Packing - Gary

Gary looked at him completely bewildered. He sat there confused as his father continued in his stern voice. "You will be going to a mayor school near the edge of our county. It is a boarding school but I expect your best behaviour! You will leave in a couple of days and return for February break on the 1st. Go and get ready." His father finished. Gary's jaw dropped and his eyes sparkled with wonder.

"You're letting me go?!" Gary asked his excitement only rising. His father sighed.

"Is that not what I just said? You need to be upholding good grades or you're coming straight home. Do you understand?" His dad demanded. Gary nodded excitedly and hugged his dad tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Gary squealed. His dad rolled his eyes as Gary ran out of the room to go pack.

Gary started stuffing all his clothes into a suitcase. He thought about how many friends he could make. They could go to an arcade, have a sleepover, share their life experiences! He wondered what a school would be like and wether he would like it there. Well, he thought, if he didn't he could just call his dad to take him home. He hoped it was everything that he wanted it to be...