as long as he was alive.

He searched everywhere in the world for traces of the Witch in case it was true what Silvas was saying, but he found nothing. The dark blade that created that zombie was immediately destroyed by the Empress leaving no trace behind.

The Great Sage stood up, and walked over to his shelf. The rough sketch of his mother was still there. He held it close to his heart.

'Mom, I think my time has come. And I am so happy.' There was a smile on his face as tears fell down on his mom's sketch.

There have been times when he wanted nothing more than to die, to finally rest and lie in peace, it is why he has given up trying to be a hero like everyone else wants him to.

Three hundred years, to an elf is almost nothing, but to a human its eternity.

He doesn't believe in suicide, else he would've killed himself a long time ago. He believes that if he were to kill himself he would never be able to see his mom in the afterlife.

Morgan, the Great Sage, never had siblings, his father left him when he was young and therefore can't remember his face. All he remembered from his home world was his mom's love for him.

There is no other hero who craved to go back to his world more than Morgan did.

Morgan gripped his staff, folded and gently placed the sketch of his mother under his robe.

'But, I can't die yet, nobody is strong enough to face her.'

Morgan wasn't always laid back. Back when he was younger, he loved using his powers for good, he loved overwhelming strong monsters with his physical strength alone, he loved saving people, he loved being praised, he loved everything at first.

But now it all seems like nothing matters anymore. No matter what he did it was always the same. Damn. Things.

Strong monsters will always appear, people will always need help from something, and people will always praise him,

For almost three hundred years he has repeated the same cycle. Now, he just wanted to rest, but there was something else that didn't want him to die just yet.

The Great Sage flew over the Reyes kingdom. For almost three hundred years the kingdom remained the same, the only difference was its people.

Something told him this would be the last time he would see it. He wanted to take one last look at it before he left.

'I can't die yet. As long as I'm alive she can't leave. I can't even say anything to anyone about her, or else I'll die.'

And just like that he teleported away without telling anyone anything.


Will was still in the room making some final adjustments, working on underground rooms was necessary for what Will had in mind , until a worker Golem interrupted him.

"Master, the Golems are on their way to the Empire. They should be arriving in a few hours."


"Also, Master, the little dragon girl is acting weird. Her mother and Sandra told me to call for your help."

Without hesitating Will ran up to the waystone and teleported to his kingdom and teleported again straight to Amelia's room.

"Everything alright?"

Barging in the house with the door wide open, Will saw Amelia, Sandra, and Amelia's family in the living room. Everyone was huddling around Amelia as she cupped her ears, was on her knees, and was crying and shaking constantly.

They tried to do everything for her but she wouldn't move. They could tell she wasn't sick but that she was afraid of something, and what in the world could make an apex dragon tremble in fear like that?

Will crouched beside her and shook her slightly while saying, "Amelia, Amelia! Everything alright?"

She was still shivering, she couldn't even hear Will nor her family calling out to her.

"What happened?" Will turned to Amelia's parents.

"We don't know. We were just reading a book before she started doing that." Flora said.

"She's obviously scared, we just don't know why."

Her parents were scared for Amelia acting this way. They truly had no idea what to do.

Amelia gripped Will's hand tightly which caught his attention.

"He's awake. I can feel it." Amelia's voice trembled. It took a great deal of effort to form a sentence.

Will, and everyone else knew exactly what she meant. The mountain dragon is making a move.

"I didn't expect it to happen this early, I'm still not ready." Will felt helpless. He really wasn't ready.

He looked at the family and Sandra who didn't know what to do.

"Sandra," Will stood up, "Get everyone here to the mines. Get my Golems to help you. They'll be safer there than here. I prepared food and water there to last us a month. Everybody here, take a few clothes and get to the mines now, the mines are located near the castle."

The family got their children and grabbed what few clothes they could find as quickly as possible.

Will ran outside to talk to his Golem.

"Will, is this really happening?" Sandra looked at Will, concerned for their lives.

Will grabbed her by her shoulders.

"I hope not, but I trust Amelia's dragon instincts."

"Do you think your Golems can fight something that size?"

"One, but it's not ready. According to Amelia weapons don't work on it, but I have another weapon that might just work."

"Is it ready?" Sandra held onto Will's hands.

"No, I needed a few more days to craft it. Everything is happening way earlier than I thought. It's just happening to fast, I-"

Will stopped talking as Sandra's hand gently caressed Will's face to comfort him. Will could feel her hand trembling, it was cold, she was afraid. He had never seen her afraid.

"It's okay, Will. It's not your fault. No one could have predicted this." Sandra was starting to shed a few tears, believing that this was the end.

Will grabbed her hands and cupped them together.

"Please, Sandra, don't leave the mines, I don't want to lose you as well. I already lost Alex, Adaline is safe from all this, but I don't know what I'll do if I lose you, too."

"You won't lose me." Sandra smiled, starting to shed a few more tears. "Two days ago, I had a dream about us, about our future. It's one where we'll grow old together, in the place we built together, raising our children together, and then dying of old age while still in love. I wanna see that happen."

Will smiled as he leaned over to her.

"How did they look? How did our children look?"

"He looked happy. It was like watching a mini version of us just playing in front of the yard. You were happy and made him laugh. I was happy and still madly in love with you while I was caressing my big belly because we were having another child soon."

"What were their names?"

"I remember you calling our son Alex."

At that moment Will took off his mask. There was a bright smile on his face as tears dripped down his chin.

"That's a great name."

"The one in my stomach still had no name yet. By the time I realized it we were already old, and I was still madly in love with you."

"Why didn't you tell me about your dream?"

"You were so busy these days it was difficult to see you."


"Don't be. You had a very good reason."

Sandra grabbed Will's hand and laid her head on it.

"I have to go, Sandra."

"I know. I know."

Will kissed her and teleported to his kingdom. Sandra wiped the tears from her eyes and started to gather the people to the mines.


"Master?" The Golem said, confused.

"There are people going to the mines right now. Take care of the. And find that damn scorpion or whatever it was."

"Master, the scorpion has no chance to come make another attack as long as the spider Golems are patrolling the area."

Long ago there was a monster with the tails of many scorpions that attacked Will and his Golems twice. Both times it fled, the last time it was bleeding heavily and they couldn't find it. Ever since then it hasn't made another appearance.

"Good. Are there any Golems near the black mountains?"

"There were, but there was an alarming amount of dragons and powerful monsters roaming around the area that even the Golems couldn't handle them. We temporarily retreated until I was sure the area was clear."

"I need you to send a few now and see if the mountain dragon is awake."

"Yes, Master."

A few Incredible Golems changed course and headed straight to the black mountains.

A few minutes later the Golems halted in their steps.

From the distance they could see the mountains moving ever so slowly. It stood, it began taking its form. The mountains stretched its wings creating huge gusts of winds that knocked down several more trees, and even moved the clouds.

It began roaring. Its roar was so loud and deep it created earthquakes and deafened any being nearby. Every step it took it left giant craters behind.

"Master, it's awake."