
Masked man

Inside the mansion

Reyan- but why are we inside the mansion K?

Kraig- dude are you living under a rock or what? Have you never seen a movie of mystery or thriller?

Reyan pulled Kraig shoulder back and looked at him and says- K don't tell me that we are going inside the mansion based on the theme of a movie !?? Huh!? Seriously???

Kraig :- (Frustrated) can you not be this boring Ray? Please at least for once do something adventure in your life. Now let's go inside, it will be fun.

And they both entered inside the mansion. It's old and weak, due to the rainy weather - the walls have seepage problem giving bad smell. Water is kinda everywhere and the floor and the ceilings are wet too. Smell of rainy water is present in the air and anyone can easily tell how old the mansion is. Mansion is very huge giving eerie feeling to the duo. No lights was present and little bit dusty too, as if no one was here since hundred of years. As the two boys went further step by step they saw a room which had a lock hanging on the door. They both went inside, it was more like some school library.

Kraig- aahh Ray here we go again. Books books books why man? Can't we have little break from these books and just look at the sizes of books, if I throw it on some person the person will die on the spot. I think in ancient time books were used as murder weapons hahaha. Reyan ignored him,

something caught his attention- he went towards a shelf and took out a folder written school record. A picture fell down from it, he bent down and picked up the picture batch 19xx- 19xx. Suddenly they heard noise of something crashing down.

They both got alert.

Kraig- Ray let's go it's time to catch the culprit. (With a wicked smile on his face)

Reyan took two minutes to digest the things said by Kraig.

Hey we are not cops, what are you saying.

Kraig- oh come on dude let me be in my role.

Reyan kept that picture in his pocket and they ran towards the direction of the noise. They reached in a corridor, Ray there's a window come let see. When they looked down the window they saw a man in a black hood getting out of the mansion. They screamed hey! hey man! Kraig ran towards the main gate. Only Reyan was there at the window suddenly man turned back in the direction of Reyan.

Reyan saw that he wore a black mask he also ran towards the gate but he was late.

Kraig- Ray we missed a golden opportunity of getting promoted. Again he was ignored by Ray.

Reyan saw a bottle of pink nail paint he picked it up...

Look Kraig

Kraig - what's there to look in it? It's just a bottle of nail paint. Maybe some girl left here.

Reyan- yeah why not. As if the girl can't paint her nails in her home. She might get good feeling while painting her nails in this creepy mansion. Right!!

Karig- ok whatever Mr. Reyan.

Reyan- I think it fell down from that man's pocket.

Kraig - dude you can't be serious and started laughing. Why would a man like to carry a bottle of nail paint? Ray my boy, men don't paint their nails ok? Hahaha.

It's getting late now, lets go.

In some house of the same city a man in back hood standing in front of mirror removed his mask. I guess that granny's grandson saw me, it won't be good if he tell anyone about me. I guess I have to make a move now, before he does.