Chapter 25


The howling of a beast echoed from afar as Zuyuan found himself in the middle of a jungle. 

[Transportation successful.] 

The System's voice rang inside his head as he moved his gaze towards his surroundings. There were trees that were as high as skyscrapers building, with the smallest of them at least thirty meters tall and some more than that. Their leaves were blue in color, and their branches were thicker than two trunks of ordinary trees. Looking up, flocks of weird birds perched on top. Each of them had a body of a small girl, feet of eagles, and a pair of wings instead of arms.

'Wait... Are they...' 

He was too far to see it closely or even see their faces, but guiding his Qigong into his retinas, he was able to make out their figures more. 

'Yep.. They are naked..' 

The bird-like little girls had nothing to cover their body as they chatted and giggled together. 

[Main Mission has appeared!] 

[Main Mission (Part I) : You are in the world of Ragnar, the dwelling of Orcs, Goblins, and other tribal races. Your mission is to go to any goblins' settlement and talk with the chief. 

Reward: a small energy potion. 

Your time limit is 24 hours. 

Warning: if unable to finish the quest in time, the Missionary will be subjected to punishment by death.] 

'There it is… the main mission.' 

Putting his finger on his chin, he opened the Traits list and saw what he had expected. 

'It's gone.' 

The Objective Sense skill he had acquired in the trial world disappeared. With no skills to aid him, he has to use his old method. 

'Let's mark the place and-'

His train of thought was interrupted as he sensed a few murderous intent honing in on him from a few feet away. With quick reflexes, he dodged a spinning axe that flew towards him. 

"lav miukukun! (It missed!)"

Immediately, green-skinned humanoids came dashing out from the bushes. Each of them held an axe in both of their hands, a necklace of teeth in their neck, and wore only pants made of animal hide. 

"Ambush?" Furrowing his eyebrows, he quietly chanted the word equip in his mind as Estgard appeared on his right hand. Two humanoids rushed over to him, simultaneously attacking from both sides to form one attack. 

Using Ghost Walk, Zuyuan back stepped and avoided both strikes. As if dancing, his footwork quickly made a turn as he spun around and utilized the spinning force to slash down one of the enemy's neck. 

Successfully beheading one, Zuyuan tried to attack another one but the enemy swiftly counter-attacked before he could do so. Tilting his shoulder, his hand smoothly parried the assault and redirected it to empty air. His blade sparked and emitted a metallic sound while he dragged the sword to cut the enemy's hands. 

"Baukavard! (B*stard!)"

A shout came out from behind as his instinct kicked in. Side stepping away, he almost had his shoulder hacked into two as one of the green humanoids sneaked upon him using his blind spot. Within a millisecond from the previous attack, another followed too, and Zuyuan was now surrounded by three growling foes standing in their fighting stance. 

Looking at them closely, he noticed that their features were exactly like those so called 'Orcs' in games. Bald head with tusks in their mouth, along with their muscular, hardened body and height that was twice than an ordinary bodybuilder. Their eyes fixated on him with a wary gaze. Their companions arrived shortly and surrounded him as well. There were ten of them. 

'This is troublesome…' 

Taking a stance of his own, Zuyuan held the sword's hilt with both hands and raised it right in front of his chest. His knees bent slightly and his feet were spread far apart. Activating the ultimate technique of Ghost Walk, his body was nothing but an afterimage as he moved at the speed of sound. In another heartbeat, three heads flew in the air before his enemies could react. 

Realizing that he already changed position, the orcs shouted in another unrecognizable language to each other as they gathered to attack him at the same time. Turning his gaze to his right, he pulled his sword and stabbed it towards the nearest orc. Blocking the strike by crossing the twin one-handed axes, the orc was pushed back for half a meter. 

" Aavavack avhiuk baukavard! (Attack this b*stard!)" 

Another orc from his side leaped towards him while raising both axes as high as he could. Then, he swung it down at Zuyuan with all his might. Slashing the sword and intended to clash both of their weapons, Zuyuan murmured, "Phantom's Sword" 

The air around the sword distorted as cleanly cleaved both of the axes, the sword didn't stop and went towards the orc's head. In the next moment, brain matters and blood splattered on the ground as Zuyuan immediately attacked another orc. 

The orc tried to dodge by tilting his body to the side, but unexpectedly, another two more swords phantoms materialized and stabbed him right on his chest and on his waist. 

"Rukhra!" Calling out the name of the newly dead orc, the orc with a beard gritted his teeth and stared at Zuyuan with eyes as if he wanted to swallow him whole, "Lat liwo paausan for killaumn mausan broavher! (You will pay for killing my brother!)" 

Not waiting anymore for the orc to ramble on, he dashed at the enraged orc, "The hell you are talking about." 

"Graaahhhh." Yelling loudly, he rushed to Zuyuan while swinging both of his axes horizontally.  

Jumping high to avoid the charge, his body spinning in midair while his sword sliced the orc's head. 

Gracefully landed on the ground, he observed the remaining orcs that were not even half of their original numbers. 

"Who's next?"