ch 3 My Uncle, My voucher!!

I couldn't wait to ask my Uncle so many questions related to the voucher. Most importantly what exactly does it do? It has no writing on it except for the word voucher. I wanted to call my parents to ask them, but the rule is they contact me and im not to bother them for any reason except an emergency such as the house is burning down, my uncle goes missing for longer than a day and if its life or death. The last one scared me, but it made me understand that i'm never going to be able to call them because none of those reasons will ever ever ever happen!!! I just held the piece of paper in my hand staring at it. I was hoping that if I looked at it long enough something would happen. Maybe something magical??? Maybe if I closed my eyes and made another Birthday wish a store name would appear on it and then I'd have a better idea what it was. For all I know it was nothing, just a piece of paper meaning nothing at all. That would be horrible. I've been holding and staring at this small hexagon brown piece of paper for what felt like a whole year. Is it my birthday again? Hahahaha I just make myself laugh. I've heard laughter is the best medicine although I really don't know what that means. The more I looked at the paper the more I laughed. It was as if I couldn't stop. I was laughing so hard and as I was at the point of not being able to breathe my Uncle walks in. I looked up at him and knew I was in trouble. The look on his face was not happy and wanting to join in with my laughing, but almost anger I think. I know he was talking but at first i heard nothing. Then my Uncle almost yelling " YUKI, WHAT IS SO FUNNY, WHY AREN'T YOU AT SCHOOL YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HOME AT ITS ALMOST NOON.!!!"

Did I forget to go to school? I've never missed a day. Although, the way I get treated by the other kids makes me want to stay home many, many days, but I know my uncle would be so angry. Like I just witnessed. I can't recall him ever yelling at me that loudly. It actually scared me. He's never made me feel scared of him. I stood up and ran as fast as possible to the bathroom, took a deep breath and looked in the mirror. After a few minutes of catching my breath and wiping my eyes I came out of the bathroom. My uncle was standing almost in the doorway to the bathroom which startled me when I opened the door. He again with a harsh tone said he wasn't happy that I basically missed school. I looked at him somewhat confused because in that second I realized it was Saturday and I had no school. "Uncle today is Saturday there is no school." My uncle stared at me for what seemed like a long time and then turned and walked into the kitchen looking for the calendar. After starting at it for a minute or so he said "yes it is, your right." he then turned and walked out of the house. I yelled " uncle, can you help me with this voucher that was in the birthday card from my parents?" He turned towards me and said "what are you talking about? What voucher? Show me?" He grabbed the voucher out of my hands and looked at it quizzically. "I have no idea what it is and it definitely was not in the card"!! Next thing i know he left the house… with my voucher!!!!

Now I don't have anything! My voucher was gone… I was so mad and angry at my uncle, why couldn't he have just left it with me. The rest of the day all I thought about was the voucher and why my uncle would have ran off with it if it was nothing!