Chapter 52

Jade green light shot out from XB11's gun while some part of XB11's energy has been absorbed from the skill. On the next moment, a barrage of bullets coated with green light shot at Vorgron with unprecedented speed as the dragonkin covered his body with his wings to protect himself, they were covered with bluish flames which acted as a barrier. 

The bullets smashed into him, forcing him to take a step back however he was generally fine other than a few scratches on his wings.

"Ha! Give me something better than that, you pile of scraps!" Taunted Vorgron loudly while he smirked in confidence.

"If you want more... " Murmured Zuyuan while he activated his ultimate speed and broke the sound barrier in a single step. 

In the next instant, Zuyuan had his sword's edge swung at Vorgron's lower body which had still been uncovered while the dragonkin had only just finished his speech now, Zuyuan bellowed in with ferocity. "Then more you will get!"

Estgard's edge pierced through the dragonkin scales on Vorgron's left leg, cutting deep into his thigh. 

"You dog!" Enraged, Vorgron yelled while he swiftly counter attacked using his right gauntlet. 

Parrying the incoming punch from Vorgron, Zuyuan used his ultimate speed again to leave a transparent doppelganger while his real body moved behind Vorgron's back. 

As Vorgron had his attention Into the doppelganger in but a split second, Zuyuan let out dozens of slashes and opened many wounds unto Vorgron's back, managing to get through his thick scales. 

His eyes shone in anger, Vorgron had instantly destroyed the doppelganger and ignited his body with an inferno of flames, causing a massive pillar of fire to shoot up into the sky and eradicate anything in its short radius. 

The chaotic flame burned bright and forced Zuyuan to back away, fearing the scorching heat would burn him to a crisp.

The flames soon died down, once more allowing Vorgron to see his surroundings. He had full intention of turning around and rushing at Zuyuan to turn him into a barbeque meat, however he had a more immediate threat before him.

Tom had once more charged at him like a mad man while grinning, with XB11 flying near him and shooting another barrage of jade green Power Shots to cover for Tom's lack of speed, distracting Vorgron who once more had to defend with his burning wings.

Unwrapping them with a powerful gust of wind once the bullets stopped incoming, Vorgron roared a breath of fire at Tom who simply tanked through it and swung down his sword towards the Dragonkin's head.

Vorgron immediately halted the stream of fire and blocked with both gauntlets, the ground beneath him cracking from the immense pressure of Tom's strike. 

"Tsk! You-" Before Vorgron could spout another insult, Zuyuan once more came in from behind and stabbed at his back, piercing through his stomach. 

Vorgron spit out a mouthful of blood, his knees bending under Tom's might due to the freshly made wound in his torso.

Tom took the chance and raised his sword again, slamming down with as much force as he could muster onto the dragonkin's gauntlets!

A sound of metal clanging against metal sounded, and a deep crack formed onto Vorgron's left gauntlet.

"Piece of-- That sh*t was expensive!" Vorgron roared in utmost wrath.

The three enemies he had faced were far more capable than he had initially given them credit for, his pride had blinded him to the point that he was now in such a state.

"I'll turn you all into ashes!" Wrapping his bluish flames around his body once more, Vorgron tried to increase the intensity of the fire to the absolute limit. However, now that his gauntlet was broken, his flames did not reach the level of intensity that he wanted them to. 

Still, he tried to go past that limit and controlled them with the might of his own rage, forcing them to spiral all around him in a vortex of fire and fury.

Zuyuan immediately sensed the danger and used his ultimate speed to run as far away as he could, shouting. "XB! Tom! Get the hell away from him!" 

The warning was heard, but the reaction was late.

While XB11 was able to fly upwards and escape far enough to survive with his energy shield's defense, Tom took the full brunt of the vortex head on.

The waves swept him from under his feet and carried him in the whirlwind, spiraling him around Vorgron's body as the heat went up and up in intensity.

Finally once Vorgron had finished his move, the spiral slowly stopped its motion and let go of Tom's body which flew across the battlefield, to his luck towards the side of his allies.

"Tom!" Zuyuan shouted, staring at the flaming comet that was his new found ally fly through the air and into the ground far away from the main battleground.

"Heh, did he finally crack?" Vorgron smirked, glancing towards the direction in which Tom had been flung.

The dragonkin's body had been battered and bloodied over the course of the combat's beginning, however he was slowly healing as his stab wound began rejuvenating by itself.

'The bastard can even regen?! Give me a break!' Zuyuan thought in his head with obvious irritation plastered all over his face, he had not met such an opponent since his last fight in the Hall of Fame against the spear wielder.


Suddenly, sounds of the bugle permeated across the battlefield while a notification to all of the missionaries appeared right inside their mind. 

[Hint: The two races' chiefs have decided to stop the war.] 

[Hint: All Missionaries have to gather at the destination provided by the chieftain.]

Both Orcs and Goblins alike rushed into retreat as their corresponding missionaries followed momentarily, it was a full scale retreat on both sides.

"Well, I guess my wishes do get granted sometimes?" Zuyuan commented to himself with a wry smile, as XB11 landed beside him and the two stared at the slowly healing Dragonkin.

"Looks like this battle has come to an end," Vorgron spoke, staring at his remaining two adversaries, "Do tend to that blockhead, I look forward to round two." He said as his wings spanned a wide two meters, lifting him up into the air.

Zuyuan looked on at his adversary's impending departure, replying in kind. "So do I, but don't count on enjoying it."

With that final exchange, Vorgron simply smiled and flew away towards his comrade.