Someone Who Loves Me

My clothes are almost wet and the hem of my jeans looks muddy and my shoes. Let's just not talk about it. I am going to kill Anna. I think grimly.

She kicked me out of our apartment because she wanted some alone time with her boyfriend. I was happy till I was taking a walk around the neighbour-hood but then it started raining.

I dash towards home, rain hitting my face and my clothes were soaking wet. I stopped for a quick breath.

Something very hard and fast crashed into me, throwing me in the hard concrete.

"Sorry!" A boy shouted from behind me as I heard him running away.

"Arghhh." I groaned. My back hurt like hell and a very piercing pain was coursing through the left side of my upper body. I moved my leg and howled as a shooting pain stabbed at my left knee.

"You are hurt." A very male deep voice spoke in my ear.

"Ahh...please! It's hurts.." I croaked.

I couldn't see his face as my eyes were filled with tears and it was raining.

"Shhh...don't move. Here, put your arms around my neck." He bent down and curved his hand around my back.

"I would have to carry you. It will hurt a little. Don't worry, just let me pick you up." He whispered soothingly.

His voice was warm and very calm. I placed my shaking arms around his neck and he mumbled his approval.

"Yes. Like that. Now I am going to pick you up. On the count of three."

"One." I counted and my whole body was stuck with pain as he picked me up in a sudden, smooth motion of his body.

"Arghh! You said on the count of three!" I yelled at him. He chuckled the sound rumbling in his chest.

"You have dreaded counting to three. I thought why not take you by


"Th—tha—at was a very bad

surprise." My voice cracked as I shivered. He was so warm. I pressed my face into his chest and soaked in his warmth.

"Tell me where you live." He said, his voice serious. I give him the directions, my eyes still closed, wondering who he was. He was so strong.

Everything blurred and I shook my head. He was walking. Now he is climbing the stairs of my apartment building. Know he kicked the door.

"Oh my god Amber!" I heard Anna's voice. "What happened to her?" She sounded angry at the stranger.

I opened my eyes and finally looked at my helper's face as he placed me gently on my bed. He had dark blue eyes. The colour of the night sky. I tried to smile at him. He was wearing jogging clothes which were soaking wet molding to his skin.

"Your—you–r name?" I asked clutching his hand when he tried to leave.

"Royce." He murmured. His fingers touched my cheek and his handsome face stretched into a beautiful smile. With a last glance at me, he left my bedroom and everything became black.

Someone pulled my hand and I groaned. Let me sleep! I tried to kick the person away and shouted as I felt stabbing pain.

"Ahh! Crap! Fucking hurts!" I accidently jostled my left leg.

"Stay still! You are hurt Amber!" Anna pushes me down as she tries to remove my jeans. I slept with my wet clothes on. Ugh!

"Please, remove it fast! Anna." I plead and she quickly slids my jeans from under my legs. I sit up and remove my top.

"You need to sleep Amber, the doctor is coming tomorrow to check your

leg." She said in her sweet soft voice.

"Is he gone?" I asked her. She nodded.

"He seemed genuinely sorry." She says.

"I feel bad I yelled at him but I was so worried about seeing you in that condition." I felt bad on him.

"Anna, that poor guy was helping me."

I replied clutching my aching leg.

"I know that now, but I was scared to see you limp in a stranger's arm." She gushed, her fingers sliding soothingly in my hair.

He was not a stranger. His name was Royce. I wanted to tell her.

"I wonder if I would ever seen him again. I would like to thank him." I mumble.

"I know you would." She smiled devilishly at me.

"He was hot after all." She teased and I threw a pillow at her.