Too Much To Process

It's raining, lightning is striking down everywhere. I hear a voice calling out to me, Lexus, Lexus, Lexus. There's more than one now, it's slowly shifting into a chant, are they cheering me on? I look over and see a crowd of my friends in the bleachers and a few of my classmates, at least three duplicates of them. Now I'm inside and wearing the Grim Reapers emblem, a black scythe resting on the shoulders of a skull and black smoke wrapped around it, I look across the room and see Julian, he's wearing the Demon Slayers emblem. I look behind me and see Julian, tied up, cheering me on, I look back and see Rebexca. I hear loud, heavy footsteps coming towards me, I wake up.

Today is the day that I need to decide what team I'm going to be on, I want to be on the Grim Reapers. In fact, just yesterday the leader of the Grim Reapers invited me personally to join. It was such a big deal, so much that my friends and family threw me a party in celebration of the invitation. I also have a hangout day planned with Julian tomorrow, I'm mainly glad that he only heard up to me yelling that I don't. I wonder where he's going to take me.

"Goodmorning, Lexus, are you excited for school?" My mother asked.

"Yes I am," I respond, not even opening my eyes.

"I have prepared you a huge breakfast downstairs so just head down when you're ready," my mom said, slowly closing the door.

I start to slowly drift back off to sleep, too tired to use my powers to wake myself up, I start to go back into my dream but a few sounds in it are familiar. Footsteps, I wake back up.

"Wake up!" A voice yells, probably Des', as he jumps onto me.

Troy turns on my lights, "Des don't you think it's a little too early for that?"

"Stop acting so mature, come on!" Des yells, not getting off of me. They're lucky that I don't sleep naked.

Troy walks up and pulls the covers off of me, "Come on, Lexus, today is your big day!"

"Troy grab her legs and I'll get her arms," Des yells as they drag me out of bed and toss me into my bathroom.

"Goodmorning, Destroy," I say with a yawn.

"Morning," they both say in unison. "Be down ASAP,"

Now that I'm awake I start to brush my noticing that I've gotten another pimple, probably from all of the junk I have been eating lately. I wash my face and just leave it be, it's not ready to pop yet. I brush my hair and do my morning stretches, toe touches, squats that kind of stuff. I'm finally ready for school and I go downstairs for breakfast, there are so many smells I don't know how to process it, I'm already feeling full.

"Well it's about time, baby girl, how's my princess doing?" My father asks, looking up with a very warm smile.

"I'm fine, thanks dad," I say sitting down at the table.

"A fruit tea for the lady," Des says with a Barbie girl apron on, my mother probably forced him to wear it.

"Why thank you," I say, giving him a little bow.

"So what team are you planning on joining?" My mother asks as she sets all of the food on the table.

"Oh yeah, how many have you been invited to again? My father asks.

"289/578, so half of the teams in the whole school," I respond, drooling from all of the food. Pancakes, waffles, fruit, vegetables, pop tarts, toaster strudels, maple syrup, honey, butter, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, and little pieces of cheesecakes, that's just the beginning. I don't even eat this much, why do they make so much food, it will just end up being wasted.

"W- what? Half of the teams and more," my dad says in complete shock. The food is still coming, why is no one overwhelmed by all of this food.

"What do you mean by 'and more'," I ask, confused.

"Knowing you, you'll probably get another two hundred invites today alone. You'll probably be invited by all of the teams before the school even ends," my dad explains.

"Well that's just amazing, so Lexus, what team are you planning on joining?" My mother asks again.

"Well Grim Reapers is my first choice," I say with a smile as wide as the breakfast needs to be by now with how much breakfast there is.

Everyone went silent, they're just staring at me, I'm a little bit intimidated, what did I say? Do they have something against that team? What's going on?

"What teams were you invited to again?" My father asks, not blinking.

"Grim Reapers, Shadow Angels, Wolf Fangs, Sky Dragons, Stormy Reigns, Demon Slayers, Mobile Kinetics, Social Starships, Star Slaughterers, God Slayers and more," I list.

"Why don't you join Demon Slayers? They're first every year," My mother asks.

"Because I want to join Grim Reapers," I exclaim, a little scared by their reaction.

"Well then, I believe that you'll make the best choice for you," my father says, grabbing us some plates.

"Thanks, dad!" I respond, still a little nervous.

"Well looks like breakfast is ready," my mother says, hands on her hips and pride in her voice.

We start preparing our plates, putting a little bit of everything on it, eggs, sausage, fruits, pancakes, cheesecake, bacon, I was pretty much making a breakfast cake. I must be the new Shane Dawson, I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, probably bad.

"So, Des and Troy who else is on your team, God Slayers was it?" I ask them.

"Rachael Zap," they both say in unison with the same amount of food in their mouths.

"What's her ranking?" My mom asks.

"3/200,976," I answer, acting like it's not a big deal even though I'm nowhere near her.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you guys, would you like to be entered into extra training after school?" My dad asks, devouring six jumbo pieces of maple bacon.

"Yes!" Destroy both say in unison.

"I- I don't know dad, I'm really enjoying my free time," I studer, not exactly scared of his reaction but more by what if I do, do it and I end up losing contact with all of my friends. I'm sure that if Anne was here she would've just read my mind and called everyone over for a group hug, really no one can be upset around her, she doesn't need super powers to control moods and thoughts, she can already do it by herself.

"It's fine, princess, you can do whatever you want, but at least go to one of the sessions," Richard said, giving me a little side hug.

"Okay, I'll see how much I like it," I said with a big bright smile.

"That's my girl," he said, scratching my head.

There's a knocking at the door, "I'll get it," my mother said. "Hello?"

"Hey, ma!" A voice yells from the door.

"Oh good morning, Samuel, care to come inside?" My mother asks.

Samuel is close enough to my family and spends so much time here to the point that he can even call my parents 'mom and dad,' without raising any eyebrows.

"I would love to," Samuel said, skipping inside my house. "So what's for breakfast?"

"Literally everything," I say walking up to give him a hug. "Goodmorning, Samuel."

"You know a person who doesn't know your family very well would be confused by that," Samuel said taking a seat at the table. "What's the occasion?"

"Lexus is choosing a team today," Des answers, mouth full of waffles and croissants.

"Oh, what team are you on Samuel?" My dad asks.

"I'm on Stormy Reigns," Samuel says, still trying to decide what to start with.

"That's cool, who else is on it?" My mother asks, sitting very prestigious.

