Arc Two: Chapter Eleven

It was dark at night, the room of requirement was formed into a meeting room. There was a long black table filled with small snacks and tea. The table was filled with squirming students from first-years to seventh years. The room of requirement was enlarged to be stretched out to be around the size of two tables from the great hall. At the head of the table was Bellatrix Black she stood tall and proud in front of a hidden figure. The figure had a hood on and was sitting in a chair placed on a high platform clearly showing dominance over the other people in the room.

The dark figure held a cup of tea in their hand and stook small sips at a time. The filled room became even more filled when third-year students entered their Astronomy classes. All was complete. the hidden figure leisurely placed their cup away and waited for the new arrivals to be seated.

"Prefects Sewlyn and Bulstrode and Headgirl Travers and all that accepted here?" The mysterious figure asked light-heartedly.

"Yes, all students have entered except The Weasley, Prewett, Longbottom, and Abbot," Headgirl Travers said confidently. The Slytherin girl looked confident which certainly helped her in her lack of looks.

"Ah... It seems so," The figure said. "Alas, we must begin they'll join eventually." The figure stepped down the higher platform.

"I hope you are all informed about why we are here. It is time we bring CHANGE, change to what has been taken away from us. To make a difference between us purebloods and those who DARE DECEIVE US." The hidden figure said in a clear voice.

All the student in the room listened attentively the hidden figure, The Hidden figure revealed themselves. The hidden figure slowly pulled off the hood and looked straight at the room with a taunting gaze.


[five months before Hogwarts]

"So you're the young Ms Black, aye," A ruff voice said. The man looked leisurely over the underdeveloped yet beautiful girl's body. "Keep your eyes up here," Ophelia said sharply as she made a quick movement. She jumped forwards and put a knife to his neck. "I am not here for your shenanigans, fool,"

the man shivered and gulped loudly. Everyone knew that if there was the only family that could get away with murder it was the Black's. "You know why I am here and I need you to finish your job understood, fool," Ophelia sneered with a deep glare engraved on her face.

There were in a dark corner of Knockturn Alley. Here no one cared if you killed someone as long as you did not involve people in your business. "I- I Apologize M-m-ms B-bLack," The man stuttered.

Ophelia moved away and hid the knife back inside the knife holster tied to her arm. The man led the way to his store Borgin and Burkes. Inside the store were many unpleasant artefacts but Ophelia did not care for such superficial junk. "Here are the books you requested and the wand, cloak and information scroll which had been answered by people in the darkened circles," The man shivered.

Ophelia looks at all the items with only mild interest. After a minute of examinations, she turned her gaze back to the bulky man. "You are missing something. I want it and I want it now, there is no use in hiding it," Ophelia said clearly and calmy.

"Of course I apologize, it is just uhh very rare i- i -i uhh forgot you see, now that mentio-" "Save the speech and hand me it!" Ophelia said annoyed by the wait.

the store owner went in the storeroom behind him and grabbed a small cage. In the cage was a sleeping creature. The man put the creature on the desk and Ophelia examined it as it was sleeping. Ophelia took her gloves off and opened the cage. She started stroking the fur. The beast slowly awakened but before it could attack Ophelia used her other hand to give the young cup some food.

the young cup started devouring the food and rubbed his head against her hand for more. While Ophelia gave the cup more food she looked at the man. "The Nandu seems in good condition like I asked," Ophelia said

"Yes of course I made sure that the beast was well taken care of it took 700 dark mages to get the baby's from their nest while the mother had been put to sleep. This was one of the first baby's to leave the nest and was brought here just for you. " The man confidently said but his fumbling hands gave him away.

It was clear something was wrong and Ophelia needed to know what. "What is wrong with the beast, tell me now and I'll spare your head," Ophelia said with anger vibrating in her voice.

The bulky store owner stumbled backwards and shivered severely. "The beast will take at least five years to peak its full height in normal cases, but this one will at least take six or seven years to fully develop and is till that time not deadly and heavily reliant on food. " He said shivering from fear.

Ophelia looked up with a glare.' this is better than I expected I can fully subdue the beast by that time'

"You! You thought you could deceive me how foolish, I will keep everything and only pay half the price for your lies. How dare you try to deceive a Black and one of your best customers at that!" Ophelia screeched in a light voice.

The fool turned deadly pale and nodded its head. "As repayment, I want a storage pace for the beast and now!" Ophelia demanded. She placed half of the money she had promised him and watched with an upturned nose as the foolish man grabbed a small black handbag with an extension charm. A highly illegal extension charm.

Ophelia placed her new pet in the Bag along with the other items she received and left the store without as much as a thank you. Disappearing into the night.