
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Paul wonders into the building in a black suit, hands tucked into his pockets and me and John stand up straighter, holding ourselves with a confident posture. He smirks and shakes John's hand before going into kiss my cheek. I recoil and hold out my hand. He refuses to shake and I feel my blood boil inside slightly.

"Stop with the formalities, Aurora. Greet me properly." He goes in for a kiss on the cheek again when someone coughs loudly from behind. Paul stops and turn around. Zoren stands in the door way.

"Good evening."

Using this opportunity. I step back from Paul, shaking with disgust. He did that to try and undermine my power, to show I am not a man and therefore cannot be treated in the same way.

"Good evening, Zoren. Welcome to Grove." John says, walking up and shaking Zoren's hand and Jason's who arrives seconds after. John jolts his hand away quickly like he's had an electric shock and furrows his brow in confusion but he recovers rapidly and I start doubting if it actually happened.

"Pleasure to be here." Zoren replies stiffly and Jason nods in agreement. Zoren comes up and shakes my hand briefly, followed by Jason.

"You're cutting this fine." Paul remarks.

"I'm here aren't I?"

Paul looks annoyed at this reply but he doesn't say anything.

"Come on inside," John walks to the door into the main ballroom. "It's just about to start."

Zoren strolls in, taking a glass of Rose wine from one of the older wolves handling out refreshments and Paul marches in angrily after him, making his way to the stage to start the ceremony where Uncle Sam is also waiting.

"God I hate him sometimes."

"Which one?" John teases.

Grinning, I reply. "Both."

"Careful who you talk about." Jason sidesteps past us without glancing behind. "Alpha." He adds like its better after thought.

"Him too." I snap angrily at John. "Gosh, why can't they f-cking accept that I am a girl and I am an Alpha. What is wrong with that?"

"Nothing. They're morons, don't listen to them."

"I won't. I'm going to prove them wrong."

"That's my cuz."

I smile and hug him. "Good luck."

"You too."

Walking into the ballroom, the disco lights have momentarily been paused as Uncle Sam stands on the stage welcoming everyone. As I walk through the crowd, the young wolves part in respect and I nod graciously at them in thanks and as a sign of appreciating their respect. Along the way, I grab a truffles off a waiter and march towards Tam, in a deep emerald lace green dress, making her green eyes glow and Claire who are leaning against the far wall looking extremely bored.

John joins Mick, Uncle Sam, and his mate, Auntie Lou on stage while Paul starts his speech.

"Didn't give me that." I murmur to Tam who snorts quietly into her drink.

"And so, good luck to everyone who finds their mate tonight and to those who do not find theirs this year but will go on to find them in the future. Thank you everyone and good night." Paul bow slightly and the audience clap politely but I can feel the excitement buzzing the air already.

After an hour, I'm extremely bored. My feet hurt from dancing. This is why I don't come to events like this. I sit at my table, swirling a glass of red wine while young wolves are dared to talk to the famous female Alpha like I'm a zoo animal. They usually get my stern death stare before they awkwardly walk away back to their friends.

I've had enough, I'm going to the library.

I walk away, sliding easily through the crowd which opens up to let me pass.

The library smell hits me as soon as I walk in and I gasp in excitement. I don't remember it being this strong before and it seems to be tainted by the smell of limes. I wonder if they've started using a new cleaning product. I'm not sure I like it.

The room is a large hall, full of books and deep oak book cases with tiny figures from books engraved on the edges. The moon light streams through the open curtains and the desk lights are turned on. As I walk my heels clip on the floor, disturbing the quiet room and I take my heels off, leaving them on a desk. My feet pad across the floor as I run my finger along the edges of the book spines, reading them quickly.

The book and lime smell is getting stronger the more I walk and I think I might have to complain to Uncle Sam for changing the cleaning supplies for this room.

I suddenly get the feeling I'm being followed and I walk into the centre of the room and stand still, breathing in the smell, when I feel fingers pull my hair to one side and someone murmurs in my ear.


I freeze knowing that voice from anywhere. Oh no, please not him. Anyone but him. Maybe this is wrong.

I turn around slowly, looking into his eyes that are filled with lust. He has a smirk etched upon his face as he looks at my horror filled one.


"Aurora." He grins wickedly as he loops his arm around my waist and leans in dangerously close to my face and all at once I realise where the old books and lime smell came from. Gosh how could I be so foolish. I knew there was someone behind me.


I hit him hard across the face and he jolts away from me in horror, letting go of me so sharply, I almost fall to the floor.

"What was that for?" He demands, clutching his face in shock.

"I didn't say you could touch me!"

"You're my mate, of course I can touch you."

"No you can't."

"Yes I can."

"No you cannot. I do not belong to you, Zoren and nor will I ever." I flick my hair and start walking out angrily.

Catching my hand, he spins me around. "Admit it Aurora, you are no longer going to be Alpha for your precious pack anymore. That title becomes mine. I am your mate. You have to do as I say now Aurora. Save the hassle and submit to me."


I jerked my hand away and continue walking towards the door when it is opened and Paul walks in, his face gloating with pride that he has caught me outside the ballroom.

"What are you doing out here, Aurora? You should be in the ballroom, looking for your mate."

"I was getting some fresh air."

"In a library, please. That's a terrible excuse."

"Well, I'm going back in now, happy?"

"Almost. Did you know there a punishments in place for those wolves who do not play by the rules at these events?"

"No I did not. They are hardly any rules to abide by any-"

"Do you know what the punishment is?"

"No and nor do I care."

"Stop threatening my mate." Zoren walks out from behind one of the bookcases with a face like thunder.

"Your mate?" Paul says, his face betraying a look of fear from the furious look on Zoren's face before he chuckles. " Your mate? This is priceless. You hate each other!"

I start storming off again, out the room.

"Stop Aurora. Tomorrow is the Run. You now have a mate. You will be there." Paul snaps.

"Yes I know how the ceremony works."

"Don't talk to me like that."

"Then stop trying to undermine me." I turn around sharply to glare at them both. "I will be at that Run tomorrow. And I will win. I will not become your mate Zoren, even if it kills me to do so."

I continue marching out the room and as I'm about to slam the door behind me, I hear Zoren whisper, "Oh but you will Aurora, oh but you will."

Gosh, I'm going to wipe that smirk off his face.