(Chapter 37) People In The Darkness 7

Stella walked into Guillard Entertainment with a lazy and enchanting smile on her face. It caused many women to bend their necks to look at the new star.

Stella knocked on Tracy's door twice and opened the door. "This will allow you to show your skills, leave cleaning away your reputation to your skills and me." Tracy's voice could be heard as she seemed to be giving out what she wanted Amy to do.

"Haha, this Master is happy to have some new fresh meat!" Stella announced herself with a booming laugh.

Tracy turned with a look saying 'Do you have to announce yourself entering like that?', while Amy looked with a weird look on her face.

*Sigh* "Just ignore him, I'm sure you have seen him around. He's also an artist under me. Zhou this is Amy, Amy this is Zhou." Tracy gave a brief introduction, she thought that since Amy called her personal phone Zhou must have given her the number, but looking at Amy's face that didn't seem to be true.

Amy looked at Stella... 'He looks the same as he does in the trailer, is that even possible?' She couldn't believe that the man had such a good natural look... She then noticed that she was slightly taller than the man, since she was wearing heels it made it more obvious...

"Nice to meet you, I'll be under your care." Amy lowered her head slightly and smiled lightly.

Stella noticed the look in Amy's eyes... "No need for greetings, this Master might not be the tallest but I don't need to be reminded," Stella mumbled with an aggrieved expression.

Amy was stunned. 'Was I so obvious?' She didn't know that Zhou had read her already. It wasn't her fault anyway that the man was shorter than her...

Tracy's eyebrows twitched, "Alright Zhou don't make it sound so personal. Did you end up getting yourself an assistant?" Tracy asked, hoping inwardly that he didn't forget.

Stella plastered a smile on her face and leaned against the wall lazily. "There are many who covet the place as an assistant of this Master." She said with a toothy smile.


"Achoo!" A woman wearing a suit sneezed while in a low-key car.

"Who's speaking badly of you Di?" Vi's voice was heard from behind the wheel.

Di looked with a look of amusement, her brown eyes sparkled. "I didn't know that you believed in that, I don't think that anyone would be talking badly of me anyway." Di mumbled.

Vi looked in the mirror to the woman in the seat. She had short black hair which was cut so she wasn't affected by it, her brown eyes had a sparkle of light which could make people absorbed...

Then her gaze went over to the clothes she was wearing. "Who knew that the ever-powerful Di was wearing a suit to be an assistant?" She just had to tease her.

Di was known to be the opposite of a woman. Shoes, men and love? More like fights, blood, and hot-headedness. She was also deadly loyal to Stella, so much so that even Vi, her sworn sister. Didn't know the entire reason which Di joined Stella's side.

Di had a look of pride on her face. "Don't I look professional? Since Miss ordered this then I will do my job fully, unlike you which makes her angrier every time she speaks to you." Di took her own shot at Vi.

Vi sighed with a defeated tone, "I'm meant to tell Miss the things she doesn't want to hear, that's my job." Her gaze became heavy as she stopped driving.

Di's radiant face turned to one of sorrow, "Is Miss not willing to come back? But why is she calling me out here? I don't understand." Di asked, she felt like her Miss became impossible to read now.

*Sigh* "Miss has always been difficult to read no? I was ordered to not touch those turtles by Miss... I can only guess she wants to give them the taste of success and bring them back down to earth." Vi replied as she looked back at Di.

"Mmm, anyway. Now that I have this job I should do it... Why are you looking at me like that?" She felt a little uncomfortable when she saw Vi's strange gaze toward her.

Vi's eyes were plastered on a certain region of Di's body... "Are you sure that your clothing won't burst?" She just had to ask.

Di's face went blank, she looked down to her chest... Sure enough, she was quite endowed. Not as much as Stella, but her figure didn't suit formal clothing like this very well...

"Aren't you just jealous?" Di asked with a sly smile.

Vi sighed again, "Isn't it always you who complains about it all the time? I don't care but could you at least remember what your role is on this mission?" Vi reminded Di that she always complained about her size. Often not caring and just wearing men's clothing because she didn't like those dresses and gazes she would get.

Di smirked. "I know, don't you have a blazer in the back? Anyway, enjoy dealing with Hill again." Di left and took a blazer in the back.

Vi watched as Di's figure strolled away. Di was extremely gifted in terms of her figure... A shame that she didn't think so, she was close to 6 feet (183 centimeters) a supermodel-like body, and a face that wasn't groundbreaking like Stella's but it was extremely memorable, Di had many males swoon over her in secret. She was a terrifying woman, so men would have secret crushes on her instead.

Di walked in with confidence into Guillard Entertainment, many people looked at the woman coming in and wondered why a supermodel was wearing attire for an assistant or manager?

"Excuse me, which way is it to Manager Tracy's room?" Di asked in a confident tone, a little different from the rashness she had while talking to Vi.

The male which was asked the question had a blank face. 'Am I dead? Why is this goddess talking to me?'

"Hello?" Di inwardly wanted to beat the man to a pulp to get the information she wanted, the look on his face was vexing her.

"Go to floor 4, the room on the first left." The man eventually responded, he suddenly felt his hairs on his neck rise as the area around him got cold.

Di smiled, "Thanks." She strutted off and took the elevator.


"Since the endorsement with Nobile went well your schedule has been filled out, here are some new scripts for some films, directors had their interest peaked watching the press conference so now you will be getting some more offers." Tracy said as she handed Stella a large amount of paper.

Stella smiled and shrugged. "As for you, the audition for 'Quarrel' will be starting soon. Do you need an assistant as well?" Tracy looked over to Amy.

Amy shook her head. "I can hire one myself, as I said all I need is some small things, other than that I'll be self-sufficient." Amy responded as she looked at Tracy's slightly tired face.

She wasn't lying, she used to be self-sufficient and had all contracts personally sent to her before her fiance became her full-time manager. Clearly, she was blind back then to waste her career so easily to that man...

Stella noticed Amy's clenched fists and slightly smiled. "This Master sees that you are doing this for revenge." Stella quietly mentioned.

Tracy had no trace of change on her face, she heard most of the story from Amy after talking to her for a bit anyway, but Amy's face slightly stiffened.

"Haha, don't worry. This Master is doing this for personal reasons as well. I won't be judging anyone." Stella laughed as her gaze turned toward the door.

"Come in." Her lazy voice ordered as the smile widened.

Tracy was surprised to see the door open as soon as Zhou said those words... But then she was stunned after seeing the woman in front of her.

"Hello, My name's Di. From today on I'm Master Zhou's assistant." Di said with a slight bow.

'Assistant!?' Tracy and Amy both couldn't believe their ears! How could this woman be Zhou's assistant? She looks just like a model...

Stella could read their gazes and smiled. "You heard it correctly, Di here is my assistant," Stella said as Di stood beside Stella.

A strange sight indeed... The woman was clearly taller than him, but even with her looks, she blended into the background... Zhou stayed at the center of attention to both Tracy and Amy.

Tracy felt a headache coming. "Alright, just make sure there is no news about some illicit scandal." She could imagine the headlines now...

Di slightly shivered, as her gaze wavered. 'Illicit scandal!? I wouldn't dare to touch Miss's hands! Let alone do anything else!' She felt a little insulted that her Miss could be seen as someone open in other's eyes.

Stella beamed. "Of course, as you said I'm busy, this Master will take his leave." She laughed as she did exactly that.

Di followed behind her, people noticed that she was indeed an assistant... But it was for their new god!

'Only he is worthy of having a model as his assistant.' Many women thought, as the jealousy inside their hearts started to bubble.