
Plan is on...

Next day both Kraig and Ray goes to meet Shruti in lunch break. They see Shruti sitting silently on last desk near a window. She's looking lonely, kind of upset and looks like she's thinking about something. Her face is pale and her eyes are moist and red.

Kraig (shouted) - hey Shrutii!! Over here.

Everyone turned towards them along with Shruti.

Shruti wipes off the tears from the corner her eyes and smiled weakly at them while waving her hand.

Some girls who just got treat for their eyes started gossiping about them.

Girl 1- oh my God. My eyes are blessed after seeing these two cuties in our class. They just made my day woah!!!

Girl 2 - shut your mouth, your drool is all over the desk. And what you just said about them is totally true, they are really really cute and we know that our class don't have any cute guy, they are just so so (sighing).

Girl 3- yeahh right, I guess they came here to meet Shruti. Ohh I really envy her (with puppy eyes). I can only dream about guys coming to meet me in classroom during break. (faking sad expression)

Girl 1- yeah I never thought a girl like Shruti knows two cuties from our school. I know Kraig, he's the class representative of 10th A but who's the guy beside him?? Just look at him, he is looking cold and ignorant, I guess I need a heater already (winked). But I have never seen him before.

Girl 2- may be new admission it seems, or we just never noticed him. Don't worry I have some connections, I'll find out about him as soon as possible and try to catch him, or just make him fall for me (dreaming with open eyes).

Girl 3- Ohh come on girls, he's here. We have our chance now, why do you want to wait for some other time. Wait I'll just go and ask his name.

She stands up from her seat and winked towards the two girls.

Girl 3 walks proudly towards Reyan, she initiated a hand shake and introduced herself- hy my name is Sarah, nice to meet you.

Reyan looked indifferently towards her. Kraig knew Reyan's character some how and he knew that Reyan won't shake his hand with this girl. So in order to not to embarrass her he shook her hand.

Kraig - hey Sarah nice to meet you too. I'm Kraig and let me introduce you to my friend Reyan. He's new admission and he's kind of introvert. So don't mind him.

By the way we have some work so gotta go.

Sarah smiled awkwardly at them and went back to her seat.

Girl 1 and girl 2 together - Sarah tell fast, what's his name??

Sarah (proudly) - no I won't tell you. Go and ask him by yourselves. And you have come connections also, then find out his name using your connections.

Both girls got infuriated.

Sarah (laughingly) - just kidding girls.

His name is Reyan and he's kind of cold towards other person. He might not talk to you both even if you beg him.

All three girls sighed together. What a hard life they have.

Reyan and Kraig went to Shruti's seat.

Shruti - hey Kraig and Reyan.

Both boys nodded to her.

Kraig - how are you doing Shruti?

Shruti - I'm doing fine. You both came to look for me, is everything alright??

Kraig - yeah everything is fine, actually yesterday after meeting you we went to find a police officer. We watched the video and after watching it Reyan gave us an idea to catch the culprit. But we need your help also.

Shruti - oh I see. Then tell me what can I do for you? How am I supposed to help you?

Kraig turned towards Reyan and nodded at him.

Reyan - actually, we still didn't get permission for my idea. But thought of discussing with you so that when we get permission there won't be any delay in executing the plan.

Shruti - hmm so tell me.

Reyan - actually we want you to message Sam but not from real id but using a fake id.

Shruti - and what am I supposed to message him?? And what if he just ignore my messages from a fake Id?

Reyan - see you have to text him that I have proof of you harassing a girl and ask him to come to meet you. And also message him that if you don't come I'll hand over this video to the police and you'll have to meet them in prison. Also tell him that you have seen him and have photo of him, so if you want this video come to meet you in the park near abandoned mansion tonight at 8 pm.

Kraig - actually Shruti can you show us his picture??

Shruti - I I I actually had his picture but later deleted it, when Pia blocked him. I thought he will never come for her again. But but I can recognise him.

Kraig (cursed) - dammit (took a deep breath). OK ok OK we'll figure this out. We have to figure it. At least can you help police in drawing his sketch just tell what ever you remember. OK?

Shruti - OK

Reyan - and in evening you won't go to meet him. You just have to hide with police in some place so that when we catch him, you can help us in identifying him.

Shruti (frowned) - then who'll go to meet him in my place??

Kraig clears his throat.

Shruti turns toward him and smiled weakly - thank you guys. You guys don't even know Pia but still doing lots of things in order to get justice for her. (Shurti turns sad) But I am her best friend and still wasn't able to help her.

Kraig - no Shruti, don't feel sad. Because of you only we can make such plan and if we are going to catch him it will be only because of you. So you don't need to feel sad.

Reyan - yeah and now first check if he's still using his id or not and then make a fake id. And remember don't disclose your name at any cost. And if he ask about the girl he tried to harass don't tell Pia's name otherwise he'll definitely guess your identity. May be you can just send a short clip of that video in order to make him believe you.

Ding a ling (school bell rang)

Kraig - OK we'll get going now. Meet us after school near school gate, then we'll start our plan OK. Bye

On the way back to class Reyan got a message from Gavin -

Plan is on!!

Reyan shows his phone's screen to Kraig and they both smiled with sparkle in his eyes.