Chapter Eight

Petunia birthday was on the 3rd of September so she should have waited another year before she could go to Hogwarts but due to the policy that all children who would turn 11 one month after the term starts are allowed go with that year group. While the other would have to wait another year.

However, this meant that Petunia would celebrate her birthday at Hogwarts. Petunia's parents, decided that one day before she goes to Hogwarts they would celebrate as a family. That day was today on the 31st of August.

Carol and Gregory Evans had secretly gone to Diagon Alley again to buy her gifts. The parents had asked Petunia to watch after Lily because they had to go to "visit their aunt".

The couple noticed how into studying Petunia was. Since the day she came back from Daigon Alley, she has been making notes, reading all her books over and over again. She had finished reading every book in one week and then memorized most of them by reading and taking notes the second time.

Now reading for the third time, she felt confident that she would be able to recite most of every book. Every evening when it was time to eat, she would complain out her quill. She hated the use of a quill and ink. She always had to dip the quill and could not erase her mistakes.

This made it quite easy for her parents when shopping for her birthday gift. They bought her a quill with an endless amount of ink inside. With that, she would only need to bring her quill and never an inkpot. Another thing her parent bought was an ink eraser charm with she could attach to the quill. So whenever she made a mistake, she only had to draw a line through the mistake and tap it with the erasing charm.

As Carol and Gregory came back with the gifts later that night, Petunia and Lily were already in bed. Petunia was gathering as much magical energy as possible since she wanted to be ahead of the rest of the grade. If she was able to stay ahead, she could count on getting top grades.

The only thing that made Petunia feel unprepared was the prejudice against muggle-borns. She had to build a reputation as one fo the muggle-borns they should not mess with. This was for her and Lily. Slowly coming up with a plan, Petunia knew what she would do.

Petunia was going to go to the library as soon as possible and find all the books on prank jinxes. So she could get revenge on those who think about hurting her.

Letting exhaustion take over Petunia fell into a dreamless sleep.

Waking up the next morning Petunia was surprised by her family. Today was the last day at home before she would leave for Hogwarts. She was planning on studying the whole day, but her family had another idea.

Petunia was woken up by Lily jumping up and down on her bed. Her parents came into the room seconds later with a big birthday cake, singing happy birthday. Petunia must have looked bewildered because they all seemed to laugh at her expression.

"Uhh... I thought my birthday was in two days?" Petunia said even more confused. Lily decided to fill the blank for her "Yeah, of course, silly but you leave for Hogwarts tomorrow, and we still need to celebrate!"

After a round of hugs and kisses, Her parents and lily went downstairs for breakfast while Petunia got dressed. Looking into her closet Petunia realized she hadn't packed her trunk yet. Since she needed to be there at eleven o'clock in the morning Petunia decided, to grab her trunk. Petunia picked up the books stacked up on her desk and neatly laid them inside the trunk.

Grabbing her winter uniform, gloves and other clothes she would need for summer, winter, spring and fall. Leaving it at that Petunia showered, dressed in a blue floral dress. Running down the stairs she saw her mother just finishing up breakfast her father grabbing the tea and lily gushing about how she wants to go to Hogwarts.

Quietly joining the table Petunia sat down with a slight smile on her face. "There you are darling I was wondering where you were," said Carol after placing the pancakes on the table. "Well, what are you all waiting for, Dig in!" Carol added on.

Petunia did not need to be told twice as she started eating her pancakes. Petunia loved the pancakes her mom made because they were fluffy and had great flavour. This added with berries and whipped cream made for a meal straight out of heaven if she must say so herself.

While Petunia was still busy with eating Gregory asked: "Petunia have started packing yet you are leaving tomorrow after all?" scoffing down her bite Petunia replied, "Yes dad, nearly finished." Gregory nodded and went back to his breakfast.

Lily was frantically talking about how she couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts, recently she had gotten to know Severus. As described in the books the meeting between the two went exactly as planned. Well except the fact the Petunia called Lily a freak and all.

The Snape's came over a few times for dinner, but Severus still had greasy hair. It seemed that even when his parents had the money he would not wash his hair. His mother complained daily when she visits us.

If he was planning on going to Hogwarts with such hair, Petunia would not let him hear the end of it. Although they were not particularly friends, there were times where she saved him from bullies. Although being friends with Lily had its benefits, she could not always protect him from bullies.

It seemed the Snape's were saving money to start a bakery. From their last visit, I heard that Tobias Snape had dreamed of it since he was younger. However, he discontinues the dream to take care of his family.

Hearing this part of the story she could understand why he was such a bad husband and father. He abandoned his dreams for this family and then he finds out that his wife lied to him about her entire life and then he blamed Severus as the problem to the entire situation.

He was the reason why he gave up his dream after all. However, with this new development, he could start over. He could be a good father and achieve his dream.

The rest of the day Petunia spend with her family enjoying their company and having a final good rest before she would have to work hard.