A Pact Unseen

This had went on for several weeks. Each evening her father returned to see her. He always asked to see that other voice of hers, though she had learned they were other people in her mind. She had also learned that two of them already had names; one was Izzy and the other Mak. But there was a new one she didn't even seem aware of. It didn't talk to her like the others did, but they came out when the pain began. This one simply laughed at the pain and took it; spitting in his face and challenging him for more.

This had finally pushed him today. He growled in a rage she hadn't been seeing until now. He picked up the knife from the bundle and stepped away as he took the lighter to the edges. Back and forth he waved the flame over the glistening metal blade. As it finally became hot enough for his liking, he pounced on her. He slammed her hard into the bed as he yanked up her shirt and began to carve into her porcelain skin. The smell of the burning flesh lifted into the air and filled her nostrils. He was cutting and cauterizing her new wound all in one and hiding it beneath the under side of her breasts. He finally pulled away from her as she only laughed out in her hysterics. She turned her gaze to him and winked as she licked her lips. " Come on daddy....lets go again!!' The last part was spoken with a growl before she erupted out in more laughter. He sighed as he growled back, finally cleaning up for the day.

Before leaving, he slammed forward, grabbing around her neck. "I grow tired of these games. If she doesn't exist and doesn't come out, I'm going to just end you. I don't need any of you. I need her." He released her as she coughed and chuckled, giving a sly smirk as she watched him walk from the room, up the stairs and slam the door with more force than he ever had.

She lay there laughing to herself for a moment, the pain hidden from her mind. It took her a moment before she fell silent, her face contorting into a scowl. The other voices were there now and speaking to her, and all she wanted was some silent fun. She sighed to them as she rolled her eyes and lay there still.

Her voice finally filled the open air of the room as she spoke out loudly to herself. "What now? I handled it well enough, and though we are in pain...are we not ok?" She chuckled before rolling her eyes and licking her lips. "Well, if you just came out, I wouldn't have to. But seeing as you are staying so silent and away, we can only presume that you wish to be protected also. Now shut your fucking mouth." She smirked up at the ceiling, taking the moment of silence from the others as a victory.

It wasn't long lived as that calculated voice came back. For a moment there was simply sounds of groans, scoffs, and rolling of eyes as she lay there. As their conversation concluded, she growled with displeasure before nodding. "If she agrees, then I agree. There isn't much to it then. If this is how it must be, then so shall it be." She ended her statement with an indignant frown and closed her eyes as she let the pain wash over them now. Her mind raced to fight through it, but her body only trembled in response to it. It didn't take long for the exhaustion of that pain to consume her and push her into sleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

She had been asleep for a couple of days, only waking a few times during visits of maids, doctors and even a night her father had come. Her body and mind needed to process through her pain and find some recovery to it. The rest was helping to heal the wounds and bring her back to her right frame of mind for the next time she saw her father.

It was about 4 days later that she had finally awoken; her mind keen and her body well enough that she could lift herself into the seated position on her own even with restraints. She was ready for him, and he would finally be getting what he wanted. She kept quiet and let her eyes stay closed as she strained to listen to the world around her. She could hear the dripping of water in the background, creaking floor above her head, and even the sound of a soft breeze wafting in through the walls. This was how the calculated one was. She used her mind to focus in on everything and plan everything to perfection. She was the intellect behind them all and she was patient.

It seemed later than usual when the door at the top of the stairs opened and the familiar creak of the stairs was heard. She turned her head slowly to the approaching figure, only opening her eyes once she could hear them being close to her. She set her cold and empty gaze upon him as he glared down upon her. The moment passed between them as they both stared at one another, no emotions passing between.

He was the first to break though, raising a brow in curiosity. "Is this who I am looking for?" Her face stayed calm to him, but her voice held that sophisticated canter to it. "Yes, I believe it is time for us to speak. The others have put up with this game long enough and I fear they grow just as tired of it as yourself." She kept her empty expression to him, pulling delicately on the straps. "Could we release these, I don't feel we have need for them." He was shocked for a moment, hearing how she spoke and the way she was. It truly was the one he was looking for. However the second she expressed being released, it snapped him to his senses. "Not until we get a few things straight. First off, do you have a specific name I should address you as?" She sighed and stayed seated up. "I believe my name is Makaila. Is that not what I was born with? I feel the only other name that would be acceptable past that one is Elizabeth." She tried to position herself comfortably, but found it hard between the way the restraints held her arms open and her legs exposed.

"Ah, I see then. Makaila is fine, though I may refer to you as Elizabeth from time to time. I wanted that name for you originally." He finally took a seat before her, smirking at her as she tried to find some comfortable way to sit. "I have an offer for you. You seem civil enough to handle it. Our family is of the upmost highest standard and I would like the name to carry on. I want you to be the daughter I need. You will be polite, civil, virtuous and even pleasant. While suppressing the others of course." He paused looking to see her reaction, and she simply looked to him with that empty expression. "I also expect you to get married by 16. If my math is correct that's 4 years from now. In return, this torture stops, you get to stay in the main part of the house and you will live in the life of luxury." He paused looking to her, his expression was serious and bored. Looking him over for a moment she gave a small smirk and nodded.

"I agree to those terms. You won't hear from them. Now if it would be too much....the restraints please." Her mind raced. She had finally come to know what he wanted and what she had discussed with the others would work perfectly. Buying their time is what she needed before she could do what they needed. Protect and gain freedom, that would be the key.

He finally released her from the restraints, sending a hand her way to help her from the bed. As she finally stood to her feet, she swayed. It has been well over a month since she had held her weight, and it showed as she slumped forward into his arms. She listened to him chuckle at her, but she never expressed any emotion to him. She used his body to lift herself, trying to leverage her body onto her own feet. However she found herself swept up from the ground as he bridal carried her up the stairs and away from the basement.

He helped her to her old room and sat her down on the bed gently. "Tomorrow you will start classes. Before you can do anything I need done, you need to be a lady. Get some rest, it begins early." He left her to the room, shuttling the door so gently it was almost unheard as it shut behind him. She had watched as he left, finally raising a brow as her eyes scanned the room.

It seemed simple, elegant and yet plain. There was a dresser, a night stand and a vanity there for her but everything was white and clear. She smirked to the design before standing up and wobbling only for a second and before quickly finding her feet. She walked around the room, taking it in as her hands glided against the wooden furniture. "See, it was that simple. Now if you all follow the rules, we will get exactly what we want." She had planned it exactly and now knowing what he wanted only made it easier. She made her way effortlessly to the bed; her feet carrying her as if it was nothing now. She pulled back the plush blankets and crawled her way inside them before burying her body. The soft texture and warmth of them eased the pain that still lingered upon her skin. She lay there for a moment staring at the blank wall as a slow sinister grin crept across her face and laced over her cheeks. Her eyes slowly shut as that demonic smile stayed painted on her. Sleep finally took her.