Chapter 68

"Holy f*ck!" 

Listening to the description of the skills in his head, Zuyuan had just realized how powerful they were. He had thought that the invisible blade was kind of overpowered, to be able to cut the dragon's breath and all attacks. Yet, to learn it could even cut fate itself was something Zuyuan hadn't expected. 

'Fate huh.. Does that mean, something as vague as fate does exists?' Thought Zuyuan while he put his finger on his chin. Contemplating the discovery he had noticed. However, if the description that the being in his head had given was correct, then doesn't that mean all beings have their actions controlled to a certain extent or was it something more than that? 

'But, is what she said even trustable in the first place?' 

Although it sounds silly for a being of such caliber to try to lie to Zuyuan, Zuyuan couldn't help but feel a little unconvinced with what had happened. He knew nothing of the nature of the being, even though he had guessed a few things by how it was going. 

'First.. She is definitely a goddess or something.' 

The power she had displayed, the authority to be against the System, or perhaps only her aura and presence was extraordinary, to the point of feeling divine. Even though Zuyuan wasn't a religious person in the first place, the instinct inside him couldn't stop looking at the being in reverence and respect. 

'Not that I had tried to boot licked her just because of that.' 

In fact, he had suspected to be brainwashed at some point. His knowledge on this kind of thing was shallow and he still was not used to someone or something helping him without a reason. Though the being seemed to convey her intentions that her interest lay with Zuyuan becoming a 'Champion' for her, was that really what she wanted? And what is her real agenda anyway? 

'By the way, this ability is called Armima.. It's locked?' 

Seeing that a tag that said Locked was placed right beside the skill, Zuyuan's interest was piqued and he tried to ask for more information about the 'consciousness' the being had mentioned back then. 

"Did the skill Armima lock just now?"  inquired Zuyuan while he imagined the being's figure in his head. His voice had caught XB11 attention. 

"Yes, master?" Asked XB11 in a befuddled gaze. 

"No.. It's nothing. I'm just talking to myself." Answered Zuyuan with an excuse that came up on his mind.

~"Yes, it did. With your current level and strength, you still can't bring out the power of the armor yet."~

"And when will I be able to do that?" Questioned Zuyuan again. 

~"With your leveI and strength, you still can't bring out the power of the armor yet."~ Repeated the voice as if she wouldn't want to say more about it. Sighing out loud, Zuyuan suddenly widened his eyes slightly as he just realized something.

"Hey, Umm.. What should I call you?" Mumbled Zuyuan softly while he was ignoring the confused stare given by XB11 who was walking beside him. 

~"Your excellency will do. Don't you think it's rude for you to address me with a 'you'?"~ 

"Well, I really didn't know you, so-" 

Before Zuyuan's speech could end, an influx of information surged into his head as it explained to him what kind of existence he has been talking with all this time. Vita, the Goddess of life, was one of the Nine Concepts. The Nine Concepts would refer to the Nine Gods and Goddesses who had controlled the order of existence in the universe. They were what you would call supreme beings, the ultimate being that existed at the very peak. 

"The Goddess Vita.." Murmured Zuyuan as he continued to ask, "Then what is a Champion? And what is the System?" 

~"You would understand about all of them soon. What you need to know is that you had a task to do."~ 

"And why should I do that?" Probed Zuyuan as he wanted to know what the Goddess would offer to him in exchange for his service. 

~"Don't you want to go back? To Earth." 

Halting his footsteps out of nowhere, Zuyuan became silent for a moment while he unconsciously clenched both of his fists, as he retorted, "Why should I trust you? Last time, you said you will tell me the reason why I was a plaything and yet, you left with such nonsense answers."

~"You don't have to."~ 

Puzzled by the reply, Zuyuan titled his head to the side a little and inquired, "What do you mean?" 

~"When you reach a certain level in your class, you will have the power to open up a wormhole gate on your own and will be able to move anywhere you want to be."~ Informed the voice. 

"My class?" Turning his gaze towards the profession part in his status window, Zuyuan clicked it immediately, "Is it this one?" 

[Vitamor: ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!] 

Looking at how the System couldn't even show anything about his class, Zuyuan's expression became grim as he said, "What's a Vitamor?" 

~"Kukuku. You really have an interesting class you know. Something that had never before happened has come out from you."~ Giggled the voice as she continued.

~"Vitamor: The Lord that has been born from the mutation between life and death. They would be able to unleash force that is unlike anything that this universe had seen and the extent of their limit is unknown. Because of the mutation by the two opposing elements, Vitamor would be able to harness both the power of death and life and conjure it as they wished."~

"Life and death…" Frowned Zuyuan as he spoke, "I understand the life part, buy what about the death? Is it because of the influence of the Death System?" 

~"Exactly."~ Confirming Zuyuan's statement, the voice said, ~"Your body and soul was something that was connected by the System. Even though I had taken you to the World Tree, leaving behind your body which specifically filled with those dirty and stinky death energies, your soul itself couldn't be taken away from the System unless I would have to inject you with my energy by force."~ 

"I see.. So, did you?" Asked Zuyuan softly. 

~"Of course. How do you think you got so strong before if that wasn't my power?"~ Replied the voice in pride. 

"Anyway, my class is something that is unique. So how to raise it up?" Questioned Zuyuan. 

~"That will be doing the task I'll give to you…"~ Speaking mischievously, the voice then continued, ~"Your objective will be… destroying the System."~ 

Immediately, Zuyuan spoke out loud. 

"I refuse!"