"Brix Stix is the main one," Samuel answered, starting with eight chocolate chip pancakes topped with bacon flavoured maple syrup and some fruit, "He's ranked 5/200,976."

"How's the new soul treating you?" Troy asks, with a bit of egg falling out of his mouth. "Oh sorry."

"Pretty good but a bit scary," Samuel says, spreading extra chunky peanut butter on some waffles.

"How so?" My mother asks with concern.

"So as you guys know when I'm unconscious I have no way of holding my souls back, so I have to tie myself down before going to bed," Samuel said trying to swallow the peanut butter waffle sandwich. "So this morning I woke up covered in blood and I thought that one of my female souls started their period. Luckily everything was clear but when I finally woke up and went into my room I saw an almost dead elderly man on my floor."

Everyone became quiet, almost making this a moment of silence for the poor old man.

"Well? What happened?" Des asked, breaking through the silence like a triangle in an ensemble.

"My parents took him to the hospital and apparently a guy was threatening to shoot him. So the Sholo already broke out of bed and was wandering the streets, we ended up coming across them. Apparently the Sholo started attacking the dude with a gun and ate him, then the old man fainted so we ended up taking him back to my place. We've already erased his memory and there was no one around so that was lucky," Samuel explained.

"So the blood wasn't from the old man?" My mother asked.

"Luckily no, I'm still a little traumatized from seeing a bloody old man on my floor though," Samuel said dipping some strawberries into the chocolate fountain.

"Want us to ask someone to erase that event from your memory?" My father offered.

"No need, I'm planning on getting a vowple," Samuel answered. A vowple is a journal like book that you are able to put your memories into, once you put your memories into the book you will not be able to remember them without reading the book or having it with you.

"Better eat a little faster, we have to meet up with everyone else," Samuel said, filling up his plate once again. How is he even still hungry? He ate a whole human and more.

"Says the one that's still filling his plate," I say with mockery.

"Just wait until your guy's metabolisms slow down," my dad says with a laugh.

"Oh yeah, breakfast tastes great by the way, thank you," Samuel quickly says, turning to my mother.

"Where are your parents, Samuel?" My father asks.

"They are at work, they also wanted me to say thank you for letting me spend so much time here," Samuel responds, with a smile so kind and genuine it might as well have been from a child.

There's another knocking at the door, "I'll get it," Samuel and I say in unison.

We open the door and see Anne, and Lukas outside, "Huh, where'd they go? Lukas asks looking around, "They were here just a second ago."

"Just give them a second," Anne says with a slight sign of annoyance. I look at her with confusion.

"Hey guys come on in," Samuel sings.

"Thank you," Anne answers. Lukas is still looking around which seems to be annoying Anne even more.

We walk back inside and of course Shi and Hakai are sitting in our seats,

"Well, well, well, we've been expecting you," they say in unison.

"Des, Troy, why do your friends never come over?" My dad asks as he chucks bacon into Shi's mouth.

"I don't know," they shrug.

"Oh yeah, when are the first training lessons?" I ask, turning to my mother.

"Training lessons?" Lukas says, quizzically.

"Any night after school," my mother answers.

"Yeah my brothers and I are getting extra training after school," I answer.

"What about our free time?" Hakai asked with a forced frown.

"I'll still have weekends, right?" I asked, turning to my parents.

"It depends on if you want to join the team or not," my father asked.

"That sounds fun," I say with a sigh.

"Well if you do the extra training then we're hanging out whenever you're free," Shi said, smacking me with a pancake.

"Deal," I say with a smile that you would see in many animes.

We finish our breakfast and head to school, there's still plenty of food left I don't even know what happens to the food. I think that they donate it, but I'm also pretty sure that they bring them to parties or throw parties while we're gone. I don't even know where all of the food came from, our cupboards and fridge are always full but not that full to hold that much food.

"Hey, Lexus, is your family rich?" Lukas asks out of nowhere. "Like you live in a mansion, lots of food, a pool and hot tub, and well, yeah."

"I guess if you put it that way then yeah, but it honestly doesn't feel that way," I answered, I honestly didn't even think about that, I never really noticed that kind of stuff.

"You're joking, right?" Hakai asked, Shi put his hand on her shoulder, "You never noticed how nice you have it?"

"I guess not, I never really paid attention to that kind of stuff," I shrugged.

"I guess that means that you still have some innocence, nice," Hakai said, calming down a little.

"This is the changing the subject song, it's time to talk about something else," Samuel sang.

We make our way to school, every member of the Grim Reapers is waiting for me at the main entrance.

"Goodmorning, Lexus, we hope that you will be joining us today," Daria Mungsion said as another member handed me a cake.

"What's the big deal with Lexus anyways, why does everyone want her around?" Hakai asked, her voice full of annoyance.

"Because of her powers, parents and brothers," a boy in the back of the group said.

"Her powers suck, her parents heal people and her brothers are annoying, that's not exactly a good person to have on your team," Rebexca said pushing my friends and I out of the way.

"Goodmorning, Rebexca, didn't your team invite her as well?" Daria Mungsion asked.

"I was against it," Rebexca said, giving me a death stare.

"What do you want now Rebexca?" Shi asked, helping Hakai off the ground.

"Just to remind Lexus that she is a loser, especially since she is hanging out with you guys, mainly Anne," Rebexca answers, noticing the cake. "Seriously? A cake? That's just sad."

"How dare you!" Hakai yells. "You can't just treat Anne like that! Shi!" Hakai and Shi take each others hands and transfer into Shi Soshite Hakai.

"Ooh I'm so scared," Rebexca says sarcastically.

"Pi-ac-qiot rai-rod-co ri-co-pi-ple-de-yeeps mo-zak-ple-pi rai-rod-co ri-co-co-xite-co-yeeps-rai xite-mig-rai-yeeps ple-mo Dorp-kai-di-mo-co-zak'yeeps rod-ple-pi-co mo-ple-zak-yeeps-ac-pre-co rai-rod-co-mig-zak xite-ple-tongi-co-zak-yeeps kai-xite-ple-de qiot-ple-kai, xite-ac-mig-de!" Shi Soshite Hakai.

They were casting a spell in the language known as Tongi-mig-de which translates to Win. They just said, may the demons from the deepest pits of Lucifer's home forsake their powers upon you, pain! The way the language works is that every letter in the alphabet has its own pronunciation when writing we use the symbols, when speaking we well pronounce it. We should be reviewing it in class soon.

