The Arrival

It was a cold winter's night. The sound of the raging storm could be heard around the home when he came bursting through the front door; water dripping down his coat as he quickly twisted it off and tossed it to the maid who had just bustled towards him. Without a word he hurried up the stairs case, a look of excitement and worry twisting on his face.

Just as he made it up the steps, a new man stopped him; his white coat evidence of his prestige. "She is fine Mr. White. She needs her rest and so does your new addition. You can see both of them in the morning." There was a moment of pause before Mr. White nodded and slumped into a nearby chair. He was only glad his wife was ok. The worry that laid across his face quickly slipped away as he allowed himself to finally rest.

The doctor only gave a knowing nodded before seeing himself out and headed into the blistering storm. The house had fallen silent now; only sounds of the hand maids moving and hurrying around could be heard. Time seemed to pass so slowly now, but it was soon shrouded with darkness as he slipped into sleep.

*The next morning*

He had already awoke, changed and was bringing up food for his wife when he could hear the soft cries of his new child. He smiled brightly as he emerged into the room, his eyes landing straight on the pair. He set the food down on the night stand beside her and then gave her forehead a gentle kiss. "How are you feeling my love?" She smiled to him wearily, fatigue still clear on her face. "As good as anyone can, but she seems rested and ready to face the world." Instinctively she handed the baby over to him, that pleading looking for rest written on her brows. He didn't argue as he took the newborn in his arms, rocking her to sooth her crying.

He took in her beauty, his beautiful child. Her blond hair already hung in tight curls around her face, only complimenting the grey and violet eyes that blinked up at him fighting sleep. He smirked at the color so surprised how her eyes matched his own. "Did you use the name we agreed on?" Her eyes fluttered open to him as she groaned only half awake now. "W..what? Oh yes, but I did reverse the first and middle though. It seemed appropriate that way." He smirked as he continued to stare at the baby in his arms, watching as she finally fell asleep. "If you say so my love. Now remember Makaila, your mother is always right."