Chapter Six

Petunia and Lily were led downstairs to the living room. Professor McGonagall was sitting at the dinner table with a cup of tea in her hand taking small sips. Mother had them sit down opposite to Professor McGonagall. "Petunia, this is Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts and she is here to explain uhh…," Feeling at loss to find the words to describe the situation Carol Evans let the Professor take a hold on the conversation.

"Hello young miss Evans, I am Professor McGonagall and I'm here to explain magic to you and to bring you to Diagon Alley for the purchase of your school items. I have already explained the situation to your parents and they also see fit for you to attend Hogwarts." Said Professor McGonagall.

Petunia nodded and acted as if this was a shock to her. "Professor McGonagall, if I am to attend Hogwarts could you explain to me what courses I will be taking?" Petunia asked as if she did not know already. "For your first year you will be taking Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, Flying, History of Magic, Defense against the Dark arts, Astronomy and Herbology," Professor McGonagall answered honestly. Hearing a door close PEtunia look behind her to see her father a bit out of breath and red in the face. Mother walked over to Her father and asked: "There you are dear we were about to depart, do you have the savings,". Father nodded, McGonagall then stood up and said: "It seems you are all ready for your trip to Diagon Alley we shall depart now, please hold on my arms,". Petunia quickly held on and took Lily's hand, they would apparate but I would not be a nice experience.

Petunia closed her eyes and felt as if she was squished through a tiny tube, she felt her stomach turn and started to feel nauseous. Just as she was about to pass out she felt herself hitting the group. Opening her eyes, Petunia did not have time to adjust to her surrounding as she ran to the nearest trash can. Spilling her inside out in the trash she took a handkerchief to wipe her face which she, later on, threw in the trash. Having finally calmed down she saw her mom being just fine while her dad and Lily puked on the side of the road. After the puking feast was over Professor McGonagall gave us three a peppermint candy that was supposed to cleanse our mouth from the horrible after taste.

With peppermints in our mouths, we were lead through a small pub filled with old man and the strong scent of alcohol. As we were lead through the pub Petunia noticed that most of the old men wore cloaks and pointy hats. Going through the back of the pub Petunia came to see the brick wall where Harry was introduced to Diagon Alley. "Listen carefully I will say it only once, counting three up and two across, tap three times with your wand and you will be granted access into Diagon Alley," Professor McGonagall said with a stern tone as she tapped on the brick wall. The bricks moved away and slowly Diagon Alley was revealed. For the first time since she transmigrated in Harry Potter, she felt in awe because Diagon Alley looks just like it was described maybe even better. The evening sun cast a soft glow on the building which were all crooked and different sizes. She saw one big White building at a corner of a street. "Please follow me to Gringotts where you will be able to exchange money and set up an account," said Professor McGonagall as she leads us through the still busy streets. When we came to stand in front of the white building there was 'Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.'

Engraved in big gold letters on the top of the entrance. As Petunia walked in with her family, it was clear the goblins did not like them as they walked through the long hall of desk Petunia just kept her eyes on the head Goblin. As they came to stand at the end of the hall Petunia just stayed quiet and waited for the adults to handle the business aspect. "Petunia, don't you think this place is amazing!" Said Lily in an overly excited matter. Petunia smiled and crouched down to Lily's level. "Lily, I feel the same but people are trying to work here so we mustn't shout ok?" Petunia responded. Lily nodded her head and rapidly in agreement, Petunia could not help but giggle. On the other hand, the goblins working nearby heard what the muggle-born witch had said and been surprised with her maturity, she had even called them people like they were equals. Although, the Goblins appreciated the gesture it didn't mean she was in their good regards. Afterall, Goblins were had to please.

Having exchanged their money the Evans walked out and followed Professor McGonagall to Flourish and Blotts as they went in the bookstore it was clear to see that the bookstore was filled to the ceiling with books. As went to the front of the store Professor McGonagall requested the following books which we listed in the letter

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda BagshotMagical Theory by Adalbert WafflingA Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric SwitchOne Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida SporeMagical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius JiggerFantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt ScamanderThe Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble"

As ought about it, she still could not understand why she would need a book about magical creature since she will not be having such a class until the third year.