Rebexca starts screaming a blood curdling scream. Everyone starts looking over here, the Grim Reapers are frozen in fear, so much for being able to handle death.

"Yeeps-rai-ple-xite ac-dorp-dorp xite-ac-mig-de, Do-kai-ac-zak-ri-mig-ac-de Ac-de-do-co-dorp!" A voice yells. My mother walks in front of Shi Soshite Hakai with her hands on her hips. The spell that my mom cast is pronounced, Stop all pain, Guardian Angel! The screaming stops, a few people are clapping, probably the people with healing powers.

Rebexca is gasping for air, "Y- you will pay for this!"

"Not so fast Rebexca, I heard everything," she said, dragging her back. "Shi Soshite Hakai, change back before I make Lexus make you."

They changed back, a little hesitant at first, "Sorry, Mercedes," Shi apologized.

"I'm not the one you're supposed to be apologizing to," my mother said, hands on her hips. "But knowing you guys, that won't happen so I'm certain that you guys know what's gonna have to happen now."

Paul Diamondship starts pushing his way through the crowd, "What is the meaning of this!"

Rebexca starts fake crying, "D- dad."

"Don't you dare start, I know that you're going to lie," my mother interrupts.

"Well, what happened then?" Mr. Diamondship says, controlling the weather with his anger, lightning striking down on the poor people who have water and lightning powers, Lukas runs inside.

"Rebexca was bullying everyone here, physically, verbally and mentally, then Shi and Hakai were defending their friends," my mother exclaimed.

"Disappointment, all three of you are suspended, please leave the premises after the team joining thing. Also, detention, follow me," Mr. Diamonship said, with disappointment riddled all over his face.

"Lexus we will talk about this when you get back from training," my mother said, sternly.

"Okay, mom, love you," I say with the most innocent voice I could muster. She gives me a hug and kisses me on the forehead and starts waving me goodbye as she walks away.

The Grim Reapers are still frozen and looking around, the people with the control of the weather are trying to make it sunny again. We're all soaking wet and Lukas is perched on a window looking down at us, waiting for the weather to clear up. My friends notice me looking up at him and start to laugh because he has to hide from the weather.

A few members of the Grim Reapers have finally lost the state of shock, "That was so cool!" They say in unison, their voices do not sound good together.

"They're already on a team," Zing Hunter interjects, covered in pheromone cologne. "Good morning, Lexus."

"Are you wearing cologne?" I ask him, straight faced.

"No… Maybe…"Zing looks down, "Yes…"

"Why?" I ask.

"I'm sure that you already know," Zing answered with a sad smile. I do know, his rank was lower than Rebexca's so she broke up with him. He sure got over it quickly but that's no surprise, she was a nightmare towards him.

"Lexus, what about Julian?" Anne asked.

"Who's Julian?" Zing asked, obviously getting jealous.

"Get over your competitive nature, he's just a non-magic user from our non-magic school," Anne said, lightly smacking Zing across the head.

"I'm spending time with him tomorrow before I go for training," I say, checking the time, please, bell, just ring already.

"It's a date," Samuel finally spoke.

"It's not a date!" I yell. Everyone starts looking at me, "It's a raisin!" A few voices whisper in the crowd and turn away. I sigh with relief.

"Lexus, I need to ask you something," Zing says, grabbing my wrist.

The bell finally rings, "Talk later, okay?" I say, struggling to break free from his grip, I burn him a little so I can break loose.

"Okay," he says, with a very sad face.

We started walking to our class, "What was all that about?" Lukas asks, catching up with us.

"I don't know," I responded.

"Hey guys," Shi says as Hakai and him walk towards us, Hakai still looks mad.

"Just be happy that she's not in our class, okay?" Samuel said, trying to cheer her up.

"Alright," she whispers. Not looking up at us.

We've made it to class and Mrs. Jerper greets us at the doors, "Good morning everyone!"

"What's on today's schedule?" Bryan asks, marching in with his friends.

"It was supposed to be about magic history, but because of what's going on today, I have to make it quick, so the alphabet for spells, now take your seats," Mrs. Jerper answered, pointing towards the sitting area. How convenient?

"Ha Shi and Hakai have detention," Bryan laughed as he sat down with his friends.

"Yes, that is true. Also after the team sign ups, Shi, Hakai and Rebexca will be suspended," Mrs. Jerper said with a sad look on her face. "Everyone take your seats and I will start class."

We all take our seats, "Okay class I will start with the letters and then move onto the numbers," Mrs. Jerper explained. "A is pronounced Ac, B is pronounced Boe, C is pronounced Di, D is pronounced Ri, E is pronounced Co, F is pronounced Mo." I can already tell that about half of the class is already zoned out.

Mrs. Jerper continued, "G is pronounced Do, H is pronounced Rod, I is pronounced Mig, J is pronounced Pre, K is pronounced Morth, L is pronounced Dorp, M is pronounced Pi, N is pronounced De, O is pronounced Ple." I know it's just the alphabet but she could at least say something other than 'is pronounced'

Mrs. Jerper doesn't seem to notice how bored everyone is and continues to put us to sleep, "P is pronounced Xite, Q is pronounced Zeek, R is pronounced Zak, S is pronounced Yeeps, T is pronounced Rai, U is pronounced Kai." We're almost done.

Mrs. Jerper starts to catch on but doesn't seem to care, "V is pronounced Wonge, W is pronounced Tongi, X is pronounced Xiney, Y is pronounced Qiot, and Z is pronounced Moche. Now for the number!" Everyone groans. "Hey, this stuff is important for your spells!"

Mrs. Jerper starts again, "One is pronounced Ta, two is pronounced Ki, three is pronounced Ticka, four is pronounced Ka, five is pronounced Zo, six is pronounced Vol, seven is pronounced Quoi." Almost done come on! "eight is pronounced Bup, nine is pronounced Gash, and zero is pronounced Mew." It's about time, so boring.

"Look I understand that you guys are in ninth grade you shouldn't have to learn about Tongi-mig-de anymore but you have to since it's essential for spells."

Anne shouts out, "What about people like me who can only read minds? It's not like I can use spells."

"That's the thing, you can use spells, come talk to me before lunch I'll give you some books to study, and since your power doesn't exactly give you any strength advantage you also need to learn hand-to-hand combat," Mrs. Jerper stated.

"Yay, books!" Anne squealed. A few kids roll their eyes at that remark, Anne has loved school, books and reading for as long as I could remember. In first grade, she was already reading at a university level, the teacher to boot her up a few levels but her parents said no and wanted her to enjoy her time with her friends.

