Ch 1 The dream and wish

I remember going to sleep the night before so excited because the next day was my birthday. I thought that in 12 hours everyone that I know will be singing Happy Birthday to me or at least i wished everyone that I've ever known would have.. I was going to be 10 years old. No longer single digits of 9. As I drifted off to sleep that night with a smile on my face my dream happened. Mom and dad came into my room to wake me up singing Happy birthday. They have a balloon in one hand and a donut in the other. I pretended to be sleeping and then I heard this noise. One I've heard before but couldn't place. It sounded like_________________, I was getting really excited and couldn't pretend to sleep anymore.

I quickly sat upright on my bed and looked around the room, nothing. No balloon or donut, no mom and dad, and where was that noise coming from?! It was all gone!!! I was really confused. I said out loud "Was I dreaming?"

Not long after my uncle came into my room saying "time to get ready for school and oh Happy Birthday Yuki." He then continued saying there was something in the other room from my parents.

Instead of being so Happy, I was kind of sad. My parents didn't even come home for my birthday. Sending me something does not replace them actually being present in my life once in a while and especially when I turn double-digit.

I thought for sure they would have made a big deal out of it. All the other kids in school said their parents did. I quickly ate my normal breakfast and went to school like any other day. "Nothing special about today at all!!!!!"