Chapter 39

"Welcome, Missionary." 

In front of him, Zuyuan saw an unusual hobgoblin with a bodybuilder figure and a size of three meters. The hobgoblin sat on a throne made of wood but tinted in gold as the throne stood atop an elevated platform and was adjoined by two smaller and less elaborate seats for visiting dignitaries. 

A hide made of some kind of crimson fur runs in a circle around the room, with two paths at the throne and the main entrance while rectangular banners with ornate fringes drape from the walls. Between each banner, a few of them have been lit and in turn illuminate the tapestries of the fiercest creatures of this kingdom that had ever been recorded. 

"The goblin's chief.." muttered Zuyuan as he stared at the huge hobgoblin who smiled back at him. 

"You seem surprised. Is it because of my unique physique?" chuckled the chief as he raised his fist to his chest, "I'm the goblin's chief, Veerurk." 

[Congratulations! You have finished, main mission: part I] 

[Reward: One small energy potion.] 

[Main mission (Part II): Listen to the goblin's chief instructions for the next three days. 

Reward: Two intermediate energy potions, a 20% discount coupon, and a firestorm magic scroll. 

Hint: The Missionary would be able to refuse any unreasonable orders but would be fined for 500 death points for each refusal. 

Warning: Any missionaries that took the side of the goblin's enemy would be subjected to a punishment by death.] 

'Finally..' thought Zuyuan as he saw the notification. It took him some time to just meet with the goblin's chief. Briefly reading his next mission, Zuyuan frowned as he glanced back at the goblin's chief. 

"I don't know if the system has told you this. But we are going to start the war tomorrow, missionary." said a goblin with white beard on his chin and sat right beside the chief. 

Nodding in agreement, the chief, Veerurk said, "We have gathered every missionary that we have on our side here in this fortress, but so have our enemies, the orcs. They will launch their armies on the Asdeen fields. A grassland situated right between our territory borders." 

"So.. We will move this evening?" asked Zuyuan as he guessed they would need to prepare for the war tomorrow. 

"No, not tonight. I shall have my shamans create a space gate to let us teleport there tomorrow morning. For now, enjoy your stay here, missionary. You are the last of your kind to arrive at this place." smiled Veerurk as he leaned his back on the throne. 

'A space gate? He plans on doing a massive teleportation?' contemplated Zuyuan excitedly. but he tried not to show it on his face, "Understood. Now if you'll excuse me…" 

"Men! Have our guests reunite in the place we have prepared." said Veerurk shortly. 

Seeing Zuyuan's figure being escorted by the guardsmen to the gate, Veerurk glanced at the goblin elder beside him and commented, "What do you think?" 

"Seems passable." replied the old goblin from before as he stroked his white beard gently, "I sense some kind of energy out of him. Most of the missionaries outside have depended with the paper of their advanced weapons. But this one has some skills in store." 

"This is really all out war, isn't it?" Veerurk knitted his eyebrows as he made an unpleasant expression. 

"Are you still thinking about that?" asked the old goblin as he saw his king was being bothered with something on his mind. 

"We have made a pact with death. All of our tribesmen would have their souls condemned into infinity slavery if they were to die during this war. If there's even a chance for them to hear this fact… they would dethrone me as a traitor and would rip me to shreds." mumbled Veerurk as he covered his face with his hand. 

"It couldn't be helped. Those orcs have gone too far! First, they took our territory and butchered our men! Then they fed them to the beasts as they laughed while burning part of the jungle to make us suffer! Reggie even blatantly provoked us by bringing an army to the front gate of our capital last time!" answered the old goblin passionately, "The time is nigh. They have gathered forces to strike us. They even contacted Death first. We've just been following their flow this entire time." 

"Perhaps.." Raising his body from his throne, Veerlurk proceeded to one of the paths in the throne hall as he said, "Let's go and meet with the elders. They should be ready with our preparation soon." 

"I will not bend my resolution now after everything, it will be our time to feast on the orc's flesh soon." spoke Veerurk with determined eyes. 

"I'll be on my own from here onwards."

Saying that to the guards who guided him around the palace atop of the gigantic tree, Zuyuan shook his head and rejected their offer to be confined to his room. He had seen a lot of missionaries right near the staircase of the palace and he would love to hear some information from them. 

Tracing his way back towards the staircase below, Zuyuan glanced at XB11 while he walked and asked in curiosity, "Is it a common scene for missionaries to be paired in groups or even took opposite sides as they fight each other according to the system's arrangements?" 

"Yes it is, master. Death System was an entity that provided mercenaries for anyone who paid the price." answered XB11. 

"Impartial huh?" joked Zuyuan in sarcasm. 

"It's subjective, master." 

Smiling, Zuyuan soon found the main entrance of the palace and the staircase that led them down. As he was about to step into the staircase, suddenly, there was a shout of a man that called his name. 

"Missionary Zuyuan!" 

Turning his gaze towards the source of the shout, Zuyuan saw a young boy with big glasses and green hoodie running towards him. immediately, the young boy's body changed into a flash of lightning that flew right In front of him in three seconds. 

Morphing his body back to his humanoid form, the young boy grinned as he had arrived and spoke.

"It's been a while, uncle."