"For a demonstration I will use a spell for my telekinetics," Mrs. Jerper says, getting into a casting stance. "Pi-ac-qiot rai-rod-co do-ple-ri ple-mo do-zak-ac-wonge-mig-rai-qiot di-ac-kai-yeeps-co ac di-zak-ac-yeeps-rod ple-mo pi-co-rai-co-ple-zak-yeeps, ac-xite-ple-di-ac-dorp-qiot-xite-yeeps-co!" A bunch of meteors start crashing to the ground, I feel bad for the janitors since they have to clean it up.

"Woah what was that?" Bryan yells in awh, staring out the window as kids use their powers to break the meteors.

"What I said was 'may the god of gravity cause a crash of meteors, Apocalypse!'" Mrs. Jerper explained.

"Mrs. Jerper can you please get rid of the meteors that you called in? Right now!" Mr. Diamondship yelled over the announcements.

"Haha alright, ka-ide-ri-ple ac-dorp-dorp rai-rod-co rod-ac-zak-pi rai-rod-ac-rai Mig di-ac-kai-yeeps-co-ri, ac-xite-ple-di-ac-dorp-qiot-xite-yeeps-co!" Mrs. Jerper yells, all of a sudden all of the meteors disappear and all of the kids and buildings are fine again. "The spell that I just casted was pronounced 'undo all the harm that I caused, Apocalypse.'"

"Why did you have to do that?" I yell out.

"Because all of the more safe stuff I can do in here I don't require a spell," Mrs. Jerper exclaimed. "Also I have created a website that will show you guys the symbols for each letter so you guys can practice written spells, It's at totally-real-website/"

Bryan raises his hand, "How do we learn new spells?"

"Either read a book or someone can teach you," Anne answers.

"How were spells created?" Stephen shouts out.

"Some very smart people who do their research, also in about a month or so you guys will be assigned to make your own spells," Mrs. Jerper answered, "One to improve strength, one for healing, one for defense, one for stealth and one for speed. All of that for each of your powers."

"Well, I'm lucky then," Anne said with a laugh, she obviously upset a few people with that remark.

"Pick a god that goes well with your power, do some research which I will discuss what kind of research when the time comes," Mrs. Jerper explained.

"Want to know what I find funny?" Bryan asked.

"What?" Mrs. Jerper responded.

"The fact that non-magic users think only one religion and story is true when they're actually all true, all of the gods are real, everything is real and we're just protecting them from the truth, why is that? What are we protecting them from?" Bryan asked.

"Some of our people who can see the future saw a future where we told them the truth and all hell broke loose because of the more… dark religions and beliefs. So we are protecting them from the truth, from themselves," Mrs. Jerper answered.

The announcements start, "Good morning everyone. Today is Friday, September, tenth/ 6078, and these are today's announcements," Mr. Diamondship continues, "Today is the big day, the day to join a team, there are 578 this year so choose wisely. The first team competitions will start on Wednesday next week, where they will be ranked. In exactly five minutes you all will be teleported to the area where the event will take place, so please be prepared. Paul Diamondship signing off."

"Well five minutes, everyone please line up," Mrs. Jerper rolled her eyes. We all get up and line up in front of the door, since the classes are so big we are given five minutes to line up on even ground. The reason why we have to be on even ground is because when we're teleported the people on higher ground will be in the air when we land and the urgent landing can hurt their joints.

The five minutes are up and we are instantly teleported, It's an indoor field and there are booths all up and down the rows, kind of like a science fair.

"Alright guys, you've got two hours until lunch so go quickly!" Mr. Diamondship announced.

All of a sudden I was bombarded by teams wanting me to sign up with them, my friends were pretty much acting as my bodyguards. I still don't know why I'm so popular, it's almost like somebody is controlling how they feel.

"No pictures!" Shi yells pushing someone back, he's getting really into this whole bodyguard thing.

"Hey, where is the Grim Reapers?" I shout into the air. All of a sudden a row was opened up towards the Grim Reapers, "Okay, that was pretty cool."

Everyone lined up and bowed as I walked past them, what's going on? I start to panic.

Randomly somebody took my hand and pulled me into the crowd and out of the building, it was Bryan.

"I'm so so very sorry, Lexus," he apologized.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"My powers, they're going all out of whack," he said looking at his hands. "I was testing something out and well, now it's spreading."

"What do you mean?" I ask, I hear people screaming for me in the background. "What were you testing out?"

All of a sudden there was a bang and I heard a voice calling for me, "Lexus wake up," Bryan said, "You need to wake up, we're going soon."

"What do you mean?" I ask as he's shaking me, "I am awake."

I hear screaming and a dark figure explodes the whole building, their wearing a black cloak with a hood, a skeleton mask, knives in their boots, a sword by their side, a bow and arrows on their back. A scar across their eye and blood all over them, almost like they just killed some people. The person, no, the demon jumps up with so much power that the dust from the exploded building caused a tiny tornado. The person takes out their sword and it lights up in a black fire, the souls of the unavenged, they strike down and all of a sudden I'm back in the classroom. Everyone is looking at me, I look over at Bryan and it seems that he was asleep as well. I look over at Anne and she nods, she saw the whole thing, a dream, a nightmare, the future? No it can't be the future.

"I've already reported the dream that you two had now come line up," Anne said, rubbing my back. I pinch myself to make sure that everything is reality, it is so far.

I walk up to Bryan, he looks afraid, "Are you testing anything?" I ask him.

"Maybe," he says, not looking at me.

"Let's talk about this later, meet me at the training field at lunch," I say, helping him up.

"O- okay," Bryan studers.

"We'll have to assess your guys' brains after you sign up for the teams,'' Mrs. Jerper said. We teleport, just like in the dream we are in an indoor field with all of the teams lined up and down the rows like a science fair. Unlike the dream nobody notices me, I'm not getting surrounded by a bunch of people, I'm not being seen as a big deal this time, I guess I kind of miss it but I prefer my real life much more.

"I'll see you guys later," I say waving goodbye to my friends.

"Bye," they wave back.

I start walking to the Grim Reapers. It's on the far end of a several mile long field. I should've asked Shi or Hakai to teleport me there.

"Anne says you're welcome," Shi said, teleporting me to the stand.

I laugh, "Thanks," I say. I love my friends, they're awesome.

"Goodmorning, Lexus, so you've decided to join us after all?" Daria Mungsion said handing me a needle, an orb, a varsity jacket and other stuff with the team's symbol on it.

