
Katrina sat on the cold hard seat. It was all they could offer in the cold dark room which was dark because it was illuminated only by small yellow bulb that was hanging from a grey ceiling. It did not flicker like they usually did in movies and for that she was grateful. The walls though remained cold and grey. Cold and grey just like the room she had just departed. The one with the walls that were lined up with many cabinets or pigeon holes if that was even what they could be called.

As she pulled the metal box towards her the woman sighed. She was exhausted, tired from a long sleepless night and the anxiety of the day that she knew was going to come. A lot of thoughts had also plagued her mind and fear over what her father would say if he knew what she was up to. Could she even allow herself to feel this way? She decided no. She needed to be strong and in control and certain emotions like the ones she was feeling now would only act to cripple her as also did certain thoughts.

Armed with this new resolve, Katrina pulled the box even closer and opened it to reveal its contents. She had no idea what she had been expecting, but the white piece of paper and black medium pouch with drawstrings was probably not it. However, she did not waste any more time deliberating this. Instead, she opened what she believed to be a letter only to find out that it was not when she began reading its contents. It was a title deed and it stared back at her, mocking her as more questions continued to flood in her mind as to its purpose and even her own purpose there.

Eventually she threw the paper aside and picked up the black pouch. As it rattled in her hands she found that she could probably guess what inside there but that also did little to provide the answers she was seeking for the ever multiplying questions that were plaguing her mind.

After a brief moment of introspection, Katrina suddenly burst out laughing partly at her own reaction and partly at the weird hand that fate was now dealing her.

"What is this?" She thought even as she stared back at the folded paper that remained lying folded beside the metal box. Whoever they sent down here with her had to be mistaken. They must have had the boxes confused with another or something else, or maybe her own grandmother had when she gave the key to Arnold. Her thoughts now resolved, Katrina stood up and pushed back the cold metal seat. She began walking towards the door with the box and its contents in hand. She would give it back, she thought even as she walked past the small door into the main vault. She would give it back and get on with her already planned course of action.

"Mr...." she began but stalled when a new face emerged and reached out to shake her hand in greeting.

"I am sorry, we have not yet been introduced. You see... I am retired now and..." Katrina shook her head as she frowned back. The twists that fate was dealing her were becoming unmanageable and if she was being honest about it, Katrina found the trend quite tedious. May be because of the sleepless nights, or the raging hormones that were coursing her body. All she knew was that her day was long and she had just had enough of the and was ready to go back to her hotel room.

"I am sorry, what did you say your name was?" The wrinkled face smiled despite her reluctance to shake his hand.

"I am Boris... One of the board members here." the elderly man said still smiling at her as if he found her somewhat amusing.

"I am sorry. Is there something wrong with my face?"

"No, no! You just remind me of someone." he continued smiling and staring to Katrina chagrin until he finally remembered what had truly brought him there. "Oh, sorry. I did it again. The staring. It's just that the resemblance is so uncanny." he muttered even as he delved into his suit jacket and retrieved a white envelope. For a moment, Katrina hesitated to take it, but a smile from the man encouraging her to do so made her hand stretch out and receiving it.

" I believe you will find all the answers you seek there and if you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to seek me out. I will be more than happy to answer them." he said as he added a business card to the bundle that was already filling Katrina's arms. Left with no other choice, Katrina dumped the bundles into her bag including the contents of the box and handed the metal tin back to the old man.

" I would thank you, but I do not know what you've gotten me into." with that, she left the vault and ambled off to the waiting car that was standing by the bank's entrance.

"So? What now?" she said as she stared off into the distance thinking of the letter and the puzzle she had found within the box.

"I leave and you go on your merry way..."

"And I am supposed to believe that. That you will just walk away and do exactly that? "

"No, but you know your father. After this I'll no longer be needed as I am sure he already has people tracking you."

"Of course!" Katrina laughed. Arnold was right. Dominic Maracheli was the kind of man who liked to feel that he was in control and to imagine that he would just let her go without a single word or a tail would just be insanity. He behaved like he did not care and probably he did not or may be he did, but the man always looked after his interests and in this case the interest was Katrina, her baby and whatever it was that she was up to.

"Okay then. I will get a taxi and get out of your hair." she said as she turned to walk back out of the vehicle, but Antonio stopped her.

"Stay. I'll drop you off at the hotel. It will be no trouble as it is already on my way."

"Sure."Katrina smiled as the man turned on the ignition. Even as he did so, she noticed another car packed a few blocks from the bank and laughed as she registered its implications.