2.31 Fountain of Immortality - Part 2

"What do you mean it doesn't matter? I don't know anything about you," I asked as I stood up.

My eyesight was still somewhat fuzzy, and my body felt heavy, but I could feel my condition getting better. It felt like how one would feel while waking up from a short nap right after heavy work.

She turned around and covered her face with both of her hands. "How could you! I thought you would say 'yes' with no hesitation."

'Man, she is upset with just that?' I thought but there wasn't much time to think about that. I could feel that the statues that were on the floor had started collecting the mana.

"But you look so young. Also, how can I trust you that easily?"

"Hmph! You trusted that bird and that demon pretty easily. Also, I may not look as busty as that half-elf girl, but I am way older."

'Well, it's not just the bust but—'

"Wait! How do you know this much about me?"

In the world where non-human races exist, judging age based on appearance would be foolish. I was in a tight spot, but I could always call Zagan for help. I had to play careful here, it could be a trap and she could even be the person that Zagan warned me about.

"I don't know how I know about you. But I know about you," she replied looking confused.

"Huh?! What kind of answer is that?"

'Is she actually playing dumb? Or is she really clueless?'

The look on her face was saying she was being honest, but this made me even more confused than before.

"You don't have to accept me if you don't want to. I will just build a house somewhere in the forest and live there, waiting for you. I will stay single for my whole life. WAAHAAHAA!"

"What! You are crying for something like that?"

I had very little experience when it came to calming a kid, and on top of that, we were in a tight spot. The statues were about to wake up anytime soon, so this wasn't the time to be fooling around. That meant I only had one option left.

"Okay, I will accept you as my summon. What will I have to do?"

"Really?" A bright smile appeared on her face as she asked that.

"Yeah," I replied as casually as I could.

"Then say my name and kiss me on my forehead. I would have preferred lips but, you know, they say forehead is where one's fate is written. So, if you kiss me on my forehead, my fate will always be connected with you."


I walked closer to her and bent down to kiss her forehead.


Right when I kissed her forehead, the light stones about us started twinkling. The mana in the air gathered around us. It was as if the mana itself had accepted our bond. I looked at my hand and they were shining with white light. And it wasn't just my hands, it was my whole body.

The fatigue I was feeling was all gone. It was as if the mana itself was healing me, like how Fenrir and that Hellhound were healed. And it wasn't just my physical body, all the stress I was in and all the thoughts that were troubling started looking so trivial. I felt like the rain inside my head just stopped and the bright rays of sun were coming down through the gaps between clouds.

I looked towards Yoru who had a big bright smile on her face. Her eyes were closed but it looked like she was enjoying this sensation.

"What's happening?"

Yoru opened her eyes when she heard me. She then caught my cheeks with both her hands, and before I could guess what she was trying to do, her body started growing tall. Her appearance that looked as that of an 8-year-old now looked like someone who was in her late teens.

"You look... different." I wasn't sure how to react to this change, but those were the words that slipped out of my mouth.

She was now a beauty comparable to Arica. Her chest wasn't as developed as Arica's, but their heights were almost the same. Her face looked as cute as Princess Anna's, and her long black hair that could reach up to her knees was almost as beautiful as Princess Eliane's blonde hair.

"You see, I too have no idea about what's going on. I feel like I just woke up from a long sleep."— She pulled her hands back from my cheeks and held them close to her chest.— " But deep down I feel like this is something I always longed for. As if… I have always wanted to see you, and only you."

After she said that, the mana that was gathered around us dispersed, the star stopped twinkling, and everything came back to how it was before. The only difference this time was that the statues had started floating back again.

Without wasting any time, one of the statues charged straight towards the girls.

I quickly rushed towards them while taking my sword out of its sheath. And right before its hand could reach them, I jumped straight in front and blocked its hand using my sword.

'Damn! its hand is hot,' I thought when I saw the surface my Mithril blade turn red. But before the heat could reach the grip, I created a large wind-water bomb in my left hand and shoved it straight at the statue.

The statue broke into pieces. But in less than a few seconds, it started reconstructing itself again.

"Hey, can you fight or use any kind of magic? Or you don't know that too?"

"I think… I can use magic after changing into my divine form."

After saying that, she closed her eyes and started absorbing the surrounding mana at a phenomenal rate. A dark cocoon was formed around her. And what came out of that cocoon was a winged unicorn with black wings and black mane.


Even though it was my first time seeing a creature like that, I couldn't help but admire her gorgeousness. The dark lightning that surrounded her body made the majestic look even more bewitching. Her beauty was by no means inferior to Flare. If Flare was the bright sun in the summer sky, she was no wonder the bright full moon in the winter night.

"My master, who rules over the sun and the moon. I, Yoru shall become your sword of justice."

With those words, she created several small dark orbs surrounded by black lightning around her.

Next Chapter: Fountain of Immortality - Part 3