"I guess so," I say plucking myself with a needle and rubbing it on the orb that she gave me and an orb that was on the stand. "When does training start?"

"After lunch on the training field, you'll be a few minutes late to your real world class everyday," Daria exclaimed.

"Alright thank you," I say as I'm teleported into a weird testing lab. "What's going on!" I yell.

"Calm down we're just assessing your brains," Mr. Diamondship said, reassuring me. "Just sit back and relax, it shouldn't be too painful."

"Okay," I say looking for Bryan, he's beside me. He looks like he just got the life beaten out of him. He slowly starts to look up giving Mr. Diamonship a death stare so filled with hate it looks like he wants to torture him and everyone he loves.

"That's not Paul Diamondship," he says with difficulty.

Mr. Diamondship whips him with a shot of lightning, "Shut up, you stupid rat."

Bryan starts to scream in pain, "Lexus, kill him!"

"Bryan!" I yell.

"Do it!" He screams.

"Mo-mig-zak-co, di-ple-dorp-ri, ri-co-ac-rai-rod, boe-co-mo-ac-dorp-dorp kai-xite-ple-de rai-rod-mig-yeeps xite-ple-yeeps-co-zak, Ac-de-kai-boe-mig-yeeps, rai-rod-co do-ple-ri ple-mo ri-co-ac-rai-rod, Rod-co-xite-rod-ac-co-yeeps-rai-kai-yeeps, rai-rod-co do-ple-ri ple-mo mo-mig-zak-co, Boe-ple-zak-co-ac-yeeps, rai-rod-co do-ple-ri ple-mo di-ple-dorp-ri, dorp-ac-qiot ac boe-dorp-ac-de-pre-co-rai ple-mo ri-co-ac-rai-rod kai-xite-ple-de rai-rod-mig-yeeps xite-ple-yeeps-co-zak, ta-mew-mew rai-mig-pi-co-yeeps yeeps-rai-zak-ple-de-do-co-zak!" I cast my spell that is currently working in progress. What I said was 'Fire, cold, death, befall upon this poser, Anubis, the god of death, Hephaestus, the god of fire, Boreas, the god of cold, lay a blanket of death upon this poser, 100 times stronger!' I use all three of my powers combined in this spell.

Mr. Diamondship starts to scream such a blood curdling scream.

"Good job, Lexus, now get us out of here!" Bryan yells.

"I'll melt the bars," I say breaking both of us free. "Wait, your powers are fire and explosions, why didn't you do it yourself?"

Bryan lifts up his arm and shows me the jewelry going all the way down his wrist, "This is why."

"Well let's get out of here," I say looking around, "Where is here?"

"I don't know but we're locked in by a computer code," Bryan said pointing at a huge computer that goes alongside a wall.

"I can open it," I say walking up to the machine. "Damn this thing's old."

"I'll try to find a way to get this jewelry off of me," Bryan said looking around.

I start by entering some simple code; 1234, 1111. I'll just make the machine over heat, I place my hands on the two main points of the computer heating it up. It gave me a message saying that it's overheating and will shut off almost instantly, the door opens up and I look at Bryan, "Told you so."

"Good job, let's go," Bryan said, rushing out of the room.

We exit the room and Daria is outside with a stopwatch, "And time, 1 minute and 21 seconds, new high score!"

"Can at least one thing be reality today?" I sigh.

"At this rate you're on your way to being our new team leader," Bryan said. I pinch him and he changes into one of the other members.

"Figures, anyways you guys really need to work on your simulations, I instantly knew that it wasn't real," I said looking around. "I just didn't say anything because it seemed like it was going to be interesting."

"Thank you for letting us know, also the real Mr. Diamondship wants to see you in his office," Daria said, I wonder who the current leader of the team is, as I was walking away Daria pointed at some people in the crowd, "Please go fix the computer and update the simulations."

I enter Paul Diamondship's office, I see Bryan, he's not covered in cuts and bruises, luckily. Instead of anger he has fear or even guilt on his face, I sure hope that this is reality, too much has happened so far. I just noticed something, the eye colours are different, wait, what happened to the guy that I used my power on? I hope he's okay, I know that the healers on the team can just eliminate the pain but still, I hope he's okay, I didn't really pay attention to him after I attacked him I just cancelled out his screams.

Mr. Diamondship notices me and signals me to take a seat, "Come in, Lexus. Take a seat."

"Thank you," I say as I take a seat next to Bryan. This is the first time I was in Mr. Diamondships office without a bunch of people here. It kind of has a mix of modern, vintage and a log house style. A fireplace, a large wooden desk, vintage paintings, paintings by William Berczy, François Beaucourt, Allan Edson and others. He also has modern frames for the paintings, modern carpeting, and log shelves.

"I've been told about the dreams you two had, so I called in some people to assess them," Mr. Diamondship continues as they walk inside almost like this was rehearsed. "No need to know their names, so if you'd please sit still everything will proceed smoothly."

Two men come towards us and place their hands on our heads, I see a light come out of them, "Get Brix Stix in here, we need his arh of time," one of the men says.

"Right away," Mr. Diamondship says, going over to his desk to make an announcement. "Can one of our teleporters please bring Brix Stix to my office, thank you." Mr. Diamondship takes a seat at his desk as Brix Stix is teleported into the office.

"What is it?" Brix asked with some attitude in his voice, judging by the look of shock on his face he didn't mean for it to sound like he had attitude.

"Have you seen anything in your arch of time?" One of the men asked him.

"What are you looking for specifically?" Brix asked, crossing his arms.

One of the men walked up to him and placed their hand on his head, probably showing him a memory.

"A wa-" Brix tries to answer but is instantly cut off.

"Mr. Diamondship, a fight just broke out!" Mr. Stern said, barging in.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" Mr. Diamondship asked rage sickening his aura.

"My powers aren't working," Mr. Stern says, catching his breath, clearly running without his powers.

"Bryan, Lexus, I need you two to follow me," Mr. Diamondship yelled, opening a window.

"I have motion sickness, I'll vomit everywhere," Bryan said with fear in his voice.

"He has a fear of heights," one of the men cut in.

"Shut it," Bryan whispered, giving the guy a death stare.

"Lexus, numb him with your cold powers," Mr. Diamondship demanded.

"Why don't you just teleport us there?" I ask him.

"That power isn't working right now," he responded. "Now numb him!"

