Arc Two: Chapter Nine

Ophelia felt nervous all over again. She was now once again as a first-year in the great hall about to be sorted. She kept the facade and cold mask on so it seemed like this was not nerve-wracking at all to her.

Keeping up with her facade she had her chin up and looked like she looked down on all who were there. "Ophelia you better make it into Slytherin because I know I will," Bella said tauntingly. Ophelia gave her a raised eyebrow and looked back to the front where an Abbot was just sorted.

"I am sure that I will get sorted earlier than you into Slytherin," Ophelia said arrogantly. She watched as Bella turned a soft shade of red. It looked so adorable Ophelia felt and repressed the need to squish. her cheeks, she was like a baby rabbit.

"Just you watch the person that gets into Slytherin faster will be treated to free snack every time they want," Bella said confidently. It was clear she was confident that Ophelia would lose and because she could bake so well she would be at an advantage.

"Very well, I agree and with the snack, you have to make my tea. Perfectly." Ophelia noted. "If not perfect you will have to redo it till it is," Ophelia said smugly if there was one thing she got picky about it would be her tea.

If it was not perfect or exactly how she liked it she would throw a fit. She had taught Wally how to make it perfect in one day so this was not too hard of a task. "Fine" Bella responded.

"Black, Bellatrix"

Bella visibly swallowed and walked forwards with confidence in her step. She looked so sure of herself that Ophelia felt proud. She sat down on the chair and the moment the hat hit her head she was sorted.

"Slytherin!" The hat yelled and Ophelia did certainly not miss the proud expression she was thrown. Ophelia took and deep breath.

"Black, Ophelia"

Ophelia stepped forwards and walked with utter elegance. This was still her debut she needed to be perfect. Her head held a high, fluent pace of step and a proud expression.

She sat down on the stool and smirked as she immediately used her Occumly skills which she brushed up on to show her most resourceful and cunning moments. The hat had not even touched her head before it yelled


It echoed so loud that even students who were on the opposite side of the hall heard the yell. Ophelia stood and walked to the Slytherin table with mirth in her eyes.

Ophelia sat at the head of the table next to Bella and sat down with only a few words. "It seems I've won a bet," To which Bella turned red and Ophelia started drinking the remaining parts of tea she had left from the batch Walry made for her earlier that day.

The main reason why Ophelia drank as much tea as she did and why she needed it to be hot was because it helped with her complexion and warming up her body since due to the lack of exercise there was not much circulation.

The specific tea that Ophelia drank was also helpful for her energy. She could feel energised by merely drinking one sip. For her, one cup was enough energy to walk up and down all the stairs in her house which was a lot and comparable to the stairs in Hogwarts.

Ophelia put her cup down elegantly when Dumbledore finished his speech and food was served. Looking at the foods served there was clearly a better quality of food at the Slytherin table then there was at the Ravenclaw table Ophelia could already recognise this from the plating and smell. Maybe because she was all the way on the opposite side of the hall she never noticed but now it was clear. Someone way bribing the house elf's

Not that Ophelia had an extreme problem with that of course. Ophelia looked at the foods and grabbed what was least heavy on the stomach. This included some Tomato soup with bread and a side salad which had pomegranate in it.

Ophelia looked to her side and saw Bella conversing in conversation which taking small bites from her steak with potatoes. Ophelia could only shake her head and continue eating. Rodolphus Lestrange was seated next her looked at her with a small smile. Ophelia nodded back before continuing her meal.

"Sorry to disturb your meal time but you are Ophelia Black, correct," Rodolphus said smoothly.

"I am, and I can only assume you are a Lestrange by your hair," Ophelia said as she looked at the neatly combed back dark brown hair. It was thick and look super wavy.

there was a small laugh around the table and Rodolphus let a smirk grow on his face. Ophelia merely ignored most of the chatter and finished her meal. When she finished she looked at Bella's plate which had desserts on it. One looked particularly splendid with chocolate ganache over the small chocolate cake that was bouncy.

Ophelia could not help herself and cut a small piece of the dessert and plopped it in her mouth. Bella merely looked back at her and down her dessert. She did this several times before resting her eyes on Ophelia who looked very smug.

The table became quiet and they all stared. "You better make me a new chocolate cake," Bella said not losing eye contact.

Ophelia looked back just as arrogant. "I won a bet," Ophelia said.

Bella looked confused because she clearly in her excitement did not realise that Ophelia said 'and' turned angry. "It seems mother would like to know that you passed out during dinner you might need to go and get homeschooled," Bella countered.

"I think father would love to know that you took at least two seconds to get sorted whereas I did not even need the hat to touch me," Ophelia said feeling her pride stepping in.

"Am sure Father would also like to know about your tea obsession," Bella said with a proud expression.

"Mmm if I recall Sirius asked for me to write him a letter, it would do him good to know that you got into Hufflepuff, especially after I taught him how to send a howler," Ophelia said with raised eyebrows as she sipped her tea.

"You would not dare," Bella said mortified by what Ophelia had just said.

"It depends on that dessert lying on you plate I presume," Ophelia said with a closelipped smile.

In the end, Ophelia got her dessert and all was well. Since now the Slytherin student at the table saw how ruthless she was to her own TWIN. No one wanted to get on her bad side now.