
Ryan was tired. After the overnight journey from Crayon city to Katrina's new home and the subsequent hour long journey to the Capital, his muscles felt tense and worn out. He was happy though. He tiredly exited the vehicle which was now parked on the curb outside his town house and looked around.

It was good to be home.

It had been a while since he had last been back there and even then, he had been in a hurry. Things had been terrible back then and as much as he had psyched himself, matters had not turned out the way he had originally expected. No, everything had been a total disaster, but now, that matter had been ironed out and things were definitely better. With Katrina now only an hour away from the Capital, things would be easier. He would be there for her and his unborn child. Not that he would not have done the same had she still been holed up in the cold mountains, but it was definitely a relief. He would not have to take the five hour long journey to Crayon city nor would he have to face an angry Mr Maracheli.

Ryan closed the door and moved back to retrieve his luggage, frowning as his eyes landed on the dark familiar looking car that was parked in his driveway. He had not noticed it at first neither had it influenced his decision to park on the curb, but even now as he walked closer to his house he recognised it as one of his father's personal rides.

"What is he doing here?" he thought a grim look slowly took over his features. "How did he even know that I was coming?"

He shrugged his shoulders. This was his father and surely the man had his own ways through all the connections that he had forged using various uncouth methods. Ryan knew for sure that spying on him was not really beneath his father and therefore was not really an impossibility. How else had he been able to find out about his love life?

Ryan shook his head. That was a past he was not willing to relive again. He walked up the final steps to the front door and reached a hand to turn the door knob. As he had suspected, the door was not locked. Somehow, his old man had found a way to get in despite him not having his spare key.

Slowly the man closed the door behind him and left his luggage in the hallway before moving to the living room to meet his father.

"Hi dad." he said even before he spotted the dark cladded figure that was laid back comfortably lounging in his only sofa. He had a newspaper in hid hand was reading it as he patiently waited for his son to walk in.

"Ryan. I thought we had this sorted out."he said even as he neatly folded the paper and laid it on the armrest. That was the way of Marcus Thorpe. Meticulously clean cladded in dark suits and ever the organised one.

"I am not a pawn to play in one of your chess boards dad."

"Mmm...I think you are more of a knight, but still we had this talk. What is this I hear about you being in Crayon City?" he said as his features turned deadly.

"That is none of your concern, father."

"Need I remind you what I will do to you if you do not obey me?"

"I am well aware of your threats, buy I really do not care. Not anymore at least. "

The older man laughed.

"What did Dominic offer you? Need I remind you of our prospects and the importance of bagging that Veterum General?"

"Only you care about that. Speaking of which, it seems that your intelligence is failing you dad."

"What do you mean by that Ryan?" his father's features turned colder.

"I am sure you will find out soon enough." with that, Ryan turned around to walk out of the room. He stopped by the doorway and addressed his father again. "I believe you know the way out?" The older man glared back looking incensed but Ryan paid him no regard. Instead, he turned back around and climbed up the stairs to the levels above.

He was exhausted and he was sure that he smelled. He was also sure that he had given his father enough fodder to chew on. That would keep him busy and out of his life or at least long enough for Ryan to organise himself. For as he was sure that his insolence had been shocking, Ryan was even more sure that the information he had withheld from his father would shock him more and whether his father cut him off from his fortunes or not, Ryan could not bring himself to care. The man had messed up his life with his demands and his conniving nature had seen it that hid relationships had been ruined. For where his father's wealth ended, there his connections began. His influence was wide and despite his previously cold demeanor the man, the man could exude the aura of a diplomat and was actually a politician at heart. His whole life was a chessboard and everything or everyone on it a pawn. He had no problem making allies and no qualms breaking those same alliances that he had made for better connections when bigger fish happened to swim along.