"So you're just going to pick us up and jump out a window?" I yelled. "What if that power isn't working either?"

"I didn't think of that, fine, let's run," Mr. Diamondship said as he bolted out of the door.

Bryan pulled me aside as we were running, "Lexus, come with me."

"Why?" I ask.

"Just come on," he starts to pull me away.

We make our way to a chemistry lab where potions are made, "I caused that fight," Bryan confessed.

"Okay um, two questions, one why? Two, what about the magic powers?" I asked, watching as he set up some beakers.

"I used my powers to make them think that they don't work, I made them doubt themselves," Bryan said as he grabbed some herbs and dead animals out of the cupboards. "As for why I caused the fight it was so then I can get us away from them and explain to you why we saw those dreams. Also, the fight is between Rebexca and Zing, just to let you know."

"Those two fighting would make sense, especially since they recently broke up," I said watching as he set up everything on the lab tables. "So what's up with all of this stuff?"

"I kind of have a crush on Anne so I need your help making a love potion," Bryan said, starting to blush.

"Why don't you just ask her out?" I shrug, "Not like she has her eyes on anyone."

"I'm afraid of her saying no," Bryan says, mixing some Piroli, a rare grassy like magma that comes out as the shedded fur from an Atkinji, Uyril, a tooth from a Winkap and boiled some Liqual, a pus from a unicorn after it stabs itself with its own horn. "And I don't want to use my powers on her because I want her to actually love me back, she's not some puppet, I love her."

"Says the person trying to make a love potion," I roll my eyes.

Bryan looks down and back up at me, he seems disappointed in himself, "You're right, I'll bring everything back to normal again, can you please dispose of this for me?"

"Yeah sure," I say as I put it in the holster around my waist with the rest of my potions.

"Make sure that it doesn't get on anyone," Bryan warns me.

"Don't worry, I got this," I say as he rushes out.

I could just pour it down a drain but because of the pus I won't go down properly, so I have to find the potion disposal can. I walk around the room and check every inch of the room but it's not here, they must be getting cleaned right now, why now of all times? I walk out of the room and make my way to the contaminated person's bathroom, that bathroom is for anyone who has been contaminated in some sort of way either from a potion, an attack and so on, I'm pretty sure that there's a can in there.

I get to the bathroom and luckily there is a can, I dump it and exit the bathroom where I see my friends coming towards me.

"Hey, guys," I say with a low wave.

"What were you doing in there? Are you feeling okay?" Samuel immediately starts asking me. Anne is obviously already reading my mind, can't let her know about what just happened. Unicorns, rainbows, ice cream and butterflies. She laughs.

"I'm fine, just looking for someone," I say looking around.

"Bryan?" Shi asks, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Yup," I say, trying to act as little suspicious as I can.

"Yeah we just walked past him, he said hi to Anne," Hakai exclaimed.

"What happened next?" I ask, genuinely curious. How bad did he mess up?

"Anne smiled at him, he screeched and then he ran away," Lukas said, clearly a little upset that Shi's arms are still around me.

I laugh, "That's even funnier than I thought!"

The bell rings, "Well see you guys at normal school," I say waving goodbye.

"But your practices start after lunch," Lukas says with a saddened face.

"I want to do some research in the library," I say, slowly turning around.

"Can we come too?" They all say in unison. How do I not think it's creepy?

"Sure, let's go," I say as we walk to the library together. We could just teleport there but it's more meaningful walking together.

"Do you have any clue why Bryan acted like that?" Hakai asked, turning to me.

"Nope, all I have to say is when's the wedding?" I say with a laugh and toss my arm around Annes shoulders.

"February 30th," Anne says with a smirk.

"Cool, so we're going to a different universe?" Samuel clapped his hands. "Can I be the priest?"

"No and sure," Anne said, placing her hand on his head.

"Want to teleport?" Shi finally spoke.

"Sure," Lukas says. Looks like the meaningful walk didn't last long.

"What did you want to do here anyway?" Hakai asks, looking through the books of Shi Soshite Hakai. She always managed to find some sort of information in those history books that were false and she would just laugh at it. "Heh siblings."

"Found one that says we were siblings?" Shi asks, turning to her while holding a book on Japanese Mythology. "That's a new one, I'm surprised that it took so long for us to find one of those books."

"I hate how very few of them mention Demon," Hakai said slamming the book back on the shelf. Demon is her pet dog that was killed billions of years ago, he was making his way to Shi so then he can help her while she was getting beaten to death, Shi was already getting buried alive. "And the ones that do mention Demon talk about him like he was a bad dog. One book that I found last week said that Demon was the one that killed our parents and later us, in our sleep."

"Why don't you guys just make an autobiography?" Lukas asks, looking at scrolls of water magic.

"We did, there's only one in the whole world," Shi said, watching Hakai get closer and closer to blowing up.

"What happened to the rest?" Lukas asks, noticing Hakai and slowly starts backing away. No distance can save anyone from when she blows up.

"We only wrote one and it lives with the last person I possessed, she died on May 5th 2116," Hakai exclaimed, opening another book.

"Which means that she was born April 5th 2005," Shi said, looking at pictures of 'mythical' creatures. "Everyone that we have possessed always lives for 111 years and one month."

"What was the girls name?" Samuel asked, changing his arms between forms.

"We can never say her name or else she'll be living out her days as a demon," Hakai said with the anger in her eyes raging even harder than before. "Demon was a bird, are you kidding me?"

"Maybe you should try reading something else?" Anne suggested, looking at books of Harmonia, the immortal goddess of harmony and concord who has the powers to read minds. "Especially since it's making you so mad that you want to kill the next person that mentions your past incorrectly."

"Stop poking around inside my head," Hakai groaned.

I continue to look around, I don't exactly know what I'm looking for but I'm still looking.

"Lexus, did you find the book yet?" Samuel said with the boredom in his voice echoing throughout the library.

"Why don't you find something to read?" Lukas suggested.

"Reading is boring," Samuel sat up.

"This library is around forty miles long, I bet that you'll find something interesting," Shi sighed. "How about some books on beautiful monsters?"

"I already read every single one," Samuel waved.

"There's millions of books on that subject!" Lukas yelled in shock.

"I like pretty things and I use takeover magic," Samuel rolled his eyes. "I guess I could do some research on the god of poison, who is it again?"

"Goddess and her name is Akhlys," Hakai spoke, this time slowly putting a book back. "She was like a sister to me."

"I can't believe that we're older than her," Shi said, wide eyed.

