The Beginning Of A New Adventure

In a country near the pacific ocean, a village is under siege by a horde of demons. "Let's go to the village hall and go in the tunnels," the village chief said "but we will get caught before we even make it there" a villager replied " that's why I'm getting ready to fight all of you that are ready to fight let's fight for our brothers and sisters, warriors stand behind me and scouts make sure to save every woman, children, and elder before you fight" the village chief ordered, the chief and the warriors stand there ground and fight the demons despite being high on numbers the villagers are still losing the fight many have perished. The village chief saw a boy in the middle of all the chaos " save the boy" the village chief ordered, as he tries to save the boy they almost got devoured by a demon, lucky for them a mysterious man with 4 claw scars on his eyes appeared and cut the demons head off clean" that 4 claw scar on his eyes, isn't he the infamous wanderer" village warrior ask "thank the heavens we're saved" a village warrior said but the wanderer only gave them a smirk and proceed to kill every single demon he could put his hands on. Every time the wanderer swings his short swords a demon gets sliced in half or beheaded "uwahk, uwaahhhak..." The loud unending cries of the demons as they get massacred by the wanderer and his two beautiful short swords, one of them is as bright as the morning sky and the other one is as beautiful as the night sky. The villager froze stiff as they watch the wanderer massacred the demons they fear the most. The wanderer throws his short sword at a demon trying to attack a villager the wanderer aims for the demons head"swoosh" the sound of the short sword as it flies on the demon "Please anybody that can't protect themselves go hide at the back of the warriors" the wanderer ordered he then throws his other short sword to another demon trying to attack another villager "swoosh" the sound of the short sword as it flies on the demons head, he then smashed another demon by punching it on its skull cap "plaaak" the sound of the demon as it gets smashed to the ground " Scouts, help the villagers evacuate carry them if you must, and search every corner of the village" the village chief ordered. The scouts moved from their frozen state and help the villagers to evacuate to the village hall and into the tunnels " go to the tunnels, go right on the first turn and straight all the way to reach the cave" one of the scouts explained. The wanderer's grab his two beautiful short swords "swish.. swish.. swish" as the wanderer slices and beheaded the demons, the demons then started retreating to the forest nearby, the boy beside the village chief never let the wanderer get out of his sight, he doesn't want to miss a single moment thus he didn't try to blink and watch as the wanderer massacred the demons that killed his parents. " What a huge forest the wanderer said" before he entered the said huge forest he maximizes his perception and detected 58 5th class demons and 1 4th class demon and a kid that's following him "hmm a kid huh, lemme test his survivability," the wanderer said to himself " let the hunt begin" the wanderer also said to himself he then proceeds to kill the nearest demon but he didn't go full speed so that the boy can catch up to him "SWISHH, SLLAASH" as he killed the first demon, second ... 28th demons the next demon he killed is near 2 animals he killed the demon first and then he hunted the horse "let me see if he knows how to hunt" as he watches the boy make a weapon from the demon corpse and the nearby trees he makes a bow and arrow " wow, he can make a sturdy bow just like that, and some sharp arrows as well none the less from a 5th class demon corpse this kid has potential" the wanderer talk to himself as he watched the boy make weapons out of nothing and hunt the nearby horse, the boy then make a fire pit using the remaining woods and start a fire using friction from the wood " this kid got talent" the wanderer said after the boy eat the horse, he puts the remaining meat inside his backpack that he made beforehand, the said backpack is composed of wool but mainly wooden material " I wonder if he made that backpack himself" the wanderer said, the boy then started tracking the wanderer again "time to move I guess" the wanderer said before he maximize his perception to track the remaining demons there are 30 5th class demons left and 1 4th class demon "SWISSHHH, SLAASSH, SWISSH, SLAASSHH..." as he slaughtered the remaining 30 5th class demons while eating, hunting animals and resting it took the wanderer 2 days for all that since he wants the boy to catch up to him he 1 hitted every 5th class demon "let's test his battle skill then" the wanderer said while smirking and making a fire pit "done, the demon is nearby and going here as well" the wanderer said as he gets ready to eat his food it's a horse as usual horses are plenty in the region since the demons don't attack animals unless the animals attack them first. After the wanderer ate his food he began to move again, as usual, the boy is watching him from a faraway tree when the wanderer start moving the boy then went to the firepit to track the wanderer he sense something moving and thought that the wanderer forget something and went back so he jumps to a nearby tree, shockingly it's not the wanderer but a 4th class demon "[COME OUT, COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE]" said the demon the boy was shocked to see a semi-humanoid looking demon that is holding a weapon and none the less talking "[THERE!!]" the demon said as it gets ready to attack the boy, the boy sense its coming attack like a wild beast getting ready to pounce on its prey the boy then dodge the attack and jump to another tree branch nearby he was shocked to see the tree got destroyed by it's massive broad sword "ahh no eyes but have a good sense of smell" said the wanderer, the demon keep attacking the boy and the boy dodge every single attack that the demon gave "[UWAAAHHHH, LET ME SEE IF YOU CAN DODGE THIS ONE]" the demon cried out as he gets ready to activate his sword magic affinity a gust of wind suddenly came and swirls on the massive broadsword of the 4th class demon, but before it could even swing it's sword the wanderer slash it's neck off clean "swiish" the sound of the wanderers blade as it cut through the demons neck " You aint ready for that kid, come out now" the wanderer declared "Wha.. what is that thing?" the boy stammers as he ask the wanderer " never met a 4th class before kid ?" the wanderer replied " nope, the only time I went out of the village is when my dad is taking me on a hunting trip and fishing but I've never seen a demon like that one" the boy replied "go back to your village kid what are you even doing back here in the woods?" the wanderer ask " bu..but I got nothing to go back to" the boy replied as he cries cause he remembered his parents getting devoured by demons " Please take me with you , teach me how to be strong like you I promise to do anything" the boy continued " I can't boy, you'll just be in my way and you'll get killed" the wanderer replied " Please, I got nothing to lose, I don't care if I die on the process I want to avenge my parents death " the boy pleaded " what will you pay me then ? " the wanderer ask "uhh.. uhhm I know how to hunt, track and cook is that enough ?" the boy ask "but you're not even as good as me at those things kid" the wanderer said " I know a little bit of blacksmithing and herbal medicine aswell although not as good as my parents I know the basic and I can probably improve and be better than my parents" the boy said " alright then I'll give you 5 task if you manage to do  all of it in a month then i'll take you with me if not then sorry kid" the wanderer said "what is it then ? I'll do anything" the boy declared with an assuring tone. 


       {end of chapter one}

 see you next time guys!!!! thank you so much for reading!!