Dark Age

As she was standing motionless infront of the mirror, sounds of footsteps are heard outside. The doors were opened unannounced and two maidservants walked inside. They are both pretty but their noses were pointed upward. Their eyes were also looking at her with disdain.

"So you are awake?" The taller maidservant looked at her from head to toe. Her eyes flashed with envy when she looked at the figure of the new princess. Eventhough traces of being malnourished are visible, just a little polished and the devastating beauty of the lady infront of her will be unhindered.

"His Highness want to have a breakfast with you." The other servant placed the basin of water. She crossed her arms infront of her bountiful chests, "Wash your face. His Highness wanted you to be present there as soon as possible."

Deni Righs walked to the basin of water slowly. In silence, she washed her face and wiped it dry. After that, she looked at the two maidservants in inquiry. She wanted to asked: What I am going to do next?

The two maidservants looked at the new princess with contempt. They are expecting her to confront or punish them for their audaciousness, but what they faced right now is her serenity. They got this feeling that nothing in this world can destroy this peacefulness of hers.

When they realized that their thoughts were going the wrong way, they scolded theirselves.

She is just pretending.


A good-for-nothing does not deserved that kind of impression.

The maidservants snorted internally as they handled her roughly.

When they held her, pink discoloration appeared on her wrists and arms. Coiled between the rows of teeth of jade comb are fine ebony hairs. She did not even winced when the maidservant, who is envious by her soft hair, combed her hair crudely. Because of her silence, they acted more audaciously.

They chose the plainest white robes and simplest head ornaments. They also did not bother to do her make-up. They wanted her to looked like she was mourning instead of the dignified princess, but...

They are bound to be disappointed.

What looked like she was mourning?

The white fabric complemented her soft, pale-white skin. The single, branched-like jade flower ornament gave emphasis to her ebony hair and overall elegance. Tranquil lake was reflected on her pair of doe eyes, with her cute button nose and small, pinkish lips.

Deni Righs looked like an immortal untainted from the stains of the mortal world. With her exquisite looks and graceful figure, she looked like an embodiment of innocence and purity.

The two maidservants looked at her with awe but was quickly replace by disdain. So what if she has an exquisite face? She is nothing but a vase[1].

Rooting this fact in their hearts, they regained their confidence as they lead her out of the courtyard with their usual haughty air.

The courtyard she is staying is called Snow Gale Coutyard. Surrounded by nothing but plain rocks and valuable vintage planks with simple decorated carvings. The surroundings looked exquisite but plain and boring. There is no young trees, flowers, shrubs, vines, and even mosses.

When they walked out of the courtyard, she realized that there is nothing special about that. Every buildings she passed by has no plants.

She recalled the memories of the former Deni Righs. The time frame she is currently in is after the Dark Age[2] of Hua Continent. During the Dark Age, famine affected the whole continent. The period of drought that lasted eversince the war until then caused serious damage to crops.

She can't remember any memory of the former Deni Righs witnessing a rainfall even until her death.

Eversince the former Deni Righs was born, the droughts and wars are nothing new.

When she was seven years old, she heard from the maidservants that the neighbouring West Kingdom at that time was under attacked by Xi Empire, the strongest dominion in the Hua Continent. But when the subjects of West Kingdom thought that they are going to be defeated, Seamus IV, the son of the the sworn late brother of West Emperor, overturned the situation.

At fourteen years old, Seamus IV lead the soldiers of the West Kingdom and miraculously defeated the gigantic Xi Empire. But he did not stop there, he swept through the kingdoms in Hua Continent, assaulting and destroying towns and settlements. Those who agreed to the treaty were spared, while majority of the kingdoms that did not want to were destroyed. Some arts at that time were apparently lost, while civilization undergoes a state of stagnation or decline.

The war lasted for nearly a decade. Although it already happened years ago, the impact of the war to civilization is still there, albeit there are also good developments at some areas.

For the nobles, Dark Age has already passed by but for the common people, everyday is a dark age.


[1] Vase – Has a beautiful appearance with no talent.

[2] Dark Age – There are a lot of dark ages like the certain period in western Europe, Greece and the Aegean. The dark age the author is referring to is the period when Seamus IV lead the troops of soldiers and swept through the whole continent, sparing those who yielded and killing those who resisted. It is the period in Hua Continent that lasted for several years and killed millions of people because of war, drought, and famine.