"What about the demon of poison?" Samuel asked, looking at a book on Akhlys.

"That would be Amaymon," Shi said, gazing upon the ground like he just saw a face pop up. "He was my best friend like six possessions ago. I couldn't believe that he was a demon, especially of poison."

"What's his story?" I asked, still staring at the shelves.

"He was originally a normal person until he saw Hakai and I changed into our demon forms, then he got obsessed with demons and that and he tried summoning one. That demon possessed him and at the time the search for and killing demons was the only thing on people's minds. So one night he got caught killing some people who were bad mouthing Hakai, he had a crush on her, they took his name and killed him," Shi explained, not moving his eyes or even blinking.

"They managed to kill a demon?" I asked, my face full of amazement. How was Shi and Hakai okay then? They were killed too.

"He wasn't a demon like them," Anne said, not looking up from her book.

"He was a demon straight from the original grimoire, we were people who were killed so brutally that our souls became so enraged to the point where we became demons. We weren't born, we were… changed," Hakai explained, still reading the inaccurate history books. "Also, Shi guess what. Amaymon is a pince of hell."

"Good for him, maybe we should visit him sometime," Shi smirked, "He certainly would love to see you again."

"I thought he was dead?" I asked, turning my head to the side like a dog.

"Only his human form," Shi said turning to Hakai, "Do you think that he still remembers me?"

"I'd be amazed if he didn't," Hakai shrugged.

A voice comes over the announcements, "Hakai Shinit and Shi Hakaitit get out of my damn school already!"

"See you guys later!" Shi waves us goodbye as he drags Hakai away from the books.

"How many people do you think she killed while reading those books?" Samuel asks, watching Shi throw her over his shoulder.

"Wait, why weren't they wearing the fihi?" Anne asks, a little bit afraid. Judging by the look on her face.

"I'm guessing that they teleported away before the staff could put them back on them," Lukas says, finally coming out from hiding.

"Oh yeah because they can't sign up with teams if they have the fihi on and they probably didn't know that they were already on a team," I say, picking out a book of Jadis, the demon princess of winter. "Should we try only using demons for our spells?"

"You know that's not a good idea," Anne reminded me.

"I know but it's stronger and way more effective," I whined. "Besides we'll be taught about it eventually."

"You lose a lot every time you use a demon though," Samuel says as he flipped a page, looking like he's doing research on both of them then.

"Says the person with six different demon souls," Anne laughed.

I walk up to one of the computers that are used to sign out books since the library and the amount of students are so large.

"Finally decided?" Samuel asks me, giving me a death stare.

"Yep, I'll be signing out some potion books and books on both the demons and gods of fire, cold, and death," I say with a smile so large my eyes can't be open.

"You're not serious?" Anne says with annoyance in her voice.

"Yes I am, quickly sign out your books and let's get going," I say as the books spawn in a little bag on the machine. "Lunch is almost over."

"I'll be signing out these books on Amaymon and Akhlys," Samuel says, scanning the books and his eyes.

"I'll be signing out these books on Harmonia and Satori," Anne said, hopping up to scan the books.

"You found another god of mind reading?" Samuel asks, as we leave the library.

"That's only two," Anne says with such a huge smile. She really is a nerd, but we still love her nonetheless.

We make it to our lockers and the bell rings, I see Samuel chuck his books into his locker like they don't cost his life, Anne is carefully placing them in her bag like they are one month old babies. I just put them on the bottom of my locker.

"See you guys later!" I say waving them goodbye.

"Have fun at practice!" Anne yells back.

I wonder what practice is even going to be like, I wonder how that poor guy is doing, I wonder what was up with that dream.

"Hey, Lexus right this way and take a seat," Daria said pointing at the bleachers.

"Hey, um quick question," I say scratching the back of my neck. "How is the guy that I used my spell on?"

"Twenty of our healers had to use high level magic spells in order to get rid of some of the pain," Daria said watching the people walking towards us. "He went home to get some rest, good job by the way you will be really useful to the Grim Reapers."

"Thanks I guess," I look at the waves of people coming in, some with their friends others alone.

"Oh yeah, I searched for the spell you used everywhere but couldn't find it, is it your own?" Daria asked, clearly only paying attention to me.

"Y- yeah it is, I combine all three of my powers," I stutter, I'm happy that she did so much research on only one spell. I feel so complimented. "It's still a working project though."

"Well seeing how you perform at the first team competition you have a very high chance of being promoted to team leader," Daria hugged me. I bet this is fake as well, where's Bryan? "We're starting soon so take a seat."

I take a seat on the bleachers with the rest of the people, some of them are pretty normal looking, natural hair, no waky styles, no excessive accessories. Except others are very… wild, rainbow hair, mohawks, lots and lots of jewelry, they're also very, very… loud.

"Alright everybody, as of today you are a Grim Reaper," Daria started. "The team competitions start on Wednesday, September 15th. They will take place all day the only breaks that you will get are before school, during normal school and after school. There will be no lunch so make sure to have breakfast, get lots of rest and plenty of training."

A whispering erupts in the crowd, "Alright, healers on one side, fighters on the other," Daria announces, still where is the team leader? Who is the team leader? "We have approximately 25,732 people on this team and we're only allowed 15 fighting at a time so we have to find who is our strongest."

Everyone stops, turns and stares at her slowly raising their hands to point at her. One voice calls out, "You're second in the whole school!"

"I'm a sorcerer in training so I have to participate as little as possible," Daria explains.

"That's a stupid rule," one kid mutters with smoke swirling around him. One kid near him with sparks as his power is smiling a menacing smile. "Don't you even think about it."

"You there, what's your name?" I ask, I don't know why I'm acting like I'm the boss of him, he probably even has a higher rank than me.

"Jaskcon Speritus, my rank is 158, I'm in grade eleven and my powers are smoke and super strength," the boy said. Nice he has a lower rank than me.

"And you, Spark Boy?" Daria asks.

"I'm Daris Jumple, my rank is 689, I'm also in grade eleven and my powers are sparks and invisibility," Spark Boy answered. "And my name isn't Spark Boy!"

"Get in line," Daria commanded.

"Yes mam," they both sigh in unison.

We have 25,732 people and 8, 578 of them are healers, that's not very many to choose from. Personally I think that having five to seven healers on one team would be the best choice.

"Alright we've got thirty minutes to see what everyone's got. We've already tested you all on some basic strengths and weaknesses so we are aware of where you're all at," Daria exclaimed. "We have battles ten times a month, so our teams will be ranked, we will have seventeen teams and everyone else will be working on the sidelines until they're good enough. We will have six healers per team."

