Pearl of the Orient 4.0

Card is using two daggers to try and even the gap between him and the tikbalang but since the tikbalang have long limbs and it's speed is on another level Card change his plan to continuously attack instead of defending he focus his spiritual energy in his feet and to his daggers, Card is still getting pushed back by the tikbalang although he cuts it everytime he parried its attack its not as deep as he wants it to be, his speed is increasing due to his body getting used to his spiritual energy and when he's body got fully adjusted he dodge the tikbalangs attack and counter attack it by trying to slash its neck but the tikbalang instinctively bend on his waist to dodge Cards attack but still got hit under its eyes, due to being hit under its eyes the tikbalang went to frenzy mode and gotten even faster " come on just untie me" Flavio shouted "I'd rather die, than put you in harms way Flavio" Card shouted before he got kicked in the face by the tikbalang he got smashed in the wall of the cave and stand up after wiping the blood in his face he rushed towards the tikbalang to stab it "I'm getting exhausted using this new power, I need to use it efficiently" Card said to himself as he turned off his spiritual energy "{are you ready to die human}" Said the tikbalang "No , Im actually about to kill you, I still don't know how but I will" Card replied "{Nyeighahahahaha}" the tikbalang laughs at Card declaration and rushed towards Card, Card closed his eyes and focus on the sound of the wind rushing towards him, he dodge the tikbalangs attack and cut it in it's side between the ribs and its hip "{Houwwaaaaa}" the tikbalang roared as it twist its body to use his elbow to hit Card in the nape but Card dodge it and slash its thigh and it's elbow the tikbalang went to a rampage as it roared "{Houwwaaaaa}" Card go to defense mode again but this time his dodging and parrying every attack that the tikbalang throw, Card got cornered into the cave wall but he still dodge every single attack the tikbalang throw, Card jumps while cutting the tikbalang eyes vertically and now he got the tikbalang cornerned he starts swinging both of his dagger and cut every inch of its body, due to blood lost the tikbalang lost consciousness and eventually die. Card rushed towards where Tan is fighting the kapre " looks like he just finished it up" Card said to himself when he saw the kapre stock in the cave wall but then Tan passed out so he grab his bow and arrow and aimed at the forehead of the kapre he puts some of his spiritual energy to it and release his arrow "swiissssh" he hits it in the middle of its forehead and groan came out of the kapre as it die, " Let's go Tan" Card said as he carried Tan to where Flavio is "is he ok?" Flavio ask " yes he exhausted his spiritual energy, I don't know when will he wake up but I'm gonna try and find the wanderer when he wakes up" Card said " Why don't you go now?" Flavio ask " cause you two will get killed if there is going to be another 4th class demon to appear here" Card explained " and you think you can protect me and him from another 4th class attack?" Flavio ask " Nope but atleast I'm not gonna regret leaving you and Tan" Card replied " then call for a back up" Flavio shouted " nah I'll wait for him to wake up" Card replied " then what if he doesn't wake up?" Flavio ask " Then I'll wait for the wanderer " Card replied " what are you so afraid of?" Flavio ask "I saw what happen to you Flavio, I can't let it happen again" Card replied " don't worry I'm not gonna be able to break this rope off , so go and save Tan" Flavio replied " nahh , Im not gonna take any chances" Card replied " Come on, don't let Tan die I can feel his spiritual energy his dying" Flavio shouted " I know Tan he would rather die, than to see you on that state again" Card replied " I promise, not to use up all my energy again" Flavio pleaded " Are you sure?" Card ask " Yes please save Tan" Flavio continued " sure I'll go" Card said he runs towards the cave exit, " Wow they're actually pushing the demons back what a great battle" Card said to himself " Well better not get distracted and find the wanderer first" Card continued as he put his spiritual energy to his feet and started looking for the wanderer "maybe I can levitate if I jump constantly" Card said to himself and tried to levitate he successfully did it but not as high as he expected it to and cause he keeps on falling and it took a lot of his spiritual energy to do it " Im gonna practice this move Im gonna call it wind walk" Card said to himself, after half an hour he found the wanderer riding sharur over 45 miles from the ocean shore" I should rest my spiritual energy is almost empty, I need to learn how to efficiently use it" Card said to himself as he close his eyes to feel his surroundings and to restore his spiritual energy. inside the cave Flavio is using his spiritual energy to try and break the rope " uhhh how should I break this thing I need to help them" Flavio said " Maybe I should try to use my enegy to make a blade and cut it" Flavio said as he concentrates his spiritual energy to his hand to make a sword he successfully made a wind sword with electricity flowing on the outer part of it " Good I got it, now I just need to cut this rope" Flavio said to himself as he try to cut the rope, he succeeded after 7 tries and carry Tan out of the cave.

{End of chapter 17}

Thank you all for reading hope you liked it, dont forget to leave a comment