Chapter three

After one year of living in this world, Marie found out that her mother was pregnant with a baby. This good news came right after her being able to walk unassisted. Her mother was so thrilled that they had made a big feast and told her father after he came back from his job at the factory.

When he heard the news he was so happy, he spun his wife in the air. He also gave Petunia (Marie) a bear hug that nearly suffocated her. Along the process of Carol's pregnancy, Petunia could undoubtedly sense the magical energy flowing around the stomach. Petunia felt envious over the magical energy magnet called Lily Evans. Her magic core was still developing in the stomach, but Petunia could see the colour changing from purple to bright orange.

When her mother was eight months pregnant, it was clear that Lily had a magical core the size of a peanut while hers was the size of the raising when she started collecting magical energy. As luck would have it, Petunia had been collecting magical energy since she was a few months old. This made her magical core as big as a mini melon.

This did put more pressure on Petunia. She now had to practice gathering magical energy as much as she could. This meant putting more effort into receiving more magical energy. Petunia's core was now a lighter purple. Even though it was dark purple before, this showed Petunia how she was improving.

Petunia had recently moved rooms since there was space to be made for the new coming baby. This meant that Petunia had to wait longer until her parents were asleep and to start her energy gathering. So when she heard soft snoring from her parents, she quietly changed her position. Now she was sitting in straight up and leaning against her crib. Closing her eyes, Petunia started sensing the energy around her. Collecting energy for nearly two years has expanded her senses. She was now able to see bigger forms of energy around her.

She slowly started to pull the energy bulbs to her and one by one inserted them in her magical core. After greedily taking the magical energy in the room, Petunia felt exhausted. She could not wait until she was older so she could get her room and collect more energy.

One month later and Petunia did not know how to make sense of her current situation. Her mother went into labour and she was placed in the care of the Snape's. The couple had recently given birth to a son. Severus Snape. Petunia could not grasp the reality of it all. The couple was still in the happy stages of their relationship. They were all smiley and even though Eileen Snape looked tired she was beaming with happiness.

If she remembered correctly all would go downhill for the couple when Tobias would lose trust in his wife and finds out she is a witch as well as Severus.Then the abuse would start. Looking at Severus he was cute as a baby. I think that maybe without the crooked nose and greasy hair he would be quite a looker.

Putting that in the back of her mind she noticed the amount of magical energy in this house it was everywhere. Petunia acted like she was playing with the doll in her hands while she secretly collected the magical energy. She tried to collect as much as possible but after a while, she became extremely exhausted. She fell asleep, but when she woke up she was in the arm of Tobia Snape. He was talking to his wife about having a daughter.

'Look dear isn't she just a big bubble of joy!' Tobias exclaimed in joy.

Eileen was just smiling at her husband. They kept smiling at me, complimenting my behaviour. It was clear that Severus was asleep already and that it was already evening. By the looks of it, Petunia's mother was still in the hospital. She might have to stay the night at the Snape's. How her parents knew the Snape's was unknown but that did not matter as long as she could come here more often. With the use of the magic energy in their house, she could expand her magic core.

She was given dinner and then they went to sleep, but because Snape's did not prepare for me coming there they had to place me in the big crib of Severus.

Eileen and Tobias were flirting under the covers, while Severus and I were supposed to be sleeping. I quietly laid still and tried to gather energy without looking suspicious. As suspected Severus was also a big magnet to magical energy. Severus had a magic core which was as big as a plum pit. Which was bigger than little and a lot smaller than me.

Determined I quickly started pulling magical energy balls to me. Compared to my house was this a magical energy paradise. The energy balls are more vibrant. I looked at my magical core it expanded to a mini melon with a plum added to it. Feeling accomplished I went to sleep hoping that I will be able to stay here for days.

After a week of staying at the Snape's, I was picked up by my father. He thanked them and told them they could come over any time for a play date with their newborn daughter.

when I was brought home I saw my mother lying in bed and inside her embrace was the newborn baby, Lily Evans. No wonder Lily was loved at first sight thought Petunia, she was adorable.

Petunia was already exhausted from gathering energy and having to act even cute was the breaking point. Petunia just let her fall asleep in the arms of her father and waited for the years to come