"What are the teams?" Jaskcon asked.

"On team one the healers will be, Rachael Speritus, Nava Winter, Dante Kenji, Nova Kenji, Leif Rocco, Zebadiah Zakai, and Zevulun Zetes," Daria listed. "The fighters will be Lexus Deathchill, Jaskcon Speritus, Daris Jumple, Amphion Zetes, Aine Harmony, Hestia Hero, Persephone Zetes, and Valera Pal."

Everyone that was just called gathered together in the center of the field in between everybody, "We have researchers who made these teams and decided that they were the best they were, Palaemon Vaclav, Vanir Veit, and Vasyl Qadim," Daria explained.

"Why do I have to be with him?" Jaskcon asked, pointing at Daris Jumple.

"You will know soon enough," Palaemon Vaclav said, rolling his eyes.

"The people who have already been placed on a team you may leave to your normal school now," Vanir Veit announced, turning his back from Vasyl Qadim who is asking him questions.

"The next meeting is Monday after lunch, don't be late!" Vasyl Qadim yelled as he waved Vanir's hand at us.

Everyone else is already talking to each other, asking for their Uinip, a social media site and planning on hanging out on the weekend to train. A few of them turn to me and ask me a question but I don't respond, I wonder how many of them think I have a poll up my ass so far. I just want to catch up with my friends.

I get to my classroom where I see Mrs. Jerper listening to music and dancing around the room. I'm glad to see that she still has her innocence, "Um," I say.

"Oh!" Mrs. Jerper screams in shock.

"You're an amazing dancer," I laugh, slowly walking to the basket of tikis, there is a brooch of a skull, I've never seen it before.

"Thank you," Mrs. Jerper notices me checking out the brooch. "Your friends got it for you, so you can keep it."

"Oh okay," I say as I pin it on my jacket.

"Now get out!" Mrs. Jerper yells, remembering that I saw her dancing.

"Cya," I say as I teleport out.

I teleported into a bush outside of the school, it is quite a nice day today. It's very rare that you'll ever experience any sort of weather in the land of magic, it mainly looks like space the entire time, stars and galaxies everywhere. Also with all of the people changing the weather to suit themselves you never actually experience non magical nature.

I walk into the office and I'm greeted by the secretary, her name is Janice, she is quite overweight but her thick, beautiful hair helps distract us from her triple chin. I feel bad for even thinking that because she's so kind, I hope nothing bad ever happens to her, she deserves the world.

"Goodmorning, Lexus," Janice greeted me. "How was the martial arts competition?"

I'm guessing that the school said I had martial arts or something, "It was awesome, I won every single match and I'm going onto the semi-finals on Monday," I'm quite proud of myself for making this up at the top of my head. "I'm also being invited to a few more professional teams, and I'm training some new fighters."

"Just don't work yourself too hard, you still need to live your childhood," Janice laughed, she's so nice, it's a shame that she's unable to have kids, she would be such a great mother.

"Thank you, have an amazing day!" I cheer as I wave her goodbye and head to my class.

I wonder what Julian is doing right now, I wonder if he got kicked out yet. I walk into class where I'm greeted by Mr. Snider already lecturing Julian and my friends.

"You are all so stupid and worthless!" Mr. Snider is yelling at the top of his lungs, almost reaching an inaudible pitch. He notices me enter the classroom, "Oh boy another one, why are you always so late? You guys will end up working at McDonalds if you keep this up!"

He is still screaming and lecturing us as I walk over to take my seat with my friends. In fact he continues to scream and yell at us for about seven more minutes, although of course I'm not paying attention, he does this too much for anyone to really pay attention. Why hasn't anyone come to check on us yet? Why is it that nobody is even a tiny bit worried for us?

Mr. Snider stops all of a sudden and walks to his desk. He places his head in his hands and lets out an aggravated sigh, some of us are colouring, passing notes, whispering to each other and others are texting or playing on their phone.

"Hey, Lexus," Julian whispers to me.

"Oh hey, Julian," I whisper back, checking to see if Mr. Snider noticed. "What's up?"

"I was wondering where you would like to hangout this weekend," Julian asks, looking around to see if anyone has noticed.

I've completely forgotten that I made plans to hangout with him this weekend, it's not a date though.

"There's this one place that I've been wanting to go to for a while," I whisper, Lukas looks up noticing that we're talking, I'm probably getting too loud I should quiet down. "It's called Meetup."

"Then let's go there," Julian says putting his arm around me. Why's he doing that? It's not a date, everyone will get the wrong idea. "How about we meet up outside the school at eight?"

"AM or PM?" I ask, please take your arm off of me, I don't want people to stare at me.

"PM of course," Julian says, still not taking his arm off of me. "I'll have you home by ten."

"Okay," I laugh, I don't really mind him having his arm around me anymore. Those eyes, they're so beautiful, they're almost brainwashing me.

"Have fun on your date," Anne says, looking up from her book. Lukas looks at her and back at us then at Julians arm, I wonder why he reacts that way.

Shi passes me a note, I turn away from Julian so I can read it. It says, Hallway now.

Shi gets up and exits the classroom the teacher doesn't seem to care one bit. I get up and slowly walk out of the classroom trying to not disturb the teacher from his little break down.

"Where are you going?" Julian asks, taking my hand, I'm a little uncomfortable by that but I won't say anything, I don't want to make a scene.

"No where," I say as I pull myself free and continue to leave. Why did I say it like that? Why was I so damn rude? He didn't deserve it, I should've been more polite.

I exit the classroom where I see Shi leaning against the wall picking at his tiki.

"Make sure it doesn't fall off," I say with a little laugh. "Can't have anyone seeing."

"You know he likes you right?" Shi asks, completely ignoring what I just said.

"No he doesn't!" I yell, it sounded like I was a mother lecturing my child.

Shi rolls his eyes and pulls me into a hug, "Just don't go falling in love, okay?" Only with that hug I realized how cold the hallway was so cold, yet, with the help of Shi, so warm.

"O-okay," I say, returning the hug.

We don't break the hug for a few minutes, I hope this moment never ends, I feel so safe in his arms. I feel him look up at the door, I'm able to slightly twist my head and look at the door. It's Julian. He looks so upset, it's just a hug, why is he so sad?

"He likes you," Shi whispers to me, "And now he thinks we're dating, his heart just broke."