

In break time Reyan went to the library to find some school albums. He saw a man in early 40s, fair skin half bald, chubby and wearing round spectacles.

Reyan to librarian- Good afternoon sir, my name is Reyan and I am here to look for school albums, can you please tell me where they are kept??

Librarian - Good afternoon boy. This is First time I have heard some one asking for school albums. The album rack is in the last row of left side. But why are you interested in school album??

Reyan - sir actually we are going to have fest in our school so I just wanted to see how our seniors celebrated this fest and may be I can get some sort of ideas also.

Librarian - Ohh OK OK go ahead.

Reyan - thank you sir and he went to the last row.

He search for the album of year 19xx- 19xx. He saw a dark green color folder was there and on the cover it was written year 19xx- 19xx.

He took out the album and started searching, he himself wasn't aware of what he's searching, whose face he wants to see?

Suddenly he saw a beautiful girl wearing school uniform two braids smiling cheerfully, as if she's smiling at him. Class 10th A

But there was a difference between the girl he met and the girl in the photograph. He clicked the picture and kept the album in it's original place.

Reyan - sir may I ask some questions if you don't mind?

Librarian- yes yes why not!!

Reyan - sir do you know about our old school that's situated near the park?? What happened to that school??

Librarian (staring at Reyan with weird expression)- why do you want to know about that school??

Reyan - just curious sir.

Librarian - that school was abandoned many years ago. Our principal build a new school that's why we left that school and that school was also ageing and neend a renovation but instead our principal build a new school with much more facilities and much more nice than old school.

Reyan - so nobody goes there??

Librarian - I guess nobody goes there. But many documents are still there may be our principal visits that school occasionally but not sure if he goes or not because that mansion looks too creepy. And you also don't go there who knows what is waiting for you.

Reyan - thank you sir and have a nice day.

Reyan went to his class.

When he came back to class he bumped into the Kraig.

Kraig - Ray where did you go?? I got some information about Pia.

Reyan - what ??? What did you find out?

Kraig - I found out that Pia's best friend name is Shruti and she's in 10th B, let's go meet her in evening OK!!

Reyan - yeah good.

After school both of them went to meet Shruti but couldn't find her.

Kraig - oohh man she's not here. Let's go to Viola and ask her about Shruti's address.

Reyan - are we going to her house!? Isn't it inappropriate?? What would her parents think of us?

Kraig - dude come on we'll figure it out on our way, come let's go.

They saw viola was coming out of their class after checking everything.

Kraig - hey Viola, listen we need your help.

Viola - about what??

Kraig - can you tell me Shruti's address? Actually we went to her class just now to talk about Pia but she's not there. So can you give??

Viola - OK no problem. But you can meet her when she returns from her tuition classes by 8 pm?? May be she won't tell anything in front of her parents.

Kraig - OK tell me where can we meet her??

Viola - she lives two lanes behind my house. I have seen her many times. Come let's go to staff room, in attendance register her address will be there.

Trio went to the staff room. Kraig and Reyan was standing outside and Viola went inside, took out the register and search for Shruti's address and clicked photo of it.

She came out and shared the picture with Kraig and Reyan.

Kraig - ok cool!! Just tell me your address also may be I can come to meet you when you are alone in your house (jokingly).

Viola rolled her eyes and said you both better focus on your studies and let the cops do their work, stop poking your nose in some others business. If someone got to know about this both of you will land in trouble. After saying this she went off.

Kraig - don't mind her Ray, she's like this only, tough nut case to crack. That's why I like her hehehe. Come let's go, we have many things on our plate.

Both of them left the school premises on the way to their home they checked the address.

In evening both Kraig and Reyan was waiting for Shruti. At 8 pm they saw a girl in shirt, skirt and leggings, blunt cut, listening to music and earphones on, carrying school bag coming towards them.

Kraig shouted - hey Shruti!!

Shruti took of her earphones

Shruti - aren't you the class representative of 10th A? What are you doing here??

Kraig - actually we want to talk about your best friend, if you don't mind.

Shurti's face lost it's blood. She took two steps back and was about to run.

Reyan - Shruti!! Don't you want justice for your best friend?? Don't you want that law punishes culprit who cause death of your friend?? Are you going to be a coward and going to watch whole show from the corner?? Isn't it you responsibility to tell about the culprit to Police or you decide to become ignorant of this matter?? Oh it seems you didn't treat Pia as your best friend.

After listening to Reyan Shruti's eyes turned red, only she knows how she's feeling after loosing her only best friend. Only she knows that she's suffering from Insomnia because of that culprit. She also wants that her friend get justice who just died in vain.