Bumped into her

It was a night filled with rain and thunder, faint smell of soil was present in the air. Whole town was soaking in the rain water and water was also running down the road of the town. I don't remember anything about that town properly. I have just a vague memories of that town cause that was the last time I was there and that's the last thing I know about that town. But don't know why I am unable to recall the memories of this town but I am here again in this town.

To attend my last grade of high school and I am not at all interested in this life or world, it's just that I am staying with my grandma for this year and she is the best cook I ever known, she made the best Paratha I ever had. I am here in this town after 10 years. I was always been a lonely kid with whom nobody wants to talk, or you can say I never wanted to have a proper conversation with anybody and I am not interested in making any kind of friend. Its too bother some of me to have a friend, meet, go out for etc etc etc. That's enough of my past let's talk about today, the time is around 8'o clock in the morning and I'm walking down the hill where I stay with my grandma, it's a foggy day and ....

REYAN :- ouch I am sorry are you hurt ( to himself ,came here after a long and the first thing I do is to bump into a girl and gets hurt. Wow just wow. Huhh)

Girl :- ouch ( doesn't look into his eye and talks after a pause ) you should watch your steps.

Reyan (rolling eyes) - and you should watch yours.

Reyan looks at the girl now and talks to himself she is wearing the same uniform as I do, looks like she is also going to the same school - Maiyong public school where I am heading to now. He turns around to pick up his bag which fell after they bump and watched the girl disappearing in the fog.

Reyan (shouted) - Hey hey!! You stop.

But that girl just disappeared as if she wasn't even there.

He cleaned his uniform and thinks what my luck, today is the first day of my school and first thing I get hurt and spoil my uniform. What impression other people are going to have of me. Like I really care about other's opinion.

His eyes were filled with curiosity cause he has never seen a girl like her but when he looked at her into the eyes he saw some darkness in her eyes deprived of any spark (only one eye).

Reyan started walking towards the school.

Bell started ringing (ding-a-Ling)

Reyan rushed to the gate and reaches in time.

He receives a welcome from a teacher (Male wears glasses has a 5'7 height and wore a plane shirt age at between mid 40 has lots of oil in hairs and a round face.

Reyan :- thanks for the welcome sir I am Reyan, new admission can you tell me where is the class room of last grade? ( Asks gently)

Viren sir :- ( in a deep voice) yes it's on the 3rd floor classroom is 10th A.

Reyan walks away closing the room and walking towards the steps .

Reyan is on the 3rd floor but when looks into the corridor at the end there was one light which is blinking continuously.

Reyan walks towards the light and see 10th A classroom board hung up on the door of the classroom .

Reyan thinking what will this year be?

Opens the door and enters-

There are around 34 students in the class, near the window there is an empty seat and he goes there and sit.

He was looking out of the window, school is full of trees giving him a calm feeling, he sees a playground having basket ball court, football nets. Because school just started so no one was there

Suddenly he started thinking about the girl he saw in the morning and wondering which class she belongs to. Let it be, I have nothing to do with her.

But he's totally unaware of what is going to unfold in upcoming days.

Class monitor - heyyy new admission.

Reyan breaks from his daydreaming and looks towards the direction from where the sound came.

Class monitor:- here man.

Reyan :- hi I was just spaced out that's why I didn't notice you sorry.

Class monitor :- hi I am Kraig, I am the class monitor and nice to meet you. So what's kind of mystery you hold?

Reyan :- hi I am Reyan,nice to meet you too and I don't hold any kind of mistery, I am just a normal kid from this town.

The teacher enters

Kraig:- OK our teacher is here now

I will talk to you in lunch.

Reyan :- OK!