Hot Neighbor

Moving On

"He's hot. Like really, really hot." My cousin Micah told me as she sat down next to me.

I was sitting on the couch with my head buried in a book as usual. I had just recently enrolled in Laverdad University and I was terrified that if I didn't study hard enough, I'd be thrown out.

That what of course ridiculous but the brick wall building still scared me like no other and I wanted to impress its demanding teachers with my intelligence.

When Micah then proceed to take the book from me and set it on the coffee table I had to remind myself that I love Micah. Really, I did. I cherished the times she came to visit me in the city but she could be very high maintenance.

Everytime she came to visit she made me do more than just go to school and talk about school and think about school and I was very grateful to her for that.

I turned to look at her questionably.

"Who is?" I asked even though I didn't really care.

To Micah, half the male population was cute so I didn't get super excited when she said that she had spotted a hot guy. And to be honest, Micah and I had a very different ideas about who was hot and who was not.

I was more into those soulful poet boys whereas she fantasized about arrogant sporty guys who used words like 'swag', 'yolo', and amazeballs.

"The guy moving next door, of course!"

"Good for you." I muttered picking up my book again just to have her pry it off my hands. Again.

"Hey!" I exclaimed but she wasn't listening, she was busy planning how to meet the hot guy moving to the apartment next to mine.

"We could go by his place and ask him if he'd like a cold pop. You call them pops here, right?" She glanced at me looking for a confirmation.

"Yes, we do." I sighed.

"Just because I go to university now doesn't mean that we speak some different language here. We've been over this, Micah.

"Yeah, yeah..." She said.

And I could tell that she wasn't listening to a word I was saying. She got up and went to the kitchen.

"I'll go get him a pop!"

"For the love of dragons." I muttered but didn't argue. It was easier to just let Micah do Micah.

If I tried to interrupt I'd probably get sucked into her schemes as well and I still had over 300 pages left of the book I was supposed to read by Monday's literature class.

After retrieving the pop Micah spent over 15 minutes redoing her makeup and hair before she finally went out the door. The 'cold pop' was probably already as warm as the June afternoon.

As she left sweet silence flooded into my ears and I couldn't help but sigh with a relief. Again, I loved Micah. She was just a little much at times, especially when I was supposed to actually get something done.

Happily, I continued with my reading and made some notes so I'd prepared to discuss the book in class.

Suddenly someone banged on my door with an apparent intent to put their fist through it. I frowned at the loud sound but opened it nonetheless only to find the hottest guy I've seen on my doorstep.

I'm ashamed to tell you that I completely froze. I've heard that when encountering good looking fellas some girls tend to do that but I never thought that I'd be one of them.

I do consider myself a romantic but a cautious one at that. People will hurt you which is why it's better to resort to books and movies.

Real life romances are often too messy. Granted, I hadn't had a boyfriend since I was fourteen but watching other people date had taught me that fiction was better than the reality.

So there I was, waiting for the perfect man to just walk up to me and tell me that he had fallen in love with my smile the first time he had seen it.

But this guy caught my attention only for superficial reasons. I loved to photograph so I appreciated beauty and my God, was he beautiful.

Not in the way people in magazines or movies were, no, his attractiveness was more real. He looked like someone who had seen bad days and laughed at them.

He was tanned and very fit, few tattoos covering his bare arms. His eyes were brown, completely inconsistent with his light brown hair but somehow the contrast only made for a more striking combination.

Seeing as I had often dealt with beautiful people at my internship with Goddess Photography, I shouldn't have been so mesmerized.

But I was.

And then he opened his mouth and said:

"So after you're done checking me out, how about those tools that some chick promised that you'd lend me?"